68 lines
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68 lines
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# plur [](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/plur)
> Pluralize a word
## Install
$ npm install --save plur
## Usage
const plur = require('plur');
plur('unicorn', 4);
//=> 'unicorns'
plur('puppy', 2);
//=> 'puppies'
plur('box', 2);
//=> 'boxes'
plur('cactus', 2);
//=> 'cacti'
## API
### plur(word, [plural], count)
#### word
Type: `string`
Word to pluralize.
#### plural
Type: `string`
- Irregular nouns will use this [list](https://github.com/sindresorhus/irregular-plurals/blob/master/irregular-plurals.json).
- Words ending in *s*, *x*, *z*, *ch*, *sh* will be pluralized with *-es* (eg. *foxes*).
- Words ending in *y* that are preceded by a consonant will be pluralized by replacing *y* with *-ies* (eg. *puppies*).
- All other words will have "s" added to the end (eg. *days*).
Pluralized word.
The plural suffix will match the case of the last letter in the word.
This option is only for extreme edge-cases. You probably won't need it.
#### count
Type: `number`
Count to determine whether to use singular or plural.
## License
MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](http://sindresorhus.com)