We now use webpack instead of SystemJS, effectively bundling modules into one file (plus commons chunks) for every entry point. This results in a much smaller extension size (almost half). Furthermore we use yarn/npm even for extension run-time dependencies. This relieves us from manually vendoring and building dependencies. It's also easier to understand for new developers familiar with node.
26 lines
902 B
26 lines
902 B
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines.
<a name="1.0.2"></a>
## [1.0.2](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbul-lib-coverage/compare/istanbul-lib-coverage@1.0.1...istanbul-lib-coverage@1.0.2) (2017-03-27)
<a name="1.0.1"></a>
## [1.0.1](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbul-lib-coverage/compare/v1.0.0...v1.0.1) (2017-01-18)
### Bug Fixes
* handle edge-case surrounding merging two file coverage reports ([22e154c](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbul-lib-coverage/commit/22e154c))
<a name="1.0.0"></a>
# [1.0.0](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbul-lib-coverage/compare/v1.0.0-alpha.3...v1.0.0) (2016-08-12)
### Bug Fixes
* guard against missing statement ([76aad99](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbul-lib-coverage/commit/76aad99))