2023-03-06 15:18:25 -03:00

414 lines
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This file is part of GNU Taler
(C) 2022 Taler Systems S.A.
GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
declare module "*.css" {
const mapping: Record<string, string>;
export default mapping;
declare module "*.svg" {
const content: any;
export default content;
declare module "*.jpeg" {
const content: any;
export default content;
declare module "*.png" {
const content: any;
export default content;
* Type definitions for states and API calls. *
* Request body of POST /transactions.
* If the amount appears twice: both as a Payto parameter and
* in the JSON dedicate field, the one on the Payto URI takes
* precedence.
interface TransactionRequestType {
paytoUri: string;
amount?: string; // with currency.
* Request body of /register.
interface CredentialsRequestType {
username?: string;
password?: string;
repeatPassword?: string;
* Request body of /register.
// interface LoginRequestType {
// username: string;
// password: string;
// }
interface WireTransferRequestType {
iban?: string;
subject?: string;
amount?: string;
type HashCode = string;
type EddsaPublicKey = string;
type EddsaSignature = string;
type WireTransferIdentifierRawP = string;
type RelativeTime = Duration;
type ImageDataUrl = string;
interface WithId {
id: string;
interface Timestamp {
// Milliseconds since epoch, or the special
// value "forever" to represent an event that will
// never happen.
t_s: number | "never";
interface Duration {
d_us: number | "forever";
interface WithId {
id: string;
type Amount = string;
type UUID = string;
type Integer = number;
interface Balance {
amount: Amount;
credit_debit_indicator: "credit" | "debit";
namespace SandboxBackend {
export interface Config {
// Name of this API, always "circuit".
name: string;
// API version in the form $n:$n:$n
version: string;
// Contains ratios and fees related to buying
// and selling the circuit currency.
ratios_and_fees: RatiosAndFees;
interface RatiosAndFees {
// Exchange rate to buy the circuit currency from fiat.
buy_at_ratio: number;
// Exchange rate to sell the circuit currency for fiat.
sell_at_ratio: number;
// Fee to subtract after applying the buy ratio.
buy_in_fee: number;
// Fee to subtract after applying the sell ratio.
sell_out_fee: number;
export interface SandboxError {
error: SandboxErrorDetail;
interface SandboxErrorDetail {
// String enum classifying the error.
type: ErrorType;
// Human-readable error description.
description: string;
enum ErrorType {
* This error can be related to a business operation,
* a non-existent object requested by the client, or
* even when the bank itself fails.
SandboxError = "sandbox-error",
* It is the error type thrown by helper functions
* from the Util library. Those are used by both
* Sandbox and Nexus, therefore the actual meaning
* must be carried by the error 'message' field.
UtilError = "util-error",
namespace Access {
interface PublicAccountsResponse {
publicAccounts: PublicAccount[];
interface PublicAccount {
iban: string;
balance: string;
// The account name _and_ the username of the
// Sandbox customer that owns such a bank account.
accountLabel: string;
interface BankAccountBalanceResponse {
// Available balance on the account.
balance: Balance;
// payto://-URI of the account. (New)
paytoUri: string;
interface BankAccountCreateWithdrawalRequest {
// Amount to withdraw.
amount: Amount;
interface BankAccountCreateWithdrawalResponse {
// ID of the withdrawal, can be used to view/modify the withdrawal operation.
withdrawal_id: string;
// URI that can be passed to the wallet to initiate the withdrawal.
taler_withdraw_uri: string;
interface BankAccountGetWithdrawalResponse {
// Amount that will be withdrawn with this withdrawal operation.
amount: Amount;
// Was the withdrawal aborted?
aborted: boolean;
// Has the withdrawal been confirmed by the bank?
// The wire transfer for a withdrawal is only executed once
// both confirmation_done is true and selection_done is true.
confirmation_done: boolean;
// Did the wallet select reserve details?
selection_done: boolean;
// Reserve public key selected by the exchange,
// only non-null if selection_done is true.
selected_reserve_pub: string | null;
// Exchange account selected by the wallet, or by the bank
// (with the default exchange) in case the wallet did not provide one
// through the Integration API.
selected_exchange_account: string | null;
interface BankAccountTransactionsResponse {
transactions: BankAccountTransactionInfo[];
interface BankAccountTransactionInfo {
creditorIban: string;
creditorBic: string; // Optional
creditorName: string;
debtorIban: string;
debtorBic: string;
debtorName: string;
amount: number;
currency: string;
subject: string;
// Transaction unique ID. Matches
// $transaction_id from the URI.
uid: string;
direction: "DBIT" | "CRDT";
date: string; // milliseconds since the Unix epoch
interface CreateBankAccountTransactionCreate {
// Address in the Payto format of the wire transfer receiver.
// It needs at least the 'message' query string parameter.
paytoUri: string;
// Transaction amount (in the $currency:x.y format), optional.
// However, when not given, its value must occupy the 'amount'
// query string parameter of the 'payto' field. In case it
// is given in both places, the paytoUri's takes the precedence.
amount?: string;
interface BankRegistrationRequest {
username: string;
password: string;
namespace Circuit {
interface CircuitAccountRequest {
// Username
username: string;
// Password.
password: string;
// Addresses where to send the TAN. If
// this field is missing, then the cashout
// won't succeed.
contact_data: CircuitContactData;
// Legal subject owning the account.
name: string;
// 'payto' address pointing the bank account
// where to send payments, in case the user
// wants to convert the local currency back
// to fiat.
cashout_address: string;
// IBAN of this bank account, which is therefore
// internal to the circuit. Randomly generated,
// when it is not given.
internal_iban?: string;
interface CircuitContactData {
// E-Mail address
email?: string;
// Phone number.
phone?: string;
interface CircuitAccountReconfiguration {
// Addresses where to send the TAN.
contact_data: CircuitContactData;
// 'payto' address pointing the bank account
// where to send payments, in case the user
// wants to convert the local currency back
// to fiat.
cashout_address: string;
interface AccountPasswordChange {
// New password.
new_password: string;
interface CircuitAccounts {
customers: CircuitAccountMinimalData[];
interface CircuitAccountMinimalData {
// Username
username: string;
// Legal subject owning the account.
name: string;
// current balance of the account
balance: Balance;
interface CircuitAccountData {
// Username
username: string;
// IBAN hosted at Libeufin Sandbox
iban: string;
contact_data: CircuitContactData;
// Legal subject owning the account.
name: string;
// 'payto' address pointing the bank account
// where to send cashouts.
cashout_address: string;
interface CashoutRequest {
// Optional subject to associate to the
// cashout operation. This data will appear
// as the incoming wire transfer subject in
// the user's external bank account.
subject?: string;
// That is the plain amount that the user specified
// to cashout. Its $currency is the circuit currency.
amount_debit: Amount;
// That is the amount that will effectively be
// transferred by the bank to the user's bank
// account, that is external to the circuit.
// It is expressed in the fiat currency and
// is calculated after the cashout fee and the
// exchange rate. See the /cashout-rates call.
amount_credit: Amount;
// Which channel the TAN should be sent to. If
// this field is missing, it defaults to SMS.
// The default choice prefers to change the communication
// channel respect to the one used to issue this request.
tan_channel?: TanChannel;
interface CashoutPending {
// UUID identifying the operation being created
// and now waiting for the TAN confirmation.
uuid: string;
interface CashoutConfirm {
// the TAN that confirms $cashoutId.
tan: string;
interface Config {
// Name of this API, always "circuit".
name: string;
// API version in the form $n:$n:$n
version: string;
// Contains ratios and fees related to buying
// and selling the circuit currency.
ratios_and_fees: RatiosAndFees;
interface RatiosAndFees {
// Exchange rate to buy the circuit currency from fiat.
buy_at_ratio: float;
// Exchange rate to sell the circuit currency for fiat.
sell_at_ratio: float;
// Fee to subtract after applying the buy ratio.
buy_in_fee: float;
// Fee to subtract after applying the sell ratio.
sell_out_fee: float;
// Fiat currency. That is the currency in which
// cash-out operations ultimately wire money.
fiat_currency: string;
interface Cashouts {
// Every string represents a cash-out operation UUID.
cashouts: string[];
interface CashoutStatusResponse {
status: CashoutStatus;
// Amount debited to the circuit bank account.
amount_debit: Amount;
// Amount credited to the external bank account.
amount_credit: Amount;
// Transaction subject.
subject: string;
// Circuit bank account that created the cash-out.
account: string;
// Fiat bank account that will receive the cashed out amount.
cashout_address: string;
// Ratios and fees related to this cash-out at the time
// when the operation was created.
ratios_and_fees: RatiosAndFees;
// Time when the cash-out was created.
creation_time: number; // milliseconds since the Unix epoch
// Time when the cash-out was confirmed via its TAN.
// Missing or null, when the operation wasn't confirmed yet.
confirmation_time?: number | null; // milliseconds since the Unix epoch
type CashoutStatusResponseWithId = CashoutStatusResponse & { id: string };