Use ES6 module syntax and SystemJS modules for everything. Some testing stubs were added as well.
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// Type definitions for File System API
// Project: http://www.w3.org/TR/file-system-api/
// Definitions by: Kon <http://phyzkit.net/>
// Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped
/// <reference path="../filewriter/filewriter.d.ts" />
interface LocalFileSystem {
* Used for storage with no guarantee of persistence.
* Used for storage that should not be removed by the user agent without application or user permission.
* Requests a filesystem in which to store application data.
* @param type Whether the filesystem requested should be persistent, as defined above. Use one of TEMPORARY or PERSISTENT.
* @param size This is an indicator of how much storage space, in bytes, the application expects to need.
* @param successCallback The callback that is called when the user agent provides a filesystem.
* @param errorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen, or when the request to obtain the filesystem is denied.
requestFileSystem(type:number, size:number, successCallback:FileSystemCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* Allows the user to look up the Entry for a file or directory referred to by a local URL.
* @param url A URL referring to a local file in a filesystem accessable via this API.
* @param successCallback A callback that is called to report the Entry to which the supplied URL refers.
* @param errorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen, or when the request to obtain the Entry is denied.
resolveLocalFileSystemURL(url:string, successCallback:EntryCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* see requestFileSystem.
webkitRequestFileSystem(type:number, size:number, successCallback:FileSystemCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
interface LocalFileSystemSync {
* Used for storage with no guarantee of persistence.
* Used for storage that should not be removed by the user agent without application or user permission.
* Requests a filesystem in which to store application data.
* @param type Whether the filesystem requested should be persistent, as defined above. Use one of TEMPORARY or PERSISTENT.
* @param size This is an indicator of how much storage space, in bytes, the application expects to need.
requestFileSystemSync(type:number, size:number):FileSystemSync;
* Allows the user to look up the Entry for a file or directory referred to by a local URL.
* @param url A URL referring to a local file in a filesystem accessable via this API.
* see requestFileSystemSync
webkitRequestFileSystemSync(type:number, size:number):FileSystemSync;
interface Metadata {
* This is the time at which the file or directory was last modified.
* @readonly
* The size of the file, in bytes. This must return 0 for directories.
* @readonly
interface Flags {
* Used to indicate that the user wants to create a file or directory if it was not previously there.
* By itself, exclusive must have no effect. Used with create, it must cause getFile and getDirectory to fail if the target path already exists.
* This interface represents a file system.
interface FileSystem{
* This is the name of the file system. The specifics of naming filesystems is unspecified, but a name must be unique across the list of exposed file systems.
* @readonly
name: string;
* The root directory of the file system.
* @readonly
root: DirectoryEntry;
interface Entry {
* Entry is a file.
* Entry is a directory.
* Look up metadata about this entry.
* @param successCallback A callback that is called with the time of the last modification.
* @param errorCallback ErrorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen.
getMetadata(successCallback:MetadataCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* The name of the entry, excluding the path leading to it.
* The full absolute path from the root to the entry.
* The file system on which the entry resides.
* Move an entry to a different location on the file system. It is an error to try to:
* <ui>
* <li>move a directory inside itself or to any child at any depth;</li>
* <li>move an entry into its parent if a name different from its current one isn't provided;</li>
* <li>move a file to a path occupied by a directory;</li>
* <li>move a directory to a path occupied by a file;</li>
* <li>move any element to a path occupied by a directory which is not empty.</li>
* <ul>
* A move of a file on top of an existing file must attempt to delete and replace that file.
* A move of a directory on top of an existing empty directory must attempt to delete and replace that directory.
moveTo(parent:DirectoryEntry, newName?:string, successCallback?:EntryCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):string;
* Copy an entry to a different location on the file system. It is an error to try to:
* <ul>
* <li> copy a directory inside itself or to any child at any depth;</li>
* <li> copy an entry into its parent if a name different from its current one isn't provided;</li>
* <li> copy a file to a path occupied by a directory;</li>
* <li> copy a directory to a path occupied by a file;</li>
* <li> copy any element to a path occupied by a directory which is not empty.</li>
* <li> A copy of a file on top of an existing file must attempt to delete and replace that file.</li>
* <li> A copy of a directory on top of an existing empty directory must attempt to delete and replace that directory.</li>
* </ul>
* Directory copies are always recursive--that is, they copy all contents of the directory.
copyTo(parent:DirectoryEntry, newName?:string, successCallback?:EntryCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):string;
* Returns a URL that can be used to identify this entry. Unlike the URN defined in [FILE-API-ED], it has no specific expiration; as it describes a location on disk, it should be valid at least as long as that location exists.
* Deletes a file or directory. It is an error to attempt to delete a directory that is not empty. It is an error to attempt to delete the root directory of a filesystem.
* @param successCallback A callback that is called on success.
* @param errorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen.
remove(successCallback:VoidCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* Look up the parent DirectoryEntry containing this Entry. If this Entry is the root of its filesystem, its parent is itself.
* @param successCallback A callback that is called to return the parent Entry.
* @param errorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen.
getParent(successCallback:DirectoryEntryCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* This interface represents a directory on a file system.
interface DirectoryEntry extends Entry {
* Creates a new DirectoryReader to read Entries from this Directory.
* Creates or looks up a file.
* @param path Either an absolute path or a relative path from this DirectoryEntry to the file to be looked up or created. It is an error to attempt to create a file whose immediate parent does not yet exist.
* @param options
* <ul>
* <li>If create and exclusive are both true, and the path already exists, getFile must fail.</li>
* <li>If create is true, the path doesn't exist, and no other error occurs, getFile must create it as a zero-length file and return a corresponding FileEntry.</li>
* <li>If create is not true and the path doesn't exist, getFile must fail.</li>
* <li>If create is not true and the path exists, but is a directory, getFile must fail.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, if no other error occurs, getFile must return a FileEntry corresponding to path.</li>
* </ul>
* @param successCallback A callback that is called to return the File selected or created.
* @param errorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen.
getFile(path:string, options?:Flags, successCallback?:FileEntryCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* Creates or looks up a directory.
* @param path Either an absolute path or a relative path from this DirectoryEntry to the directory to be looked up or created. It is an error to attempt to create a directory whose immediate parent does not yet exist.
* @param options
* <ul>
* <li>If create and exclusive are both true and the path already exists, getDirectory must fail.</li>
* <li>If create is true, the path doesn't exist, and no other error occurs, getDirectory must create and return a corresponding DirectoryEntry.</li>
* <li>If create is not true and the path doesn't exist, getDirectory must fail.</li>
* <li>If create is not true and the path exists, but is a file, getDirectory must fail.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, if no other error occurs, getDirectory must return a DirectoryEntry corresponding to path.</li>
* </ul>
* @param successCallback A callback that is called to return the DirectoryEntry selected or created.
* @param errorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen.
getDirectory(path:string, options?:Flags, successCallback?:DirectoryEntryCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* Deletes a directory and all of its contents, if any. In the event of an error [e.g. trying to delete a directory that contains a file that cannot be removed], some of the contents of the directory may be deleted. It is an error to attempt to delete the root directory of a filesystem.
* @param successCallback A callback that is called on success.
* @param errorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen.
removeRecursively(successCallback:VoidCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* This interface lets a user list files and directories in a directory. If there are no additions to or deletions from a directory between the first and last call to readEntries, and no errors occur, then:
* <ul>
* <li> A series of calls to readEntries must return each entry in the directory exactly once.</li>
* <li> Once all entries have been returned, the next call to readEntries must produce an empty array.</li>
* <li> If not all entries have been returned, the array produced by readEntries must not be empty.</li>
* <li> The entries produced by readEntries must not include the directory itself ["."] or its parent [".."].</li>
* </ul>
interface DirectoryReader {
* Read the next block of entries from this directory.
* @param successCallback Called once per successful call to readEntries to deliver the next previously-unreported set of Entries in the associated Directory. If all Entries have already been returned from previous invocations of readEntries, successCallback must be called with a zero-length array as an argument.
* @param errorCallback A callback indicating that there was an error reading from the Directory.
readEntries(successCallback:EntriesCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* This interface represents a file on a file system.
interface FileEntry extends Entry {
* Creates a new FileWriter associated with the file that this FileEntry represents.
* @param successCallback A callback that is called with the new FileWriter.
* @param errorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen.
createWriter(successCallback:FileWriterCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* Returns a File that represents the current state of the file that this FileEntry represents.
* @param successCallback A callback that is called with the File.
* @param errorCallback A callback that is called when errors happen.
file(successCallback:FileCallback, errorCallback?:ErrorCallback):void;
* When requestFileSystem() succeeds, the following callback is made.
interface FileSystemCallback {
* @param filesystem The file systems to which the app is granted access.
* This interface is the callback used to look up Entry objects.
interface EntryCallback {
* @param entry
* This interface is the callback used to look up FileEntry objects.
interface FileEntryCallback {
* @param entry
* This interface is the callback used to look up DirectoryEntry objects.
interface DirectoryEntryCallback {
* @param entry
* When readEntries() succeeds, the following callback is made.
interface EntriesCallback {
* This interface is the callback used to look up file and directory metadata.
interface MetadataCallback {
* This interface is the callback used to create a FileWriter.
interface FileWriterCallback {
* This interface is the callback used to obtain a File.
interface FileCallback {
* This interface is the generic callback used to indicate success of an asynchronous method.
interface VoidCallback {
* When an error occurs, the following callback is made.
interface ErrorCallback {
* This interface represents a file system.
interface FileSystemSync {
* This is the name of the file system. The specifics of naming filesystems is unspecified, but a name must be unique across the list of exposed file systems.
* root The root directory of the file system.
* An abstract interface representing entries in a file system, each of which may be a FileEntrySync or DirectoryEntrySync.
interface EntrySync{
* EntrySync is a file.
* @readonly
* EntrySync is a directory.
* @readonly
* Look up metadata about this entry.
* The name of the entry, excluding the path leading to it.
* The full absolute path from the root to the entry.
* The file system on which the entry resides.
* Move an entry to a different location on the file system. It is an error to try to:
* <ul>
* <li> move a directory inside itself or to any child at any depth;</li>
* <li> move an entry into its parent if a name different from its current one isn't provided;</li>
* <li> move a file to a path occupied by a directory;</li>
* <li> move a directory to a path occupied by a file;</li>
* <li> move any element to a path occupied by a directory which is not empty.</li>
* </ui>
* A move of a file on top of an existing file must attempt to delete and replace that file. A move of a directory on top of an existing empty directory must attempt to delete and replace that directory.
* @param parent The directory to which to move the entry.
* @param newName The new name of the entry. Defaults to the EntrySync's current name if unspecified.
moveTo(parent:DirectoryEntrySync, newName?:string):EntrySync;
* Copy an entry to a different location on the file system. It is an error to try to:
* <ul>
* <li> copy a directory inside itself or to any child at any depth;</li>
* <li> copy an entry into its parent if a name different from its current one isn't provided;</li>
* <li> copy a file to a path occupied by a directory;</li>
* <li> copy a directory to a path occupied by a file;</li>
* <li> copy any element to a path occupied by a directory which is not empty.</li>
* </ui>
* A copy of a file on top of an existing file must attempt to delete and replace that file.
* A copy of a directory on top of an existing empty directory must attempt to delete and replace that directory.
* Directory copies are always recursive--that is, they copy all contents of the directory.
copyTo(parent:DirectoryEntrySync, newName?:string):EntrySync;
* Returns a URL that can be used to identify this entry. Unlike the URN defined in [FILE-API-ED], it has no specific expiration; as it describes a location on disk, it should be valid at least as long as that location exists.
* Deletes a file or directory. It is an error to attempt to delete a directory that is not empty. It is an error to attempt to delete the root directory of a filesystem.
remove ():void;
* Look up the parent DirectoryEntrySync containing this Entry. If this EntrySync is the root of its filesystem, its parent is itself.
* This interface represents a directory on a file system.
interface DirectoryEntrySync extends EntrySync {
* Creates a new DirectoryReaderSync to read EntrySyncs from this DirectorySync.
* Creates or looks up a directory.
* @param path Either an absolute path or a relative path from this DirectoryEntrySync to the file to be looked up or created. It is an error to attempt to create a file whose immediate parent does not yet exist.
* @param options
* <ul>
* <li> If create and exclusive are both true and the path already exists, getFile must fail.</li>
* <li> If create is true, the path doesn't exist, and no other error occurs, getFile must create it as a zero-length file and return a corresponding FileEntry.</li>
* <li> If create is not true and the path doesn't exist, getFile must fail.</li>
* <li> If create is not true and the path exists, but is a directory, getFile must fail.</li>
* <li> Otherwise, if no other error occurs, getFile must return a FileEntrySync corresponding to path.</li>
* </ul>
getFile(path:string, options?:Flags):FileEntrySync;
* Creates or looks up a directory.
* @param path Either an absolute path or a relative path from this DirectoryEntrySync to the directory to be looked up or created. It is an error to attempt to create a directory whose immediate parent does not yet exist.
* @param options
* <ul>
* <li> If create and exclusive are both true and the path already exists, getDirectory must fail.</li>
* <li> If create is true, the path doesn't exist, and no other error occurs, getDirectory must create and return a corresponding DirectoryEntry.</li>
* <li> If create is not true and the path doesn't exist, getDirectory must fail.</li>
* <li> If create is not true and the path exists, but is a file, getDirectory must fail.</li>
* <li> Otherwise, if no other error occurs, getDirectory must return a DirectoryEntrySync corresponding to path.</li>
* </ul>
getDirectory(path:string, options?:Flags):DirectoryEntrySync;
* Deletes a directory and all of its contents, if any. In the event of an error [e.g. trying to delete a directory that contains a file that cannot be removed], some of the contents of the directory may be deleted. It is an error to attempt to delete the root directory of a filesystem.
* This interface lets a user list files and directories in a directory. If there are no additions to or deletions from a directory between the first and last call to readEntries, and no errors occur, then:
* <ul>
* <li> A series of calls to readEntries must return each entry in the directory exactly once.</li>
* <li> Once all entries have been returned, the next call to readEntries must produce an empty array.</li>
* <li> If not all entries have been returned, the array produced by readEntries must not be empty.</li>
* <li> The entries produced by readEntries must not include the directory itself ["."] or its parent [".."].</li>
* </ul>
interface DirectoryReaderSync {
* Read the next block of entries from this directory.
* This interface represents a file on a file system.
interface FileEntrySync extends EntrySync {
* Creates a new FileWriterSync associated with the file that this FileEntrySync represents.
* Returns a File that represents the current state of the file that this FileEntrySync represents.
interface Window extends LocalFileSystem, LocalFileSystemSync{
interface WorkerGlobalScope extends LocalFileSystem, LocalFileSystemSync{