We now use webpack instead of SystemJS, effectively bundling modules into one file (plus commons chunks) for every entry point. This results in a much smaller extension size (almost half). Furthermore we use yarn/npm even for extension run-time dependencies. This relieves us from manually vendoring and building dependencies. It's also easier to understand for new developers familiar with node.
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// Type definitions for URI.js 1.15.1
// Project: https://github.com/medialize/URI.js
// Definitions by: RodneyJT <https://github.com/RodneyJT>, Brian Surowiec <https://github.com/xt0rted>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
// Modified by Florian Dold <dold@taler.net>
declare module "urijs" {
interface URIOptions {
protocol?: string;
username?: string;
password?: string;
hostname?: string;
port?: string;
path?: string;
query?: string;
fragment?: string;
class URI {
public constructor();
public constructor (value: string | URIOptions | HTMLElement);
static addQuery(data: Object, prop: string, value: string): Object;
static addQuery(data: Object, qryObj: Object): Object;
static build(parts: {
protocol: string;
username: string;
password: string;
hostname: string;
port: string;
path: string;
query: string;
fragment: string;
}): string;
static buildAuthority(parts: {
username?: string;
password?: string;
hostname?: string;
port?: string;
}): string;
static buildHost(parts: {
hostname?: string;
port?: string;
}): string;
static buildQuery(qry: Object): string;
static buildQuery(qry: Object, duplicates: boolean): string;
static buildUserinfo(parts: {
username?: string;
password?: string;
}): string;
static commonPath(path1: string, path2: string): string;
static decode(str: string): string;
static decodeQuery(qry: string): string;
static encode(str: string): string;
static encodeQuery(qry: string): string;
static encodeReserved(str: string): string;
static expand(template: string, vals: Object): URI;
static iso8859(): void;
static joinPaths(...paths: (string | URI)[]): URI;
static parse(url: string): {
protocol: string;
username: string;
password: string;
hostname: string;
port: string;
path: string;
query: string;
fragment: string;
static parseAuthority(url: string, parts: {
username?: string;
password?: string;
hostname?: string;
port?: string;
}): string;
static parseHost(url: string, parts: {
hostname?: string;
port?: string;
}): string;
static parseQuery(url: string): Object;
static parseUserinfo(url: string, parts: {
username?: string;
password?: string;
}): string;
static removeQuery(data: Object, prop: string, value: string): Object;
static removeQuery(data: Object, props: string[]): Object;
static removeQuery(data: Object, props: Object): Object;
static unicode(): void;
static withinString(source: string, func: (url: string) => string): string;
absoluteTo(path: string): URI;
absoluteTo(path: URI): URI;
addFragment(fragment: string): URI;
addQuery(qry: string): URI;
addQuery(qry: Object): URI;
addSearch(qry: string): URI;
addSearch(key: string, value:any): URI;
addSearch(qry: Object): URI;
authority(): string;
authority(authority: string): URI;
clone(): URI;
directory(): string;
directory(dir: boolean): string;
directory(dir: string): URI;
domain(): string;
domain(domain: boolean): string;
domain(domain: string): URI;
duplicateQueryParameters(val: boolean): URI;
equals(): boolean;
equals(url: string | URI): boolean;
filename(): string;
filename(file: boolean): string;
filename(file: string): URI;
fragment(): string;
fragment(fragment: string): URI;
fragmentPrefix(prefix: string): URI;
hash(): string;
hash(hash: string): URI;
host(): string;
host(host: string): URI;
hostname(): string;
hostname(hostname: string): URI;
href(): string;
href(url: string): void;
is(qry: string): boolean;
iso8859(): URI;
normalize(): URI;
normalizeFragment(): URI;
normalizeHash(): URI;
normalizeHostname(): URI;
normalizePath(): URI;
normalizePathname(): URI;
normalizePort(): URI;
normalizeProtocol(): URI;
normalizeQuery(): URI;
normalizeSearch(): URI;
origin(): string;
origin(uri: string | URI): URI;
password(): string;
password(pw: string): URI;
path(): string;
path(path: boolean): string;
path(path: string): URI;
pathname(): string;
pathname(path: boolean): string;
pathname(path: string): URI;
port(): string;
port(port: string): URI;
protocol(): string;
protocol(protocol: string): URI;
query(): string;
query(qry: string): URI;
query(qry: boolean): Object;
query(qry: Object): URI;
readable(): string;
relativeTo(path: string): URI;
removeQuery(qry: string): URI;
removeQuery(qry: Object): URI;
removeSearch(qry: string): URI;
removeSearch(qry: Object): URI;
resource(): string;
resource(resource: string): URI;
scheme(): string;
scheme(protocol: string): URI;
search(): string;
search(qry: string): URI;
search(qry: boolean): any;
search(qry: Object): URI;
segment(): string[];
segment(segments: string[]): URI;
segment(position: number): string;
segment(position: number, level: string): URI;
segment(segment: string): URI;
segmentCoded(): string[];
segmentCoded(segments: string[]): URI;
segmentCoded(position: number): string;
segmentCoded(position: number, level: string): URI;
segmentCoded(segment: string): URI;
setQuery(key: string, value: string): URI;
setQuery(qry: Object): URI;
setSearch(key: string, value: string): URI;
setSearch(qry: Object): URI;
hasQuery(name: string | any, value?: string | number | boolean | Function | Array<string> | Array<number> | Array<boolean> | RegExp, withinArray?: boolean): boolean;
hasSearch(name: string | any, value?: string | number | boolean | Function | Array<string> | Array<number> | Array<boolean> | RegExp, withinArray?: boolean): boolean;
subdomain(): string;
subdomain(subdomain: string): URI;
suffix(): string;
suffix(suffix: boolean): string;
suffix(suffix: string): URI;
tld(): string;
tld(tld: boolean): string;
tld(tld: string): URI;
unicode(): URI;
userinfo(): string;
userinfo(userinfo: string): URI;
username(): string;
username(uname: string): URI;
valueOf(): string;
export = URI;