We now use webpack instead of SystemJS, effectively bundling modules into one file (plus commons chunks) for every entry point. This results in a much smaller extension size (almost half). Furthermore we use yarn/npm even for extension run-time dependencies. This relieves us from manually vendoring and building dependencies. It's also easier to understand for new developers familiar with node.
336 lines
9.8 KiB
336 lines
9.8 KiB
Copyright 2012-2015, Yahoo Inc.
Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
"use strict";
function percent(covered, total) {
var tmp;
if (total > 0) {
tmp = 1000 * 100 * covered / total + 5;
return Math.floor(tmp / 10) / 100;
} else {
return 100.00;
function blankSummary() {
var empty = function () {
return {
total: 0,
covered: 0,
skipped: 0,
pct: 'Unknown'
return {
lines: empty(),
statements: empty(),
functions: empty(),
branches: empty()
// asserts that a data object "looks like" a summary coverage object
function assertValidSummary(obj) {
var valid = obj &&
obj.lines &&
obj.statements &&
obj.functions &&
if (!valid) {
throw new Error('Invalid summary coverage object, missing keys, found:' +
* CoverageSummary provides a summary of code coverage . It exposes 4 properties,
* `lines`, `statements`, `branches`, and `functions`. Each of these properties
* is an object that has 4 keys `total`, `covered`, `skipped` and `pct`.
* `pct` is a percentage number (0-100).
* @param {Object|CoverageSummary} [obj=undefined] an optional data object or
* another coverage summary to initialize this object with.
* @constructor
function CoverageSummary(obj) {
if (!obj) {
this.data = blankSummary();
} else if (obj instanceof CoverageSummary) {
this.data = obj.data;
} else {
this.data = obj;
['lines', 'statements', 'functions', 'branches'].forEach(function (p) {
Object.defineProperty(CoverageSummary.prototype, p, {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return this.data[p];
* merges a second summary coverage object into this one
* @param {CoverageSummary} obj - another coverage summary object
CoverageSummary.prototype.merge = function (obj) {
var that = this,
keys = ['lines', 'statements', 'branches', 'functions'];
keys.forEach(function (key) {
that[key].total += obj[key].total;
that[key].covered += obj[key].covered;
that[key].skipped += obj[key].skipped;
that[key].pct = percent(that[key].covered, that[key].total);
return this;
* returns a POJO that is JSON serializable. May be used to get the raw
* summary object.
CoverageSummary.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return this.data;
// returns a data object that represents empty coverage
function emptyCoverage(filePath) {
return {
path: filePath,
statementMap: {},
fnMap: {},
branchMap: {},
s: {},
f: {},
b: {}
// asserts that a data object "looks like" a coverage object
function assertValidObject(obj) {
var valid = obj &&
obj.path &&
obj.statementMap &&
obj.fnMap &&
obj.branchMap &&
obj.s &&
obj.f &&
if (!valid) {
throw new Error('Invalid file coverage object, missing keys, found:' +
* provides a read-only view of coverage for a single file.
* The deep structure of this object is documented elsewhere. It has the following
* properties:
* * `path` - the file path for which coverage is being tracked
* * `statementMap` - map of statement locations keyed by statement index
* * `functionMap` - map of function metadata keyed by function index
* * `branchMap` - map of branch metadata keyed by branch index
* * `s` - hit counts for statements
* * `f` - hit count for functions
* * `b` - hit count for branches
* @param {Object|FileCoverage|String} pathOrObj is a string that initializes
* and empty coverage object with the specified file path or a data object that
* has all the required properties for a file coverage object.
* @constructor
function FileCoverage(pathOrObj) {
if (!pathOrObj) {
throw new Error("Coverage must be initialized with a path or an object");
if (typeof pathOrObj === 'string') {
this.data = emptyCoverage(pathOrObj);
} else if (pathOrObj instanceof FileCoverage) {
this.data = pathOrObj.data;
} else if (typeof pathOrObj === 'object') {
this.data = pathOrObj;
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid argument to coverage constructor');
* returns computed line coverage from statement coverage.
* This is a map of hits keyed by line number in the source.
FileCoverage.prototype.getLineCoverage = function () {
var statementMap = this.data.statementMap,
statements = this.data.s,
lineMap = {};
Object.keys(statements).forEach(function (st) {
if (!statementMap[st]) {
var line = statementMap[st].start.line,
count = statements[st],
prevVal = lineMap[line];
if (prevVal === undefined || prevVal < count) {
lineMap[line] = count;
return lineMap;
* returns an array of uncovered line numbers.
* @returns {Array} an array of line numbers for which no hits have been
* collected.
FileCoverage.prototype.getUncoveredLines = function () {
var lc = this.getLineCoverage(),
ret = [];
Object.keys(lc).forEach(function (l) {
var hits = lc[l];
if (hits === 0) {
return ret;
* returns a map of branch coverage by source line number.
* @returns {Object} an object keyed by line number. Each object
* has a `covered`, `total` and `coverage` (percentage) property.
FileCoverage.prototype.getBranchCoverageByLine = function () {
var branchMap = this.branchMap,
branches = this.b,
ret = {};
Object.keys(branchMap).forEach(function (k) {
var line = branchMap[k].line,
branchData = branches[k];
ret[line] = ret[line] || [];
ret[line].push.apply(ret[line], branchData);
Object.keys(ret).forEach(function (k) {
var dataArray = ret[k],
covered = dataArray.filter(function (item) { return item > 0; }),
coverage = covered.length / dataArray.length * 100;
ret[k] = { covered: covered.length, total: dataArray.length, coverage: coverage };
return ret;
// expose coverage data attributes
['path', 'statementMap', 'fnMap', 'branchMap', 's', 'f', 'b' ].forEach(function (p) {
Object.defineProperty(FileCoverage.prototype, p, {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return this.data[p];
* return a JSON-serializable POJO for this file coverage object
FileCoverage.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return this.data;
* merges a second coverage object into this one, updating hit counts
* @param {FileCoverage} other - the coverage object to be merged into this one.
* Note that the other object should have the same structure as this one (same file).
FileCoverage.prototype.merge = function (other) {
var that = this;
Object.keys(other.s).forEach(function (k) {
that.data.s[k] += other.s[k];
Object.keys(other.f).forEach(function (k) {
that.data.f[k] += other.f[k];
Object.keys(other.b).forEach(function (k) {
var i,
retArray = that.data.b[k],
secondArray = other.b[k];
if (!retArray) {
that.data.b[k] = secondArray;
for (i = 0; i < retArray.length; i += 1) {
retArray[i] += secondArray[i];
FileCoverage.prototype.computeSimpleTotals = function (property) {
var stats = this[property],
ret = {total: 0, covered: 0, skipped: 0};
if (typeof stats === 'function') {
stats = stats.call(this);
Object.keys(stats).forEach(function (key) {
var covered = !!stats[key];
ret.total += 1;
if (covered) {
ret.covered += 1;
ret.pct = percent(ret.covered, ret.total);
return ret;
FileCoverage.prototype.computeBranchTotals = function () {
var stats = this.b,
ret = {total: 0, covered: 0, skipped: 0};
Object.keys(stats).forEach(function (key) {
var branches = stats[key],
branches.forEach(function (branchHits) {
covered = branchHits > 0;
if (covered) {
ret.covered += 1;
ret.total += branches.length;
ret.pct = percent(ret.covered, ret.total);
return ret;
* resets hit counts for all statements, functions and branches
* in this coverage object resulting in zero coverage.
FileCoverage.prototype.resetHits = function () {
var statements = this.s,
functions = this.f,
branches = this.b;
Object.keys(statements).forEach(function (s) {
statements[s] = 0;
Object.keys(functions).forEach(function (f) {
functions[f] = 0;
Object.keys(branches).forEach(function (b) {
var hits = branches[b];
branches[b] = hits.map(function () { return 0; });
* returns a CoverageSummary for this file coverage object
* @returns {CoverageSummary}
FileCoverage.prototype.toSummary = function () {
var ret = {};
ret.lines = this.computeSimpleTotals('getLineCoverage');
ret.functions = this.computeSimpleTotals('f', 'fnMap');
ret.statements = this.computeSimpleTotals('s', 'statementMap');
ret.branches = this.computeBranchTotals();
return new CoverageSummary(ret);
module.exports = {
CoverageSummary: CoverageSummary,
FileCoverage: FileCoverage