We now use webpack instead of SystemJS, effectively bundling modules into one file (plus commons chunks) for every entry point. This results in a much smaller extension size (almost half). Furthermore we use yarn/npm even for extension run-time dependencies. This relieves us from manually vendoring and building dependencies. It's also easier to understand for new developers familiar with node.
110 lines
3.7 KiB
110 lines
3.7 KiB
'use strict'
var url = require('url')
var gitHosts = require('./git-host-info.js')
var GitHost = module.exports = require('./git-host.js')
var protocolToRepresentationMap = {
'git+ssh': 'sshurl',
'git+https': 'https',
'ssh': 'sshurl',
'git': 'git'
function protocolToRepresentation (protocol) {
if (protocol.substr(-1) === ':') protocol = protocol.slice(0, -1)
return protocolToRepresentationMap[protocol] || protocol
var authProtocols = {
'git:': true,
'https:': true,
'git+https:': true,
'http:': true,
'git+http:': true
module.exports.fromUrl = function (giturl, opts) {
if (giturl == null || giturl === '') return
var url = fixupUnqualifiedGist(
isGitHubShorthand(giturl) ? 'github:' + giturl : giturl
var parsed = parseGitUrl(url)
var shortcutMatch = url.match(new RegExp('^([^:]+):(?:(?:[^@:]+(?:[^@]+)?@)?([^/]*))[/](.+?)(?:[.]git)?($|#)'))
var matches = Object.keys(gitHosts).map(function (gitHostName) {
try {
var gitHostInfo = gitHosts[gitHostName]
var auth = null
if (parsed.auth && authProtocols[parsed.protocol]) {
auth = decodeURIComponent(parsed.auth)
var committish = parsed.hash ? decodeURIComponent(parsed.hash.substr(1)) : null
var user = null
var project = null
var defaultRepresentation = null
if (shortcutMatch && shortcutMatch[1] === gitHostName) {
user = shortcutMatch[2] && decodeURIComponent(shortcutMatch[2])
project = decodeURIComponent(shortcutMatch[3])
defaultRepresentation = 'shortcut'
} else {
if (parsed.host !== gitHostInfo.domain) return
if (!gitHostInfo.protocols_re.test(parsed.protocol)) return
if (!parsed.path) return
var pathmatch = gitHostInfo.pathmatch
var matched = parsed.path.match(pathmatch)
if (!matched) return
if (matched[1] != null) user = decodeURIComponent(matched[1].replace(/^:/, ''))
if (matched[2] != null) project = decodeURIComponent(matched[2])
defaultRepresentation = protocolToRepresentation(parsed.protocol)
return new GitHost(gitHostName, user, auth, project, committish, defaultRepresentation, opts)
} catch (ex) {
if (!(ex instanceof URIError)) throw ex
}).filter(function (gitHostInfo) { return gitHostInfo })
if (matches.length !== 1) return
return matches[0]
function isGitHubShorthand (arg) {
// Note: This does not fully test the git ref format.
// See https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-check-ref-format.html
// The only way to do this properly would be to shell out to
// git-check-ref-format, and as this is a fast sync function,
// we don't want to do that. Just let git fail if it turns
// out that the commit-ish is invalid.
// GH usernames cannot start with . or -
return /^[^:@%/\s.-][^:@%/\s]*[/][^:@\s/%]+(?:#.*)?$/.test(arg)
function fixupUnqualifiedGist (giturl) {
// necessary for round-tripping gists
var parsed = url.parse(giturl)
if (parsed.protocol === 'gist:' && parsed.host && !parsed.path) {
return parsed.protocol + '/' + parsed.host
} else {
return giturl
function parseGitUrl (giturl) {
if (typeof giturl !== 'string') giturl = '' + giturl
var matched = giturl.match(/^([^@]+)@([^:/]+):[/]?((?:[^/]+[/])?[^/]+?)(?:[.]git)?(#.*)?$/)
if (!matched) return url.parse(giturl)
return {
protocol: 'git+ssh:',
slashes: true,
auth: matched[1],
host: matched[2],
port: null,
hostname: matched[2],
hash: matched[4],
search: null,
query: null,
pathname: '/' + matched[3],
path: '/' + matched[3],
href: 'git+ssh://' + matched[1] + '@' + matched[2] +
'/' + matched[3] + (matched[4] || '')