776 lines
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776 lines
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* This file defines most of the API calls offered
* by Nexus and Sandbox. They don't have state,
* therefore got moved away from libeufin.ts where
* the services get actually started and managed.
import { URL } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util";
import {
} from "@gnu-taler/taler-util/http";
import {
} from "./libeufin.js";
export interface LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface {
baseUrl: string;
export interface LibeufinNexusServiceInterface {
baseUrl: string;
export interface CreateEbicsSubscriberRequest {
hostID: string;
userID: string;
partnerID: string;
systemID?: string;
export interface BankAccountInfo {
iban: string;
bic: string;
name: string;
label: string;
export interface CreateEbicsBankConnectionRequest {
name: string; // connection name.
ebicsURL: string;
hostID: string;
userID: string;
partnerID: string;
systemID?: string;
export interface UpdateNexusUserRequest {
newPassword: string;
export interface NexusAuth {
auth: {
username: string;
password: string;
export interface PostNexusTaskRequest {
name: string;
cronspec: string;
type: string; // fetch | submit
| {
level: string; // report | statement | all
rangeType: string; // all | since-last | previous-days | latest
| {};
export interface CreateNexusUserRequest {
username: string;
password: string;
export interface PostNexusPermissionRequest {
action: "revoke" | "grant";
permission: {
subjectType: string;
subjectId: string;
resourceType: string;
resourceId: string;
permissionName: string;
export interface CreateAnastasisFacadeRequest {
name: string;
connectionName: string;
accountName: string;
currency: string;
reserveTransferLevel: "report" | "statement" | "notification";
export interface CreateTalerWireGatewayFacadeRequest {
name: string;
connectionName: string;
accountName: string;
currency: string;
reserveTransferLevel: "report" | "statement" | "notification";
export interface SandboxAccountTransactions {
payments: {
accountLabel: string;
creditorIban: string;
creditorBic?: string;
creditorName: string;
debtorIban: string;
debtorBic: string;
debtorName: string;
amount: string;
currency: string;
subject: string;
date: string;
creditDebitIndicator: "debit" | "credit";
accountServicerReference: string;
export interface DeleteBankConnectionRequest {
bankConnectionId: string;
export interface SimulateIncomingTransactionRequest {
debtorIban: string;
debtorBic: string;
debtorName: string;
* Subject / unstructured remittance info.
subject: string;
* Decimal amount without currency.
amount: string;
export interface CreateEbicsBankAccountRequest {
subscriber: {
hostID: string;
partnerID: string;
userID: string;
systemID?: string;
iban: string;
// BIC
bic: string;
// human name
name: string;
label: string;
export interface LibeufinSandboxAddIncomingRequest {
creditorIban: string;
creditorBic: string;
creditorName: string;
debtorIban: string;
debtorBic: string;
debtorName: string;
subject: string;
amount: string;
currency: string;
uid: string;
direction: string;
const libeufinHttpLib = createPlatformHttpLib();
* APIs spread across Legacy and Access, it is therefore
* the "base URL" relative to which API every call addresses.
export namespace LibeufinSandboxApi {
// Creates one bank account via the Access API.
// Need the /demobanks/$id/access-api as the base URL
export async function createDemobankAccount(
username: string,
password: string,
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
iban: string | null = null,
): Promise<void> {
let url = new URL("testing/register", libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
body: {
username: username,
password: password,
iban: iban,
// Need /demobanks/$id as the base URL
export async function createDemobankEbicsSubscriber(
req: CreateEbicsSubscriberRequest,
demobankAccountLabel: string,
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
username: string = "admin",
password: string = "secret",
): Promise<void> {
// baseUrl should already be pointed to one demobank.
let url = new URL("ebics/subscribers", libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
body: {
userID: req.userID,
hostID: req.hostID,
partnerID: req.partnerID,
demobankAccountLabel: demobankAccountLabel,
export async function rotateKeys(
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
hostID: string,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`admin/ebics/hosts/${hostID}/rotate-keys`, baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
body: {},
export async function createEbicsHost(
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
hostID: string,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL("admin/ebics/hosts", baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
body: {
ebicsVersion: "2.5",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
export async function createBankAccount(
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
req: BankAccountInfo,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`admin/bank-accounts/${req.label}`, baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
body: req,
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
* This function is useless. It creates a Ebics subscriber
* but never gives it a bank account. To be removed
export async function createEbicsSubscriber(
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
req: CreateEbicsSubscriberRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL("admin/ebics/subscribers", baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
body: req,
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
* Create a new bank account and associate it to
* a existing EBICS subscriber.
export async function createEbicsBankAccount(
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
req: CreateEbicsBankAccountRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL("admin/ebics/bank-accounts", baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
body: req,
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
export async function simulateIncomingTransaction(
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
accountLabel: string,
req: SimulateIncomingTransactionRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
body: req,
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
export async function getAccountTransactions(
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
accountLabel: string,
): Promise<SandboxAccountTransactions> {
const baseUrl = libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
const res = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return (await res.json()) as SandboxAccountTransactions;
export async function getCamt053(
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
accountLabel: string,
): Promise<any> {
const baseUrl = libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL("admin/payments/camt", baseUrl);
return await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {
bankaccount: accountLabel,
type: 53,
export async function getAccountInfoWithBalance(
libeufinSandboxService: LibeufinSandboxServiceInterface,
accountLabel: string,
): Promise<LibeufinSandboxAdminBankAccountBalance> {
const baseUrl = libeufinSandboxService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`admin/bank-accounts/${accountLabel}`, baseUrl);
const res = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return res.json();
export namespace LibeufinNexusApi {
export async function getAllConnections(
nexus: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
): Promise<NexusBankConnections> {
let url = new URL("bank-connections", nexus.baseUrl);
const res = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return res.json();
export async function deleteBankConnection(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
req: DeleteBankConnectionRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL("bank-connections/delete-connection", baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: req,
export async function createEbicsBankConnection(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
req: CreateEbicsBankConnectionRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL("bank-connections", baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {
source: "new",
type: "ebics",
name: req.name,
data: {
ebicsURL: req.ebicsURL,
hostID: req.hostID,
userID: req.userID,
partnerID: req.partnerID,
systemID: req.systemID,
export async function getBankAccount(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
accountName: string,
): Promise<any> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`bank-accounts/${accountName}`, baseUrl);
const resp = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return resp.json();
export async function submitInitiatedPayment(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
accountName: string,
paymentId: string,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {},
export async function fetchAccounts(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
connectionName: string,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {},
export async function importConnectionAccount(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
connectionName: string,
offeredAccountId: string,
nexusBankAccountId: string,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {
export async function connectBankConnection(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
connectionName: string,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`bank-connections/${connectionName}/connect`, baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {},
export async function getPaymentInitiations(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
accountName: string,
username: string = "admin",
password: string = "test",
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
let response = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
const respJson = await response.json();
`Payment initiations of: ${accountName}`,
JSON.stringify(respJson, null, 2),
// Uses the Anastasis API to get a list of transactions.
export async function getAnastasisTransactions(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
anastasisBaseUrl: string,
// FIXME: Nail down type!
params: {}, // of the request: {delta: 5, ..}
username: string = "admin",
password: string = "test",
): Promise<any> {
let url = new URL("history/incoming", anastasisBaseUrl);
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(params)) {
url.searchParams.set(k, String(v));
let response = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return response.json();
// FIXME: this function should return some structured
// object that represents a history.
export async function getAccountTransactions(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
accountName: string,
username: string = "admin",
password: string = "test",
): Promise<LibeufinNexusTransactions> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`/bank-accounts/${accountName}/transactions`, baseUrl);
let response = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return response.json();
export async function fetchTransactions(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
accountName: string,
rangeType: string = "all",
level: string = "report",
username: string = "admin",
password: string = "test",
): Promise<NexusNewTransactionsInfo> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
const resp = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {
rangeType: rangeType,
level: level,
return resp.json();
export async function changePassword(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
username: string,
req: UpdateNexusUserRequest,
auth: NexusAuth,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`/users/${username}/password`, baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: req,
export async function getUser(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
auth: NexusAuth,
): Promise<NexusUserResponse> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`/user`, baseUrl);
const resp = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return resp.json();
export async function createUser(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
req: CreateNexusUserRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`/users`, baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: req,
export async function getAllPermissions(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
): Promise<NexusGetPermissionsResponse> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`/permissions`, baseUrl);
const resp = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return resp.json();
export async function postPermission(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
req: PostNexusPermissionRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`/permissions`, baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: req,
export async function getAllTasks(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
bankAccountName: string,
): Promise<NexusTaskCollection> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`/bank-accounts/${bankAccountName}/schedule`, baseUrl);
const resp = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return resp.json();
export async function getTask(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
bankAccountName: string,
// When void, the request returns the list of all the
// tasks under this bank account.
taskName: string,
): Promise<NexusTask> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
if (taskName) url = new URL(taskName, `${url.href}/`);
const resp = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
return resp.json();
export async function deleteTask(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
bankAccountName: string,
taskName: string,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "DELETE",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
export async function postTask(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
bankAccountName: string,
req: PostNexusTaskRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`/bank-accounts/${bankAccountName}/schedule`, baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: req,
export async function deleteFacade(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
facadeName: string,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(`facades/${facadeName}`, baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "DELETE",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
export async function getAllFacades(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
): Promise<NexusFacadeListResponse> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL("facades", baseUrl);
const resp = await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
// FIXME: Just return validated, typed response here!
return resp.json();
export async function createAnastasisFacade(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
req: CreateAnastasisFacadeRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL("facades", baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {
name: req.name,
type: "anastasis",
config: {
bankAccount: req.accountName,
bankConnection: req.connectionName,
currency: req.currency,
reserveTransferLevel: req.reserveTransferLevel,
export async function createTwgFacade(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
req: CreateTalerWireGatewayFacadeRequest,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL("facades", baseUrl);
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {
name: req.name,
type: "taler-wire-gateway",
config: {
bankAccount: req.accountName,
bankConnection: req.connectionName,
currency: req.currency,
reserveTransferLevel: req.reserveTransferLevel,
export async function submitAllPaymentInitiations(
libeufinNexusService: LibeufinNexusServiceInterface,
accountId: string,
): Promise<void> {
const baseUrl = libeufinNexusService.baseUrl;
let url = new URL(
await libeufinHttpLib.fetch(url.href, {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader("admin", "secret") },
body: {},