2021-11-04 15:18:34 -03:00

188 lines
5.9 KiB

import { ChallengeFeedback, ChallengeFeedbackStatus } from "anastasis-core";
import { h, VNode } from "preact";
import { useAnastasisContext } from "../../context/anastasis";
import { AnastasisClientFrame } from "./index";
import { authMethods, KnownAuthMethods } from "./authMethod";
function OverviewFeedbackDisplay(props: { feedback?: ChallengeFeedback }) {
const { feedback } = props;
if (!feedback) {
return null;
switch (feedback.state) {
case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.Message:
return (
case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.Pending:
case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.AuthIban:
return null;
case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.RateLimitExceeded:
return <div>Rate limit exceeded.</div>;
case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.Redirect:
return <div>Redirect (FIXME: not supported)</div>;
case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.Unsupported:
return <div>Challenge not supported by client.</div>;
case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.TruthUnknown:
return <div>Truth unknown</div>;
return (
export function ChallengeOverviewScreen(): VNode {
const reducer = useAnastasisContext();
if (!reducer) {
return <div>no reducer in context</div>;
if (
!reducer.currentReducerState ||
reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_state === undefined
) {
return <div>invalid state</div>;
const policies =
reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_information?.policies ?? [];
const knownChallengesArray =
reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_information?.challenges ?? [];
const challengeFeedback =
reducer.currentReducerState?.challenge_feedback ?? {};
const knownChallengesMap: {
[uuid: string]: {
type: string;
instructions: string;
cost: string;
feedback: ChallengeFeedback | undefined;
} = {};
for (const ch of knownChallengesArray) {
knownChallengesMap[ch.uuid] = {
type: ch.type,
cost: ch.cost,
instructions: ch.instructions,
feedback: challengeFeedback[ch.uuid],
const policiesWithInfo = policies.map((row) => {
let isPolicySolved = true;
const challenges = row
.map(({ uuid }) => {
const info = knownChallengesMap[uuid];
const isChallengeSolved = info?.feedback?.state === "solved";
isPolicySolved = isPolicySolved && isChallengeSolved;
return { info, uuid, isChallengeSolved };
.filter((ch) => ch.info !== undefined);
return { isPolicySolved, challenges };
const atLeastThereIsOnePolicySolved =
policiesWithInfo.find((p) => p.isPolicySolved) !== undefined;
const errors = !atLeastThereIsOnePolicySolved
? "Solve one policy before proceeding"
: undefined;
return (
<AnastasisClientFrame hideNext={errors} title="Recovery: Solve challenges">
{!policies.length ? (
<p class="block">
No policies found, try with another version of the secret
) : policies.length === 1 ? (
<p class="block">
One policy found for this secret. You need to solve all the challenges
in order to recover your secret.
) : (
<p class="block">
We have found {policies.length} polices. You need to solve all the
challenges from one policy in order to recover your secret.
{policiesWithInfo.map((policy, policy_index) => {
const tableBody = policy.challenges.map(({ info, uuid }) => {
const isFree = !info.cost || info.cost.endsWith(":0");
const method = authMethods[info.type as KnownAuthMethods];
return (
style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
<div style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }}>
<span class="icon">{method?.icon}</span>
<OverviewFeedbackDisplay feedback={info.feedback} />
{method && info.feedback?.state !== "solved" ? (
onClick={() =>
reducer.transition("select_challenge", { uuid })
{isFree ? "Solve" : `Pay and Solve`}
) : null}
{info.feedback?.state === "solved" ? (
<a class="button is-success"> Solved </a>
) : null}
const policyName = policy.challenges
.map((x) => x.info.type)
.join(" + ");
const opa = !atLeastThereIsOnePolicySolved
? undefined
: policy.isPolicySolved
? undefined
: "0.6";
return (
opacity: opa,
<h3 class="subtitle">
Policy #{policy_index + 1}: {policyName}
{policy.challenges.length === 0 && (
<p>This policy doesn't have challenges.</p>
{policy.challenges.length === 1 && (
<p>This policy just have one challenge.</p>
{policy.challenges.length > 1 && (
<p>This policy have {policy.challenges.length} challenges.</p>