2021-11-03 17:35:29 -03:00

105 lines
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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/camelcase */
import { BackupStates, ContinentInfo, RecoveryStates } from "anastasis-core";
import { h, VNode } from "preact";
import { useState } from "preact/hooks";
import { useAnastasisContext } from "../../context/anastasis";
import { AnastasisClientFrame, withProcessLabel } from "./index";
export function ContinentSelectionScreen(): VNode {
const reducer = useAnastasisContext()
//FIXME: remove this when #7056 is fixed
const [countryCode, setCountryCode] = useState("")
if (!reducer || !reducer.currentReducerState || !("continents" in reducer.currentReducerState)) {
return <div />
const selectContinent = (continent: string): void => {
reducer.transition("select_continent", { continent })
const selectCountry = (country: string): void => {
const continentList = reducer.currentReducerState.continents || [];
const countryList = reducer.currentReducerState.countries || [];
const theContinent = reducer.currentReducerState.selected_continent || ""
// const cc = reducer.currentReducerState.selected_country || "";
const theCountry = countryList.find(c => c.code === countryCode)
const selectCountryAction = () => {
//selection should be when the select box changes it value
if (!theCountry) return;
reducer.transition("select_country", {
country_code: countryCode,
currencies: [theCountry.currency],
// const step1 = reducer.currentReducerState.backup_state === BackupStates.ContinentSelecting ||
// reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_state === RecoveryStates.ContinentSelecting;
const errors = !theCountry ? "Select a country" : undefined
return (
<AnastasisClientFrame hideNext={errors} title={withProcessLabel(reducer, "Where do you live?")} onNext={selectCountryAction}>
<div class="columns" >
<div class="column is-one-third">
<div class="field">
<label class="label">Continent</label>
<div class="control is-expanded has-icons-left">
<div class="select is-fullwidth" >
<select onChange={(e) => selectContinent(e.currentTarget.value)} value={theContinent} >
<option key="none" disabled selected value=""> Choose a continent </option>
{continentList.map(prov => (
<option key={prov.name} value={prov.name}>
<div class="icon is-small is-left">
<i class="mdi mdi-earth" />
<div class="field">
<label class="label">Country</label>
<div class="control is-expanded has-icons-left">
<div class="select is-fullwidth" >
<select onChange={(e) => selectCountry((e.target as any).value)} disabled={!theContinent} value={theCountry?.code || ""}>
<option key="none" disabled selected value=""> Choose a country </option>
{countryList.map(prov => (
<option key={prov.name} value={prov.code}>
<div class="icon is-small is-left">
<i class="mdi mdi-earth" />
{/* {theCountry && <div class="field">
<label class="label">Available currencies:</label>
<div class="control">
<input class="input is-small" type="text" readonly value={theCountry.currency} />
</div>} */}
<div class="column is-two-third">
Your location will help us to determine which personal information
ask you for the next step.