git-subtree-dir: thirdparty/systemjs git-subtree-split: 5ed69b6344e8fc1cd43bf758350b2236f57e1499
597 lines
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597 lines
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* Package Configuration Extension
* Example:
* SystemJS.packages = {
* jquery: {
* main: 'index.js', // when not set, package name is requested directly
* format: 'amd',
* defaultExtension: 'ts', // defaults to 'js', can be set to false
* modules: {
* '*.ts': {
* loader: 'typescript'
* },
* 'vendor/sizzle.js': {
* format: 'global'
* }
* },
* map: {
* // map internal require('sizzle') to local require('./vendor/sizzle')
* sizzle: './vendor/sizzle.js',
* // map any internal or external require of 'jquery/vendor/another' to 'another/index.js'
* './vendor/another.js': './another/index.js',
* // test.js / test -> lib/test.js
* './test.js': './lib/test.js',
* // environment-specific map configurations
* './index.js': {
* '~browser': './index-node.js',
* './custom-condition.js|~export': './index-custom.js'
* }
* },
* // allows for setting package-prefixed depCache
* // keys are normalized module names relative to the package itself
* depCache: {
* // import 'package/index.js' loads in parallel package/lib/test.js,package/vendor/sizzle.js
* './index.js': ['./test'],
* './test.js': ['external-dep'],
* 'external-dep/path.js': ['./another.js']
* }
* }
* };
* Then:
* import 'jquery' -> jquery/index.js
* import 'jquery/submodule' -> jquery/submodule.js
* import 'jquery/submodule.ts' -> jquery/submodule.ts loaded as typescript
* import 'jquery/vendor/another' -> another/index.js
* Detailed Behaviours
* - main can have a leading "./" can be added optionally
* - map and defaultExtension are applied to the main
* - defaultExtension adds the extension only if the exact extension is not present
* - defaultJSExtensions applies after map when defaultExtension is not set
* - if a meta value is available for a module, map and defaultExtension are skipped
* - like global map, package map also applies to subpaths (sizzle/x, ./vendor/another/sub)
* - condition module map is '@env' module in package or '@system-env' globally
* - map targets support conditional interpolation ('./x': './x.#{|env}.js')
* - internal package map targets cannot use boolean conditionals
* Package Configuration Loading
* Not all packages may already have their configuration present in the System config
* For these cases, a list of packageConfigPaths can be provided, which when matched against
* a request, will first request a ".json" file by the package name to derive the package
* configuration from. This allows dynamic loading of non-predetermined code, a key use
* case in SystemJS.
* Example:
* SystemJS.packageConfigPaths = ['packages/test/package.json', 'packages/*.json'];
* // will first request 'packages/new-package/package.json' for the package config
* // before completing the package request to 'packages/new-package/path'
* SystemJS.import('packages/new-package/path');
* // will first request 'packages/test/package.json' before the main
* SystemJS.import('packages/test');
* When a package matches packageConfigPaths, it will always send a config request for
* the package configuration.
* The package name itself is taken to be the match up to and including the last wildcard
* or trailing slash.
* The most specific package config path will be used.
* Any existing package configurations for the package will deeply merge with the
* package config, with the existing package configurations taking preference.
* To opt-out of the package configuration request for a package that matches
* packageConfigPaths, use the { configured: true } package config option.
(function() {
hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
return function() {
this.packages = {};
this.packageConfigPaths = [];
function getPackage(loader, normalized) {
// use most specific package
var curPkg, curPkgLen = 0, pkgLen;
for (var p in loader.packages) {
if (normalized.substr(0, p.length) === p && (normalized.length === p.length || normalized[p.length] === '/')) {
pkgLen = p.split('/').length;
if (pkgLen > curPkgLen) {
curPkg = p;
curPkgLen = pkgLen;
return curPkg;
function addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions) {
// don't apply extensions to folders or if defaultExtension = false
if (!subPath || subPath[subPath.length - 1] == '/' || skipExtensions || pkg.defaultExtension === false)
return subPath;
var metaMatch = false;
// exact meta or meta with any content after the last wildcard skips extension
if (pkg.meta)
getMetaMatches(pkg.meta, subPath, function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) {
if (matchDepth == 0 || metaPattern.lastIndexOf('*') != metaPattern.length - 1)
return metaMatch = true;
// exact global meta or meta with any content after the last wildcard skips extension
if (!metaMatch && loader.meta)
getMetaMatches(loader.meta, pkgName + '/' + subPath, function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) {
if (matchDepth == 0 || metaPattern.lastIndexOf('*') != metaPattern.length - 1)
return metaMatch = true;
if (metaMatch)
return subPath;
// work out what the defaultExtension is and add if not there already
// NB reconsider if default should really be ".js"?
var defaultExtension = '.' + (pkg.defaultExtension || 'js');
if (subPath.substr(subPath.length - defaultExtension.length) != defaultExtension)
return subPath + defaultExtension;
return subPath;
function applyPackageConfigSync(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions) {
// main
if (!subPath) {
if (pkg.main)
subPath = pkg.main.substr(0, 2) == './' ? pkg.main.substr(2) : pkg.main;
// also no submap if name is package itself (import 'pkg' -> 'path/to/pkg.js')
// NB can add a default package main convention here when defaultJSExtensions is deprecated
// if it becomes internal to the package then it would no longer be an exit path
return pkgName + (loader.defaultJSExtensions ? '.js' : '');
// map config checking without then with extensions
if (pkg.map) {
var mapPath = './' + subPath;
var mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath);
// we then check map with the default extension adding
if (!mapMatch) {
mapPath = './' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions);
if (mapPath != './' + subPath)
mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath);
if (mapMatch) {
var mapped = doMapSync(loader, pkg, pkgName, mapMatch, mapPath, skipExtensions);
if (mapped)
return mapped;
// normal package resolution
return pkgName + '/' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions);
function validMapping(mapMatch, mapped, pkgName, path) {
// disallow internal to subpath maps
if (mapMatch == '.')
throw new Error('Package ' + pkgName + ' has a map entry for "." which is not permitted.');
// allow internal ./x -> ./x/y or ./x/ -> ./x/y recursive maps
// but only if the path is exactly ./x and not ./x/z
if (mapped.substr(0, mapMatch.length) == mapMatch && path.length > mapMatch.length)
return false;
return true;
function doMapSync(loader, pkg, pkgName, mapMatch, path, skipExtensions) {
if (path[path.length - 1] == '/')
path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1);
var mapped = pkg.map[mapMatch];
if (typeof mapped == 'object')
throw new Error('Synchronous conditional normalization not supported sync normalizing ' + mapMatch + ' in ' + pkgName);
if (!validMapping(mapMatch, mapped, pkgName, path) || typeof mapped != 'string')
// package map to main / base-level
if (mapped == '.')
mapped = pkgName;
// internal package map
else if (mapped.substr(0, 2) == './')
return pkgName + '/' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, mapped.substr(2) + path.substr(mapMatch.length), skipExtensions);
// external map reference
return loader.normalizeSync(mapped + path.substr(mapMatch.length), pkgName + '/');
function applyPackageConfig(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions) {
// main
if (!subPath) {
if (pkg.main)
subPath = pkg.main.substr(0, 2) == './' ? pkg.main.substr(2) : pkg.main;
// also no submap if name is package itself (import 'pkg' -> 'path/to/pkg.js')
// NB can add a default package main convention here when defaultJSExtensions is deprecated
// if it becomes internal to the package then it would no longer be an exit path
return Promise.resolve(pkgName + (loader.defaultJSExtensions ? '.js' : ''));
// map config checking without then with extensions
var mapPath, mapMatch;
if (pkg.map) {
mapPath = './' + subPath;
mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath);
// we then check map with the default extension adding
if (!mapMatch) {
mapPath = './' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions);
if (mapPath != './' + subPath)
mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath);
return (mapMatch ? doMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, mapMatch, mapPath, skipExtensions) : Promise.resolve())
.then(function(mapped) {
if (mapped)
return Promise.resolve(mapped);
// normal package resolution / fallback resolution for no conditional match
return Promise.resolve(pkgName + '/' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions));
function doStringMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, mapMatch, mapped, path, skipExtensions) {
// NB the interpolation cases should strictly skip subsequent interpolation
// package map to main / base-level
if (mapped == '.')
mapped = pkgName;
// internal package map
else if (mapped.substr(0, 2) == './')
return Promise.resolve(pkgName + '/' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, mapped.substr(2) + path.substr(mapMatch.length), skipExtensions))
.then(function(name) {
return interpolateConditional.call(loader, name, pkgName + '/');
// external map reference
return loader.normalize(mapped + path.substr(mapMatch.length), pkgName + '/');
function doMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, mapMatch, path, skipExtensions) {
if (path[path.length - 1] == '/')
path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1);
var mapped = pkg.map[mapMatch];
if (typeof mapped == 'string') {
if (!validMapping(mapMatch, mapped, pkgName, path))
return Promise.resolve();
return doStringMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, mapMatch, mapped, path, skipExtensions);
// we use a special conditional syntax to allow the builder to handle conditional branch points further
if (loader.builder)
return Promise.resolve(pkgName + '/#:' + path);
// we load all conditions upfront
var conditionPromises = [];
var conditions = [];
for (var e in mapped) {
var c = parseCondition(e);
condition: c,
map: mapped[e]
conditionPromises.push(loader['import'](c.module, pkgName));
// map object -> conditional map
return Promise.all(conditionPromises)
.then(function(conditionValues) {
// first map condition to match is used
for (var i = 0; i < conditions.length; i++) {
var c = conditions[i].condition;
var value = readMemberExpression(c.prop, conditionValues[i]);
if (!c.negate && value || c.negate && !value)
return conditions[i].map;
.then(function(mapped) {
if (mapped) {
if (!validMapping(mapMatch, mapped, pkgName, path))
return doStringMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, mapMatch, mapped, path, skipExtensions);
// no environment match -> fallback to original subPath by returning undefined
// normalizeSync = decanonicalize + package resolution
SystemJSLoader.prototype.normalizeSync = SystemJSLoader.prototype.decanonicalize = SystemJSLoader.prototype.normalize;
// decanonicalize must JUST handle package defaultExtension: false case when defaultJSExtensions is set
// to be deprecated!
hook('decanonicalize', function(decanonicalize) {
return function(name, parentName) {
if (this.builder)
return decanonicalize.call(this, name, parentName, true);
var decanonicalized = decanonicalize.call(this, name, parentName, false);
if (!this.defaultJSExtensions)
return decanonicalized;
var pkgName = getPackage(this, decanonicalized);
var pkg = this.packages[pkgName];
var defaultExtension = pkg && pkg.defaultExtension;
if (defaultExtension == undefined && pkg && pkg.meta)
getMetaMatches(pkg.meta, decanonicalized.substr(pkgName), function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) {
if (matchDepth == 0 || metaPattern.lastIndexOf('*') != metaPattern.length - 1) {
defaultExtension = false;
return true;
if ((defaultExtension === false || defaultExtension && defaultExtension != '.js') && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js' && decanonicalized.substr(decanonicalized.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
decanonicalized = decanonicalized.substr(0, decanonicalized.length - 3);
return decanonicalized;
hook('normalizeSync', function(normalizeSync) {
return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) {
var loader = this;
isPlugin = isPlugin === true;
// apply contextual package map first
// (we assume the parent package config has already been loaded)
if (parentName)
var parentPackageName = getPackage(loader, parentName) ||
loader.defaultJSExtensions && parentName.substr(parentName.length - 3, 3) == '.js' &&
getPackage(loader, parentName.substr(0, parentName.length - 3));
var parentPackage = parentPackageName && loader.packages[parentPackageName];
// ignore . since internal maps handled by standard package resolution
if (parentPackage && name[0] != '.') {
var parentMap = parentPackage.map;
var parentMapMatch = parentMap && getMapMatch(parentMap, name);
if (parentMapMatch && typeof parentMap[parentMapMatch] == 'string') {
var mapped = doMapSync(loader, parentPackage, parentPackageName, parentMapMatch, name, isPlugin);
if (mapped)
return mapped;
var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js';
// apply map, core, paths, contextual package map
var normalized = normalizeSync.call(loader, name, parentName, false);
// undo defaultJSExtension
if (defaultJSExtension && normalized.substr(normalized.length - 3, 3) != '.js')
defaultJSExtension = false;
if (defaultJSExtension)
normalized = normalized.substr(0, normalized.length - 3);
var pkgConfigMatch = getPackageConfigMatch(loader, normalized);
var pkgName = pkgConfigMatch && pkgConfigMatch.packageName || getPackage(loader, normalized);
if (!pkgName)
return normalized + (defaultJSExtension ? '.js' : '');
var subPath = normalized.substr(pkgName.length + 1);
return applyPackageConfigSync(loader, loader.packages[pkgName] || {}, pkgName, subPath, isPlugin);
hook('normalize', function(normalize) {
return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) {
var loader = this;
isPlugin = isPlugin === true;
return Promise.resolve()
.then(function() {
// apply contextual package map first
// (we assume the parent package config has already been loaded)
if (parentName)
var parentPackageName = getPackage(loader, parentName) ||
loader.defaultJSExtensions && parentName.substr(parentName.length - 3, 3) == '.js' &&
getPackage(loader, parentName.substr(0, parentName.length - 3));
var parentPackage = parentPackageName && loader.packages[parentPackageName];
// ignore . since internal maps handled by standard package resolution
if (parentPackage && name.substr(0, 2) != './') {
var parentMap = parentPackage.map;
var parentMapMatch = parentMap && getMapMatch(parentMap, name);
if (parentMapMatch)
return doMap(loader, parentPackage, parentPackageName, parentMapMatch, name, isPlugin);
return Promise.resolve();
.then(function(mapped) {
if (mapped)
return mapped;
var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js';
// apply map, core, paths, contextual package map
var normalized = normalize.call(loader, name, parentName, false);
// undo defaultJSExtension
if (defaultJSExtension && normalized.substr(normalized.length - 3, 3) != '.js')
defaultJSExtension = false;
if (defaultJSExtension)
normalized = normalized.substr(0, normalized.length - 3);
var pkgConfigMatch = getPackageConfigMatch(loader, normalized);
var pkgName = pkgConfigMatch && pkgConfigMatch.packageName || getPackage(loader, normalized);
if (!pkgName)
return Promise.resolve(normalized + (defaultJSExtension ? '.js' : ''));
var pkg = loader.packages[pkgName];
// if package is already configured or not a dynamic config package, use existing package config
var isConfigured = pkg && (pkg.configured || !pkgConfigMatch);
return (isConfigured ? Promise.resolve(pkg) : loadPackageConfigPath(loader, pkgName, pkgConfigMatch.configPath))
.then(function(pkg) {
var subPath = normalized.substr(pkgName.length + 1);
return applyPackageConfig(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, isPlugin);
// check if the given normalized name matches a packageConfigPath
// if so, loads the config
var packageConfigPaths = {};
// data object for quick checks against package paths
function createPkgConfigPathObj(path) {
var lastWildcard = path.lastIndexOf('*');
var length = Math.max(lastWildcard + 1, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
return {
length: length,
regEx: new RegExp('^(' + path.substr(0, length).replace(/[.+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&').replace(/\*/g, '[^\\/]+') + ')(\\/|$)'),
wildcard: lastWildcard != -1
// most specific match wins
function getPackageConfigMatch(loader, normalized) {
var pkgName, exactMatch = false, configPath;
for (var i = 0; i < loader.packageConfigPaths.length; i++) {
var packageConfigPath = loader.packageConfigPaths[i];
var p = packageConfigPaths[packageConfigPath] || (packageConfigPaths[packageConfigPath] = createPkgConfigPathObj(packageConfigPath));
if (normalized.length < p.length)
var match = normalized.match(p.regEx);
if (match && (!pkgName || (!(exactMatch && p.wildcard) && pkgName.length < match[1].length))) {
pkgName = match[1];
exactMatch = !p.wildcard;
configPath = pkgName + packageConfigPath.substr(p.length);
if (!pkgName)
return {
packageName: pkgName,
configPath: configPath
function loadPackageConfigPath(loader, pkgName, pkgConfigPath) {
var configLoader = loader.pluginLoader || loader;
// NB remove this when json is default
(configLoader.meta[pkgConfigPath] = configLoader.meta[pkgConfigPath] || {}).format = 'json';
configLoader.meta[pkgConfigPath].loader = null;
return configLoader.load(pkgConfigPath)
.then(function() {
var cfg = configLoader.get(pkgConfigPath)['default'];
// support "systemjs" prefixing
if (cfg.systemjs)
cfg = cfg.systemjs;
// modules backwards compatibility
if (cfg.modules) {
cfg.meta = cfg.modules;
warn.call(loader, 'Package config file ' + pkgConfigPath + ' is configured with "modules", which is deprecated as it has been renamed to "meta".');
return setPkgConfig(loader, pkgName, cfg, true);
function getMetaMatches(pkgMeta, subPath, matchFn) {
// wildcard meta
var meta = {};
var wildcardIndex;
for (var module in pkgMeta) {
// allow meta to start with ./ for flexibility
var dotRel = module.substr(0, 2) == './' ? './' : '';
if (dotRel)
module = module.substr(2);
wildcardIndex = module.indexOf('*');
if (wildcardIndex === -1)
if (module.substr(0, wildcardIndex) == subPath.substr(0, wildcardIndex)
&& module.substr(wildcardIndex + 1) == subPath.substr(subPath.length - module.length + wildcardIndex + 1)) {
// alow match function to return true for an exit path
if (matchFn(module, pkgMeta[dotRel + module], module.split('/').length))
// exact meta
var exactMeta = pkgMeta[subPath] && pkgMeta.hasOwnProperty && pkgMeta.hasOwnProperty(subPath) ? pkgMeta[subPath] : pkgMeta['./' + subPath];
if (exactMeta)
matchFn(exactMeta, exactMeta, 0);
hook('locate', function(locate) {
return function(load) {
var loader = this;
return Promise.resolve(locate.call(this, load))
.then(function(address) {
var pkgName = getPackage(loader, load.name);
if (pkgName) {
var pkg = loader.packages[pkgName];
var subPath = load.name.substr(pkgName.length + 1);
var meta = {};
if (pkg.meta) {
var bestDepth = 0;
// NB support a main shorthand in meta here?
getMetaMatches(pkg.meta, subPath, function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) {
if (matchDepth > bestDepth)
bestDepth = matchDepth;
extendMeta(meta, matchMeta, matchDepth && bestDepth > matchDepth);
extendMeta(load.metadata, meta);
// format
if (pkg.format && !load.metadata.loader)
load.metadata.format = load.metadata.format || pkg.format;
return address;