git-subtree-dir: thirdparty/systemjs git-subtree-split: 5ed69b6344e8fc1cd43bf758350b2236f57e1499
162 lines
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162 lines
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* Extension to detect ES6 and auto-load Traceur or Babel for processing
(function() {
// good enough ES6 module detection regex - format detections not designed to be accurate, but to handle the 99% use case
var esmRegEx = /(^\s*|[}\);\n]\s*)(import\s*(['"]|(\*\s+as\s+)?[^"'\(\)\n;]+\s*from\s*['"]|\{)|export\s+\*\s+from\s+["']|export\s*(\{|default|function|class|var|const|let|async\s+function))/;
var traceurRuntimeRegEx = /\$traceurRuntime\s*\./;
var babelHelpersRegEx = /babelHelpers\s*\./;
hook('translate', function(translate) {
return function(load) {
var loader = this;
var args = arguments;
return translate.apply(loader, args)
.then(function(source) {
// detect & transpile ES6
if (load.metadata.format == 'esm' || load.metadata.format == 'es6' || !load.metadata.format && source.match(esmRegEx)) {
if (load.metadata.format == 'es6')
warn.call(loader, 'Module ' + load.name + ' has metadata setting its format to "es6", which is deprecated.\nThis should be updated to "esm".');
load.metadata.format = 'esm';
if (load.metadata.deps) {
var depInject = '';
for (var i = 0; i < load.metadata.deps.length; i++)
depInject += 'import "' + load.metadata.deps[i] + '"; ';
load.source = depInject + source;
if (loader.transpiler === false) {
// we accept translation to esm for builds though to enable eg rollup optimizations
if (loader.builder)
return source;
throw new TypeError('Unable to dynamically transpile ES module as SystemJS.transpiler set to false.');
// setting _loader.loadedTranspiler = false tells the next block to
// do checks for setting transpiler metadata
loader._loader.loadedTranspiler = loader._loader.loadedTranspiler || false;
if (loader.pluginLoader)
loader.pluginLoader._loader.loadedTranspiler = loader._loader.loadedTranspiler || false;
// do transpilation
return (loader._loader.transpilerPromise || (
loader._loader.transpilerPromise = Promise.resolve(
__global[loader.transpiler == 'typescript' ? 'ts' : loader.transpiler] || (loader.pluginLoader || loader).normalize(loader.transpiler)
.then(function(normalized) {
loader._loader.transpilerNormalized = normalized;
return (loader.pluginLoader || loader).load(normalized)
.then(function() {
return (loader.pluginLoader || loader).get(normalized);
))).then(function(transpiler) {
loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime = true;
// translate hooks means this is a transpiler plugin instead of a raw implementation
if (transpiler.translate) {
// if transpiler is the same as the plugin loader, then don't run twice
if (transpiler == load.metadata.loaderModule)
return load.source;
load.metadata.loaderModule = transpiler;
load.metadata.loader = loader._loader.transpilerNormalized;
// convert the source map into an object for transpilation chaining
if (typeof load.metadata.sourceMap == 'string')
load.metadata.sourceMap = JSON.parse(load.metadata.sourceMap);
return Promise.resolve(transpiler.translate.apply(loader, args))
.then(function(source) {
// sanitize sourceMap if an object not a JSON string
var sourceMap = load.metadata.sourceMap;
if (sourceMap && typeof sourceMap == 'object') {
var originalName = load.address.split('!')[0];
// force set the filename of the original file
if (!sourceMap.file || sourceMap.file == load.address)
sourceMap.file = originalName + '!transpiled';
// force set the sources list if only one source
if (!sourceMap.sources || sourceMap.sources.length <= 1 && (!sourceMap.sources[0] || sourceMap.sources[0] == load.address))
sourceMap.sources = [originalName];
if (load.metadata.format == 'esm' && !loader.builder && detectRegisterFormat(source))
load.metadata.format = 'register';
return source;
// legacy builder support
if (loader.builder)
load.metadata.originalSource = load.source;
// defined in es6-module-loader/src/transpile.js
return transpile.call(loader, load)
.then(function(source) {
// clear sourceMap as transpiler embeds it
load.metadata.sourceMap = undefined;
return source;
}, function(err) {
throw addToError(err, 'Unable to load transpiler to transpile ' + load.name);
// skip transpiler and transpiler runtime loading when transpiler is disabled
if (loader.transpiler === false)
return source;
// load the transpiler correctly
if (loader._loader.loadedTranspiler === false && (loader.transpiler == 'traceur' || loader.transpiler == 'typescript' || loader.transpiler == 'babel')
&& load.name == loader.normalizeSync(loader.transpiler)) {
// always load transpiler as a global
if (source.length > 100 && !load.metadata.format) {
load.metadata.format = 'global';
if (loader.transpiler === 'traceur')
load.metadata.exports = 'traceur';
if (loader.transpiler === 'typescript')
load.metadata.exports = 'ts';
loader._loader.loadedTranspiler = true;
// load the transpiler runtime correctly
if (loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime === false) {
if (load.name == loader.normalizeSync('traceur-runtime')
|| load.name == loader.normalizeSync('babel/external-helpers*')) {
if (source.length > 100)
load.metadata.format = load.metadata.format || 'global';
loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime = true;
// detect transpiler runtime usage to load runtimes
if ((load.metadata.format == 'register' || load.metadata.bundle) && loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime !== true) {
if (loader.transpiler == 'traceur' && !__global.$traceurRuntime && load.source.match(traceurRuntimeRegEx)) {
loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime = loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime || false;
return loader['import']('traceur-runtime').then(function() {
return source;
if (loader.transpiler == 'babel' && !__global.babelHelpers && load.source.match(babelHelpersRegEx)) {
loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime = loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime || false;
return loader['import']('babel/external-helpers').then(function() {
return source;
return source;