git-subtree-dir: thirdparty/systemjs git-subtree-split: 5ed69b6344e8fc1cd43bf758350b2236f57e1499
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504 lines
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function readMemberExpression(p, value) {
var pParts = p.split('.');
while (pParts.length)
value = value[pParts.shift()];
return value;
function getMapMatch(map, name) {
var bestMatch, bestMatchLength = 0;
for (var p in map) {
if (name.substr(0, p.length) == p && (name.length == p.length || name[p.length] == '/')) {
var curMatchLength = p.split('/').length;
if (curMatchLength <= bestMatchLength)
bestMatch = p;
bestMatchLength = curMatchLength;
return bestMatch;
function prepareBaseURL(loader) {
// ensure baseURl is fully normalized
if (this._loader.baseURL !== this.baseURL) {
if (this.baseURL[this.baseURL.length - 1] != '/')
this.baseURL += '/';
this._loader.baseURL = this.baseURL = new URL(this.baseURL, baseURIObj).href;
var envModule;
function setProduction(isProduction, isBuilder) {
this.set('@system-env', envModule = this.newModule({
browser: isBrowser,
node: !!this._nodeRequire,
production: !isBuilder && isProduction,
dev: isBuilder || !isProduction,
build: isBuilder,
'default': true
hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
return function() {
// support baseURL
this.baseURL = baseURI;
// support map and paths
this.map = {};
// make the location of the system.js script accessible
if (typeof $__curScript != 'undefined')
this.scriptSrc = $__curScript.src;
// global behaviour flags
this.warnings = false;
this.defaultJSExtensions = false;
this.pluginFirst = false;
this.loaderErrorStack = false;
// by default load ".json" files as json
// leading * meta doesn't need normalization
// NB add this in next breaking release
// this.meta['*.json'] = { format: 'json' };
// support the empty module, as a concept
this.set('@empty', this.newModule({}));
setProduction.call(this, false, false);
// include the node require since we're overriding it
if (typeof require != 'undefined' && typeof process != 'undefined' && !process.browser)
SystemJSLoader.prototype._nodeRequire = require;
Core SystemJS Normalization
If a name is relative, we apply URL normalization to the page
If a name is an absolute URL, we leave it as-is
Plain names (neither of the above) run through the map and paths
normalization phases.
The paths normalization phase applies last (paths extension), which
defines the `decanonicalize` function and normalizes everything into
a URL.
var parentModuleContext;
function getNodeModule(name, baseURL) {
if (!isPlain(name))
throw new Error('Node module ' + name + ' can\'t be loaded as it is not a package require.');
if (!parentModuleContext) {
var Module = this._nodeRequire('module');
var base = baseURL.substr(isWindows ? 8 : 7);
parentModuleContext = new Module(base);
parentModuleContext.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(base);
return parentModuleContext.require(name);
function coreResolve(name, parentName) {
// standard URL resolution
if (isRel(name))
return urlResolve(name, parentName);
else if (isAbsolute(name))
return name;
// plain names not starting with './', '://' and '/' go through custom resolution
var mapMatch = getMapMatch(this.map, name);
if (mapMatch) {
name = this.map[mapMatch] + name.substr(mapMatch.length);
if (isRel(name))
return urlResolve(name);
else if (isAbsolute(name))
return name;
if (this.has(name))
return name;
// dynamically load node-core modules when requiring `@node/fs` for example
if (name.substr(0, 6) == '@node/') {
if (!this._nodeRequire)
throw new TypeError('Error loading ' + name + '. Can only load node core modules in Node.');
if (this.builder)
this.set(name, this.newModule({}));
this.set(name, this.newModule(getESModule(getNodeModule.call(this, name.substr(6), this.baseURL))));
return name;
// prepare the baseURL to ensure it is normalized
return applyPaths(this, name) || this.baseURL + name;
hook('normalize', function(normalize) {
return function(name, parentName, skipExt) {
var resolved = coreResolve.call(this, name, parentName);
if (this.defaultJSExtensions && !skipExt && resolved.substr(resolved.length - 3, 3) != '.js' && !isPlain(resolved))
resolved += '.js';
return resolved;
// percent encode just '#' in urls if using HTTP requests
var httpRequest = typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined';
hook('locate', function(locate) {
return function(load) {
return Promise.resolve(locate.call(this, load))
.then(function(address) {
if (httpRequest)
return address.replace(/#/g, '%23');
return address;
* Fetch with authorization
hook('fetch', function() {
return function(load) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fetchTextFromURL(load.address, load.metadata.authorization, resolve, reject);
When a module object looks like:
__useDefault: true,
default: 'some-module'
Then importing that module provides the 'some-module'
result directly instead of the full module.
Useful for eg module.exports = function() {}
hook('import', function(systemImport) {
return function(name, parentName, parentAddress) {
if (parentName && parentName.name)
warn.call(this, 'SystemJS.import(name, { name: parentName }) is deprecated for SystemJS.import(name, parentName), while importing ' + name + ' from ' + parentName.name);
return systemImport.call(this, name, parentName, parentAddress).then(function(module) {
return module.__useDefault ? module['default'] : module;
* Allow format: 'detect' meta to enable format detection
hook('translate', function(systemTranslate) {
return function(load) {
if (load.metadata.format == 'detect')
load.metadata.format = undefined;
return systemTranslate.apply(this, arguments);
* JSON format support
* Supports loading JSON files as a module format itself
* Usage:
* SystemJS.config({
* meta: {
* '*.json': { format: 'json' }
* }
* });
* Module is returned as if written:
* export default {JSON}
* No named exports are provided
* Files ending in ".json" are treated as json automatically by SystemJS
hook('instantiate', function(instantiate) {
return function(load) {
if (load.metadata.format == 'json' && !this.builder) {
var entry = load.metadata.entry = createEntry();
entry.deps = [];
entry.execute = function() {
try {
return JSON.parse(load.source);
catch(e) {
throw new Error("Invalid JSON file " + load.name);
Extend config merging one deep only
some: 'random',
config: 'here',
deep: {
config: { too: 'too' }
loader.some = 'random';
loader.config = 'here'
loader.deep = loader.deep || {};
loader.deep.config = { too: 'too' };
Normalizes meta and package configs allowing for:
meta: {
'./index.js': {}
To become
SystemJS.meta['https://thissite.com/index.js'] = {};
For easy normalization canonicalization with latest URL support.
function envSet(loader, cfg, envCallback) {
if (envModule.browser && cfg.browserConfig)
if (envModule.node && cfg.nodeConfig)
if (envModule.dev && cfg.devConfig)
if (envModule.build && cfg.buildConfig)
if (envModule.production && cfg.productionConfig)
SystemJSLoader.prototype.getConfig = function(name) {
var cfg = {};
var loader = this;
for (var p in loader) {
if (loader.hasOwnProperty && !loader.hasOwnProperty(p) || p in SystemJSLoader.prototype && p != 'transpiler')
if (indexOf.call(['_loader', 'amdDefine', 'amdRequire', 'defined', 'failed', 'version', 'loads'], p) == -1)
cfg[p] = loader[p];
cfg.production = envModule.production;
return cfg;
var curCurScript;
SystemJSLoader.prototype.config = function(cfg, isEnvConfig) {
var loader = this;
if ('loaderErrorStack' in cfg) {
curCurScript = $__curScript;
if (cfg.loaderErrorStack)
$__curScript = undefined;
$__curScript = curCurScript;
if ('warnings' in cfg)
loader.warnings = cfg.warnings;
// transpiler deprecation path
if (cfg.transpilerRuntime === false)
loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime = true;
if ('production' in cfg || 'build' in cfg)
setProduction.call(loader, !!cfg.production, !!(cfg.build || envModule && envModule.build));
if (!isEnvConfig) {
// if using nodeConfig / browserConfig / productionConfig, take baseURL from there
// these exceptions will be unnecessary when we can properly implement config queuings
var baseURL;
envSet(loader, cfg, function(cfg) {
baseURL = baseURL || cfg.baseURL;
baseURL = baseURL || cfg.baseURL;
// always configure baseURL first
if (baseURL) {
var hasConfig = false;
function checkHasConfig(obj) {
for (var p in obj)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p))
return true;
if (checkHasConfig(loader.packages) || checkHasConfig(loader.meta) || checkHasConfig(loader.depCache) || checkHasConfig(loader.bundles) || checkHasConfig(loader.packageConfigPaths))
throw new TypeError('Incorrect configuration order. The baseURL must be configured with the first SystemJS.config call.');
this.baseURL = baseURL;
if (cfg.paths)
extend(loader.paths, cfg.paths);
envSet(loader, cfg, function(cfg) {
if (cfg.paths)
extend(loader.paths, cfg.paths);
// warn on wildcard path deprecations
if (this.warnings) {
for (var p in loader.paths)
if (p.indexOf('*') != -1)
warn.call(loader, 'Paths configuration "' + p + '" -> "' + loader.paths[p] + '" uses wildcards which are being deprecated for simpler trailing "/" folder paths.');
if (cfg.defaultJSExtensions) {
loader.defaultJSExtensions = cfg.defaultJSExtensions;
warn.call(loader, 'The defaultJSExtensions configuration option is deprecated, use packages configuration instead.');
if (cfg.pluginFirst)
loader.pluginFirst = cfg.pluginFirst;
if (cfg.map) {
var objMaps = '';
for (var p in cfg.map) {
var v = cfg.map[p];
// object map backwards-compat into packages configuration
if (typeof v !== 'string') {
objMaps += (objMaps.length ? ', ' : '') + '"' + p + '"';
var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && p.substr(p.length - 3, 3) != '.js';
var prop = loader.decanonicalize(p);
if (defaultJSExtension && prop.substr(prop.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - 3);
// if a package main, revert it
var pkgMatch = '';
for (var pkg in loader.packages) {
if (prop.substr(0, pkg.length) == pkg
&& (!prop[pkg.length] || prop[pkg.length] == '/')
&& pkgMatch.split('/').length < pkg.split('/').length)
pkgMatch = pkg;
if (pkgMatch && loader.packages[pkgMatch].main)
prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - loader.packages[pkgMatch].main.length - 1);
var pkg = loader.packages[prop] = loader.packages[prop] || {};
pkg.map = v;
else {
loader.map[p] = v;
if (objMaps)
warn.call(loader, 'The map configuration for ' + objMaps + ' uses object submaps, which is deprecated in global map.\nUpdate this to use package contextual map with configs like SystemJS.config({ packages: { "' + p + '": { map: {...} } } }).');
if (cfg.packageConfigPaths) {
var packageConfigPaths = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cfg.packageConfigPaths.length; i++) {
var path = cfg.packageConfigPaths[i];
var packageLength = Math.max(path.lastIndexOf('*') + 1, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
var normalized = coreResolve.call(loader, path.substr(0, packageLength));
packageConfigPaths[i] = normalized + path.substr(packageLength);
loader.packageConfigPaths = packageConfigPaths;
if (cfg.bundles) {
for (var p in cfg.bundles) {
var bundle = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cfg.bundles[p].length; i++) {
var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && cfg.bundles[p][i].substr(cfg.bundles[p][i].length - 3, 3) != '.js';
var normalizedBundleDep = loader.decanonicalize(cfg.bundles[p][i]);
if (defaultJSExtension && normalizedBundleDep.substr(normalizedBundleDep.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
normalizedBundleDep = normalizedBundleDep.substr(0, normalizedBundleDep.length - 3);
loader.bundles[p] = bundle;
if (cfg.packages) {
for (var p in cfg.packages) {
if (p.match(/^([^\/]+:)?\/\/$/))
throw new TypeError('"' + p + '" is not a valid package name.');
var prop = coreResolve.call(loader, p);
// allow trailing slash in packages
if (prop[prop.length - 1] == '/')
prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - 1);
setPkgConfig(loader, prop, cfg.packages[p], false);
for (var c in cfg) {
var v = cfg[c];
if (indexOf.call(['baseURL', 'map', 'packages', 'bundles', 'paths', 'warnings', 'packageConfigPaths',
'loaderErrorStack', 'browserConfig', 'nodeConfig', 'devConfig', 'buildConfig', 'productionConfig'], c) != -1)
if (typeof v != 'object' || v instanceof Array) {
loader[c] = v;
else {
loader[c] = loader[c] || {};
for (var p in v) {
// base-level wildcard meta does not normalize to retain catch-all quality
if (c == 'meta' && p[0] == '*') {
extend(loader[c][p] = loader[c][p] || {}, v[p]);
else if (c == 'meta') {
// meta can go through global map, with defaultJSExtensions adding
var resolved = coreResolve.call(loader, p);
if (loader.defaultJSExtensions && resolved.substr(resolved.length - 3, 3) != '.js' && !isPlain(resolved))
resolved += '.js';
extend(loader[c][resolved] = loader[c][resolved] || {}, v[p]);
else if (c == 'depCache') {
var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && p.substr(p.length - 3, 3) != '.js';
var prop = loader.decanonicalize(p);
if (defaultJSExtension && prop.substr(prop.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - 3);
loader[c][prop] = [].concat(v[p]);
else {
loader[c][p] = v[p];
envSet(loader, cfg, function(cfg) {
loader.config(cfg, true);
}; |