9188 lines
181 KiB
9188 lines
181 KiB
This file is part of GNU Taler
(C) 2021-2023 Taler Systems S.A.
GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
/*eslint quote-props: ["error", "consistent"]*/
export const strings: {[s: string]: any} = {};
strings['de'] = {
"domain": "messages",
"locale_data": {
"messages": {
"": {
"domain": "messages",
"plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);",
"lang": ""
"Cancel": [
"%1$s": [
"Continue": [
"Clear": [
"Confirm": [
"is not the same as the current access token": [
"cannot be empty": [
"cannot be the same as the old token": [
"is not the same": [
"You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [
"Old access token": [
"access token currently in use": [
"New access token": [
"next access token to be used": [
"Repeat access token": [
"confirm the same access token": [
"Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [
"cannot be the same as the old access token": [
"You are setting the access token for the new instance": [
"With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [
"Set external authorization": [
"Set access token": [
"Operation in progress...": [
"The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [
"Instances": [
"Delete": [
"add new instance": [
"ID": [
"Name": [
"Edit": [
"Purge": [
"There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"Only show active instances": [
"Active": [
"Only show deleted instances": [
"Deleted": [
"Show all instances": [
"All": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been deleted": [
"Failed to delete instance": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [
"Failed to purge instance": [
"Pending KYC verification": [
"Timed out": [
"Exchange": [
"Target account": [
"KYC URL": [
"Code": [
"Http Status": [
"No pending kyc verification!": [
"change value to unknown date": [
"change value to empty": [
"clear": [
"change value to never": [
"never": [
"Country": [
"Address": [
"Building number": [
"Building name": [
"Street": [
"Post code": [
"Town location": [
"Town": [
"District": [
"Country subdivision": [
"Product id": [
"Description": [
"Product": [
"search products by it's description or id": [
"no products found with that description": [
"You must enter a valid product identifier.": [
"Quantity must be greater than 0!": [
"This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [
"Quantity": [
"how many products will be added": [
"Add from inventory": [
"Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [
"Add": [
"Remove": [
"No taxes configured for this product.": [
"Amount": [
"Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [
"Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [
"Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [
"add tax to the tax list": [
"describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [
"Add custom product": [
"Complete information of the product": [
"Image": [
"photo of the product": [
"full product description": [
"Unit": [
"name of the product unit": [
"Price": [
"amount in the current currency": [
"Taxes": [
"image": [
"description": [
"quantity": [
"unit price": [
"total price": [
"required": [
"must be greater than 0": [
"not a valid json": [
"should be in the future": [
"refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"should have a refund deadline": [
"auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [
"Manage products in order": [
"Manage list of products in the order.": [
"Remove this product from the order.": [
"Total price": [
"total product price added up": [
"Amount to be paid by the customer": [
"Order price": [
"final order price": [
"Summary": [
"Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [
"Shipping and Fulfillment": [
"Delivery date": [
"Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [
"Location": [
"address where the products will be delivered": [
"Fulfillment URL": [
"URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [
"Taler payment options": [
"Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [
"Payment deadline": [
"Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [
"Refund deadline": [
"Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [
"Wire transfer deadline": [
"Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [
"Auto-refund deadline": [
"Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [
"Maximum deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [
"Maximum wire fee": [
"Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [
"Wire fee amortization": [
"Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [
"Create token": [
"Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [
"Minimum age required": [
"Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [
"Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [
"Additional information": [
"Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [
"You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [
"days": [
"hours": [
"minutes": [
"seconds": [
"forever": [
"%1$sM": [
"%1$sY": [
"%1$sd": [
"%1$sh": [
"%1$smin": [
"%1$ssec": [
"Orders": [
"create order": [
"load newer orders": [
"Date": [
"Refund": [
"copy url": [
"load older orders": [
"No orders have been found matching your query!": [
"duplicated": [
"invalid format": [
"this value exceed the refundable amount": [
"date": [
"amount": [
"reason": [
"amount to be refunded": [
"Max refundable:": [
"Reason": [
"Choose one...": [
"requested by the customer": [
"other": [
"why this order is being refunded": [
"more information to give context": [
"Contract Terms": [
"human-readable description of the whole purchase": [
"total price for the transaction": [
"URL for this purchase": [
"Max fee": [
"maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [
"Max wire fee": [
"maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [
"over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [
"Created at": [
"time when this contract was generated": [
"after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [
"after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [
"transfer deadline for the exchange": [
"time indicating when the order should be delivered": [
"where the order will be delivered": [
"Auto-refund delay": [
"how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [
"Extra info": [
"extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [
"Order": [
"claimed": [
"claimed at": [
"Timeline": [
"Payment details": [
"Order status": [
"Product list": [
"paid": [
"wired": [
"refunded": [
"refund order": [
"not refundable": [
"refund": [
"Refunded amount": [
"Refund taken": [
"Status URL": [
"Refund URI": [
"unpaid": [
"pay at": [
"created at": [
"Order status URL": [
"Payment URI": [
"Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [
"Back": [
"refund created successfully": [
"could not create the refund": [
"select date to show nearby orders": [
"order id": [
"jump to order with the given order ID": [
"remove all filters": [
"only show paid orders": [
"Paid": [
"only show orders with refunds": [
"Refunded": [
"only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [
"Not wired": [
"clear date filter": [
"date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [
"Enter an order id": [
"order not found": [
"could not get the order to refund": [
"Loading...": [
"click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [
"Manage stock": [
"this product has been configured without stock control": [
"Infinite": [
"lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [
"Incoming": [
"Lost": [
"Current": [
"remove stock control for this product": [
"without stock": [
"Next restock": [
"Delivery address": [
"product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [
"illustration of the product for customers": [
"product description for customers": [
"Age restricted": [
"is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [
"unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [
"sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [
"Stock": [
"product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [
"taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [
"Need to complete marked fields": [
"could not create product": [
"Products": [
"add product to inventory": [
"Sell": [
"Profit": [
"Sold": [
"free": [
"go to product update page": [
"Update": [
"remove this product from the database": [
"update the product with new price": [
"update product with new price": [
"add more elements to the inventory": [
"report elements lost in the inventory": [
"new price for the product": [
"the are value with errors": [
"update product with new stock and price": [
"There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"product updated successfully": [
"could not update the product": [
"product delete successfully": [
"could not delete the product": [
"Product id:": [
"To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [
"If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [
"it should be greater than 0": [
"must be a valid URL": [
"Initial balance": [
"balance prior to deposit": [
"Exchange URL": [
"URL of exchange": [
"Next": [
"Wire method": [
"method to use for wire transfer": [
"Select one wire method": [
"could not create reserve": [
"Valid until": [
"Created balance": [
"Exchange balance": [
"Picked up": [
"Committed": [
"Account address": [
"Subject": [
"Tips": [
"No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [
"Authorized": [
"Expiration": [
"amount of tip": [
"Justification": [
"reason for the tip": [
"URL after tip": [
"URL to visit after tip payment": [
"Reserves not yet funded": [
"Reserves ready": [
"add new reserve": [
"Expires at": [
"Initial": [
"delete selected reserve from the database": [
"authorize new tip from selected reserve": [
"There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [
"Expected Balance": [
"could not create the tip": [
"should not be empty": [
"should be greater that 0": [
"can't be empty": [
"to short": [
"Identifier": [
"Name of the template in URLs.": [
"Describe what this template stands for": [
"Order summary": [
"Minimum age": [
"Is this contract restricted to some age?": [
"Payment timeout": [
"How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [
"Point-of-sale key": [
"Useful to validate the purchase": [
"could not inform template": [
"Amount is required": [
"Order summary is required": [
"Amount of the order": [
"could not create order from template": [
"Templates": [
"add new templates": [
"load more templates before the first one": [
"load newer templates": [
"delete selected templates from the database": [
"use template to create new order": [
"load more templates after the last one": [
"load older templates": [
"There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"template delete successfully": [
"could not delete the template": [
"could not update template": [
"should be one of '%1$s'": [
"Webhook ID to use": [
"Event": [
"The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [
"Method": [
"Method used by the webhook": [
"URL": [
"URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [
"Header": [
"Header template of the webhook": [
"Body": [
"Body template by the webhook": [
"Webhooks": [
"add new webhooks": [
"load more webhooks before the first one": [
"load newer webhooks": [
"Event type": [
"delete selected webhook from the database": [
"load more webhooks after the last one": [
"load older webhooks": [
"There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"webhook delete successfully": [
"could not delete the webhook": [
"check the id, does not look valid": [
"should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [
"URL doesn't have the right format": [
"Credited bank account": [
"Select one account": [
"Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [
"Wire transfer ID": [
"unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [
"Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [
"Amount credited": [
"Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [
"could not inform transfer": [
"Transfers": [
"add new transfer": [
"load more transfers before the first one": [
"load newer transfers": [
"Credit": [
"Confirmed": [
"Verified": [
"Executed at": [
"yes": [
"no": [
"unknown": [
"delete selected transfer from the database": [
"load more transfer after the last one": [
"load older transfers": [
"There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"filter by account address": [
"only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [
"only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [
"Unverified": [
"is not valid": [
"is not a number": [
"must be 1 or greater": [
"max 7 lines": [
"change authorization configuration": [
"Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [
"This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [
"This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [
"IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [
"IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [
"IBAN country code not found": [
"IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [
"Target type": [
"Method to use for wire transfer": [
"Routing": [
"Routing number.": [
"Account": [
"Account number.": [
"Business Identifier Code.": [
"Bank Account Number.": [
"Unified Payment Interface.": [
"Bitcoin protocol.": [
"Ethereum protocol.": [
"Interledger protocol.": [
"Host": [
"Bank host.": [
"Bank account.": [
"Bank account owner's name.": [
"No accounts yet.": [
"Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [
"Business name": [
"Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [
"Email": [
"Contact email": [
"Website URL": [
"URL.": [
"Logo": [
"Logo image.": [
"Bank account": [
"URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [
"Default max deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [
"Default max wire fee": [
"Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [
"Default wire fee amortization": [
"Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [
"Physical location of the merchant.": [
"Jurisdiction": [
"Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [
"Default payment delay": [
"Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [
"Default wire transfer delay": [
"Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [
"Instance id": [
"Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [
"Manage access token": [
"Failed to create instance": [
"Login required": [
"Please enter your access token.": [
"Access Token": [
"The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [
"Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [
"The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [
"Access denied": [
"The access token provided is invalid.": [
"No 'default' instance configured yet.": [
"Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [
"The access token provided is invalid": [
"Hide for today": [
"Instance": [
"Settings": [
"Connection": [
"New": [
"List": [
"Log out": [
"Check your token is valid": [
"Couldn't access the server.": [
"Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [
"Server not found": [
"Couldn't access the server": [
"Got message %1$s from %2$s": [
"Unexpected Error": [
"The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [
"add element to the list": [
"add": [
"Deleting": [
"Changing": [
"Order ID": [
"Payment URL": [
strings['en'] = {
"domain": "messages",
"locale_data": {
"messages": {
"": {
"domain": "messages",
"plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);",
"lang": ""
"Cancel": [
"%1$s": [
"Continue": [
"Clear": [
"Confirm": [
"is not the same as the current access token": [
"cannot be empty": [
"cannot be the same as the old token": [
"is not the same": [
"You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [
"Old access token": [
"access token currently in use": [
"New access token": [
"next access token to be used": [
"Repeat access token": [
"confirm the same access token": [
"Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [
"cannot be the same as the old access token": [
"You are setting the access token for the new instance": [
"With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [
"Set external authorization": [
"Set access token": [
"Operation in progress...": [
"The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [
"Instances": [
"Delete": [
"add new instance": [
"ID": [
"Name": [
"Edit": [
"Purge": [
"There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"Only show active instances": [
"Active": [
"Only show deleted instances": [
"Deleted": [
"Show all instances": [
"All": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been deleted": [
"Failed to delete instance": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [
"Failed to purge instance": [
"Pending KYC verification": [
"Timed out": [
"Exchange": [
"Target account": [
"KYC URL": [
"Code": [
"Http Status": [
"No pending kyc verification!": [
"change value to unknown date": [
"change value to empty": [
"clear": [
"change value to never": [
"never": [
"Country": [
"Address": [
"Building number": [
"Building name": [
"Street": [
"Post code": [
"Town location": [
"Town": [
"District": [
"Country subdivision": [
"Product id": [
"Description": [
"Product": [
"search products by it's description or id": [
"no products found with that description": [
"You must enter a valid product identifier.": [
"Quantity must be greater than 0!": [
"This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [
"Quantity": [
"how many products will be added": [
"Add from inventory": [
"Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [
"Add": [
"Remove": [
"No taxes configured for this product.": [
"Amount": [
"Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [
"Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [
"Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [
"add tax to the tax list": [
"describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [
"Add custom product": [
"Complete information of the product": [
"Image": [
"photo of the product": [
"full product description": [
"Unit": [
"name of the product unit": [
"Price": [
"amount in the current currency": [
"Taxes": [
"image": [
"description": [
"quantity": [
"unit price": [
"total price": [
"required": [
"must be greater than 0": [
"not a valid json": [
"should be in the future": [
"refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"should have a refund deadline": [
"auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [
"Manage products in order": [
"Manage list of products in the order.": [
"Remove this product from the order.": [
"Total price": [
"total product price added up": [
"Amount to be paid by the customer": [
"Order price": [
"final order price": [
"Summary": [
"Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [
"Shipping and Fulfillment": [
"Delivery date": [
"Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [
"Location": [
"address where the products will be delivered": [
"Fulfillment URL": [
"URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [
"Taler payment options": [
"Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [
"Payment deadline": [
"Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [
"Refund deadline": [
"Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [
"Wire transfer deadline": [
"Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [
"Auto-refund deadline": [
"Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [
"Maximum deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [
"Maximum wire fee": [
"Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [
"Wire fee amortization": [
"Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [
"Create token": [
"Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [
"Minimum age required": [
"Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [
"Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [
"Additional information": [
"Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [
"You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [
"days": [
"hours": [
"minutes": [
"seconds": [
"forever": [
"%1$sM": [
"%1$sY": [
"%1$sd": [
"%1$sh": [
"%1$smin": [
"%1$ssec": [
"Orders": [
"create order": [
"load newer orders": [
"Date": [
"Refund": [
"copy url": [
"load older orders": [
"No orders have been found matching your query!": [
"duplicated": [
"invalid format": [
"this value exceed the refundable amount": [
"date": [
"amount": [
"reason": [
"amount to be refunded": [
"Max refundable:": [
"Reason": [
"Choose one...": [
"requested by the customer": [
"other": [
"why this order is being refunded": [
"more information to give context": [
"Contract Terms": [
"human-readable description of the whole purchase": [
"total price for the transaction": [
"URL for this purchase": [
"Max fee": [
"maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [
"Max wire fee": [
"maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [
"over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [
"Created at": [
"time when this contract was generated": [
"after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [
"after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [
"transfer deadline for the exchange": [
"time indicating when the order should be delivered": [
"where the order will be delivered": [
"Auto-refund delay": [
"how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [
"Extra info": [
"extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [
"Order": [
"claimed": [
"claimed at": [
"Timeline": [
"Payment details": [
"Order status": [
"Product list": [
"paid": [
"wired": [
"refunded": [
"refund order": [
"not refundable": [
"refund": [
"Refunded amount": [
"Refund taken": [
"Status URL": [
"Refund URI": [
"unpaid": [
"pay at": [
"created at": [
"Order status URL": [
"Payment URI": [
"Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [
"Back": [
"refund created successfully": [
"could not create the refund": [
"select date to show nearby orders": [
"order id": [
"jump to order with the given order ID": [
"remove all filters": [
"only show paid orders": [
"Paid": [
"only show orders with refunds": [
"Refunded": [
"only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [
"Not wired": [
"clear date filter": [
"date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [
"Enter an order id": [
"order not found": [
"could not get the order to refund": [
"Loading...": [
"click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [
"Manage stock": [
"this product has been configured without stock control": [
"Infinite": [
"lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [
"Incoming": [
"Lost": [
"Current": [
"remove stock control for this product": [
"without stock": [
"Next restock": [
"Delivery address": [
"product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [
"illustration of the product for customers": [
"product description for customers": [
"Age restricted": [
"is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [
"unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [
"sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [
"Stock": [
"product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [
"taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [
"Need to complete marked fields": [
"could not create product": [
"Products": [
"add product to inventory": [
"Sell": [
"Profit": [
"Sold": [
"free": [
"go to product update page": [
"Update": [
"remove this product from the database": [
"update the product with new price": [
"update product with new price": [
"add more elements to the inventory": [
"report elements lost in the inventory": [
"new price for the product": [
"the are value with errors": [
"update product with new stock and price": [
"There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"product updated successfully": [
"could not update the product": [
"product delete successfully": [
"could not delete the product": [
"Product id:": [
"To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [
"If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [
"it should be greater than 0": [
"must be a valid URL": [
"Initial balance": [
"balance prior to deposit": [
"Exchange URL": [
"URL of exchange": [
"Next": [
"Wire method": [
"method to use for wire transfer": [
"Select one wire method": [
"could not create reserve": [
"Valid until": [
"Created balance": [
"Exchange balance": [
"Picked up": [
"Committed": [
"Account address": [
"Subject": [
"Tips": [
"No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [
"Authorized": [
"Expiration": [
"amount of tip": [
"Justification": [
"reason for the tip": [
"URL after tip": [
"URL to visit after tip payment": [
"Reserves not yet funded": [
"Reserves ready": [
"add new reserve": [
"Expires at": [
"Initial": [
"delete selected reserve from the database": [
"authorize new tip from selected reserve": [
"There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [
"Expected Balance": [
"could not create the tip": [
"should not be empty": [
"should be greater that 0": [
"can't be empty": [
"to short": [
"Identifier": [
"Name of the template in URLs.": [
"Describe what this template stands for": [
"Order summary": [
"Minimum age": [
"Is this contract restricted to some age?": [
"Payment timeout": [
"How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [
"Point-of-sale key": [
"Useful to validate the purchase": [
"could not inform template": [
"Amount is required": [
"Order summary is required": [
"Amount of the order": [
"could not create order from template": [
"Templates": [
"add new templates": [
"load more templates before the first one": [
"load newer templates": [
"delete selected templates from the database": [
"use template to create new order": [
"load more templates after the last one": [
"load older templates": [
"There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"template delete successfully": [
"could not delete the template": [
"could not update template": [
"should be one of '%1$s'": [
"Webhook ID to use": [
"Event": [
"The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [
"Method": [
"Method used by the webhook": [
"URL": [
"URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [
"Header": [
"Header template of the webhook": [
"Body": [
"Body template by the webhook": [
"Webhooks": [
"add new webhooks": [
"load more webhooks before the first one": [
"load newer webhooks": [
"Event type": [
"delete selected webhook from the database": [
"load more webhooks after the last one": [
"load older webhooks": [
"There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"webhook delete successfully": [
"could not delete the webhook": [
"check the id, does not look valid": [
"should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [
"URL doesn't have the right format": [
"Credited bank account": [
"Select one account": [
"Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [
"Wire transfer ID": [
"unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [
"Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [
"Amount credited": [
"Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [
"could not inform transfer": [
"Transfers": [
"add new transfer": [
"load more transfers before the first one": [
"load newer transfers": [
"Credit": [
"Confirmed": [
"Verified": [
"Executed at": [
"yes": [
"no": [
"unknown": [
"delete selected transfer from the database": [
"load more transfer after the last one": [
"load older transfers": [
"There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"filter by account address": [
"only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [
"only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [
"Unverified": [
"is not valid": [
"is not a number": [
"must be 1 or greater": [
"max 7 lines": [
"change authorization configuration": [
"Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [
"This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [
"This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [
"IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [
"IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [
"IBAN country code not found": [
"IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [
"Target type": [
"Method to use for wire transfer": [
"Routing": [
"Routing number.": [
"Account": [
"Account number.": [
"Business Identifier Code.": [
"Bank Account Number.": [
"Unified Payment Interface.": [
"Bitcoin protocol.": [
"Ethereum protocol.": [
"Interledger protocol.": [
"Host": [
"Bank host.": [
"Bank account.": [
"Bank account owner's name.": [
"No accounts yet.": [
"Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [
"Business name": [
"Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [
"Email": [
"Contact email": [
"Website URL": [
"URL.": [
"Logo": [
"Logo image.": [
"Bank account": [
"URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [
"Default max deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [
"Default max wire fee": [
"Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [
"Default wire fee amortization": [
"Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [
"Physical location of the merchant.": [
"Jurisdiction": [
"Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [
"Default payment delay": [
"Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [
"Default wire transfer delay": [
"Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [
"Instance id": [
"Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [
"Manage access token": [
"Failed to create instance": [
"Login required": [
"Please enter your access token.": [
"Access Token": [
"The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [
"Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [
"The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [
"Access denied": [
"The access token provided is invalid.": [
"No 'default' instance configured yet.": [
"Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [
"The access token provided is invalid": [
"Hide for today": [
"Instance": [
"Settings": [
"Connection": [
"New": [
"List": [
"Log out": [
"Check your token is valid": [
"Couldn't access the server.": [
"Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [
"Server not found": [
"Couldn't access the server": [
"Got message %1$s from %2$s": [
"Unexpected Error": [
"The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [
"add element to the list": [
"add": [
"Deleting": [
"Changing": [
"Order ID": [
"Payment URL": [
strings['es'] = {
"domain": "messages",
"locale_data": {
"messages": {
"": {
"domain": "messages",
"plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;",
"lang": "es"
"Cancel": [
"%1$s": [
"Continue": [
"Clear": [
"Confirm": [
"is not the same as the current access token": [
"no es el mismo que el token de acceso actual"
"cannot be empty": [
"no puede ser vacío"
"cannot be the same as the old token": [
"no puede ser igual al viejo token"
"is not the same": [
"no son iguales"
"You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [
"Está actualizando el token de autorización para la instancia con id %1$s"
"Old access token": [
"Viejo token de acceso"
"access token currently in use": [
"New access token": [
"Nuevo token"
"next access token to be used": [
"Repeat access token": [
"confirm the same access token": [
"Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [
"Limpiar el token de autorización significa acceso publico a la instancia"
"cannot be the same as the old access token": [
"no puede ser igual al anterior"
"You are setting the access token for the new instance": [
"With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [
"Set external authorization": [
"Amortización de comisión de transferencia"
"Set access token": [
"Operation in progress...": [
"The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [
"Instances": [
"Delete": [
"add new instance": [
"no se pudo crear la instancia"
"ID": [
"Name": [
"Edit": [
"Purge": [
"There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"No hay instancias todavían, agregue mas presionando el signo +"
"Only show active instances": [
"no se pudo crear la instancia"
"Active": [
"Only show deleted instances": [
"Sin instancia default"
"Deleted": [
"Show all instances": [
"Sin instancia default"
"All": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been deleted": [
"Failed to delete instance": [
"Sin instancia default"
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [
"Failed to purge instance": [
"no se pudo crear la instancia"
"Pending KYC verification": [
"Timed out": [
"Exchange": [
"URL del Exchange"
"Target account": [
"KYC URL": [
"Code": [
"Http Status": [
"No pending kyc verification!": [
"change value to unknown date": [
"change value to empty": [
"no puede ser vacío"
"clear": [
"change value to never": [
"never": [
"Country": [
"Address": [
"Building number": [
"Número de edificio"
"Building name": [
"Nombre de edificio"
"Street": [
"Post code": [
"Código postal"
"Town location": [
"Ubicación de ciudad"
"Town": [
"District": [
"Country subdivision": [
"Subdivisión de país"
"Product id": [
"Id de producto"
"Description": [
"Product": [
"search products by it's description or id": [
"no products found with that description": [
"No se encontraron productos"
"You must enter a valid product identifier.": [
"Quantity must be greater than 0!": [
"Debe ser mayor a 0"
"This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [
"Quantity": [
"how many products will be added": [
"Add from inventory": [
"Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [
"La imagen debe ser mas chica que 1 MB"
"Add": [
"Remove": [
"No taxes configured for this product.": [
"Amount": [
"Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [
"Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [
"Moneda y valor separado por dos puntos"
"Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [
"add tax to the tax list": [
"describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [
"Add custom product": [
"Complete information of the product": [
"no se pudo eliminar el producto"
"Image": [
"photo of the product": [
"no se pudo crear el producto"
"full product description": [
"Unit": [
"name of the product unit": [
"No se encontraron productos"
"Price": [
"amount in the current currency": [
"Taxes": [
"image": [
"description": [
"quantity": [
"unit price": [
"Precio total"
"total price": [
"Precio total"
"required": [
"Login necesario"
"must be greater than 0": [
"Debe ser mayor a 0"
"not a valid json": [
"should be in the future": [
"deberían ser iguales"
"refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"should have a refund deadline": [
"Plazo de reembolso automático"
"auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [
"Plazo de reembolso automático"
"Manage products in order": [
"No se encontraron productos"
"Manage list of products in the order.": [
"Remove this product from the order.": [
"Total price": [
"Precio total"
"total product price added up": [
"Amount to be paid by the customer": [
"pedido por el consumidor"
"Order price": [
"Precio de la orden"
"final order price": [
"Precio de la orden"
"Summary": [
"Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [
"Shipping and Fulfillment": [
"Delivery date": [
"Fecha de entrega"
"Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [
"Location": [
"address where the products will be delivered": [
"Fulfillment URL": [
"URL de completitud"
"URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [
"Taler payment options": [
"Opciones de pago"
"Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [
"Payment deadline": [
"Plazo de pago"
"Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [
"Refund deadline": [
"Plazo de reembolso"
"Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [
"Wire transfer deadline": [
"Retrazo de transferencia por omisión"
"Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [
"Auto-refund deadline": [
"Plazo de reembolso automático"
"Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [
"Maximum deposit fee": [
"Impuesto máximo de deposito por omisión"
"Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [
"Maximum wire fee": [
"Impuesto de transferencia máximo"
"Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [
"Wire fee amortization": [
"Amortización de comisión de transferencia"
"Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [
"Create token": [
"Administrar token"
"Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [
"Minimum age required": [
"Login necesario"
"Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [
"Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [
"Additional information": [
"Información extra"
"Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [
"You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [
"days": [
"hours": [
"minutes": [
"seconds": [
"forever": [
"%1$sM": [
"%1$sY": [
"%1$sd": [
"%1$sh": [
"%1$smin": [
"%1$ssec": [
"Orders": [
"create order": [
"load newer orders": [
"cargar nuevas ordenes"
"Date": [
"Refund": [
"copy url": [
"copiar url"
"load older orders": [
"cargar viejas ordenes"
"No orders have been found matching your query!": [
"No se enconraron ordenes"
"duplicated": [
"invalid format": [
"this value exceed the refundable amount": [
"date": [
"amount": [
"reason": [
"amount to be refunded": [
"No se pudo create el reembolso"
"Max refundable:": [
"Máximo reembolzable:"
"Reason": [
"Choose one...": [
"requested by the customer": [
"pedido por el consumidor"
"other": [
"why this order is being refunded": [
"No se enconraron ordenes"
"more information to give context": [
"Contract Terms": [
"human-readable description of the whole purchase": [
"total price for the transaction": [
"URL for this purchase": [
"Max fee": [
"Máxima comisión"
"maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [
"Max wire fee": [
"Impuesto de transferencia máximo"
"maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [
"over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [
"Created at": [
"time when this contract was generated": [
"after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [
"after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [
"transfer deadline for the exchange": [
"time indicating when the order should be delivered": [
"where the order will be delivered": [
"Auto-refund delay": [
"Plazo de reembolso automático"
"how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [
"Extra info": [
"Información extra"
"extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [
"Order": [
"claimed": [
"claimed at": [
"Timeline": [
"Payment details": [
"Detalles de pago"
"Order status": [
"Estado de orden"
"Product list": [
"Lista de producto"
"paid": [
"wired": [
"refunded": [
"refund order": [
"not refundable": [
"Máximo reembolzable:"
"refund": [
"Refunded amount": [
"Monto reembolzado"
"Refund taken": [
"Status URL": [
"URL de estado de orden"
"Refund URI": [
"unpaid": [
"pay at": [
"pagar en"
"created at": [
"Order status URL": [
"URL de estado de orden"
"Payment URI": [
"URI de pago"
"Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [
"Estado de orden desconocido. Esto es un error, por favor contacte a su administrador."
"Back": [
"refund created successfully": [
"reembolzo creado satisfactoriamente"
"could not create the refund": [
"No se pudo create el reembolso"
"select date to show nearby orders": [
"order id": [
"ir a id de orden"
"jump to order with the given order ID": [
"remove all filters": [
"only show paid orders": [
"Paid": [
"only show orders with refunds": [
"No se pudo create el reembolso"
"Refunded": [
"only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [
"Not wired": [
"No transferido"
"clear date filter": [
"date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [
"Enter an order id": [
"ir a id de orden"
"order not found": [
"Servidor no encontrado"
"could not get the order to refund": [
"No se pudo create el reembolso"
"Loading...": [
"click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [
"Manage stock": [
"Administrar stock"
"this product has been configured without stock control": [
"Infinite": [
"lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [
"la pérdida no puede ser mayor al stock actual + entrante (max %1$s )"
"Incoming": [
"Lost": [
"Current": [
"remove stock control for this product": [
"without stock": [
"sin stock"
"Next restock": [
"Próximo reabastecimiento"
"Delivery address": [
"Dirección de entrega"
"product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [
"illustration of the product for customers": [
"product description for customers": [
"Age restricted": [
"is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [
"unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [
"sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [
"Stock": [
"product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [
"taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [
"Need to complete marked fields": [
"could not create product": [
"no se pudo crear el producto"
"Products": [
"add product to inventory": [
"Sell": [
"Profit": [
"Sold": [
"free": [
"go to product update page": [
"producto actualizado correctamente"
"Update": [
"remove this product from the database": [
"update the product with new price": [
"update product with new price": [
"add more elements to the inventory": [
"report elements lost in the inventory": [
"new price for the product": [
"no se pudo actualizar el producto"
"the are value with errors": [
"update product with new stock and price": [
"There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"No hay propinas todavía, agregar mas presionando el signo +"
"product updated successfully": [
"producto actualizado correctamente"
"could not update the product": [
"no se pudo actualizar el producto"
"product delete successfully": [
"producto fue eliminado correctamente"
"could not delete the product": [
"no se pudo eliminar el producto"
"Product id:": [
"Id de producto"
"To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [
"If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [
"it should be greater than 0": [
"Debe ser mayor a 0"
"must be a valid URL": [
"Initial balance": [
"balance prior to deposit": [
"Exchange URL": [
"URL del Exchange"
"URL of exchange": [
"Next": [
"Wire method": [
"method to use for wire transfer": [
"no se pudo informar la transferencia"
"Select one wire method": [
"could not create reserve": [
"No se pudo create el reembolso"
"Valid until": [
"Created balance": [
"Exchange balance": [
"Monto inicial"
"Picked up": [
"Committed": [
"Monto confirmado"
"Account address": [
"Dirección de cuenta"
"Subject": [
"Tips": [
"No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [
"Authorized": [
"Token de autorización"
"Expiration": [
"Información extra"
"amount of tip": [
"Justification": [
"reason for the tip": [
"URL after tip": [
"URL to visit after tip payment": [
"Reserves not yet funded": [
"Servidor no encontrado"
"Reserves ready": [
"add new reserve": [
"cargar nuevas transferencias"
"Expires at": [
"Initial": [
"delete selected reserve from the database": [
"authorize new tip from selected reserve": [
"There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [
"No hay transferencias todavía, agregar mas presionando el signo +"
"Expected Balance": [
"Ejecutado en"
"could not create the tip": [
"No se pudo create el reembolso"
"should not be empty": [
"no puede ser vacío"
"should be greater that 0": [
"Debe ser mayor a 0"
"can't be empty": [
"no puede ser vacío"
"to short": [
"Identifier": [
"Name of the template in URLs.": [
"Describe what this template stands for": [
"Order summary": [
"Estado de orden"
"Minimum age": [
"Is this contract restricted to some age?": [
"Payment timeout": [
"Opciones de pago"
"How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [
"Point-of-sale key": [
"Useful to validate the purchase": [
"could not inform template": [
"no se pudo informar la transferencia"
"Amount is required": [
"Login necesario"
"Order summary is required": [
"Amount of the order": [
"could not create order from template": [
"No se pudo create el reembolso"
"Templates": [
"add new templates": [
"load more templates before the first one": [
"load newer templates": [
"cargar nuevas transferencias"
"delete selected templates from the database": [
"use template to create new order": [
"load more templates after the last one": [
"load older templates": [
"cargar viejas transferencias"
"There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"No hay propinas todavía, agregar mas presionando el signo +"
"template delete successfully": [
"producto fue eliminado correctamente"
"could not delete the template": [
"no se pudo eliminar el producto"
"could not update template": [
"no se pudo actualizar el producto"
"should be one of '%1$s'": [
"deberían ser iguales"
"Webhook ID to use": [
"Event": [
"The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [
"Method": [
"Method used by the webhook": [
"URL": [
"URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [
"Header": [
"Header template of the webhook": [
"Body": [
"Body template by the webhook": [
"Webhooks": [
"add new webhooks": [
"load more webhooks before the first one": [
"load newer webhooks": [
"cargar nuevas ordenes"
"Event type": [
"delete selected webhook from the database": [
"load more webhooks after the last one": [
"load older webhooks": [
"cargar viejas ordenes"
"There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"No hay propinas todavía, agregar mas presionando el signo +"
"webhook delete successfully": [
"producto fue eliminado correctamente"
"could not delete the webhook": [
"no se pudo eliminar el producto"
"check the id, does not look valid": [
"verificar el id, no parece válido"
"should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [
"debería tener 52 caracteres, actualmente %1$s"
"URL doesn't have the right format": [
"La URL no tiene el formato correcto"
"Credited bank account": [
"Select one account": [
"Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [
"Wire transfer ID": [
"Id de transferencia"
"unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [
"Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [
"Amount credited": [
"Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [
"could not inform transfer": [
"no se pudo informar la transferencia"
"Transfers": [
"add new transfer": [
"cargar nuevas transferencias"
"load more transfers before the first one": [
"load newer transfers": [
"cargar nuevas transferencias"
"Credit": [
"Confirmed": [
"Verified": [
"Executed at": [
"Ejecutado en"
"yes": [
"no": [
"unknown": [
"delete selected transfer from the database": [
"load more transfer after the last one": [
"load older transfers": [
"cargar viejas transferencias"
"There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"No hay transferencias todavía, agregar mas presionando el signo +"
"filter by account address": [
"Dirección de cuenta"
"only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [
"only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [
"Unverified": [
"is not valid": [
"is not a number": [
"Número de edificio"
"must be 1 or greater": [
"max 7 lines": [
"change authorization configuration": [
"Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [
"This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [
"This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [
"IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [
"IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [
"IBAN country code not found": [
"IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [
"Target type": [
"Method to use for wire transfer": [
"no se pudo informar la transferencia"
"Routing": [
"Routing number.": [
"Número de edificio"
"Account": [
"Account number.": [
"Dirección de cuenta"
"Business Identifier Code.": [
"Bank Account Number.": [
"Unified Payment Interface.": [
"Bitcoin protocol.": [
"Ethereum protocol.": [
"Interledger protocol.": [
"Host": [
"Bank host.": [
"Bank account.": [
"Bank account owner's name.": [
"No accounts yet.": [
"Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [
"Business name": [
"Nombre de edificio"
"Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [
"Email": [
"Contact email": [
"Website URL": [
"URL.": [
"Logo": [
"Logo image.": [
"Bank account": [
"URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [
"Default max deposit fee": [
"Impuesto máximo de deposito por omisión"
"Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [
"Default max wire fee": [
"Impuesto máximo de transferencia por omisión"
"Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [
"Default wire fee amortization": [
"Amortización de impuesto de transferencia por omisión"
"Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [
"Physical location of the merchant.": [
"Jurisdiction": [
"Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [
"Default payment delay": [
"Retrazo de pago por omisión"
"Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [
"Default wire transfer delay": [
"Retrazo de transferencia por omisión"
"Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [
"Instance id": [
"Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [
"Limpiar el token de autorización significa acceso publico a la instancia"
"Manage access token": [
"Administrar token"
"Failed to create instance": [
"no se pudo crear la instancia"
"Login required": [
"Login necesario"
"Please enter your access token.": [
"Access Token": [
"Acceso denegado"
"The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [
"Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [
"The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [
"Servidir reporto un problema: HTTP status #%1$s"
"Access denied": [
"Acceso denegado"
"The access token provided is invalid.": [
"No 'default' instance configured yet.": [
"Sin instancia default"
"Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [
"The access token provided is invalid": [
"Hide for today": [
"Instance": [
"Settings": [
"Connection": [
"New": [
"List": [
"Log out": [
"Check your token is valid": [
"Verifica que el token sea valido"
"Couldn't access the server.": [
"No se pudo acceder al servidor."
"Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [
"No se pudo inferir el id de la instancia con la url %1$s"
"Server not found": [
"Servidor no encontrado"
"Couldn't access the server": [
"No se pudo aceder al servidor"
"Got message %1$s from %2$s": [
"Recivimos el mensaje %1$s desde %2$s"
"Unexpected Error": [
"Error inesperado"
"The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [
"El valor %1$s es invalido para una URL de pago"
"add element to the list": [
"add": [
"Deleting": [
"Changing": [
"Order ID": [
"Payment URL": [
"Detalles de pago"
strings['fr'] = {
"domain": "messages",
"locale_data": {
"messages": {
"": {
"domain": "messages",
"plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);",
"lang": ""
"Cancel": [
"%1$s": [
"Continue": [
"Clear": [
"Confirm": [
"is not the same as the current access token": [
"cannot be empty": [
"cannot be the same as the old token": [
"is not the same": [
"You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [
"Old access token": [
"access token currently in use": [
"New access token": [
"next access token to be used": [
"Repeat access token": [
"confirm the same access token": [
"Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [
"cannot be the same as the old access token": [
"You are setting the access token for the new instance": [
"With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [
"Set external authorization": [
"Set access token": [
"Operation in progress...": [
"The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [
"Instances": [
"Delete": [
"add new instance": [
"ID": [
"Name": [
"Edit": [
"Purge": [
"There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"Only show active instances": [
"Active": [
"Only show deleted instances": [
"Deleted": [
"Show all instances": [
"All": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been deleted": [
"Failed to delete instance": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [
"Failed to purge instance": [
"Pending KYC verification": [
"Timed out": [
"Exchange": [
"Target account": [
"KYC URL": [
"Code": [
"Http Status": [
"No pending kyc verification!": [
"change value to unknown date": [
"change value to empty": [
"clear": [
"change value to never": [
"never": [
"Country": [
"Address": [
"Building number": [
"Building name": [
"Street": [
"Post code": [
"Town location": [
"Town": [
"District": [
"Country subdivision": [
"Product id": [
"Description": [
"Product": [
"search products by it's description or id": [
"no products found with that description": [
"You must enter a valid product identifier.": [
"Quantity must be greater than 0!": [
"This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [
"Quantity": [
"how many products will be added": [
"Add from inventory": [
"Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [
"Add": [
"Remove": [
"No taxes configured for this product.": [
"Amount": [
"Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [
"Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [
"Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [
"add tax to the tax list": [
"describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [
"Add custom product": [
"Complete information of the product": [
"Image": [
"photo of the product": [
"full product description": [
"Unit": [
"name of the product unit": [
"Price": [
"amount in the current currency": [
"Taxes": [
"image": [
"description": [
"quantity": [
"unit price": [
"total price": [
"required": [
"must be greater than 0": [
"not a valid json": [
"should be in the future": [
"refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"should have a refund deadline": [
"auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [
"Manage products in order": [
"Manage list of products in the order.": [
"Remove this product from the order.": [
"Total price": [
"total product price added up": [
"Amount to be paid by the customer": [
"Order price": [
"final order price": [
"Summary": [
"Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [
"Shipping and Fulfillment": [
"Delivery date": [
"Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [
"Location": [
"address where the products will be delivered": [
"Fulfillment URL": [
"URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [
"Taler payment options": [
"Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [
"Payment deadline": [
"Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [
"Refund deadline": [
"Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [
"Wire transfer deadline": [
"Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [
"Auto-refund deadline": [
"Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [
"Maximum deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [
"Maximum wire fee": [
"Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [
"Wire fee amortization": [
"Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [
"Create token": [
"Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [
"Minimum age required": [
"Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [
"Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [
"Additional information": [
"Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [
"You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [
"days": [
"hours": [
"minutes": [
"seconds": [
"forever": [
"%1$sM": [
"%1$sY": [
"%1$sd": [
"%1$sh": [
"%1$smin": [
"%1$ssec": [
"Orders": [
"create order": [
"load newer orders": [
"Date": [
"Refund": [
"copy url": [
"load older orders": [
"No orders have been found matching your query!": [
"duplicated": [
"invalid format": [
"this value exceed the refundable amount": [
"date": [
"amount": [
"reason": [
"amount to be refunded": [
"Max refundable:": [
"Reason": [
"Choose one...": [
"requested by the customer": [
"other": [
"why this order is being refunded": [
"more information to give context": [
"Contract Terms": [
"human-readable description of the whole purchase": [
"total price for the transaction": [
"URL for this purchase": [
"Max fee": [
"maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [
"Max wire fee": [
"maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [
"over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [
"Created at": [
"time when this contract was generated": [
"after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [
"after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [
"transfer deadline for the exchange": [
"time indicating when the order should be delivered": [
"where the order will be delivered": [
"Auto-refund delay": [
"how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [
"Extra info": [
"extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [
"Order": [
"claimed": [
"claimed at": [
"Timeline": [
"Payment details": [
"Order status": [
"Product list": [
"paid": [
"wired": [
"refunded": [
"refund order": [
"not refundable": [
"refund": [
"Refunded amount": [
"Refund taken": [
"Status URL": [
"Refund URI": [
"unpaid": [
"pay at": [
"created at": [
"Order status URL": [
"Payment URI": [
"Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [
"Back": [
"refund created successfully": [
"could not create the refund": [
"select date to show nearby orders": [
"order id": [
"jump to order with the given order ID": [
"remove all filters": [
"only show paid orders": [
"Paid": [
"only show orders with refunds": [
"Refunded": [
"only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [
"Not wired": [
"clear date filter": [
"date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [
"Enter an order id": [
"order not found": [
"could not get the order to refund": [
"Loading...": [
"click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [
"Manage stock": [
"this product has been configured without stock control": [
"Infinite": [
"lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [
"Incoming": [
"Lost": [
"Current": [
"remove stock control for this product": [
"without stock": [
"Next restock": [
"Delivery address": [
"product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [
"illustration of the product for customers": [
"product description for customers": [
"Age restricted": [
"is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [
"unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [
"sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [
"Stock": [
"product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [
"taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [
"Need to complete marked fields": [
"could not create product": [
"Products": [
"add product to inventory": [
"Sell": [
"Profit": [
"Sold": [
"free": [
"go to product update page": [
"Update": [
"remove this product from the database": [
"update the product with new price": [
"update product with new price": [
"add more elements to the inventory": [
"report elements lost in the inventory": [
"new price for the product": [
"the are value with errors": [
"update product with new stock and price": [
"There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"product updated successfully": [
"could not update the product": [
"product delete successfully": [
"could not delete the product": [
"Product id:": [
"To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [
"If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [
"it should be greater than 0": [
"must be a valid URL": [
"Initial balance": [
"balance prior to deposit": [
"Exchange URL": [
"URL of exchange": [
"Next": [
"Wire method": [
"method to use for wire transfer": [
"Select one wire method": [
"could not create reserve": [
"Valid until": [
"Created balance": [
"Exchange balance": [
"Picked up": [
"Committed": [
"Account address": [
"Subject": [
"Tips": [
"No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [
"Authorized": [
"Expiration": [
"amount of tip": [
"Justification": [
"reason for the tip": [
"URL after tip": [
"URL to visit after tip payment": [
"Reserves not yet funded": [
"Reserves ready": [
"add new reserve": [
"Expires at": [
"Initial": [
"delete selected reserve from the database": [
"authorize new tip from selected reserve": [
"There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [
"Expected Balance": [
"could not create the tip": [
"should not be empty": [
"should be greater that 0": [
"can't be empty": [
"to short": [
"Identifier": [
"Name of the template in URLs.": [
"Describe what this template stands for": [
"Order summary": [
"Minimum age": [
"Is this contract restricted to some age?": [
"Payment timeout": [
"How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [
"Point-of-sale key": [
"Useful to validate the purchase": [
"could not inform template": [
"Amount is required": [
"Order summary is required": [
"Amount of the order": [
"could not create order from template": [
"Templates": [
"add new templates": [
"load more templates before the first one": [
"load newer templates": [
"delete selected templates from the database": [
"use template to create new order": [
"load more templates after the last one": [
"load older templates": [
"There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"template delete successfully": [
"could not delete the template": [
"could not update template": [
"should be one of '%1$s'": [
"Webhook ID to use": [
"Event": [
"The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [
"Method": [
"Method used by the webhook": [
"URL": [
"URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [
"Header": [
"Header template of the webhook": [
"Body": [
"Body template by the webhook": [
"Webhooks": [
"add new webhooks": [
"load more webhooks before the first one": [
"load newer webhooks": [
"Event type": [
"delete selected webhook from the database": [
"load more webhooks after the last one": [
"load older webhooks": [
"There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"webhook delete successfully": [
"could not delete the webhook": [
"check the id, does not look valid": [
"should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [
"URL doesn't have the right format": [
"Credited bank account": [
"Select one account": [
"Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [
"Wire transfer ID": [
"unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [
"Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [
"Amount credited": [
"Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [
"could not inform transfer": [
"Transfers": [
"add new transfer": [
"load more transfers before the first one": [
"load newer transfers": [
"Credit": [
"Confirmed": [
"Verified": [
"Executed at": [
"yes": [
"no": [
"unknown": [
"delete selected transfer from the database": [
"load more transfer after the last one": [
"load older transfers": [
"There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"filter by account address": [
"only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [
"only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [
"Unverified": [
"is not valid": [
"is not a number": [
"must be 1 or greater": [
"max 7 lines": [
"change authorization configuration": [
"Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [
"This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [
"This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [
"IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [
"IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [
"IBAN country code not found": [
"IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [
"Target type": [
"Method to use for wire transfer": [
"Routing": [
"Routing number.": [
"Account": [
"Account number.": [
"Business Identifier Code.": [
"Bank Account Number.": [
"Unified Payment Interface.": [
"Bitcoin protocol.": [
"Ethereum protocol.": [
"Interledger protocol.": [
"Host": [
"Bank host.": [
"Bank account.": [
"Bank account owner's name.": [
"No accounts yet.": [
"Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [
"Business name": [
"Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [
"Email": [
"Contact email": [
"Website URL": [
"URL.": [
"Logo": [
"Logo image.": [
"Bank account": [
"URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [
"Default max deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [
"Default max wire fee": [
"Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [
"Default wire fee amortization": [
"Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [
"Physical location of the merchant.": [
"Jurisdiction": [
"Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [
"Default payment delay": [
"Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [
"Default wire transfer delay": [
"Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [
"Instance id": [
"Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [
"Manage access token": [
"Failed to create instance": [
"Login required": [
"Please enter your access token.": [
"Access Token": [
"The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [
"Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [
"The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [
"Access denied": [
"The access token provided is invalid.": [
"No 'default' instance configured yet.": [
"Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [
"The access token provided is invalid": [
"Hide for today": [
"Instance": [
"Settings": [
"Connection": [
"New": [
"List": [
"Log out": [
"Check your token is valid": [
"Couldn't access the server.": [
"Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [
"Server not found": [
"Couldn't access the server": [
"Got message %1$s from %2$s": [
"Unexpected Error": [
"The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [
"add element to the list": [
"add": [
"Deleting": [
"Changing": [
"Order ID": [
"Payment URL": [
strings['it'] = {
"domain": "messages",
"locale_data": {
"messages": {
"": {
"domain": "messages",
"plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);",
"lang": ""
"Cancel": [
"%1$s": [
"Continue": [
"Clear": [
"Confirm": [
"is not the same as the current access token": [
"cannot be empty": [
"cannot be the same as the old token": [
"is not the same": [
"You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [
"Old access token": [
"access token currently in use": [
"New access token": [
"next access token to be used": [
"Repeat access token": [
"confirm the same access token": [
"Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [
"cannot be the same as the old access token": [
"You are setting the access token for the new instance": [
"With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [
"Set external authorization": [
"Set access token": [
"Operation in progress...": [
"The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [
"Instances": [
"Delete": [
"add new instance": [
"ID": [
"Name": [
"Edit": [
"Purge": [
"There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"Only show active instances": [
"Active": [
"Only show deleted instances": [
"Deleted": [
"Show all instances": [
"All": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been deleted": [
"Failed to delete instance": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [
"Failed to purge instance": [
"Pending KYC verification": [
"Timed out": [
"Exchange": [
"Target account": [
"KYC URL": [
"Code": [
"Http Status": [
"No pending kyc verification!": [
"change value to unknown date": [
"change value to empty": [
"clear": [
"change value to never": [
"never": [
"Country": [
"Address": [
"Building number": [
"Building name": [
"Street": [
"Post code": [
"Town location": [
"Town": [
"District": [
"Country subdivision": [
"Product id": [
"Description": [
"Product": [
"search products by it's description or id": [
"no products found with that description": [
"You must enter a valid product identifier.": [
"Quantity must be greater than 0!": [
"This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [
"Quantity": [
"how many products will be added": [
"Add from inventory": [
"Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [
"Add": [
"Remove": [
"No taxes configured for this product.": [
"Amount": [
"Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [
"Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [
"Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [
"add tax to the tax list": [
"describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [
"Add custom product": [
"Complete information of the product": [
"Image": [
"photo of the product": [
"full product description": [
"Unit": [
"name of the product unit": [
"Price": [
"amount in the current currency": [
"Taxes": [
"image": [
"description": [
"quantity": [
"unit price": [
"total price": [
"required": [
"must be greater than 0": [
"not a valid json": [
"should be in the future": [
"refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"should have a refund deadline": [
"auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [
"Manage products in order": [
"Manage list of products in the order.": [
"Remove this product from the order.": [
"Total price": [
"total product price added up": [
"Amount to be paid by the customer": [
"Order price": [
"final order price": [
"Summary": [
"Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [
"Shipping and Fulfillment": [
"Delivery date": [
"Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [
"Location": [
"address where the products will be delivered": [
"Fulfillment URL": [
"URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [
"Taler payment options": [
"Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [
"Payment deadline": [
"Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [
"Refund deadline": [
"Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [
"Wire transfer deadline": [
"Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [
"Auto-refund deadline": [
"Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [
"Maximum deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [
"Maximum wire fee": [
"Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [
"Wire fee amortization": [
"Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [
"Create token": [
"Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [
"Minimum age required": [
"Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [
"Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [
"Additional information": [
"Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [
"You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [
"days": [
"hours": [
"minutes": [
"seconds": [
"forever": [
"%1$sM": [
"%1$sY": [
"%1$sd": [
"%1$sh": [
"%1$smin": [
"%1$ssec": [
"Orders": [
"create order": [
"load newer orders": [
"Date": [
"Refund": [
"copy url": [
"load older orders": [
"No orders have been found matching your query!": [
"duplicated": [
"invalid format": [
"this value exceed the refundable amount": [
"date": [
"amount": [
"reason": [
"amount to be refunded": [
"Max refundable:": [
"Reason": [
"Choose one...": [
"requested by the customer": [
"other": [
"why this order is being refunded": [
"more information to give context": [
"Contract Terms": [
"human-readable description of the whole purchase": [
"total price for the transaction": [
"URL for this purchase": [
"Max fee": [
"maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [
"Max wire fee": [
"maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [
"over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [
"Created at": [
"time when this contract was generated": [
"after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [
"after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [
"transfer deadline for the exchange": [
"time indicating when the order should be delivered": [
"where the order will be delivered": [
"Auto-refund delay": [
"how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [
"Extra info": [
"extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [
"Order": [
"claimed": [
"claimed at": [
"Timeline": [
"Payment details": [
"Order status": [
"Product list": [
"paid": [
"wired": [
"refunded": [
"refund order": [
"not refundable": [
"refund": [
"Refunded amount": [
"Refund taken": [
"Status URL": [
"Refund URI": [
"unpaid": [
"pay at": [
"created at": [
"Order status URL": [
"Payment URI": [
"Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [
"Back": [
"refund created successfully": [
"could not create the refund": [
"select date to show nearby orders": [
"order id": [
"jump to order with the given order ID": [
"remove all filters": [
"only show paid orders": [
"Paid": [
"only show orders with refunds": [
"Refunded": [
"only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [
"Not wired": [
"clear date filter": [
"date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [
"Enter an order id": [
"order not found": [
"could not get the order to refund": [
"Loading...": [
"click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [
"Manage stock": [
"this product has been configured without stock control": [
"Infinite": [
"lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [
"Incoming": [
"Lost": [
"Current": [
"remove stock control for this product": [
"without stock": [
"Next restock": [
"Delivery address": [
"product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [
"illustration of the product for customers": [
"product description for customers": [
"Age restricted": [
"is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [
"unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [
"sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [
"Stock": [
"product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [
"taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [
"Need to complete marked fields": [
"could not create product": [
"Products": [
"add product to inventory": [
"Sell": [
"Profit": [
"Sold": [
"free": [
"go to product update page": [
"Update": [
"remove this product from the database": [
"update the product with new price": [
"update product with new price": [
"add more elements to the inventory": [
"report elements lost in the inventory": [
"new price for the product": [
"the are value with errors": [
"update product with new stock and price": [
"There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"product updated successfully": [
"could not update the product": [
"product delete successfully": [
"could not delete the product": [
"Product id:": [
"To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [
"If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [
"it should be greater than 0": [
"must be a valid URL": [
"Initial balance": [
"balance prior to deposit": [
"Exchange URL": [
"URL of exchange": [
"Next": [
"Wire method": [
"method to use for wire transfer": [
"Select one wire method": [
"could not create reserve": [
"Valid until": [
"Created balance": [
"Exchange balance": [
"Picked up": [
"Committed": [
"Account address": [
"Subject": [
"Tips": [
"No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [
"Authorized": [
"Expiration": [
"amount of tip": [
"Justification": [
"reason for the tip": [
"URL after tip": [
"URL to visit after tip payment": [
"Reserves not yet funded": [
"Reserves ready": [
"add new reserve": [
"Expires at": [
"Initial": [
"delete selected reserve from the database": [
"authorize new tip from selected reserve": [
"There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [
"Expected Balance": [
"could not create the tip": [
"should not be empty": [
"should be greater that 0": [
"can't be empty": [
"to short": [
"Identifier": [
"Name of the template in URLs.": [
"Describe what this template stands for": [
"Order summary": [
"Minimum age": [
"Is this contract restricted to some age?": [
"Payment timeout": [
"How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [
"Point-of-sale key": [
"Useful to validate the purchase": [
"could not inform template": [
"Amount is required": [
"Order summary is required": [
"Amount of the order": [
"could not create order from template": [
"Templates": [
"add new templates": [
"load more templates before the first one": [
"load newer templates": [
"delete selected templates from the database": [
"use template to create new order": [
"load more templates after the last one": [
"load older templates": [
"There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"template delete successfully": [
"could not delete the template": [
"could not update template": [
"should be one of '%1$s'": [
"Webhook ID to use": [
"Event": [
"The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [
"Method": [
"Method used by the webhook": [
"URL": [
"URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [
"Header": [
"Header template of the webhook": [
"Body": [
"Body template by the webhook": [
"Webhooks": [
"add new webhooks": [
"load more webhooks before the first one": [
"load newer webhooks": [
"Event type": [
"delete selected webhook from the database": [
"load more webhooks after the last one": [
"load older webhooks": [
"There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"webhook delete successfully": [
"could not delete the webhook": [
"check the id, does not look valid": [
"should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [
"URL doesn't have the right format": [
"Credited bank account": [
"Select one account": [
"Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [
"Wire transfer ID": [
"unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [
"Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [
"Amount credited": [
"Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [
"could not inform transfer": [
"Transfers": [
"add new transfer": [
"load more transfers before the first one": [
"load newer transfers": [
"Credit": [
"Confirmed": [
"Verified": [
"Executed at": [
"yes": [
"no": [
"unknown": [
"delete selected transfer from the database": [
"load more transfer after the last one": [
"load older transfers": [
"There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"filter by account address": [
"only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [
"only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [
"Unverified": [
"is not valid": [
"is not a number": [
"must be 1 or greater": [
"max 7 lines": [
"change authorization configuration": [
"Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [
"This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [
"This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [
"IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [
"IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [
"IBAN country code not found": [
"IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [
"Target type": [
"Method to use for wire transfer": [
"Routing": [
"Routing number.": [
"Account": [
"Account number.": [
"Business Identifier Code.": [
"Bank Account Number.": [
"Unified Payment Interface.": [
"Bitcoin protocol.": [
"Ethereum protocol.": [
"Interledger protocol.": [
"Host": [
"Bank host.": [
"Bank account.": [
"Bank account owner's name.": [
"No accounts yet.": [
"Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [
"Business name": [
"Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [
"Email": [
"Contact email": [
"Website URL": [
"URL.": [
"Logo": [
"Logo image.": [
"Bank account": [
"URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [
"Default max deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [
"Default max wire fee": [
"Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [
"Default wire fee amortization": [
"Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [
"Physical location of the merchant.": [
"Jurisdiction": [
"Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [
"Default payment delay": [
"Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [
"Default wire transfer delay": [
"Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [
"Instance id": [
"Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [
"Manage access token": [
"Failed to create instance": [
"Login required": [
"Please enter your access token.": [
"Access Token": [
"The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [
"Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [
"The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [
"Access denied": [
"The access token provided is invalid.": [
"No 'default' instance configured yet.": [
"Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [
"The access token provided is invalid": [
"Hide for today": [
"Instance": [
"Settings": [
"Connection": [
"New": [
"List": [
"Log out": [
"Check your token is valid": [
"Couldn't access the server.": [
"Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [
"Server not found": [
"Couldn't access the server": [
"Got message %1$s from %2$s": [
"Unexpected Error": [
"The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [
"add element to the list": [
"add": [
"Deleting": [
"Changing": [
"Order ID": [
"Payment URL": [
strings['sv'] = {
"domain": "messages",
"locale_data": {
"messages": {
"": {
"domain": "messages",
"plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);",
"lang": ""
"Cancel": [
"%1$s": [
"Continue": [
"Clear": [
"Confirm": [
"is not the same as the current access token": [
"cannot be empty": [
"cannot be the same as the old token": [
"is not the same": [
"You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [
"Old access token": [
"access token currently in use": [
"New access token": [
"next access token to be used": [
"Repeat access token": [
"confirm the same access token": [
"Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [
"cannot be the same as the old access token": [
"You are setting the access token for the new instance": [
"With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [
"Set external authorization": [
"Set access token": [
"Operation in progress...": [
"The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [
"Instances": [
"Delete": [
"add new instance": [
"ID": [
"Name": [
"Edit": [
"Purge": [
"There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"Only show active instances": [
"Active": [
"Only show deleted instances": [
"Deleted": [
"Show all instances": [
"All": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been deleted": [
"Failed to delete instance": [
"Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [
"Failed to purge instance": [
"Pending KYC verification": [
"Timed out": [
"Exchange": [
"Target account": [
"KYC URL": [
"Code": [
"Http Status": [
"No pending kyc verification!": [
"change value to unknown date": [
"change value to empty": [
"clear": [
"change value to never": [
"never": [
"Country": [
"Address": [
"Building number": [
"Building name": [
"Street": [
"Post code": [
"Town location": [
"Town": [
"District": [
"Country subdivision": [
"Product id": [
"Description": [
"Product": [
"search products by it's description or id": [
"no products found with that description": [
"You must enter a valid product identifier.": [
"Quantity must be greater than 0!": [
"This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [
"Quantity": [
"how many products will be added": [
"Add from inventory": [
"Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [
"Add": [
"Remove": [
"No taxes configured for this product.": [
"Amount": [
"Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [
"Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [
"Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [
"add tax to the tax list": [
"describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [
"Add custom product": [
"Complete information of the product": [
"Image": [
"photo of the product": [
"full product description": [
"Unit": [
"name of the product unit": [
"Price": [
"amount in the current currency": [
"Taxes": [
"image": [
"description": [
"quantity": [
"unit price": [
"total price": [
"required": [
"must be greater than 0": [
"not a valid json": [
"should be in the future": [
"refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [
"wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [
"should have a refund deadline": [
"auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [
"Manage products in order": [
"Manage list of products in the order.": [
"Remove this product from the order.": [
"Total price": [
"total product price added up": [
"Amount to be paid by the customer": [
"Order price": [
"final order price": [
"Summary": [
"Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [
"Shipping and Fulfillment": [
"Delivery date": [
"Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [
"Location": [
"address where the products will be delivered": [
"Fulfillment URL": [
"URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [
"Taler payment options": [
"Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [
"Payment deadline": [
"Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [
"Refund deadline": [
"Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [
"Wire transfer deadline": [
"Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [
"Auto-refund deadline": [
"Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [
"Maximum deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [
"Maximum wire fee": [
"Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [
"Wire fee amortization": [
"Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [
"Create token": [
"Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [
"Minimum age required": [
"Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [
"Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [
"Additional information": [
"Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [
"You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [
"days": [
"hours": [
"minutes": [
"seconds": [
"forever": [
"%1$sM": [
"%1$sY": [
"%1$sd": [
"%1$sh": [
"%1$smin": [
"%1$ssec": [
"Orders": [
"create order": [
"load newer orders": [
"Date": [
"Refund": [
"copy url": [
"load older orders": [
"No orders have been found matching your query!": [
"duplicated": [
"invalid format": [
"this value exceed the refundable amount": [
"date": [
"amount": [
"reason": [
"amount to be refunded": [
"Max refundable:": [
"Reason": [
"Choose one...": [
"requested by the customer": [
"other": [
"why this order is being refunded": [
"more information to give context": [
"Contract Terms": [
"human-readable description of the whole purchase": [
"total price for the transaction": [
"URL for this purchase": [
"Max fee": [
"maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [
"Max wire fee": [
"maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [
"over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [
"Created at": [
"time when this contract was generated": [
"after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [
"after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [
"transfer deadline for the exchange": [
"time indicating when the order should be delivered": [
"where the order will be delivered": [
"Auto-refund delay": [
"how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [
"Extra info": [
"extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [
"Order": [
"claimed": [
"claimed at": [
"Timeline": [
"Payment details": [
"Order status": [
"Product list": [
"paid": [
"wired": [
"refunded": [
"refund order": [
"not refundable": [
"refund": [
"Refunded amount": [
"Refund taken": [
"Status URL": [
"Refund URI": [
"unpaid": [
"pay at": [
"created at": [
"Order status URL": [
"Payment URI": [
"Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [
"Back": [
"refund created successfully": [
"could not create the refund": [
"select date to show nearby orders": [
"order id": [
"jump to order with the given order ID": [
"remove all filters": [
"only show paid orders": [
"Paid": [
"only show orders with refunds": [
"Refunded": [
"only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [
"Not wired": [
"clear date filter": [
"date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [
"Enter an order id": [
"order not found": [
"could not get the order to refund": [
"Loading...": [
"click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [
"Manage stock": [
"this product has been configured without stock control": [
"Infinite": [
"lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [
"Incoming": [
"Lost": [
"Current": [
"remove stock control for this product": [
"without stock": [
"Next restock": [
"Delivery address": [
"product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [
"illustration of the product for customers": [
"product description for customers": [
"Age restricted": [
"is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [
"unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [
"sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [
"Stock": [
"product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [
"taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [
"Need to complete marked fields": [
"could not create product": [
"Products": [
"add product to inventory": [
"Sell": [
"Profit": [
"Sold": [
"free": [
"go to product update page": [
"Update": [
"remove this product from the database": [
"update the product with new price": [
"update product with new price": [
"add more elements to the inventory": [
"report elements lost in the inventory": [
"new price for the product": [
"the are value with errors": [
"update product with new stock and price": [
"There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"product updated successfully": [
"could not update the product": [
"product delete successfully": [
"could not delete the product": [
"Product id:": [
"To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [
"If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [
"it should be greater than 0": [
"must be a valid URL": [
"Initial balance": [
"balance prior to deposit": [
"Exchange URL": [
"URL of exchange": [
"Next": [
"Wire method": [
"method to use for wire transfer": [
"Select one wire method": [
"could not create reserve": [
"Valid until": [
"Created balance": [
"Exchange balance": [
"Picked up": [
"Committed": [
"Account address": [
"Subject": [
"Tips": [
"No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [
"Authorized": [
"Expiration": [
"amount of tip": [
"Justification": [
"reason for the tip": [
"URL after tip": [
"URL to visit after tip payment": [
"Reserves not yet funded": [
"Reserves ready": [
"add new reserve": [
"Expires at": [
"Initial": [
"delete selected reserve from the database": [
"authorize new tip from selected reserve": [
"There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [
"Expected Balance": [
"could not create the tip": [
"should not be empty": [
"should be greater that 0": [
"can't be empty": [
"to short": [
"Identifier": [
"Name of the template in URLs.": [
"Describe what this template stands for": [
"Order summary": [
"Minimum age": [
"Is this contract restricted to some age?": [
"Payment timeout": [
"How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [
"Point-of-sale key": [
"Useful to validate the purchase": [
"could not inform template": [
"Amount is required": [
"Order summary is required": [
"Amount of the order": [
"could not create order from template": [
"Templates": [
"add new templates": [
"load more templates before the first one": [
"load newer templates": [
"delete selected templates from the database": [
"use template to create new order": [
"load more templates after the last one": [
"load older templates": [
"There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"template delete successfully": [
"could not delete the template": [
"could not update template": [
"should be one of '%1$s'": [
"Webhook ID to use": [
"Event": [
"The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [
"Method": [
"Method used by the webhook": [
"URL": [
"URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [
"Header": [
"Header template of the webhook": [
"Body": [
"Body template by the webhook": [
"Webhooks": [
"add new webhooks": [
"load more webhooks before the first one": [
"load newer webhooks": [
"Event type": [
"delete selected webhook from the database": [
"load more webhooks after the last one": [
"load older webhooks": [
"There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"webhook delete successfully": [
"could not delete the webhook": [
"check the id, does not look valid": [
"should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [
"URL doesn't have the right format": [
"Credited bank account": [
"Select one account": [
"Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [
"Wire transfer ID": [
"unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [
"Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [
"Amount credited": [
"Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [
"could not inform transfer": [
"Transfers": [
"add new transfer": [
"load more transfers before the first one": [
"load newer transfers": [
"Credit": [
"Confirmed": [
"Verified": [
"Executed at": [
"yes": [
"no": [
"unknown": [
"delete selected transfer from the database": [
"load more transfer after the last one": [
"load older transfers": [
"There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [
"filter by account address": [
"only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [
"only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [
"Unverified": [
"is not valid": [
"is not a number": [
"must be 1 or greater": [
"max 7 lines": [
"change authorization configuration": [
"Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [
"This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [
"This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [
"IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [
"IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [
"IBAN country code not found": [
"IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [
"Target type": [
"Method to use for wire transfer": [
"Routing": [
"Routing number.": [
"Account": [
"Account number.": [
"Business Identifier Code.": [
"Bank Account Number.": [
"Unified Payment Interface.": [
"Bitcoin protocol.": [
"Ethereum protocol.": [
"Interledger protocol.": [
"Host": [
"Bank host.": [
"Bank account.": [
"Bank account owner's name.": [
"No accounts yet.": [
"Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [
"Business name": [
"Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [
"Email": [
"Contact email": [
"Website URL": [
"URL.": [
"Logo": [
"Logo image.": [
"Bank account": [
"URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [
"Default max deposit fee": [
"Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [
"Default max wire fee": [
"Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [
"Default wire fee amortization": [
"Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [
"Physical location of the merchant.": [
"Jurisdiction": [
"Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [
"Default payment delay": [
"Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [
"Default wire transfer delay": [
"Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [
"Instance id": [
"Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [
"Manage access token": [
"Failed to create instance": [
"Login required": [
"Please enter your access token.": [
"Access Token": [
"The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [
"Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [
"The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [
"Access denied": [
"The access token provided is invalid.": [
"No 'default' instance configured yet.": [
"Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [
"The access token provided is invalid": [
"Hide for today": [
"Instance": [
"Settings": [
"Connection": [
"New": [
"List": [
"Log out": [
"Check your token is valid": [
"Couldn't access the server.": [
"Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [
"Server not found": [
"Couldn't access the server": [
"Got message %1$s from %2$s": [
"Unexpected Error": [
"The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [
"add element to the list": [
"add": [
"Deleting": [
"Changing": [
"Order ID": [
"Payment URL": [