We now use webpack instead of SystemJS, effectively bundling modules into one file (plus commons chunks) for every entry point. This results in a much smaller extension size (almost half). Furthermore we use yarn/npm even for extension run-time dependencies. This relieves us from manually vendoring and building dependencies. It's also easier to understand for new developers familiar with node.
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539 lines
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'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
var _sourceCoverage = require('./source-coverage');
var _constants = require('./constants');
var _crypto = require('crypto');
var _babelTemplate = require('babel-template');
var _babelTemplate2 = _interopRequireDefault(_babelTemplate);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
// istanbul ignore comment pattern
var COMMENT_RE = /^\s*istanbul\s+ignore\s+(if|else|next)(?=\W|$)/;
// source map URL pattern
var SOURCE_MAP_RE = /[#@]\s*sourceMappingURL=(.*)\s*$/m;
// generate a variable name from hashing the supplied file path
function genVar(filename) {
var hash = (0, _crypto.createHash)(_constants.SHA);
return 'cov_' + parseInt(hash.digest('hex').substr(0, 12), 16).toString(36);
// VisitState holds the state of the visitor, provides helper functions
// and is the `this` for the individual coverage visitors.
var VisitState = function () {
function VisitState(types, sourceFilePath, inputSourceMap) {
_classCallCheck(this, VisitState);
this.varName = genVar(sourceFilePath);
this.attrs = {};
this.nextIgnore = null;
this.cov = new _sourceCoverage.SourceCoverage(sourceFilePath);
if (typeof inputSourceMap !== "undefined") {
this.types = types;
this.sourceMappingURL = null;
// should we ignore the node? Yes, if specifically ignoring
// or if the node is generated.
_createClass(VisitState, [{
key: 'shouldIgnore',
value: function shouldIgnore(path) {
return this.nextIgnore || !path.node.loc;
// extract the ignore comment hint (next|if|else) or null
}, {
key: 'hintFor',
value: function hintFor(node) {
var hint = null;
if (node.leadingComments) {
node.leadingComments.forEach(function (c) {
var v = (c.value || /* istanbul ignore next: paranoid check */"").trim();
var groups = v.match(COMMENT_RE);
if (groups) {
hint = groups[1];
return hint;
// extract a source map URL from comments and keep track of it
}, {
key: 'maybeAssignSourceMapURL',
value: function maybeAssignSourceMapURL(node) {
var that = this;
var extractURL = function extractURL(comments) {
if (!comments) {
comments.forEach(function (c) {
var v = (c.value || /* istanbul ignore next: paranoid check */"").trim();
var groups = v.match(SOURCE_MAP_RE);
if (groups) {
that.sourceMappingURL = groups[1];
// all the generic stuff that needs to be done on enter for every node
}, {
key: 'onEnter',
value: function onEnter(path) {
var n = path.node;
// if already ignoring, nothing more to do
if (this.nextIgnore !== null) {
// check hint to see if ignore should be turned on
var hint = this.hintFor(n);
if (hint === 'next') {
this.nextIgnore = n;
// else check custom node attribute set by a prior visitor
if (this.getAttr(path.node, 'skip-all') !== null) {
this.nextIgnore = n;
// all the generic stuff on exit of a node,
// including reseting ignores and custom node attrs
}, {
key: 'onExit',
value: function onExit(path) {
// restore ignore status, if needed
if (path.node === this.nextIgnore) {
this.nextIgnore = null;
// nuke all attributes for the node
delete path.node.__cov__;
// set a node attribute for the supplied node
}, {
key: 'setAttr',
value: function setAttr(node, name, value) {
node.__cov__ = node.__cov__ || {};
node.__cov__[name] = value;
// retrieve a node attribute for the supplied node or null
}, {
key: 'getAttr',
value: function getAttr(node, name) {
var c = node.__cov__;
if (!c) {
return null;
return c[name];
}, {
key: 'increase',
value: function increase(type, id, index) {
var T = this.types;
var wrap = index !== null
// If `index` present, turn `x` into `x[index]`.
? function (x) {
return T.memberExpression(x, T.numericLiteral(index), true);
} : function (x) {
return x;
return T.unaryExpression('++', wrap(T.memberExpression(T.memberExpression(T.identifier(this.varName), T.identifier(type)), T.numericLiteral(id), true)));
}, {
key: 'insertCounter',
value: function insertCounter(path, increment) {
var T = this.types;
if (path.isBlockStatement()) {
} else if (path.isStatement()) {
} else if ((path.isFunctionExpression() || path.isArrowFunctionExpression()) && T.isVariableDeclarator(path.parentPath)) {
// make an attempt to hoist the statement counter, so that
// function names are maintained.
var parent = path.parentPath.parentPath;
if (parent && (T.isProgram(parent.parentPath) || T.isBlockStatement(parent.parentPath))) {
} else {
path.replaceWith(T.sequenceExpression([increment, path.node]));
} else /* istanbul ignore else: not expected */if (path.isExpression()) {
path.replaceWith(T.sequenceExpression([increment, path.node]));
} else {
console.error('Unable to insert counter for node type:', path.node.type);
}, {
key: 'insertStatementCounter',
value: function insertStatementCounter(path) {
/* istanbul ignore if: paranoid check */
if (!(path.node && path.node.loc)) {
var index = this.cov.newStatement(path.node.loc);
var increment = this.increase('s', index, null);
this.insertCounter(path, increment);
}, {
key: 'insertFunctionCounter',
value: function insertFunctionCounter(path) {
var T = this.types;
/* istanbul ignore if: paranoid check */
if (!(path.node && path.node.loc)) {
var n = path.node;
var dloc = null;
// get location for declaration
switch (n.type) {
case "FunctionDeclaration":
/* istanbul ignore else: paranoid check */
if (n.id) {
dloc = n.id.loc;
case "FunctionExpression":
if (n.id) {
dloc = n.id.loc;
if (!dloc) {
dloc = {
start: n.loc.start,
end: { line: n.loc.start.line, column: n.loc.start.column + 1 }
var name = path.node.id ? path.node.id.name : path.node.name;
var index = this.cov.newFunction(name, dloc, path.node.body.loc);
var increment = this.increase('f', index, null);
var body = path.get('body');
/* istanbul ignore else: not expected */
if (body.isBlockStatement()) {
} else {
console.error('Unable to process function body node type:', path.node.type);
}, {
key: 'getBranchIncrement',
value: function getBranchIncrement(branchName, loc) {
var index = this.cov.addBranchPath(branchName, loc);
return this.increase('b', branchName, index);
}, {
key: 'insertBranchCounter',
value: function insertBranchCounter(path, branchName, loc) {
var increment = this.getBranchIncrement(branchName, loc || path.node.loc);
this.insertCounter(path, increment);
}, {
key: 'findLeaves',
value: function findLeaves(node, accumulator, parent, property) {
if (!node) {
if (node.type === "LogicalExpression") {
var hint = this.hintFor(node);
if (hint !== 'next') {
this.findLeaves(node.left, accumulator, node, 'left');
this.findLeaves(node.right, accumulator, node, 'right');
} else {
node: node,
parent: parent,
property: property
return VisitState;
// generic function that takes a set of visitor methods and
// returns a visitor object with `enter` and `exit` properties,
// such that:
// * standard entry processing is done
// * the supplied visitors are called only when ignore is not in effect
// This relieves them from worrying about ignore states and generated nodes.
// * standard exit processing is done
function entries() {
var enter = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
// the enter function
var wrappedEntry = function wrappedEntry(path, node) {
if (this.shouldIgnore(path)) {
var that = this;
enter.forEach(function (e) {
e.call(that, path, node);
var exit = function exit(path, node) {
this.onExit(path, node);
return {
enter: wrappedEntry,
exit: exit
function coverStatement(path) {
/* istanbul ignore next: no node.js support */
function coverAssignmentPattern(path) {
var n = path.node;
var b = this.cov.newBranch('default-arg', n.loc);
this.insertBranchCounter(path.get('right'), b);
function coverFunction(path) {
function coverVariableDeclarator(path) {
function skipInit(path) {
if (path.node.init) {
this.setAttr(path.node.init, 'skip-all', true);
function makeBlock(path) {
var T = this.types;
if (!path.node) {
if (!path.isBlockStatement()) {
path.node.loc = path.node.body[0].loc;
function blockProp(prop) {
return function (path) {
makeBlock.call(this, path.get(prop));
function convertArrowExpression(path) {
var n = path.node;
var T = this.types;
if (n.expression) {
var bloc = n.body.loc;
n.expression = false;
n.body = T.blockStatement([T.returnStatement(n.body)]);
// restore body location
n.body.loc = bloc;
// set up the location for the return statement so it gets
// instrumented
n.body.body[0].loc = bloc;
function coverIfBranches(path) {
var n = path.node,
hint = this.hintFor(n),
ignoreIf = hint === 'if',
ignoreElse = hint === 'else',
branch = this.cov.newBranch('if', n.loc);
if (ignoreIf) {
this.setAttr(n.consequent, 'skip-all', true);
} else {
this.insertBranchCounter(path.get('consequent'), branch, n.loc);
if (ignoreElse) {
this.setAttr(n.alternate, 'skip-all', true);
} else {
this.insertBranchCounter(path.get('alternate'), branch, n.loc);
function createSwitchBranch(path) {
var b = this.cov.newBranch('switch', path.node.loc);
this.setAttr(path.node, 'branchName', b);
function coverSwitchCase(path) {
var T = this.types;
var b = this.getAttr(path.parentPath.node, 'branchName');
/* istanbul ignore if: paranoid check */
if (b === null) {
throw new Error('Unable to get switch branch name');
var increment = this.getBranchIncrement(b, path.node.loc);
function coverTernary(path) {
var n = path.node,
branch = this.cov.newBranch('cond-expr', path.node.loc),
cHint = this.hintFor(n.consequent),
aHint = this.hintFor(n.alternate);
if (cHint !== 'next') {
this.insertBranchCounter(path.get('consequent'), branch);
if (aHint !== 'next') {
this.insertBranchCounter(path.get('alternate'), branch);
function coverLogicalExpression(path) {
var T = this.types;
if (path.parentPath.node.type === "LogicalExpression") {
return; // already processed
var leaves = [];
this.findLeaves(path.node, leaves);
var b = this.cov.newBranch("binary-expr", path.node.loc);
for (var i = 0; i < leaves.length; i += 1) {
var leaf = leaves[i];
var hint = this.hintFor(leaf.node);
if (hint === 'next') {
var increment = this.getBranchIncrement(b, leaf.node.loc);
if (!increment) {
leaf.parent[leaf.property] = T.sequenceExpression([increment, leaf.node]);
var codeVisitor = {
ArrowFunctionExpression: entries(convertArrowExpression, coverFunction),
AssignmentPattern: entries(coverAssignmentPattern),
BlockStatement: entries(), // ignore processing only
ClassMethod: entries(coverFunction),
ExpressionStatement: entries(coverStatement),
BreakStatement: entries(coverStatement),
ContinueStatement: entries(coverStatement),
DebuggerStatement: entries(coverStatement),
ReturnStatement: entries(coverStatement),
ThrowStatement: entries(coverStatement),
TryStatement: entries(coverStatement),
VariableDeclaration: entries(), // ignore processing only
VariableDeclarator: entries(coverVariableDeclarator),
IfStatement: entries(blockProp('consequent'), blockProp('alternate'), coverStatement, coverIfBranches),
ForStatement: entries(blockProp('body'), skipInit, coverStatement),
ForInStatement: entries(blockProp('body'), skipInit, coverStatement),
ForOfStatement: entries(blockProp('body'), skipInit, coverStatement),
WhileStatement: entries(blockProp('body'), coverStatement),
DoWhileStatement: entries(blockProp('body'), coverStatement),
SwitchStatement: entries(createSwitchBranch, coverStatement),
SwitchCase: entries(coverSwitchCase),
WithStatement: entries(blockProp('body'), coverStatement),
FunctionDeclaration: entries(coverFunction),
FunctionExpression: entries(coverFunction),
LabeledStatement: entries(coverStatement),
ConditionalExpression: entries(coverTernary),
LogicalExpression: entries(coverLogicalExpression)
// the template to insert at the top of the program.
var coverageTemplate = (0, _babelTemplate2.default)('\n var COVERAGE_VAR = (function () {\n var path = PATH,\n hash = HASH,\n global = (new Function(\'return this\'))(),\n gcv = GLOBAL_COVERAGE_VAR,\n coverageData = INITIAL,\n coverage = global[gcv] || (global[gcv] = {});\n if (coverage[path] && coverage[path].hash === hash) {\n return coverage[path];\n }\n coverageData.hash = hash;\n return coverage[path] = coverageData;\n })();\n');
* programVisitor is a `babel` adaptor for instrumentation.
* It returns an object with two methods `enter` and `exit`.
* These should be assigned to or called from `Program` entry and exit functions
* in a babel visitor.
* These functions do not make assumptions about the state set by Babel and thus
* can be used in a context other than a Babel plugin.
* The exit function returns an object that currently has the following keys:
* `fileCoverage` - the file coverage object created for the source file.
* `sourceMappingURL` - any source mapping URL found when processing the file.
* @param {Object} types - an instance of babel-types
* @param {string} sourceFilePath - the path to source file
* @param {Object} opts - additional options
* @param {string} [opts.coverageVariable=__coverage__] the global coverage variable name.
* @param {object} [opts.inputSourceMap=undefined] the input source map, that maps the uninstrumented code back to the
* original code.
function programVisitor(types) {
var sourceFilePath = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'unknown.js';
var opts = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : { coverageVariable: '__coverage__', inputSourceMap: undefined };
var T = types;
var visitState = new VisitState(types, sourceFilePath, opts.inputSourceMap);
return {
enter: function enter(path) {
path.traverse(codeVisitor, visitState);
exit: function exit(path) {
var coverageData = visitState.cov.toJSON();
coverageData[_constants.MAGIC_KEY] = _constants.MAGIC_VALUE;
var hash = (0, _crypto.createHash)(_constants.SHA).update(JSON.stringify(coverageData)).digest('hex');
var coverageNode = T.valueToNode(coverageData);
delete coverageData[_constants.MAGIC_KEY];
var cv = coverageTemplate({
GLOBAL_COVERAGE_VAR: T.stringLiteral(opts.coverageVariable),
COVERAGE_VAR: T.identifier(visitState.varName),
PATH: T.stringLiteral(sourceFilePath),
INITIAL: coverageNode,
HASH: T.stringLiteral(hash)
cv._blockHoist = 3;
return {
fileCoverage: coverageData,
sourceMappingURL: visitState.sourceMappingURL
exports.default = programVisitor; |