![Florian Dold](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
ba094e2 Run only local tests for pull requests (#390) e9fc3c2 Fix CI build (#386) 70a5ca3 This adds a link to preact-i18nline. (#382) 5dffd85 Merge branch 'pr-fix-build-for-windows' of https://github.com/Download/preact f14edf7 kilobits => kilobytes (#383) c193547 Test for #292 284e4aa 6.4.0 24eab2f Prevent accidental duplicate recycling of elements when swapping the base element of a component. Fixes #373. 76c5ef7 fix lint error 8008886 When swapping the base of a composed child component, update its parent's base reference. Fixes #349. fd4f21f Add an equality check prior to setting `.nodeValue` on text nodes, since Firefox (and maybe others) don't do this internally by default. Fixes #368 - thanks @zbinlin! 1555e2b Add CDNJS version badge in readme (#365) 79c8bae Disable React Developer Tools integration tests under IE (#362) 84f4eeb Refactor `linkState()` a bit to drop around 40 bytes. Coincidentally, that's the exact size of the hooks just added for DevTools... 👌 22bbfcb Little tweaks 👯 f8b326e Document how to use the React DevTools with Preact (#354) 1f4a8eb Correct "preact/devtools" type definitions (#355) 68f22eb Add React Developer Tools integration (#339) 2a7a027 Add ref and allow objects in className (#316) 4a59cca fix readme todomvc link (#345) 37ca4e0 Fixes build for Windows #343 cf93387 6.3.0 ff05818 Make `VNode.children` *always* be an Array, even when there are no children. 9b095f4 Added link to preact-layout (#342) git-subtree-dir: thirdparty/preact git-subtree-split: ba094e27b602cb16aded7dcad95f71e44b7b0476
112 lines
4.5 KiB
112 lines
4.5 KiB
"name": "preact",
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"version": "6.4.0",
"description": "Tiny & fast Component-based virtual DOM framework.",
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"author": "Jason Miller <jason@developit.ca>",
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