We now use webpack instead of SystemJS, effectively bundling modules into one file (plus commons chunks) for every entry point. This results in a much smaller extension size (almost half). Furthermore we use yarn/npm even for extension run-time dependencies. This relieves us from manually vendoring and building dependencies. It's also easier to understand for new developers familiar with node.
138 lines
5.3 KiB
138 lines
5.3 KiB
'use strict';
/*jshint asi: true */
var test = require('tap').test
, generator = require('inline-source-map')
, convert = require('..')
function comment(prefix, suffix) {
var rx = convert.commentRegex;
return rx.test(prefix + 'sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJmaWxlIjoiIiwic291cmNlcyI6WyJmdW5jdGlvbiBmb28oKSB7XG4gY29uc29sZS5sb2coXCJoZWxsbyBJIGFtIGZvb1wiKTtcbiBjb25zb2xlLmxvZyhcIndobyBhcmUgeW91XCIpO1xufVxuXG5mb28oKTtcbiJdLCJuYW1lcyI6W10sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiQUFBQSJ9' + suffix)
function commentWithCharSet(prefix, suffix, sep) {
sep = sep || ':';
var rx = convert.commentRegex;
return rx.test(prefix + 'sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset' + sep +'utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJmaWxlIjoiIiwic291cmNlcyI6WyJmdW5jdGlvbiBmb28oKSB7XG4gY29uc29sZS5sb2coXCJoZWxsbyBJIGFtIGZvb1wiKTtcbiBjb25zb2xlLmxvZyhcIndobyBhcmUgeW91XCIpO1xufVxuXG5mb28oKTtcbiJdLCJuYW1lcyI6W10sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiQUFBQSJ9' + suffix)
// Source Map v2 Tests
test('comment regex old spec - @', function (t) {
'//@ ',
' //@ ', // with leading space
'\t//@ ', // with leading tab
'//@ ', // with leading text
'/*@ ', // multi line style
' /*@ ', // multi line style with leading spaces
'\t/*@ ', // multi line style with leading tab
'/*@ ', // multi line style with leading text
].forEach(function (x) {
t.ok(comment(x, ''), 'matches ' + x)
t.ok(commentWithCharSet(x, ''), 'matches ' + x + ' with charset')
t.ok(commentWithCharSet(x, '', '='), 'matches ' + x + ' with charset')
' @// @',
' @/* @',
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(!comment(x, ''), 'should not match ' + x) })
test('comment regex new spec - #', function (t) {
' //# ', // with leading spaces
'\t//# ', // with leading tab
'//# ', // with leading text
'/*# ', // multi line style
' /*# ', // multi line style with leading spaces
'\t/*# ', // multi line style with leading tab
'/*# ', // multi line style with leading text
].forEach(function (x) {
t.ok(comment(x, ''), 'matches ' + x)
t.ok(commentWithCharSet(x, ''), 'matches ' + x + ' with charset')
t.ok(commentWithCharSet(x, '', '='), 'matches ' + x + ' with charset')
' #// #',
' #/* #',
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(!comment(x, ''), 'should not match ' + x) })
function mapFileCommentWrap(s1, s2) {
var mapFileRx = convert.mapFileCommentRegex;
return mapFileRx.test(s1 + 'sourceMappingURL=foo.js.map' + s2)
test('mapFileComment regex old spec - @', function (t) {
['//@ ', ''],
[' //@ ', ''], // with leading spaces
['\t//@ ', ''], // with a leading tab
['///@ ', ''], // with a leading text
[';//@ ', ''], // with a leading text
['return//@ ', ''], // with a leading text
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(mapFileCommentWrap(x[0], x[1]), 'matches ' + x.join(' :: ')) });
[' @// @', ''],
['var sm = "//@ ', '"'], // not inside a string
['var sm = \'//@ ', '\''], // not inside a string
['var sm = \' //@ ', '\''], // not inside a string
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(!mapFileCommentWrap(x[0], x[1]), 'does not match ' + x.join(' :: ')) })
test('mapFileComment regex new spec - #', function (t) {
['//# ', ''],
[' //# ', ''], // with leading space
['\t//# ', ''], // with leading tab
['///# ', ''], // with leading text
[';//# ', ''], // with leading text
['return//# ', ''], // with leading text
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(mapFileCommentWrap(x[0], x[1]), 'matches ' + x.join(' :: ')) });
[' #// #', ''],
['var sm = "//# ', '"'], // not inside a string
['var sm = \'//# ', '\''], // not inside a string
['var sm = \' //# ', '\''], // not inside a string
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(!mapFileCommentWrap(x[0], x[1]), 'does not match ' + x.join(' :: ')) })
test('mapFileComment regex /* */ old spec - @', function (t) {
[ [ '/*@ ', '*/' ]
, [' /*@ ', ' */ ' ] // with leading spaces
, [ '\t/*@ ', ' \t*/\t '] // with a leading tab
, [ 'leading string/*@ ', '*/' ] // with a leading string
, [ '/*@ ', ' \t*/\t '] // with trailing whitespace
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(mapFileCommentWrap(x[0], x[1]), 'matches ' + x.join(' :: ')) });
[ ['/*@ ', ' */ */ ' ], // not the last thing on its line
['/*@ ', ' */ more text ' ] // not the last thing on its line
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(!mapFileCommentWrap(x[0], x[1]), 'does not match ' + x.join(' :: ')) });
test('mapFileComment regex /* */ new spec - #', function (t) {
[ [ '/*# ', '*/' ]
, [' /*# ', ' */ ' ] // with leading spaces
, [ '\t/*# ', ' \t*/\t '] // with a leading tab
, [ 'leading string/*# ', '*/' ] // with a leading string
, [ '/*# ', ' \t*/\t '] // with trailing whitespace
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(mapFileCommentWrap(x[0], x[1]), 'matches ' + x.join(' :: ')) });
[ ['/*# ', ' */ */ ' ], // not the last thing on its line
['/*# ', ' */ more text ' ] // not the last thing on its line
].forEach(function (x) { t.ok(!mapFileCommentWrap(x[0], x[1]), 'does not match ' + x.join(' :: ')) });