git-subtree-dir: thirdparty/preact git-subtree-split: b2d90cc116f1d1998f7a7c98dc6986bf4c1841f4
113 lines
3.7 KiB
113 lines
3.7 KiB
import { h, render } from '../../src/preact';
/** @jsx h */
// hacky normalization of attribute order across browsers.
function sortAttributes(html) {
return html.replace(/<([a-z0-9-]+)((?:\s[a-z0-9:_.-]+=".*?")+)((?:\s*\/)?>)/gi, (s, pre, attrs, after) => {
let list = attrs.match(/\s[a-z0-9:_.-]+=".*?"/gi).sort( (a, b) => a>b ? 1 : -1 );
if (~after.indexOf('/')) after = '></'+pre+'>';
return '<' + pre + list.join('') + after;
describe('svg', () => {
let scratch;
before( () => {
scratch = document.createElement('div');
(document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(scratch);
beforeEach( () => {
scratch.innerHTML = '';
after( () => {
scratch = null;
it('should render SVG to string', () => {
<svg viewBox="0 0 360 360">
<path stroke="white" fill="black" d="M 347.1 357.9 L 183.3 256.5 L 13 357.9 V 1.7 h 334.1 v 356.2 Z M 58.5 47.2 v 231.4 l 124.8 -74.1 l 118.3 72.8 V 47.2 H 58.5 Z" />
), scratch);
let html = sortAttributes(String(scratch.innerHTML).replace(' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"', ''));
<svg viewBox="0 0 360 360">
<path d="M 347.1 357.9 L 183.3 256.5 L 13 357.9 V 1.7 h 334.1 v 356.2 Z M 58.5 47.2 v 231.4 l 124.8 -74.1 l 118.3 72.8 V 47.2 H 58.5 Z" fill="black" stroke="white"></path>
it('should render SVG to DOM', () => {
const Demo = () => (
<svg viewBox="0 0 360 360">
<path d="M 347.1 357.9 L 183.3 256.5 L 13 357.9 V 1.7 h 334.1 v 356.2 Z M 58.5 47.2 v 231.4 l 124.8 -74.1 l 118.3 72.8 V 47.2 H 58.5 Z" fill="black" stroke="white" />
render(<Demo />, scratch);
let html = sortAttributes(String(scratch.innerHTML).replace(' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"', ''));
expect(html).to.equal(sortAttributes('<svg viewBox="0 0 360 360"><path stroke="white" fill="black" d="M 347.1 357.9 L 183.3 256.5 L 13 357.9 V 1.7 h 334.1 v 356.2 Z M 58.5 47.2 v 231.4 l 124.8 -74.1 l 118.3 72.8 V 47.2 H 58.5 Z"></path></svg>'));
it('should use attributes for className', () => {
const Demo = ({ c }) => (
<svg viewBox="0 0 360 360" {...(c ? {class:'foo_'+c} : {})}>
<path class={c && ('bar_'+c)} stroke="white" fill="black" d="M347.1 357.9L183.3 256.5 13 357.9V1.7h334.1v356.2zM58.5 47.2v231.4l124.8-74.1 118.3 72.8V47.2H58.5z" />
let root = render(<Demo c="1" />, scratch, root);
sinon.spy(root, 'removeAttribute');
root = render(<Demo />, scratch, root);
root = render(<div />, scratch, root);
root = render(<Demo />, scratch, root);
sinon.spy(root, 'setAttribute');
root = render(<Demo c="2" />, scratch, root);
expect(root.setAttribute).to.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith('class', 'foo_2');
root = render(<Demo c="3" />, scratch, root);
root = render(<Demo />, scratch, root);
it('should still support class attribute', () => {
<svg viewBox="0 0 1 1" class="foo bar" />
), scratch);
expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.contain(` class="foo bar"`);
it('should serialize class', () => {
<svg viewBox="0 0 1 1" class={{ foo: true, bar: false, other: 'hello' }} />
), scratch);
expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.contain(` class="foo other"`);
it('should switch back to HTML for <foreignObject>', () => {
<a href="#foo">test</a>
), scratch);