2019-07-21 23:50:10 +02:00

875 lines
26 KiB

This file is part of TALER
(C) 2016 GNUnet e.V.
TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
* Messaging for the WebExtensions wallet. Should contain
* parts that are specific for WebExtensions, but as little business
* logic as possible.
* Imports.
import { BrowserHttpLib } from "../http";
import * as logging from "../logging";
import { AmountJson } from "../amounts";
import {
} from "../walletTypes";
import {
} from "../wallet";
import { isFirefox } from "./compat";
import {
} from "../dbTypes";
import { openTalerDb, exportDb, importDb, deleteDb } from "../db";
import { ChromeBadge } from "./chromeBadge";
import { MessageType } from "./messages";
import * as wxApi from "./wxApi";
import URI = require("urijs");
import Port = chrome.runtime.Port;
import MessageSender = chrome.runtime.MessageSender;
import { TipToken } from "../talerTypes";
const NeedsWallet = Symbol("NeedsWallet");
function handleMessage(sender: MessageSender,
type: MessageType, detail: any): any {
function assertNotFound(t: never): never {
console.error(`Request type ${t as string} unknown`);
console.error(`Request detail was ${detail}`);
return { error: "request unknown", requestType: type } as never;
function needsWallet(): Wallet {
if (!currentWallet) {
throw NeedsWallet;
return currentWallet;
switch (type) {
case "balances": {
return needsWallet().getBalances();
case "dump-db": {
const db = needsWallet().db;
return exportDb(db);
case "import-db": {
const db = needsWallet().db;
return importDb(db, detail.dump);
case "ping": {
return Promise.resolve();
case "reset-db": {
if (currentWallet) {
const db = currentWallet.db;
const tx = db.transaction(Array.from(db.objectStoreNames), "readwrite");
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-for-of
for (let i = 0; i < db.objectStoreNames.length; i++) {
setBadgeText({ text: "" });
console.log("reset done");
if (!currentWallet) {
return Promise.resolve({});
case "create-reserve": {
const d = {
amount: detail.amount,
exchange: detail.exchange,
senderWire: detail.senderWire,
const req = CreateReserveRequest.checked(d);
return needsWallet().createReserve(req);
case "confirm-reserve": {
const d = {
reservePub: detail.reservePub,
const req = ConfirmReserveRequest.checked(d);
return needsWallet().confirmReserve(req);
case "confirm-pay": {
if (typeof detail.proposalId !== "number") {
throw Error("proposalId must be number");
return needsWallet().confirmPay(detail.proposalId, detail.sessionId);
case "submit-pay": {
if (typeof detail.contractTermsHash !== "string") {
throw Error("contractTermsHash must be a string");
return needsWallet().submitPay(detail.contractTermsHash, detail.sessionId);
case "check-pay": {
if (typeof detail.proposalId !== "number") {
throw Error("proposalId must be number");
return needsWallet().checkPay(detail.proposalId);
case "query-payment": {
if (sender.tab && sender.tab.id) {
if (rateLimitCache[sender.tab.id] > 10) {
console.warn("rate limit for query-payment exceeded");
const msg = {
error: "rate limit exceeded for query-payment",
hint: "Check for redirect loops",
rateLimitExceeded: true,
return Promise.resolve(msg);
return needsWallet().queryPaymentByFulfillmentUrl(detail.url);
case "exchange-info": {
if (!detail.baseUrl) {
return Promise.resolve({ error: "bad url" });
return needsWallet().updateExchangeFromUrl(detail.baseUrl);
case "currency-info": {
if (!detail.name) {
return Promise.resolve({ error: "name missing" });
return needsWallet().getCurrencyRecord(detail.name);
case "hash-contract": {
if (!detail.contract) {
return Promise.resolve({ error: "contract missing" });
return needsWallet().hashContract(detail.contract).then((hash) => {
return hash;
case "reserve-creation-info": {
if (!detail.baseUrl || typeof detail.baseUrl !== "string") {
return Promise.resolve({ error: "bad url" });
const amount = AmountJson.checked(detail.amount);
return needsWallet().getReserveCreationInfo(detail.baseUrl, amount);
case "get-history": {
// TODO: limit history length
return needsWallet().getHistory();
case "get-proposal": {
return needsWallet().getProposal(detail.proposalId);
case "get-exchanges": {
return needsWallet().getExchanges();
case "get-currencies": {
return needsWallet().getCurrencies();
case "update-currency": {
return needsWallet().updateCurrency(detail.currencyRecord);
case "get-reserves": {
if (typeof detail.exchangeBaseUrl !== "string") {
return Promise.reject(Error("exchangeBaseUrl missing"));
return needsWallet().getReserves(detail.exchangeBaseUrl);
case "get-payback-reserves": {
return needsWallet().getPaybackReserves();
case "withdraw-payback-reserve": {
if (typeof detail.reservePub !== "string") {
return Promise.reject(Error("reservePub missing"));
return needsWallet().withdrawPaybackReserve(detail.reservePub);
case "get-coins": {
if (typeof detail.exchangeBaseUrl !== "string") {
return Promise.reject(Error("exchangBaseUrl missing"));
return needsWallet().getCoins(detail.exchangeBaseUrl);
case "get-precoins": {
if (typeof detail.exchangeBaseUrl !== "string") {
return Promise.reject(Error("exchangBaseUrl missing"));
return needsWallet().getPreCoins(detail.exchangeBaseUrl);
case "get-denoms": {
if (typeof detail.exchangeBaseUrl !== "string") {
return Promise.reject(Error("exchangBaseUrl missing"));
return needsWallet().getDenoms(detail.exchangeBaseUrl);
case "refresh-coin": {
if (typeof detail.coinPub !== "string") {
return Promise.reject(Error("coinPub missing"));
return needsWallet().refresh(detail.coinPub);
case "payback-coin": {
if (typeof detail.coinPub !== "string") {
return Promise.reject(Error("coinPub missing"));
return needsWallet().payback(detail.coinPub);
case "get-sender-wire-infos": {
return needsWallet().getSenderWireInfos();
case "return-coins": {
const d = {
amount: detail.amount,
exchange: detail.exchange,
senderWire: detail.senderWire,
const req = ReturnCoinsRequest.checked(d);
return needsWallet().returnCoins(req);
case "check-upgrade": {
let dbResetRequired = false;
if (!currentWallet) {
dbResetRequired = true;
const resp: wxApi.UpgradeResponse = {
currentDbVersion: WALLET_DB_VERSION.toString(),
oldDbVersion: (oldDbVersion || "unknown").toString(),
return resp;
case "log-and-display-error":
logging.storeReport(detail).then((reportUid) => {
const url = chrome.extension.getURL(`/src/webex/pages/error.html?reportUid=${reportUid}`);
if (detail.sameTab && sender && sender.tab && sender.tab.id) {
chrome.tabs.update(detail.tabId, { url });
} else {
chrome.tabs.create({ url });
case "get-report":
return logging.getReport(detail.reportUid);
case "get-purchase": {
const contractTermsHash = detail.contractTermsHash;
if (!contractTermsHash) {
throw Error("contractTermsHash missing");
return needsWallet().getPurchase(contractTermsHash);
case "get-full-refund-fees":
return needsWallet().getFullRefundFees(detail.refundPermissions);
case "accept-refund":
return needsWallet().acceptRefund(detail.refundUrl);
case "get-tip-status": {
const tipToken = TipToken.checked(detail.tipToken);
return needsWallet().getTipStatus(tipToken);
case "accept-tip": {
const tipToken = TipToken.checked(detail.tipToken);
return needsWallet().acceptTip(tipToken);
case "clear-notification": {
return needsWallet().clearNotification();
case "download-proposal": {
return needsWallet().downloadProposal(detail.url);
case "abort-failed-payment": {
if (!detail.contractTermsHash) {
throw Error("contracTermsHash not given");
return needsWallet().abortFailedPayment(detail.contractTermsHash);
case "taler-pay": {
const senderUrl = sender.url;
if (!senderUrl) {
console.log("can't trigger payment, no sender URL");
const tab = sender.tab;
if (!tab) {
console.log("can't trigger payment, no sender tab");
const tabId = tab.id;
if (typeof tabId !== "string") {
console.log("can't trigger payment, no sender tab id");
talerPay(detail, senderUrl, tabId);
case "benchmark-crypto": {
if (!detail.repetitions) {
throw Error("repetitions not given");
return needsWallet().benchmarkCrypto(detail.repetitions);
// Exhaustiveness check.
// See https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html
return assertNotFound(type);
async function dispatch(req: any, sender: any, sendResponse: any): Promise<void> {
try {
const p = handleMessage(sender, req.type, req.detail);
const r = await p;
try {
} catch (e) {
// might fail if tab disconnected
} catch (e) {
console.log(`exception during wallet handler for '${req.type}'`);
console.log("request", req);
let stack;
try {
stack = e.stack.toString();
} catch (e) {
// might fail
try {
error: "exception",
message: e.message,
} catch (e) {
// might fail if tab disconnected
class ChromeNotifier implements Notifier {
private ports: Port[] = [];
constructor() {
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener((port) => {
console.log("got connect!");
port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => {
const i = this.ports.indexOf(port);
if (i >= 0) {
this.ports.splice(i, 1);
} else {
console.error("port already removed");
notify() {
for (const p of this.ports) {
p.postMessage({ notify: true });
async function talerPay(fields: any, url: string, tabId: number): Promise<string | undefined> {
if (!currentWallet) {
console.log("can't handle payment, no wallet");
return undefined;
const w = currentWallet;
const goToPayment = (p: PurchaseRecord): string => {
const nextUrl = new URI(p.contractTerms.fulfillment_url);
nextUrl.addSearch("order_id", p.contractTerms.order_id);
if (p.lastSessionSig) {
nextUrl.addSearch("session_sig", p.lastSessionSig);
return nextUrl.href();
if (fields.resource_url) {
const p = await w.queryPaymentByFulfillmentUrl(fields.resource_url);
console.log("query for resource url", fields.resource_url, "result", p);
if (p && (fields.session_id === undefined || fields.session_id === p.lastSessionId)) {
return goToPayment(p);
if (fields.contract_url) {
const proposalId = await w.downloadProposal(fields.contract_url);
const uri = new URI(chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/confirm-contract.html"));
if (fields.session_id) {
uri.addSearch("sessionId", fields.session_id);
uri.addSearch("proposalId", proposalId);
const redirectUrl = uri.href();
return redirectUrl;
if (fields.offer_url) {
return fields.offer_url;
if (fields.refund_url) {
console.log("processing refund");
const uri = new URI(chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/refund.html"));
return uri.query({ refundUrl: fields.refund_url }).href();
if (fields.tip) {
const uri = new URI(chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/tip.html"));
return uri.query({ tip_token: fields.tip }).href();
return undefined;
function getTab(tabId: number): Promise<chrome.tabs.Tab> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
chrome.tabs.get(tabId, (tab: chrome.tabs.Tab) => resolve(tab));
function setBadgeText(options: chrome.browserAction.BadgeTextDetails) {
// not supported by all browsers ...
if (chrome && chrome.browserAction && chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText) {
} else {
console.warn("can't set badge text, not supported", options);
function waitMs(timeoutMs: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeoutMs);
function makeSyncWalletRedirect(url: string,
tabId: number,
oldUrl: string,
params?: {[name: string]: string | undefined}): object {
const innerUrl = new URI(chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/" + url));
if (params) {
for (const key in params) {
if (params[key]) {
innerUrl.addSearch(key, params[key]);
const outerUrl = new URI(chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/redirect.html"));
outerUrl.addSearch("url", innerUrl);
if (isFirefox()) {
// Some platforms don't support the sync redirect (yet), so fall back to
// async redirect after a timeout.
const doit = async() => {
await waitMs(150);
const tab = await getTab(tabId);
if (tab.url === oldUrl) {
chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { url: outerUrl.href() });
return { redirectUrl: outerUrl.href() };
* Handle a HTTP response that has the "402 Payment Required" status.
* In this callback we don't have access to the body, and must communicate via
* shared state with the content script that will later be run later
* in this tab.
function handleHttpPayment(headerList: chrome.webRequest.HttpHeader[], url: string, tabId: number): any {
if (!currentWallet) {
console.log("can't handle payment, no wallet");
const headers: { [s: string]: string } = {};
for (const kv of headerList) {
if (kv.value) {
headers[kv.name.toLowerCase()] = kv.value;
const fields = {
contract_url: headers["x-taler-contract-url"],
offer_url: headers["x-taler-offer-url"],
refund_url: headers["x-taler-refund-url"],
resource_url: headers["x-taler-resource-url"],
session_id: headers["x-taler-session-id"],
tip: headers["x-taler-tip"],
const talerHeaderFound = Object.keys(fields).filter((x: any) => (fields as any)[x]).length !== 0;
if (!talerHeaderFound) {
// looks like it's not a taler request, it might be
// for a different payment system (or the shop is buggy)
console.log("ignoring non-taler 402 response");
console.log("got pay detail", fields);
// Synchronous fast path for existing payment
if (fields.resource_url) {
const result = currentWallet.getNextUrlFromResourceUrl(fields.resource_url);
if (result && (fields.session_id === undefined || fields.session_id === result.lastSessionId)) {
return { redirectUrl: result.nextUrl };
// Synchronous fast path for new contract
if (fields.contract_url) {
return makeSyncWalletRedirect("confirm-contract.html", tabId, url, {
contractUrl: fields.contract_url,
resourceUrl: fields.resource_url,
sessionId: fields.session_id,
// Synchronous fast path for tip
if (fields.tip) {
return makeSyncWalletRedirect("tip.html", tabId, url, { tip_token: fields.tip });
// Synchronous fast path for refund
if (fields.refund_url) {
console.log("processing refund");
return makeSyncWalletRedirect("refund.html", tabId, url, { refundUrl: fields.refund_url });
// We need to do some asynchronous operation, we can't directly redirect
talerPay(fields, url, tabId).then((nextUrl) => {
if (nextUrl) {
// We use chrome.tabs.executeScript instead of chrome.tabs.update
// because the latter is buggy when it does not execute in the same
// (micro-?)task as the header callback.
code: `document.location.href = decodeURIComponent("${encodeURI(nextUrl)}");`,
runAt: "document_start",
function handleBankRequest(wallet: Wallet, headerList: chrome.webRequest.HttpHeader[],
url: string, tabId: number): any {
const headers: { [s: string]: string } = {};
for (const kv of headerList) {
if (kv.value) {
headers[kv.name.toLowerCase()] = kv.value;
const operation = headers["x-taler-operation"];
if (!operation) {
// Not a taler related request.
if (operation === "confirm-reserve") {
const reservePub = headers["x-taler-reserve-pub"];
if (reservePub !== undefined) {
console.log(`confirming reserve ${reservePub} via 201`);
} else {
console.warn("got 'X-Taler-Operation: confirm-reserve' without 'X-Taler-Reserve-Pub'");
if (operation === "create-reserve") {
const amount = headers["x-taler-amount"];
if (!amount) {
console.log("202 not understood (X-Taler-Amount missing)");
const callbackUrl = headers["x-taler-callback-url"];
if (!callbackUrl) {
console.log("202 not understood (X-Taler-Callback-Url missing)");
try {
} catch (e) {
const errUri = new URI(chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/error.html"));
const p = {
message: `Can't parse amount ("${amount}"): ${e.message}`,
const errRedirectUrl = errUri.query(p).href();
// FIXME: use direct redirect when https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=707624 is fixed
chrome.tabs.update(tabId, {url: errRedirectUrl});
const wtTypes = headers["x-taler-wt-types"];
if (!wtTypes) {
console.log("202 not understood (X-Taler-Wt-Types missing)");
const params = {
bank_url: url,
callback_url: new URI(callbackUrl) .absoluteTo(url),
sender_wire: headers["x-taler-sender-wire"],
suggested_exchange_url: headers["x-taler-suggested-exchange"],
wt_types: wtTypes,
const uri = new URI(chrome.extension.getURL("/src/webex/pages/confirm-create-reserve.html"));
const redirectUrl = uri.query(params).href();
console.log("redirecting to", redirectUrl);
// FIXME: use direct redirect when https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=707624 is fixed
chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { url: redirectUrl });
console.log("Ignoring unknown X-Taler-Operation:", operation);
// Rate limit cache for executePayment operations, to break redirect loops
let rateLimitCache: { [n: number]: number } = {};
function clearRateLimitCache() {
rateLimitCache = {};
* Currently active wallet instance. Might be unloaded and
* re-instantiated when the database is reset.
let currentWallet: Wallet|undefined;
* Last version if an outdated DB, if applicable.
let oldDbVersion: number|undefined;
function handleUpgradeUnsupported(oldDbVersion: number, newDbVersion: number) {
console.log("DB migration not supported");
url: chrome.extension.getURL(
setBadgeText({ text: "err" });
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: "#F00" });
async function reinitWallet() {
if (currentWallet) {
currentWallet = undefined;
setBadgeText({ text: "" });
const badge = new ChromeBadge();
let db: IDBDatabase;
try {
db = await openTalerDb(indexedDB, reinitWallet, handleUpgradeUnsupported);
} catch (e) {
console.error("could not open database", e);
const http = new BrowserHttpLib();
const notifier = new ChromeNotifier();
console.log("setting wallet");
const wallet = new Wallet(db, http, badge, notifier);
// Useful for debugging in the background page.
(window as any).talerWallet = wallet;
currentWallet = wallet;
* Inject a script into a tab. Gracefully logs errors
* and works around a bug where the tab's URL does not match the internal URL,
* making the injection fail in a confusing way.
function injectScript(tabId: number, details: chrome.tabs.InjectDetails, actualUrl: string): void {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, details, () => {
// Required to squelch chrome's "unchecked lastError" warning.
// Sometimes chrome reports the URL of a tab as http/https but
// injection fails. This can happen when a page is unloaded or
// shows a "no internet" page etc.
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.warn("injection failed on page", actualUrl, chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
* Main function to run for the WebExtension backend.
* Sets up all event handlers and other machinery.
export async function wxMain() {
// Explicitly unload the extension page as soon as an update is available,
// so the update gets installed as soon as possible.
chrome.runtime.onUpdateAvailable.addListener((details) => {
console.log("update available:", details);
window.onerror = (m, source, lineno, colno, error) => {
logging.record("error", "".concat(m as any, error as any), undefined, source || "(unknown)", lineno || 0, colno || 0);
chrome.tabs.query({}, (tabs) => {
console.log("got tabs", tabs);
for (const tab of tabs) {
if (!tab.url || !tab.id) {
const uri = new URI(tab.url);
if (uri.protocol() !== "http" && uri.protocol() !== "https") {
console.log("injecting into existing tab", tab.id, "with url", uri.href(), "protocol", uri.protocol());
injectScript(tab.id, { file: "/dist/contentScript-bundle.js", runAt: "document_start" }, uri.href());
const code = `
if (("taler" in window) || document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-taler-nojs")) {
document.dispatchEvent(new Event("taler-probe-result"));
injectScript(tab.id, { code, runAt: "document_start" }, uri.href());
const tabTimers: {[n: number]: number[]} = {};
chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener((tabId, changeInfo) => {
const tt = tabTimers[tabId] || [];
for (const t of tt) {
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((tabId, changeInfo) => {
if (changeInfo.status !== "complete") {
const timers: number[] = [];
const addRun = (dt: number) => {
const id = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().setTimeout(run, dt);
const run = () => {
chrome.tabs.get(tabId, (tab) => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
if (!tab.url || !tab.id) {
const uri = new URI(tab.url);
if (!(uri.protocol() === "http" || uri.protocol() === "https")) {
const code = `
if (("taler" in window) || document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-taler-nojs")) {
document.dispatchEvent(new Event("taler-probe-result"));
injectScript(tab.id!, { code, runAt: "document_start" }, uri.href());
tabTimers[tabId] = timers;
chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().setInterval(clearRateLimitCache, 5000);
// Handlers for messages coming directly from the content
// script on the page
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((req, sender, sendResponse) => {
dispatch(req, sender, sendResponse);
return true;
// Clear notifications both when the popop opens,
// as well when it closes.
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener((port) => {
if (port.name === "popup") {
if (currentWallet) {
port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => {
if (currentWallet) {
// Handlers for catching HTTP requests
chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener((details) => {
const wallet = currentWallet;
if (!wallet) {
console.warn("wallet not available while handling header");
if (details.statusCode === 402) {
console.log(`got 402 from ${details.url}`);
return handleHttpPayment(details.responseHeaders || [],
} else if (details.statusCode === 202) {
return handleBankRequest(wallet!, details.responseHeaders || [],
}, { urls: ["<all_urls>"] }, ["responseHeaders", "blocking"]);