# write-json-file [](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/write-json-file) > Stringify and write JSON to a file [atomically](https://github.com/npm/write-file-atomic) Creates directories for you as needed. ## Install ``` $ npm install write-json-file ``` ## Usage ```js const writeJsonFile = require('write-json-file'); writeJsonFile('foo.json', {foo: true}).then(() => { console.log('done'); }); ``` ## API ### writeJsonFile(filepath, data, [options]) Returns a `Promise`. ### writeJsonFile.sync(filepath, data, [options]) #### options Type: `Object` ##### indent Type: `string` `number`<br> Default: `'\t'` Indentation as a string or number of spaces.<br> Pass in `null` for no formatting. ##### detectIndent Type: `boolean`<br> Default: `false` Detect indentation automatically if the file exists. ##### sortKeys Type: `boolean` `function`<br> Default: `false` Sort the keys recursively.<br> Optionally pass in a [`compare`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort) function. ##### replacer Type: `function` Passed into [`JSON.stringify`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#The_replacer_parameter). ##### mode Type: `number`<br> Default: `0o666` [Mode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system_permissions#Numeric_notation) used when writing the file. ## Related - [load-json-file](https://github.com/sindresorhus/load-json-file) - Read and parse a JSON file - [make-dir](https://github.com/sindresorhus/make-dir) - Make a directory and its parents if needed ## License MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](https://sindresorhus.com)