// Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. /** * @fileoverview Defines the {@linkplain Driver WebDriver} client for Firefox. * Before using this module, you must download the latest * [geckodriver release] and ensure it can be found on your system [PATH]. * * Each FirefoxDriver instance will be created with an anonymous profile, * ensuring browser historys do not share session data (cookies, history, cache, * offline storage, etc.) * * __Customizing the Firefox Profile__ * * The {@link Profile} class may be used to configure the browser profile used * with WebDriver, with functions to install additional * {@linkplain Profile#addExtension extensions}, configure browser * {@linkplain Profile#setPreference preferences}, and more. For example, you * may wish to include Firebug: * * var firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox'); * * var profile = new firefox.Profile(); * profile.addExtension('/path/to/firebug.xpi'); * profile.setPreference('extensions.firebug.showChromeErrors', true); * * var options = new firefox.Options().setProfile(profile); * var driver = new firefox.Driver(options); * * The {@link Profile} class may also be used to configure WebDriver based on a * pre-existing browser profile: * * var profile = new firefox.Profile( * '/usr/local/home/bob/.mozilla/firefox/3fgog75h.testing'); * var options = new firefox.Options().setProfile(profile); * var driver = new firefox.Driver(options); * * The FirefoxDriver will _never_ modify a pre-existing profile; instead it will * create a copy for it to modify. By extension, there are certain browser * preferences that are required for WebDriver to function properly and they * will always be overwritten. * * __Using a Custom Firefox Binary__ * * On Windows and OSX, the FirefoxDriver will search for Firefox in its * default installation location: * * * Windows: C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86). * * Mac OS X: /Applications/Firefox.app * * For Linux, Firefox will be located on the PATH: `$(where firefox)`. * * You can configure WebDriver to start use a custom Firefox installation with * the {@link Binary} class: * * var firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox'); * var binary = new firefox.Binary('/my/firefox/install/dir/firefox-bin'); * var options = new firefox.Options().setBinary(binary); * var driver = new firefox.Driver(options); * * __Remote Testing__ * * You may customize the Firefox binary and profile when running against a * remote Selenium server. Your custom profile will be packaged as a zip and * transfered to the remote host for use. The profile will be transferred * _once for each new session_. The performance impact should be minimal if * you've only configured a few extra browser preferences. If you have a large * profile with several extensions, you should consider installing it on the * remote host and defining its path via the {@link Options} class. Custom * binaries are never copied to remote machines and must be referenced by * installation path. * * var options = new firefox.Options() * .setProfile('/profile/path/on/remote/host') * .setBinary('/install/dir/on/remote/host/firefox-bin'); * * var driver = new (require('selenium-webdriver')).Builder() * .forBrowser('firefox') * .usingServer('') * .setFirefoxOptions(options) * .build(); * * __Testing Older Versions of Firefox__ * * To test versions of Firefox prior to Firefox 47, you must disable the use of * the geckodriver using the {@link Options} class. * * var options = new firefox.Options().useGeckoDriver(false); * var driver = new firefox.Driver(options); * * Alternatively, you may disable the geckodriver at runtime by setting the * environment variable `SELENIUM_MARIONETTE=false`. * * [geckodriver release]: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/ * [PATH]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_%28variable%29 */ 'use strict'; const url = require('url'); const Binary = require('./binary').Binary, Profile = require('./profile').Profile, decodeProfile = require('./profile').decode, http = require('../http'), httpUtil = require('../http/util'), io = require('../io'), capabilities = require('../lib/capabilities'), command = require('../lib/command'), logging = require('../lib/logging'), promise = require('../lib/promise'), webdriver = require('../lib/webdriver'), net = require('../net'), portprober = require('../net/portprober'), remote = require('../remote'); /** * Firefox-specific capability keys. Users should use the {@linkplain Options} * class instead of referencing these keys directly. _These keys are considered * implementation details and may be removed or changed at any time._ * * @enum {string} */ const Capability = { /** * Defines the Firefox binary to use. May be set to either a * {@linkplain Binary} instance, or a string path to the Firefox executable. */ BINARY: 'firefox_binary', /** * Specifies whether to use Mozilla's Marionette, or the legacy FirefoxDriver * from the Selenium project. Defaults to false. */ MARIONETTE: 'marionette', /** * Defines the Firefox profile to use. May be set to either a * {@linkplain Profile} instance, or to a base-64 encoded zip of a profile * directory. */ PROFILE: 'firefox_profile' }; /** * Configuration options for the FirefoxDriver. */ class Options { constructor() { /** @private {Profile} */ this.profile_ = null; /** @private {Binary} */ this.binary_ = null; /** @private {logging.Preferences} */ this.logPrefs_ = null; /** @private {?capabilities.ProxyConfig} */ this.proxy_ = null; /** @private {boolean} */ this.marionette_ = true; } /** * Sets the profile to use. The profile may be specified as a * {@link Profile} object or as the path to an existing Firefox profile to use * as a template. * * @param {(string|!Profile)} profile The profile to use. * @return {!Options} A self reference. */ setProfile(profile) { if (typeof profile === 'string') { profile = new Profile(profile); } this.profile_ = profile; return this; } /** * Sets the binary to use. The binary may be specified as the path to a Firefox * executable, or as a {@link Binary} object. * * @param {(string|!Binary)} binary The binary to use. * @return {!Options} A self reference. */ setBinary(binary) { if (typeof binary === 'string') { binary = new Binary(binary); } this.binary_ = binary; return this; } /** * Sets the logging preferences for the new session. * @param {logging.Preferences} prefs The logging preferences. * @return {!Options} A self reference. */ setLoggingPreferences(prefs) { this.logPrefs_ = prefs; return this; } /** * Sets the proxy to use. * * @param {capabilities.ProxyConfig} proxy The proxy configuration to use. * @return {!Options} A self reference. */ setProxy(proxy) { this.proxy_ = proxy; return this; } /** * Sets whether to use Mozilla's geckodriver to drive the browser. This option * is enabled by default and required for Firefox 47+. * * @param {boolean} enable Whether to enable the geckodriver. * @see https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver */ useGeckoDriver(enable) { this.marionette_ = enable; return this; } /** * Converts these options to a {@link capabilities.Capabilities} instance. * * @return {!capabilities.Capabilities} A new capabilities object. */ toCapabilities() { var caps = capabilities.Capabilities.firefox(); if (this.logPrefs_) { caps.set(capabilities.Capability.LOGGING_PREFS, this.logPrefs_); } if (this.proxy_) { caps.set(capabilities.Capability.PROXY, this.proxy_); } if (this.binary_) { caps.set(Capability.BINARY, this.binary_); } if (this.profile_) { caps.set(Capability.PROFILE, this.profile_); } caps.set(Capability.MARIONETTE, this.marionette_); return caps; } } /** * Enum of available command contexts. * * Command contexts are specific to Marionette, and may be used with the * {@link #context=} method. Contexts allow you to direct all subsequent * commands to either "content" (default) or "chrome". The latter gives * you elevated security permissions. * * @enum {string} */ const Context = { CONTENT: "content", CHROME: "chrome", }; const GECKO_DRIVER_EXE = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'geckodriver.exe' : 'geckodriver'; /** * @return {string} . * @throws {Error} */ function findGeckoDriver() { let exe = io.findInPath(GECKO_DRIVER_EXE, true); if (!exe) { throw Error( 'The ' + GECKO_DRIVER_EXE + ' executable could not be found on the current ' + 'PATH. Please download the latest version from ' + 'https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/' + 'WebDriver and ensure it can be found on your PATH.'); } return exe; } /** * @param {(Profile|string)} profile The profile to prepare. * @param {number} port The port the FirefoxDriver should listen on. * @return {!Promise} a promise for the path to the profile directory. */ function prepareProfile(profile, port) { if (typeof profile === 'string') { return decodeProfile(/** @type {string} */(profile)).then(dir => { profile = new Profile(dir); profile.setPreference('webdriver_firefox_port', port); return profile.writeToDisk(); }); } profile = profile || new Profile; profile.setPreference('webdriver_firefox_port', port); return profile.writeToDisk(); } function normalizeProxyConfiguration(config) { if ('manual' === config.proxyType) { if (config.ftpProxy && !config.ftpProxyPort) { let hostAndPort = net.splitHostAndPort(config.ftpProxy); config.ftpProxy = hostAndPort.host; config.ftpProxyPort = hostAndPort.port; } if (config.httpProxy && !config.httpProxyPort) { let hostAndPort = net.splitHostAndPort(config.httpProxy); config.httpProxy = hostAndPort.host; config.httpProxyPort = hostAndPort.port; } if (config.sslProxy && !config.sslProxyPort) { let hostAndPort = net.splitHostAndPort(config.sslProxy); config.sslProxy = hostAndPort.host; config.sslProxyPort = hostAndPort.port; } if (config.socksProxy && !config.socksProxyPort) { let hostAndPort = net.splitHostAndPort(config.socksProxy); config.socksProxy = hostAndPort.host; config.socksProxyPort = hostAndPort.port; } } else if ('pac' === config.proxyType) { if (config.proxyAutoconfigUrl && !config.pacUrl) { config.pacUrl = config.proxyAutoconfigUrl; } } return config; } /** @enum {string} */ const ExtensionCommand = { GET_CONTEXT: 'getContext', SET_CONTEXT: 'setContext', }; /** * Creates a command executor with support for Marionette's custom commands. * @param {!Promise} serverUrl The server's URL. * @return {!command.Executor} The new command executor. */ function createExecutor(serverUrl) { let client = serverUrl.then(url => new http.HttpClient(url)); let executor = new http.Executor(client); configureExecutor(executor); return executor; } /** * Configures the given executor with Firefox-specific commands. * @param {!http.Executor} executor the executor to configure. */ function configureExecutor(executor) { executor.defineCommand( ExtensionCommand.GET_CONTEXT, 'GET', '/session/:sessionId/moz/context'); executor.defineCommand( ExtensionCommand.SET_CONTEXT, 'POST', '/session/:sessionId/moz/context'); } /** * Creates {@link selenium-webdriver/remote.DriverService} instances that manage * a [geckodriver](https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver) server in a child * process. */ class ServiceBuilder extends remote.DriverService.Builder { /** * @param {string=} opt_exe Path to the server executable to use. If omitted, * the builder will attempt to locate the geckodriver on the system PATH. */ constructor(opt_exe) { super(opt_exe || findGeckoDriver()); this.setLoopback(true); // Required. } /** * Enables verbose logging. * * @param {boolean=} opt_trace Whether to enable trace-level logging. By * default, only debug logging is enabled. * @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference. */ enableVerboseLogging(opt_trace) { return this.addArguments(opt_trace ? '-vv' : '-v'); } /** * Sets the path to the executable Firefox binary that the geckodriver should * use. If this method is not called, this builder will attempt to locate * Firefox in the default installation location for the current platform. * * @param {(string|!Binary)} binary Path to the executable Firefox binary to use. * @return {!ServiceBuilder} A self reference. * @see Binary#locate() */ setFirefoxBinary(binary) { let exe = typeof binary === 'string' ? Promise.resolve(binary) : binary.locate(); return this.addArguments('-b', exe); } } /** * @typedef {{executor: !command.Executor, * capabilities: (!capabilities.Capabilities| * {desired: (capabilities.Capabilities|undefined), * required: (capabilities.Capabilities|undefined)}), * onQuit: function(this: void): ?}} */ var DriverSpec; /** * @param {(http.Executor|remote.DriverService|undefined)} executor * @param {!capabilities.Capabilities} caps * @param {Profile} profile * @param {Binary} binary * @return {DriverSpec} */ function createGeckoDriver(executor, caps, profile, binary) { let firefoxOptions = {}; caps.set('moz:firefoxOptions', firefoxOptions); if (binary) { if (binary.getExe()) { firefoxOptions['binary'] = binary.getExe(); } let args = binary.getArguments(); if (args.length) { firefoxOptions['args'] = args; } } if (profile) { // If the user specified a template directory or any extensions to install, // we need to encode the profile as a base64 string (which requires writing // it to disk first). Otherwise, if the user just specified some custom // preferences, we can send those directly. if (profile.getTemplateDir() || profile.getExtensions().length) { firefoxOptions['profile'] = profile.encode(); } else { let prefs = profile.getPreferences(); if (Object.keys(prefs).length) { firefoxOptions['prefs'] = prefs; } } } let sessionCaps = caps; if (caps.has(capabilities.Capability.PROXY)) { let proxy = normalizeProxyConfiguration( caps.get(capabilities.Capability.PROXY)); // Marionette requires proxy settings to be specified as required // capabilities. See mozilla/geckodriver#97 let required = new capabilities.Capabilities() .set(capabilities.Capability.PROXY, proxy); caps.delete(capabilities.Capability.PROXY); sessionCaps = {required, desired: caps}; } /** @type {!command.Executor} */ let cmdExecutor; let onQuit = function() {}; if (executor instanceof http.Executor) { configureExecutor(executor); cmdExecutor = executor; } else if (executor instanceof remote.DriverService) { cmdExecutor = createExecutor(executor.start()); onQuit = () => executor.kill(); } else { let builder = new ServiceBuilder(); if (binary) { builder.setFirefoxBinary(binary); } let service = builder.build(); cmdExecutor = createExecutor(service.start()); onQuit = () => service.kill(); } return { executor: cmdExecutor, capabilities: sessionCaps, onQuit }; } /** * @param {!capabilities.Capabilities} caps * @param {Profile} profile * @param {!Binary} binary * @return {DriverSpec} */ function createLegacyDriver(caps, profile, binary, flow) { profile = profile || new Profile; let freePort = portprober.findFreePort(); let preparedProfile = freePort.then(port => prepareProfile(profile, port)); let command = preparedProfile.then(dir => binary.launch(dir)); let serverUrl = command.then(() => freePort) .then(function(/** number */port) { let serverUrl = url.format({ protocol: 'http', hostname: net.getLoopbackAddress(), port: port + '', pathname: '/hub' }); let ready = httpUtil.waitForServer(serverUrl, 45 * 1000); return ready.then(() => serverUrl); }); return { executor: createExecutor(serverUrl), capabilities: caps, onQuit: function() { return command.then(command => { command.kill(); return preparedProfile.then(io.rmDir) .then(() => command.result(), () => command.result()); }); } }; } /** * A WebDriver client for Firefox. */ class Driver extends webdriver.WebDriver { /** * Creates a new Firefox session. * * @param {(Options|capabilities.Capabilities|Object)=} opt_config The * configuration options for this driver, specified as either an * {@link Options} or {@link capabilities.Capabilities}, or as a raw hash * object. * @param {(http.Executor|remote.DriverService)=} opt_executor Either a * pre-configured command executor to use for communicating with an * externally managed remote end (which is assumed to already be running), * or the `DriverService` to use to start the geckodriver in a child * process. * * If an executor is provided, care should e taken not to use reuse it with * other clients as its internal command mappings will be updated to support * Firefox-specific commands. * * _This parameter may only be used with Mozilla's GeckoDriver._ * * @param {promise.ControlFlow=} opt_flow The flow to * schedule commands through. Defaults to the active flow object. * @throws {Error} If a custom command executor is provided and the driver is * configured to use the legacy FirefoxDriver from the Selenium project. * @return {!Driver} A new driver instance. */ static createSession(opt_config, opt_executor, opt_flow) { let caps; if (opt_config instanceof Options) { caps = opt_config.toCapabilities(); } else { caps = new capabilities.Capabilities(opt_config); } let binary = caps.get(Capability.BINARY) || new Binary(); caps.delete(Capability.BINARY); if (typeof binary === 'string') { binary = new Binary(binary); } let profile; if (caps.has(Capability.PROFILE)) { profile = caps.get(Capability.PROFILE); caps.delete(Capability.PROFILE); } // Users must now explicitly disable marionette to use the legacy // FirefoxDriver. let noMarionette = caps.get(Capability.MARIONETTE) === false || /^0|false$/i.test(process.env['SELENIUM_MARIONETTE']); let useMarionette = !noMarionette; let spec; if (useMarionette) { spec = createGeckoDriver(opt_executor, caps, profile, binary); } else { if (opt_executor) { throw Error('You may not use a custom command executor with the legacy' + ' FirefoxDriver'); } spec = createLegacyDriver(caps, profile, binary, opt_flow); } return /** @type {!Driver} */(webdriver.WebDriver.createSession( spec.executor, spec.capabilities, opt_flow, this, spec.onQuit)); } /** * This function is a no-op as file detectors are not supported by this * implementation. * @override */ setFileDetector() { } /** * Get the context that is currently in effect. * * @return {!promise.Thenable} Current context. */ getContext() { return this.schedule( new command.Command(ExtensionCommand.GET_CONTEXT), 'get WebDriver.context'); } /** * Changes target context for commands between chrome- and content. * * Changing the current context has a stateful impact on all subsequent * commands. The {@link Context.CONTENT} context has normal web * platform document permissions, as if you would evaluate arbitrary * JavaScript. The {@link Context.CHROME} context gets elevated * permissions that lets you manipulate the browser chrome itself, * with full access to the XUL toolkit. * * Use your powers wisely. * * @param {!promise.Thenable} ctx The context to switch to. */ setContext(ctx) { return this.schedule( new command.Command(ExtensionCommand.SET_CONTEXT) .setParameter("context", ctx), 'set WebDriver.context'); } } // PUBLIC API exports.Binary = Binary; exports.Context = Context; exports.Driver = Driver; exports.Options = Options; exports.Profile = Profile; exports.ServiceBuilder = ServiceBuilder;