# big.js # A small, fast JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic. The little sister to [bignumber.js](https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js/). See also [decimal.js](https://github.com/MikeMcl/decimal.js/), and [here](https://github.com/MikeMcl/big.js/wiki) for the difference between them. ## Features - Faster, smaller and easier-to-use than JavaScript versions of Java's BigDecimal - Only 2.7 KB minified and gzipped - Simple API - Replicates the `toExponential`, `toFixed` and `toPrecision` methods of JavaScript's Number type - Includes a `sqrt` method - Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format - No dependencies - Comprehensive [documentation](http://mikemcl.github.io/big.js/) and test set ## Load The library is the single JavaScript file *big.js* (or *big.min.js*, which is *big.js* minified). It can be loaded via a script tag in an HTML document for the browser <script src='./relative/path/to/big.js'></script> or as a CommonJS, [Node.js](http://nodejs.org) or AMD module using `require`. var Big = require('big.js'); For Node.js, the library is available from the npm registry: $ npm install big.js ## Use *In all examples below, `var`, semicolons and `toString` calls are not shown. If a commented-out value is in quotes it means `toString` has been called on the preceding expression.* The library exports a single function: Big, the constructor of Big number instances. It accepts a value of type Number, String or Big number Object. x = new Big(123.4567) y = Big('123456.7e-3') // 'new' is optional z = new Big(x) x.eq(y) && x.eq(z) && y.eq(z) // true A Big number is immutable in the sense that it is not changed by its methods. 0.3 - 0.1 // 0.19999999999999998 x = new Big(0.3) x.minus(0.1) // "0.2" x // "0.3" The methods that return a Big number can be chained. x.div(y).plus(z).times(9).minus('1.234567801234567e+8').plus(976.54321).div('2598.11772') x.sqrt().div(y).pow(3).gt(y.mod(z)) // true Like JavaScript's Number type, there are `toExponential`, `toFixed` and `toPrecision` methods. x = new Big(255.5) x.toExponential(5) // "2.55500e+2" x.toFixed(5) // "255.50000" x.toPrecision(5) // "255.50" The maximum number of decimal places and the rounding mode used to round the results of the `div`, `sqrt` and `pow` (with negative exponent) methods is determined by the value of the `DP` and `RM` properties of the `Big` number constructor. The other methods always give the exact result. (From *v3.0.0*, multiple Big number constructors can be created, see Change Log below.) Big.DP = 10 Big.RM = 1 x = new Big(2); y = new Big(3); z = x.div(y) // "0.6666666667" z.sqrt() // "0.8164965809" z.pow(-3) // "3.3749999995" z.times(z) // "0.44444444448888888889" z.times(z).round(10) // "0.4444444445" The value of a Big number is stored in a decimal floating point format in terms of a coefficient, exponent and sign. x = new Big(-123.456); x.c // [1,2,3,4,5,6] coefficient (i.e. significand) x.e // 2 exponent x.s // -1 sign For further information see the [API](http://mikemcl.github.io/big.js/) reference from the *doc* folder. ## Test The *test* directory contains the test scripts for each Big number method. The tests can be run with Node or a browser. To test a single method, from a command-line shell at the *test* directory, use e.g. $ node toFixed To test all the methods $ node every-test For the browser, see *single-test.html* and *every-test.html* in the *test/browser* directory. *big-vs-number.html* enables some of the methods of big.js to be compared with those of JavaScript's Number type. ## Performance The *perf* directory contains two applications and a *lib* directory containing the BigDecimal libraries used by both. *big-vs-bigdecimal.html* tests the performance of big.js against the JavaScript translations of two versions of BigDecimal, its use should be more or less self-explanatory. (The GWT version doesn't work in IE 6.) * GWT: java.math.BigDecimal <https://github.com/iriscouch/bigdecimal.js> * ICU4J: com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal <https://github.com/dtrebbien/BigDecimal.js> The BigDecimal in Node's npm registry is the GWT version. Despite its seeming popularity I have found it to have some serious bugs, see the Node script *perf/lib/bigdecimal_GWT/bugs.js* for examples of flaws in its *remainder*, *divide* and *compareTo* methods. *bigtime.js* is a Node command-line application which tests the performance of big.js against the GWT version of BigDecimal from the npm registry. For example, to compare the time taken by the big.js `plus` method and the BigDecimal `add` method: $ node bigtime plus 10000 40 This will time 10000 calls to each, using operands of up to 40 random digits and will check that the results match. For help: $ node bigtime -h ## Build I.e. minify. For Node, if uglify-js is installed globally ( `npm install uglify-js -g` ) then uglifyjs -o ./big.min.js ./big.js will create *big.min.js*. The *big.min.js* already present was created with *Microsoft Ajax Minifier 5.11*. ## TypeScript The [DefinitelyTyped](https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped) project has a TypeScript [definitions file](https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/big.js/big.js.d.ts) for big.js. The definitions file can be added to your project via the [big.js.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped](https://www.nuget.org/packages/big.js.TypeScript.DefinitelyTyped/0.0.1) NuGet package or via [tsd](http://definitelytyped.org/tsd/). tsd query big.js --action install Any questions about the TypeScript definitions file should be addressed to the DefinitelyTyped project. ## Feedback Feedback is welcome. Bugs/comments/questions? Open an issue, or email Michael <a href="mailto:M8ch88l@gmail.com">M8ch88l@gmail.com</a> Bitcoin donation to: **1DppGRQSjVSMgGxuygDEHQuWEdTiVEzJYG** Thank you ## Licence See LICENCE. ## Change Log ####3.2.0 * 14/09/17 Aid ES6 import. ####3.1.3 * Minor documentation updates. ####3.1.2 * README typo. ####3.1.1 * API documentation update, including FAQ additions. ####3.1.0 * Renamed and exposed `TO_EXP_NEG` and `TO_EXP_POS` as `Big.E_NEG` and `Big.E_POS`. ####3.0.2 * Remove *.npmignore*, use `files` field in *package.json* instead. ####3.0.1 * Added `sub`, `add` and `mul` aliases. * Clean-up after lint. ####3.0.0 * 10/12/14 Added [multiple constructor functionality](http://mikemcl.github.io/big.js/#faq). * No breaking changes or other additions, but a major code reorganisation, so *v3* seemed appropriate. ####2.5.2 * 1/11/14 Added bower.json. ####2.5.1 * 8/06/14 Amend README requires. ####2.5.0 * 26/01/14 Added `toJSON` method so serialization uses `toString`. ####2.4.1 * 17/10/13 Conform signed zero to IEEEE 754 (2008). ####2.4.0 * 19/09/13 Throw instances of `Error`. ####2.3.0 * 16/09/13 Added `cmp` method. ####2.2.0 * 11/07/13 Added 'round up' mode. ####2.1.0 * 26/06/13 Allow e.g. `.1` and `2.`. ####2.0.0 * 12/05/13 Added `abs` method and replaced `cmp` with `eq`, `gt`, `gte`, `lt`, and `lte` methods. ####1.0.1 * Changed default value of MAX_DP to 1E6 ####1.0.0 * 7/11/2012 Initial release