 * Jade - Parser
 * Copyright(c) 2010 TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca>
 * MIT Licensed

 * Module dependencies.

var Lexer = require('./lexer')
  , nodes = require('./nodes');

 * Initialize `Parser` with the given input `str` and `filename`.
 * @param {String} str
 * @param {String} filename
 * @param {Object} options
 * @api public

var Parser = exports = module.exports = function Parser(str, filename, options){
  this.input = str;
  this.lexer = new Lexer(str, options);
  this.filename = filename;
  this.blocks = {};
  this.mixins = {};
  this.options = options;
  this.contexts = [this];

 * Tags that may not contain tags.

var textOnly = exports.textOnly = ['script', 'style'];

 * Parser prototype.

Parser.prototype = {

   * Push `parser` onto the context stack,
   * or pop and return a `Parser`.

  context: function(parser){
    if (parser) {
    } else {
      return this.contexts.pop();

   * Return the next token object.
   * @return {Object}
   * @api private

  advance: function(){
    return this.lexer.advance();

   * Skip `n` tokens.
   * @param {Number} n
   * @api private

  skip: function(n){
    while (n--) this.advance();
   * Single token lookahead.
   * @return {Object}
   * @api private
  peek: function() {
    return this.lookahead(1);
   * Return lexer lineno.
   * @return {Number}
   * @api private
  line: function() {
    return this.lexer.lineno;
   * `n` token lookahead.
   * @param {Number} n
   * @return {Object}
   * @api private
  lookahead: function(n){
    return this.lexer.lookahead(n);
   * Parse input returning a string of js for evaluation.
   * @return {String}
   * @api public
  parse: function(){
    var block = new nodes.Block, parser;
    block.line = this.line();

    while ('eos' != this.peek().type) {
      if ('newline' == this.peek().type) {
      } else {

    if (parser = this.extending) {
      var ast = parser.parse();
      // hoist mixins
      for (var name in this.mixins)
      return ast;

    return block;
   * Expect the given type, or throw an exception.
   * @param {String} type
   * @api private
  expect: function(type){
    if (this.peek().type === type) {
      return this.advance();
    } else {
      throw new Error('expected "' + type + '", but got "' + this.peek().type + '"');
   * Accept the given `type`.
   * @param {String} type
   * @api private
  accept: function(type){
    if (this.peek().type === type) {
      return this.advance();
   *   tag
   * | doctype
   * | mixin
   * | include
   * | filter
   * | comment
   * | text
   * | each
   * | code
   * | yield
   * | id
   * | class
   * | interpolation
  parseExpr: function(){
    switch (this.peek().type) {
      case 'tag':
        return this.parseTag();
      case 'mixin':
        return this.parseMixin();
      case 'block':
        return this.parseBlock();
      case 'case':
        return this.parseCase();
      case 'when':
        return this.parseWhen();
      case 'default':
        return this.parseDefault();
      case 'extends':
        return this.parseExtends();
      case 'include':
        return this.parseInclude();
      case 'doctype':
        return this.parseDoctype();
      case 'filter':
        return this.parseFilter();
      case 'comment':
        return this.parseComment();
      case 'text':
        return this.parseText();
      case 'each':
        return this.parseEach();
      case 'code':
        return this.parseCode();
      case 'call':
        return this.parseCall();
      case 'interpolation':
        return this.parseInterpolation();
      case 'yield':
        var block = new nodes.Block;
        block.yield = true;
        return block;
      case 'id':
      case 'class':
        var tok = this.advance();
        this.lexer.defer(this.lexer.tok('tag', 'div'));
        return this.parseExpr();
        throw new Error('unexpected token "' + this.peek().type + '"');
   * Text
  parseText: function(){
    var tok = this.expect('text')
      , node = new nodes.Text(tok.val);
    node.line = this.line();
    return node;

   *   ':' expr
   * | block

  parseBlockExpansion: function(){
    if (':' == this.peek().type) {
      return new nodes.Block(this.parseExpr());
    } else {
      return this.block();

   * case

  parseCase: function(){
    var val = this.expect('case').val
      , node = new nodes.Case(val);
    node.line = this.line();
    node.block = this.block();
    return node;

   * when

  parseWhen: function(){
    var val = this.expect('when').val
    return new nodes.Case.When(val, this.parseBlockExpansion());
   * default

  parseDefault: function(){
    return new nodes.Case.When('default', this.parseBlockExpansion());

   * code
  parseCode: function(){
    var tok = this.expect('code')
      , node = new nodes.Code(tok.val, tok.buffer, tok.escape)
      , block
      , i = 1;
    node.line = this.line();
    while (this.lookahead(i) && 'newline' == this.lookahead(i).type) ++i;
    block = 'indent' == this.lookahead(i).type;
    if (block) {
      node.block = this.block();
    return node;
   * comment
  parseComment: function(){
    var tok = this.expect('comment')
      , node;

    if ('indent' == this.peek().type) {
      node = new nodes.BlockComment(tok.val, this.block(), tok.buffer);
    } else {
      node = new nodes.Comment(tok.val, tok.buffer);

    node.line = this.line();
    return node;
   * doctype
  parseDoctype: function(){
    var tok = this.expect('doctype')
      , node = new nodes.Doctype(tok.val);
    node.line = this.line();
    return node;
   * filter attrs? text-block
  parseFilter: function(){
    var block
      , tok = this.expect('filter')
      , attrs = this.accept('attrs');

    this.lexer.pipeless = true;
    block = this.parseTextBlock();
    this.lexer.pipeless = false;

    var node = new nodes.Filter(tok.val, block, attrs && attrs.attrs);
    node.line = this.line();
    return node;
   * tag ':' attrs? block
  parseASTFilter: function(){
    var block
      , tok = this.expect('tag')
      , attrs = this.accept('attrs');

    block = this.block();

    var node = new nodes.Filter(tok.val, block, attrs && attrs.attrs);
    node.line = this.line();
    return node;
   * each block
  parseEach: function(){
    var tok = this.expect('each')
      , node = new nodes.Each(tok.code, tok.val, tok.key);
    node.line = this.line();
    node.block = this.block();
    return node;

   * 'extends' name

  parseExtends: function(){
    var path = require('path')
      , fs = require('fs')
      , dirname = path.dirname
      , basename = path.basename
      , join = path.join;

    if (!this.filename)
      throw new Error('the "filename" option is required to extend templates');

    var path = this.expect('extends').val.trim()
      , dir = dirname(this.filename);

    var path = join(dir, path + '.jade')
      , str = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')
      , parser = new Parser(str, path, this.options);

    parser.blocks = this.blocks;
    parser.contexts = this.contexts;
    this.extending = parser;

    // TODO: null node
    return new nodes.Literal('');

   * 'block' name block

  parseBlock: function(){
    var block = this.expect('block')
      , mode = block.mode
      , name = block.val.trim();

    block = 'indent' == this.peek().type
      ? this.block()
      : new nodes.Block(new nodes.Literal(''));

    var prev = this.blocks[name];

    if (prev) {
      switch (prev.mode) {
        case 'append':
          block.nodes = block.nodes.concat(prev.nodes);
          prev = block;
        case 'prepend':
          block.nodes = prev.nodes.concat(block.nodes);
          prev = block;

    block.mode = mode;
    return this.blocks[name] = prev || block;

   * include block?

  parseInclude: function(){
    var path = require('path')
      , fs = require('fs')
      , dirname = path.dirname
      , basename = path.basename
      , join = path.join;

    var path = this.expect('include').val.trim()
      , dir = dirname(this.filename);

    if (!this.filename)
      throw new Error('the "filename" option is required to use includes');

    // no extension
    if (!~basename(path).indexOf('.')) {
      path += '.jade';

    // non-jade
    if ('.jade' != path.substr(-5)) {
      var path = join(dir, path)
        , str = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
      return new nodes.Literal(str);

    var path = join(dir, path)
      , str = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')
     , parser = new Parser(str, path, this.options);
    parser.blocks = this.blocks;
    parser.mixins = this.mixins;

    var ast = parser.parse();
    ast.filename = path;

    if ('indent' == this.peek().type) {

    return ast;

   * call ident block

  parseCall: function(){
    var tok = this.expect('call')
      , name = tok.val
      , args = tok.args
      , mixin = new nodes.Mixin(name, args, new nodes.Block, true);

    if (mixin.block.isEmpty()) mixin.block = null;
    return mixin;

   * mixin block

  parseMixin: function(){
    var tok = this.expect('mixin')
      , name = tok.val
      , args = tok.args
      , mixin;

    // definition
    if ('indent' == this.peek().type) {
      mixin = new nodes.Mixin(name, args, this.block(), false);
      this.mixins[name] = mixin;
      return mixin;
    // call
    } else {
      return new nodes.Mixin(name, args, null, true);

   * indent (text | newline)* outdent

  parseTextBlock: function(){
    var block = new nodes.Block;
    block.line = this.line();
    var spaces = this.expect('indent').val;
    if (null == this._spaces) this._spaces = spaces;
    var indent = Array(spaces - this._spaces + 1).join(' ');
    while ('outdent' != this.peek().type) {
      switch (this.peek().type) {
        case 'newline':
        case 'indent':
          var text = new nodes.Text(indent + this.advance().val);
          text.line = this.line();

    if (spaces == this._spaces) this._spaces = null;
    return block;

   * indent expr* outdent
  block: function(){
    var block = new nodes.Block;
    block.line = this.line();
    while ('outdent' != this.peek().type) {
      if ('newline' == this.peek().type) {
      } else {
    return block;

   * interpolation (attrs | class | id)* (text | code | ':')? newline* block?
  parseInterpolation: function(){
    var tok = this.advance();
    var tag = new nodes.Tag(tok.val);
    tag.buffer = true;
    return this.tag(tag);

   * tag (attrs | class | id)* (text | code | ':')? newline* block?
  parseTag: function(){
    // ast-filter look-ahead
    var i = 2;
    if ('attrs' == this.lookahead(i).type) ++i;
    if (':' == this.lookahead(i).type) {
      if ('indent' == this.lookahead(++i).type) {
        return this.parseASTFilter();

    var tok = this.advance()
      , tag = new nodes.Tag(tok.val);

    tag.selfClosing = tok.selfClosing;

    return this.tag(tag);

   * Parse tag.

  tag: function(tag){
    var dot;

    tag.line = this.line();

    // (attrs | class | id)*
      while (true) {
        switch (this.peek().type) {
          case 'id':
          case 'class':
            var tok = this.advance();
            tag.setAttribute(tok.type, "'" + tok.val + "'");
          case 'attrs':
            var tok = this.advance()
              , obj = tok.attrs
              , escaped = tok.escaped
              , names = Object.keys(obj);

            if (tok.selfClosing) tag.selfClosing = true;

            for (var i = 0, len = names.length; i < len; ++i) {
              var name = names[i]
                , val = obj[name];
              tag.setAttribute(name, val, escaped[name]);
            break out;

    // check immediate '.'
    if ('.' == this.peek().val) {
      dot = tag.textOnly = true;

    // (text | code | ':')?
    switch (this.peek().type) {
      case 'text':
      case 'code':
        tag.code = this.parseCode();
      case ':':
        tag.block = new nodes.Block;

    // newline*
    while ('newline' == this.peek().type) this.advance();

    tag.textOnly = tag.textOnly || ~textOnly.indexOf(tag.name);

    // script special-case
    if ('script' == tag.name) {
      var type = tag.getAttribute('type');
      if (!dot && type && 'text/javascript' != type.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '')) {
        tag.textOnly = false;

    // block?
    if ('indent' == this.peek().type) {
      if (tag.textOnly) {
        this.lexer.pipeless = true;
        tag.block = this.parseTextBlock();
        this.lexer.pipeless = false;
      } else {
        var block = this.block();
        if (tag.block) {
          for (var i = 0, len = block.nodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
        } else {
          tag.block = block;
    return tag;