/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Imports. */ import { Duration, Logger } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { TimerAPI, TimerGroup, TimerHandle } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core/src/util/timer"; const nullTimerHandle = { clear() { // do nothing return; }, unref() { // do nothing return; }, }; const logger = new Logger("ServiceWorkerTimerGroup.ts"); /** * Implementation of [[TimerAPI]] using alarm API */ export class ServiceWorkerTimerAPI implements TimerAPI { /** * Call a function every time the delay given in milliseconds passes. */ every(delayMs: number, callback: () => void): TimerHandle { const seconds = delayMs / 1000; const periodInMinutes = Math.round(seconds < 61 ? 1 : seconds / 60); chrome.alarms.create("wallet-worker", { periodInMinutes }) chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(callback) return new AlarmHandle(); } /** * Call a function after the delay given in milliseconds passes. */ after(delayMs: number, callback: () => void): TimerHandle { const seconds = delayMs / 1000; const delayInMinutes = Math.round(seconds < 61 ? 1 : seconds / 60); chrome.alarms.create("wallet-worker", { delayInMinutes }) chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(callback) return new AlarmHandle(); } } class AlarmHandle implements TimerHandle { clear(): void { chrome.alarms.clear("wallet-worker", (result) => { logger.info(`Alarm 'wallet-worker' was cleared: ${result}`) }) return; } unref(): void { return; } }