import logging import os from shutil import copyfile from subprocess import run class Config: def __init__(self, request, tmpdir, worker_id): self.tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath self.data_home = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'data') # workaround for logger = logging.getLogger( '[{worker_id}] {name}'.format(name="pytest_services.log", worker_id=worker_id)) logger.handlers.clear() # copy config file from template self.conf = tmpdir.join("test.conf").strpath template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'template.ini') copyfile(template, self.conf) # set TALER_HOME base dir config_cmd = ["taler-config", "-c", self.conf] run(config_cmd + ["-s", "PATHS", "-o", "TALER_HOME", "-V", self.tmpdir], check=True) # get path of exchange private key file and create key pair config_cmd = ["taler-config", "-c", self.conf] r = run(config_cmd + ["-f", "-s", "EXCHANGE", "-o", "MASTER_PRIV_FILE"], capture_output=True, check=True, text=True) master_priv_file = r.stdout.rstrip() master_priv_dir = os.path.dirname(master_priv_file) os.makedirs(master_priv_dir) run(["gnunet-ecc", "-g1", master_priv_file], check=True, capture_output=True) r = run(["gnunet-ecc", "-p", master_priv_file], check=True, capture_output=True, text=True) self.master_pub = r.stdout.rstrip() # write exchange public key into config run(config_cmd + ["-s", "exchange", "-o", "MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY", "-V", self.master_pub], check=True) run(config_cmd + ["-s", "merchant-exchange-default", "-o", "MASTER_KEY", "-V", self.master_pub], check=True) # write DB name into config self.db = "test-db" db_uri = "postgres:///" + self.db run(config_cmd + ["-s", "exchangedb-postgres", "-o", "CONFIG", "-V", db_uri], check=True) run(config_cmd + ["-s", "auditordb-postgres", "-o", "CONFIG", "-V", db_uri], check=True) run(config_cmd + ["-s", "merchantdb-postgres", "-o", "CONFIG", "-V", db_uri], check=True) run(config_cmd + ["-s", "bank", "-o", "database", "-V", db_uri], check=True) # create new DB run(["dropdb", self.db], capture_output=True) run(["createdb", self.db], check=True) # drop DB when test ends def finalize(): run(["dropdb", self.db], capture_output=True) request.addfinalizer(finalize)