# last-line-stream 

> A PassThrough stream that keeps track of last line written.

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## Install

$ npm install --save last-line-stream

## Usage

const lastLineStream = require('last-line-stream');

const stream = lastLineStream();


assert(stream.lastLine === 'foo');


assert(stream.lastLine === 'foobar');


assert(stream.lastLine === 'quz');

## API

### lastLineStream([pipeTo])

Returns a new instance of the spying PassThrough stream, 

#### pipeTo

Type: `stream`

If supplied, the new instance will automatically be piped to this stream.

### stream.lastLine

Type: `string`

The last line written out to this stream. The `lastLine` value will grow until the stream sees a newline character (`'\n'`).

## Low Level API

A low-level non-stream based API is available. It has only two methods.

var createTracker = require('last-line-stream/tracker');
var tracker = createTracker();

// append some text.

// Find the complete last line of all the text appended.

## License

MIT © [James Talmage](http://github.com/jamestalmage)