/*jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var through2 = require('through2'); var PluginError = require('plugin-error'); var fancyLog = require('fancy-log'); var colors = require('ansi-colors'); var utils = require('./lib/utils'); var compress = require('./lib/compress.js'); var PLUGIN_NAME = 'gulp-gzip'; module.exports = function (options) { // Combine user defined options with default options var defaultConfig = { append: true, threshold: false, gzipOptions: {}, skipGrowingFiles: false }; var config = utils.merge(defaultConfig, options); // Create a through2 object stream. This is our plugin export var stream = through2.obj(gulpGzip); // Expose the config so we can test it stream.config = config; function gulpGzip(file, enc, done) { /*jshint validthis: true */ var self = this; // Check for empty file if (file.isNull()) { // Pass along the empty file to the next plugin self.push(file); done(); return; } // Call when finished with compression var finished = function(err, contents, wasCompressed) { if (err) { var error = new PluginError(PLUGIN_NAME, err, { showStack: true }); self.emit('error', error); done(); return; } var complete = function() { file.contents = contents; self.push(file); done(); }; var getFixedPath = function(filepath) { if (config.extension) { filepath += '.' + config.extension; } else if (config.preExtension) { filepath = filepath.replace(/(\.[^\.]+)$/, '.' + config.preExtension + '$1'); } else if (config.append) { filepath += '.gz'; } return filepath; }; if (wasCompressed) { if (file.contentEncoding) { file.contentEncoding.push('gzip'); } else { file.contentEncoding = [ 'gzip' ]; } file.path = getFixedPath(file.path); complete(); } else if (config.deleteMode) { var cwd = path.resolve(config.deleteModeCwd || process.cwd()); var directory = typeof config.deleteMode === 'string' ? config.deleteMode : config.deleteMode(file); var filepath = path.resolve(cwd, directory, getFixedPath(file.relative)); fs.exists(filepath, function(exists) { if(exists) { fancyLog(colors.green('Gzipped file ' + filepath + ' deleted')); fs.unlink(filepath, complete); } else { complete(); } }); } else { complete(); } return; }; compress(file.contents, config, finished); } return stream; };