'use strict'; const crypto = require('crypto'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const zlib = require('zlib'); const writeFileAtomic = require('@ava/write-file-atomic'); const concordance = require('concordance'); const indentString = require('indent-string'); const makeDir = require('make-dir'); const md5Hex = require('md5-hex'); const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; const convertSourceMap = require('convert-source-map'); const concordanceOptions = require('./concordance-options').snapshotManager; // Increment if encoding layout or Concordance serialization versions change. Previous AVA versions will not be able to // decode buffers generated by a newer version, so changing this value will require a major version bump of AVA itself. // The version is encoded as an unsigned 16 bit integer. const VERSION = 1; const VERSION_HEADER = Buffer.alloc(2); VERSION_HEADER.writeUInt16LE(VERSION); // The decoder matches on the trailing newline byte (0x0A). const READABLE_PREFIX = Buffer.from(`AVA Snapshot v${VERSION}\n`, 'ascii'); const REPORT_SEPARATOR = Buffer.from('\n\n', 'ascii'); const REPORT_TRAILING_NEWLINE = Buffer.from('\n', 'ascii'); const MD5_HASH_LENGTH = 16; class SnapshotError extends Error { constructor(message, snapPath) { super(message); this.name = 'SnapshotError'; this.snapPath = snapPath; } } exports.SnapshotError = SnapshotError; class ChecksumError extends SnapshotError { constructor(snapPath) { super('Checksum mismatch', snapPath); this.name = 'ChecksumError'; } } exports.ChecksumError = ChecksumError; class VersionMismatchError extends SnapshotError { constructor(snapPath, version) { super('Unexpected snapshot version', snapPath); this.name = 'VersionMismatchError'; this.snapVersion = version; this.expectedVersion = VERSION; } } exports.VersionMismatchError = VersionMismatchError; const LEGACY_SNAPSHOT_HEADER = Buffer.from('// Jest Snapshot v1'); function isLegacySnapshot(buffer) { return LEGACY_SNAPSHOT_HEADER.equals(buffer.slice(0, LEGACY_SNAPSHOT_HEADER.byteLength)); } class LegacyError extends SnapshotError { constructor(snapPath) { super('Legacy snapshot file', snapPath); this.name = 'LegacyError'; } } exports.LegacyError = LegacyError; function tryRead(file) { try { return fs.readFileSync(file); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { return null; } throw err; } } function withoutLineEndings(buffer) { let newLength = buffer.byteLength - 1; while (buffer[newLength] === 0x0A || buffer[newLength] === 0x0D) { newLength--; } return buffer.slice(0, newLength); } function formatEntry(label, descriptor) { if (label) { label = `> ${label}\n\n`; } const codeBlock = indentString(concordance.formatDescriptor(descriptor, concordanceOptions), 4); return Buffer.from(label + codeBlock, 'utf8'); } function combineEntries(entries) { const buffers = []; let byteLength = 0; const sortedKeys = Array.from(entries.keys()).sort(); for (const key of sortedKeys) { const keyBuffer = Buffer.from(`\n\n## ${key}\n\n`, 'utf8'); buffers.push(keyBuffer); byteLength += keyBuffer.byteLength; const formattedEntries = entries.get(key); const last = formattedEntries[formattedEntries.length - 1]; for (const entry of formattedEntries) { buffers.push(entry); byteLength += entry.byteLength; if (entry !== last) { buffers.push(REPORT_SEPARATOR); byteLength += REPORT_SEPARATOR.byteLength; } } } return {buffers, byteLength}; } function generateReport(relFile, snapFile, entries) { const combined = combineEntries(entries); const buffers = combined.buffers; let byteLength = combined.byteLength; const header = Buffer.from(`# Snapshot report for \`${relFile}\` The actual snapshot is saved in \`${snapFile}\`. Generated by [AVA](https://ava.li).`, 'utf8'); buffers.unshift(header); byteLength += header.byteLength; buffers.push(REPORT_TRAILING_NEWLINE); byteLength += REPORT_TRAILING_NEWLINE.byteLength; return Buffer.concat(buffers, byteLength); } function appendReportEntries(existingReport, entries) { const combined = combineEntries(entries); const buffers = combined.buffers; let byteLength = combined.byteLength; const prepend = withoutLineEndings(existingReport); buffers.unshift(prepend); byteLength += prepend.byteLength; return Buffer.concat(buffers, byteLength); } function encodeSnapshots(buffersByHash) { const buffers = []; let byteOffset = 0; // Entry start and end pointers are relative to the header length. This means // it's possible to append new entries to an existing snapshot file, without // having to rewrite pointers for existing entries. const headerLength = Buffer.alloc(4); buffers.push(headerLength); byteOffset += 4; // Allows 65535 hashes (tests or identified snapshots) per file. const numHashes = Buffer.alloc(2); numHashes.writeUInt16LE(buffersByHash.size); buffers.push(numHashes); byteOffset += 2; const entries = []; for (const pair of buffersByHash) { const hash = pair[0]; const snapshotBuffers = pair[1]; buffers.push(Buffer.from(hash, 'hex')); byteOffset += MD5_HASH_LENGTH; // Allows 65535 snapshots per hash. const numSnapshots = Buffer.alloc(2); numSnapshots.writeUInt16LE(snapshotBuffers.length, 0); buffers.push(numSnapshots); byteOffset += 2; for (const value of snapshotBuffers) { // Each pointer is 32 bits, restricting the total, uncompressed buffer to // 4 GiB. const start = Buffer.alloc(4); const end = Buffer.alloc(4); entries.push({start, end, value}); buffers.push(start, end); byteOffset += 8; } } headerLength.writeUInt32LE(byteOffset, 0); let bodyOffset = 0; for (const entry of entries) { const start = bodyOffset; const end = bodyOffset + entry.value.byteLength; entry.start.writeUInt32LE(start, 0); entry.end.writeUInt32LE(end, 0); buffers.push(entry.value); bodyOffset = end; } byteOffset += bodyOffset; const compressed = zlib.gzipSync(Buffer.concat(buffers, byteOffset)); const md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5').update(compressed).digest(); return Buffer.concat([ READABLE_PREFIX, VERSION_HEADER, md5sum, compressed ], READABLE_PREFIX.byteLength + VERSION_HEADER.byteLength + MD5_HASH_LENGTH + compressed.byteLength); } function decodeSnapshots(buffer, snapPath) { if (isLegacySnapshot(buffer)) { throw new LegacyError(snapPath); } // The version starts after the readable prefix, which is ended by a newline // byte (0x0A). const versionOffset = buffer.indexOf(0x0A) + 1; const version = buffer.readUInt16LE(versionOffset); if (version !== VERSION) { throw new VersionMismatchError(snapPath, version); } const md5sumOffset = versionOffset + 2; const compressedOffset = md5sumOffset + MD5_HASH_LENGTH; const compressed = buffer.slice(compressedOffset); const md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5').update(compressed).digest(); const expectedSum = buffer.slice(md5sumOffset, compressedOffset); if (!md5sum.equals(expectedSum)) { throw new ChecksumError(snapPath); } const decompressed = zlib.gunzipSync(compressed); let byteOffset = 0; const headerLength = decompressed.readUInt32LE(byteOffset); byteOffset += 4; const snapshotsByHash = new Map(); const numHashes = decompressed.readUInt16LE(byteOffset); byteOffset += 2; for (let count = 0; count < numHashes; count++) { const hash = decompressed.toString('hex', byteOffset, byteOffset + MD5_HASH_LENGTH); byteOffset += MD5_HASH_LENGTH; const numSnapshots = decompressed.readUInt16LE(byteOffset); byteOffset += 2; const snapshotsBuffers = new Array(numSnapshots); for (let index = 0; index < numSnapshots; index++) { const start = decompressed.readUInt32LE(byteOffset) + headerLength; byteOffset += 4; const end = decompressed.readUInt32LE(byteOffset) + headerLength; byteOffset += 4; snapshotsBuffers[index] = decompressed.slice(start, end); } // Allow for new entries to be appended to an existing header, which could // lead to the same hash being present multiple times. if (snapshotsByHash.has(hash)) { snapshotsByHash.set(hash, snapshotsByHash.get(hash).concat(snapshotsBuffers)); } else { snapshotsByHash.set(hash, snapshotsBuffers); } } return snapshotsByHash; } class Manager { constructor(options) { this.appendOnly = options.appendOnly; this.dir = options.dir; this.relFile = options.relFile; this.reportFile = options.reportFile; this.snapFile = options.snapFile; this.snapPath = options.snapPath; this.snapshotsByHash = options.snapshotsByHash; this.hasChanges = false; this.reportEntries = new Map(); } compare(options) { const hash = md5Hex(options.belongsTo); const entries = this.snapshotsByHash.get(hash) || []; if (options.index > entries.length) { throw new RangeError(`Cannot record snapshot ${options.index} for ${JSON.stringify(options.belongsTo)}, exceeds expected index of ${entries.length}`); } if (options.index === entries.length) { this.record(hash, options); return {pass: true}; } const snapshotBuffer = entries[options.index]; const actual = concordance.deserialize(snapshotBuffer, concordanceOptions); const expected = concordance.describe(options.expected, concordanceOptions); const pass = concordance.compareDescriptors(actual, expected); return {actual, expected, pass}; } record(hash, options) { const descriptor = concordance.describe(options.expected, concordanceOptions); this.hasChanges = true; const snapshot = concordance.serialize(descriptor); if (this.snapshotsByHash.has(hash)) { this.snapshotsByHash.get(hash).push(snapshot); } else { this.snapshotsByHash.set(hash, [snapshot]); } const entry = formatEntry(options.label, descriptor); if (this.reportEntries.has(options.belongsTo)) { this.reportEntries.get(options.belongsTo).push(entry); } else { this.reportEntries.set(options.belongsTo, [entry]); } } save() { if (!this.hasChanges) { return null; } const snapPath = this.snapPath; const buffer = encodeSnapshots(this.snapshotsByHash); const reportPath = path.join(this.dir, this.reportFile); const existingReport = this.appendOnly ? tryRead(reportPath) : null; const reportBuffer = existingReport ? appendReportEntries(existingReport, this.reportEntries) : generateReport(this.relFile, this.snapFile, this.reportEntries); makeDir.sync(this.dir); const tmpSnapPath = writeFileAtomic.sync(snapPath, buffer); const tmpReportPath = writeFileAtomic.sync(reportPath, reportBuffer); return [tmpSnapPath, tmpReportPath, snapPath, reportPath]; } } function determineSnapshotDir(options) { const testDir = determineSourceMappedDir(options); if (options.fixedLocation) { const relativeTestLocation = path.relative(options.projectDir, testDir); return path.join(options.fixedLocation, relativeTestLocation); } const parts = new Set(path.relative(options.projectDir, testDir).split(path.sep)); if (parts.has('__tests__')) { return path.join(testDir, '__snapshots__'); } if (parts.has('test') || parts.has('tests')) { // Accept tests, even though it's not in the default test patterns return path.join(testDir, 'snapshots'); } return testDir; } function determineSourceMappedDir(options) { const source = tryRead(options.file).toString(); const converter = convertSourceMap.fromSource(source) || convertSourceMap.fromMapFileSource(source, options.testDir); if (converter) { const map = converter.toObject(); const firstSource = `${map.sourceRoot || ''}${map.sources[0]}`; const sourceFile = path.resolve(options.testDir, firstSource); return path.dirname(sourceFile); } return options.testDir; } function load(options) { const dir = determineSnapshotDir(options); const reportFile = `${options.name}.md`; const snapFile = `${options.name}.snap`; const snapPath = path.join(dir, snapFile); let appendOnly = !options.updating; let snapshotsByHash; if (!options.updating) { const buffer = tryRead(snapPath); if (buffer) { snapshotsByHash = decodeSnapshots(buffer, snapPath); } else { appendOnly = false; } } return new Manager({ appendOnly, dir, relFile: options.relFile, reportFile, snapFile, snapPath, snapshotsByHash: snapshotsByHash || new Map() }); } exports.load = load;