import * as ts from "typescript"; import { IDisabledInterval, RuleFailure } from "./rule/rule"; export declare function getSourceFile(fileName: string, source: string): ts.SourceFile; /** @deprecated See IDisabledInterval. */ export declare function doesIntersect(failure: RuleFailure, disabledIntervals: IDisabledInterval[]): boolean; /** * @returns true if any modifier kinds passed along exist in the given modifiers array */ export declare function hasModifier(modifiers: ts.ModifiersArray | undefined, ...modifierKinds: ts.SyntaxKind[]): boolean; /** * Determines if the appropriate bit in the parent (VariableDeclarationList) is set, * which indicates this is a "let" or "const". */ export declare function isBlockScopedVariable(node: ts.VariableDeclaration | ts.VariableStatement): boolean; export declare function isBlockScopedBindingElement(node: ts.BindingElement): boolean; export declare function getBindingElementVariableDeclaration(node: ts.BindingElement): ts.VariableDeclaration | null; /** * Finds a child of a given node with a given kind. * Note: This uses `node.getChildren()`, which does extra parsing work to include tokens. */ export declare function childOfKind(node: ts.Node, kind: ts.SyntaxKind): ts.Node | undefined; /** * @returns true if some ancestor of `node` satisfies `predicate`, including `node` itself. */ export declare function someAncestor(node: ts.Node, predicate: (n: ts.Node) => boolean): boolean; export declare function ancestorWhere<T extends ts.Node>(node: ts.Node, predicate: (n: ts.Node) => boolean): ts.Node | undefined; export declare function isAssignment(node: ts.Node): boolean; /** * Bitwise check for node flags. */ export declare function isNodeFlagSet(node: ts.Node, flagToCheck: ts.NodeFlags): boolean; /** * Bitwise check for combined node flags. */ export declare function isCombinedNodeFlagSet(node: ts.Node, flagToCheck: ts.NodeFlags): boolean; /** * Bitwise check for combined modifier flags. */ export declare function isCombinedModifierFlagSet(node: ts.Node, flagToCheck: ts.ModifierFlags): boolean; /** * Bitwise check for type flags. */ export declare function isTypeFlagSet(type: ts.Type, flagToCheck: ts.TypeFlags): boolean; /** * Bitwise check for symbol flags. */ export declare function isSymbolFlagSet(symbol: ts.Symbol, flagToCheck: ts.SymbolFlags): boolean; /** * Bitwise check for object flags. * Does not work with TypeScript 2.0.x */ export declare function isObjectFlagSet(objectType: ts.ObjectType, flagToCheck: ts.ObjectFlags): boolean; /** * @returns true if decl is a nested module declaration, i.e. represents a segment of a dotted module path. */ export declare function isNestedModuleDeclaration(decl: ts.ModuleDeclaration): boolean; export declare function unwrapParentheses(node: ts.Expression): ts.Expression; export declare function isScopeBoundary(node: ts.Node): boolean; export declare function isBlockScopeBoundary(node: ts.Node): boolean; export declare function isLoop(node: ts.Node): node is ts.IterationStatement; export interface TokenPosition { /** The start of the token including all trivia before it */ fullStart: number; /** The start of the token */ tokenStart: number; /** The end of the token */ end: number; } export declare type ForEachTokenCallback = (fullText: string, kind: ts.SyntaxKind, pos: TokenPosition, parent: ts.Node) => void; export declare type ForEachCommentCallback = (fullText: string, kind: ts.SyntaxKind, pos: TokenPosition) => void; export declare type FilterCallback = (node: ts.Node) => boolean; /** * Iterate over all tokens of `node` * * @description JsDoc comments are treated like regular comments and only visited if `skipTrivia` === false. * * @param node The node whose tokens should be visited * @param skipTrivia If set to false all trivia preceeding `node` or any of its children is included * @param cb Is called for every token of `node`. It gets the full text of the SourceFile and the position of the token within that text. * @param filter If provided, will be called for every Node and Token found. If it returns false `cb` will not be called for this subtree. */ export declare function forEachToken(node: ts.Node, skipTrivia: boolean, cb: ForEachTokenCallback, filter?: FilterCallback): void; /** Iterate over all comments owned by `node` or its children */ export declare function forEachComment(node: ts.Node, cb: ForEachCommentCallback): void; /** * Checks if there are any comments between `position` and the next non-trivia token * * @param text The text to scan * @param position The position inside `text` where to start scanning. Make sure that this is a valid start position. * This value is typically obtained from `node.getFullStart()` or `node.getEnd()` */ export declare function hasCommentAfterPosition(text: string, position: number): boolean; export interface EqualsKind { isPositive: boolean; isStrict: boolean; } export declare function getEqualsKind(node: ts.BinaryOperatorToken): EqualsKind | undefined;