'use strict'; const childProcess = require('child_process'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const debug = require('debug')('ava'); const AvaError = require('./ava-error'); if (fs.realpathSync(__filename) !== __filename) { console.warn('WARNING: `npm link ava` and the `--preserve-symlink` flag are incompatible. We have detected that AVA is linked via `npm link`, and that you are using either an early version of Node 6, or the `--preserve-symlink` flag. This breaks AVA. You should upgrade to Node 6.2.0+, avoid the `--preserve-symlink` flag, or avoid using `npm link ava`.'); } let env = process.env; // Ensure NODE_PATH paths are absolute if (env.NODE_PATH) { env = Object.assign({}, env); env.NODE_PATH = env.NODE_PATH .split(path.delimiter) .map(x => path.resolve(x)) .join(path.delimiter); } // In case the test file imports a different AVA install, // the presence of this variable allows it to require this one instead env.AVA_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..'); module.exports = (file, opts, execArgv) => { opts = Object.assign({ file, baseDir: process.cwd(), tty: process.stdout.isTTY ? { columns: process.stdout.columns, rows: process.stdout.rows } : false }, opts); const args = [JSON.stringify(opts), opts.color ? '--color' : '--no-color']; const ps = childProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'test-worker.js'), args, { cwd: opts.projectDir, silent: true, env, execArgv: execArgv || process.execArgv }); const relFile = path.relative('.', file); let exiting = false; const send = (name, data) => { if (!exiting) { // This seems to trigger a Node bug which kills the AVA master process, at // least while running AVA's tests. See // <https://github.com/novemberborn/_ava-tap-crash> for more details. ps.send({ name: `ava-${name}`, data, ava: true }); } }; const testResults = []; let results; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ps.on('error', reject); // Emit `test` and `stats` events ps.on('message', event => { if (!event.ava) { return; } event.name = event.name.replace(/^ava-/, ''); event.data.file = relFile; debug('ipc %s:\n%o', event.name, event.data); ps.emit(event.name, event.data); }); ps.on('test', props => { testResults.push(props); }); ps.on('results', data => { results = data; data.tests = testResults; send('teardown'); }); ps.on('exit', (code, signal) => { if (code > 0) { return reject(new AvaError(`${relFile} exited with a non-zero exit code: ${code}`)); } if (code === null && signal) { return reject(new AvaError(`${relFile} exited due to ${signal}`)); } if (results) { resolve(results); } else { reject(new AvaError(`Test results were not received from ${relFile}`)); } }); ps.on('no-tests', data => { send('teardown'); let message = `No tests found in ${relFile}`; if (!data.avaRequired) { message += ', make sure to import "ava" at the top of your test file'; } reject(new AvaError(message)); }); }); // Teardown finished, now exit ps.on('teardown', () => { send('exit'); exiting = true; }); // Uncaught exception in fork, need to exit ps.on('uncaughtException', () => { send('teardown'); }); ps.stdout.on('data', data => { ps.emit('stdout', data); }); ps.stderr.on('data', data => { ps.emit('stderr', data); }); promise.on = function () { ps.on.apply(ps, arguments); return promise; }; promise.send = (name, data) => { send(name, data); return promise; }; promise.exit = () => { send('init-exit'); return promise; }; // Send 'run' event only when fork is listening for it let isReady = false; ps.on('stats', () => { isReady = true; }); promise.run = options => { if (isReady) { send('run', options); return promise; } ps.on('stats', () => { send('run', options); }); return promise; }; return promise; };