/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { ConcatSource, OriginalSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const Template = require("./Template"); /** @typedef {import("./Compilation")} Compilation */ /** * @param {string[]} accessor the accessor to convert to path * @returns {string} the path */ const accessorToObjectAccess = accessor => { return accessor.map(a => `[${JSON.stringify(a)}]`).join(""); }; /** * @param {string=} base the path prefix * @param {string|string[]} accessor the accessor * @param {string=} joinWith the element separator * @returns {string} the path */ const accessorAccess = (base, accessor, joinWith = ", ") => { const accessors = Array.isArray(accessor) ? accessor : [accessor]; return accessors .map((_, idx) => { const a = base ? base + accessorToObjectAccess(accessors.slice(0, idx + 1)) : accessors[0] + accessorToObjectAccess(accessors.slice(1, idx + 1)); if (idx === accessors.length - 1) return a; if (idx === 0 && base === undefined) return `${a} = typeof ${a} === "object" ? ${a} : {}`; return `${a} = ${a} || {}`; }) .join(joinWith); }; /** @typedef {string | string[] | Record} UmdMainTemplatePluginName */ /** * @typedef {Object} AuxiliaryCommentObject * @property {string} root * @property {string} commonjs * @property {string} commonjs2 * @property {string} amd */ /** * @typedef {Object} UmdMainTemplatePluginOption * @property {boolean=} optionalAmdExternalAsGlobal * @property {boolean} namedDefine * @property {string | AuxiliaryCommentObject} auxiliaryComment */ class UmdMainTemplatePlugin { /** * @param {UmdMainTemplatePluginName} name the name of the UMD library * @param {UmdMainTemplatePluginOption} options the plugin option */ constructor(name, options) { if (typeof name === "object" && !Array.isArray(name)) { this.name = name.root || name.amd || name.commonjs; this.names = name; } else { this.name = name; this.names = { commonjs: name, root: name, amd: name }; } this.optionalAmdExternalAsGlobal = options.optionalAmdExternalAsGlobal; this.namedDefine = options.namedDefine; this.auxiliaryComment = options.auxiliaryComment; } /** * @param {Compilation} compilation the compilation instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compilation) { const { mainTemplate, chunkTemplate, runtimeTemplate } = compilation; const onRenderWithEntry = (source, chunk, hash) => { let externals = chunk .getModules() .filter( m => m.external && (m.externalType === "umd" || m.externalType === "umd2") ); const optionalExternals = []; let requiredExternals = []; if (this.optionalAmdExternalAsGlobal) { for (const m of externals) { if (m.optional) { optionalExternals.push(m); } else { requiredExternals.push(m); } } externals = requiredExternals.concat(optionalExternals); } else { requiredExternals = externals; } const replaceKeys = str => { return mainTemplate.getAssetPath(str, { hash, chunk }); }; const externalsDepsArray = modules => { return `[${replaceKeys( modules .map(m => JSON.stringify( typeof m.request === "object" ? m.request.amd : m.request ) ) .join(", ") )}]`; }; const externalsRootArray = modules => { return replaceKeys( modules .map(m => { let request = m.request; if (typeof request === "object") request = request.root; return `root${accessorToObjectAccess([].concat(request))}`; }) .join(", ") ); }; const externalsRequireArray = type => { return replaceKeys( externals .map(m => { let expr; let request = m.request; if (typeof request === "object") { request = request[type]; } if (request === undefined) { throw new Error( "Missing external configuration for type:" + type ); } if (Array.isArray(request)) { expr = `require(${JSON.stringify( request[0] )})${accessorToObjectAccess(request.slice(1))}`; } else { expr = `require(${JSON.stringify(request)})`; } if (m.optional) { expr = `(function webpackLoadOptionalExternalModule() { try { return ${expr}; } catch(e) {} }())`; } return expr; }) .join(", ") ); }; const externalsArguments = modules => { return modules .map( m => `__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_${Template.toIdentifier(`${m.id}`)}__` ) .join(", "); }; const libraryName = library => { return JSON.stringify(replaceKeys([].concat(library).pop())); }; let amdFactory; if (optionalExternals.length > 0) { const wrapperArguments = externalsArguments(requiredExternals); const factoryArguments = requiredExternals.length > 0 ? externalsArguments(requiredExternals) + ", " + externalsRootArray(optionalExternals) : externalsRootArray(optionalExternals); amdFactory = `function webpackLoadOptionalExternalModuleAmd(${wrapperArguments}) {\n` + ` return factory(${factoryArguments});\n` + " }"; } else { amdFactory = "factory"; } const auxiliaryComment = this.auxiliaryComment; const getAuxilaryComment = type => { if (auxiliaryComment) { if (typeof auxiliaryComment === "string") return "\t//" + auxiliaryComment + "\n"; if (auxiliaryComment[type]) return "\t//" + auxiliaryComment[type] + "\n"; } return ""; }; return new ConcatSource( new OriginalSource( "(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {\n" + getAuxilaryComment("commonjs2") + " if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')\n" + " module.exports = factory(" + externalsRequireArray("commonjs2") + ");\n" + getAuxilaryComment("amd") + " else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)\n" + (requiredExternals.length > 0 ? this.names.amd && this.namedDefine === true ? " define(" + libraryName(this.names.amd) + ", " + externalsDepsArray(requiredExternals) + ", " + amdFactory + ");\n" : " define(" + externalsDepsArray(requiredExternals) + ", " + amdFactory + ");\n" : this.names.amd && this.namedDefine === true ? " define(" + libraryName(this.names.amd) + ", [], " + amdFactory + ");\n" : " define([], " + amdFactory + ");\n") + (this.names.root || this.names.commonjs ? getAuxilaryComment("commonjs") + " else if(typeof exports === 'object')\n" + " exports[" + libraryName(this.names.commonjs || this.names.root) + "] = factory(" + externalsRequireArray("commonjs") + ");\n" + getAuxilaryComment("root") + " else\n" + " " + replaceKeys( accessorAccess("root", this.names.root || this.names.commonjs) ) + " = factory(" + externalsRootArray(externals) + ");\n" : " else {\n" + (externals.length > 0 ? " var a = typeof exports === 'object' ? factory(" + externalsRequireArray("commonjs") + ") : factory(" + externalsRootArray(externals) + ");\n" : " var a = factory();\n") + " for(var i in a) (typeof exports === 'object' ? exports : root)[i] = a[i];\n" + " }\n") + `})(${ runtimeTemplate.outputOptions.globalObject }, function(${externalsArguments(externals)}) {\nreturn `, "webpack/universalModuleDefinition" ), source, ";\n})" ); }; for (const template of [mainTemplate, chunkTemplate]) { template.hooks.renderWithEntry.tap( "UmdMainTemplatePlugin", onRenderWithEntry ); } mainTemplate.hooks.globalHashPaths.tap("UmdMainTemplatePlugin", paths => { if (this.names.root) paths = paths.concat(this.names.root); if (this.names.amd) paths = paths.concat(this.names.amd); if (this.names.commonjs) paths = paths.concat(this.names.commonjs); return paths; }); mainTemplate.hooks.hash.tap("UmdMainTemplatePlugin", hash => { hash.update("umd"); hash.update(`${this.names.root}`); hash.update(`${this.names.amd}`); hash.update(`${this.names.commonjs}`); }); } } module.exports = UmdMainTemplatePlugin;