/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ /** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("./Chunk")} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("./ModuleTemplate")} ModuleTemplate */ /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").ConcatSource} ConcatSource */ const { ConcatSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const HotUpdateChunk = require("./HotUpdateChunk"); const START_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE = "a".charCodeAt(0); const START_UPPERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE = "A".charCodeAt(0); const DELTA_A_TO_Z = "z".charCodeAt(0) - START_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE + 1; const FUNCTION_CONTENT_REGEX = /^function\s?\(\)\s?\{\r?\n?|\r?\n?\}$/g; const INDENT_MULTILINE_REGEX = /^\t/gm; const LINE_SEPARATOR_REGEX = /\r?\n/g; const IDENTIFIER_NAME_REPLACE_REGEX = /^([^a-zA-Z$_])/; const IDENTIFIER_ALPHA_NUMERIC_NAME_REPLACE_REGEX = /[^a-zA-Z0-9$]+/g; const COMMENT_END_REGEX = /\*\//g; const PATH_NAME_NORMALIZE_REPLACE_REGEX = /[^a-zA-Z0-9_!§$()=\-^°]+/g; const MATCH_PADDED_HYPHENS_REPLACE_REGEX = /^-|-$/g; /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */ /** * @typedef {Object} HasId * @property {number | string} id */ /** * @typedef {function(Module, number): boolean} ModuleFilterPredicate */ /** * @param {HasId} a first id object to be sorted * @param {HasId} b second id object to be sorted against * @returns {-1|0|1} the sort value */ const stringifyIdSortPredicate = (a, b) => { const aId = a.id + ""; const bId = b.id + ""; if (aId < bId) return -1; if (aId > bId) return 1; return 0; }; class Template { /** * * @param {Function} fn - a runtime function (.runtime.js) "template" * @returns {string} the updated and normalized function string */ static getFunctionContent(fn) { return fn .toString() .replace(FUNCTION_CONTENT_REGEX, "") .replace(INDENT_MULTILINE_REGEX, "") .replace(LINE_SEPARATOR_REGEX, "\n"); } /** * @param {string} str the string converted to identifier * @returns {string} created identifier */ static toIdentifier(str) { if (typeof str !== "string") return ""; return str .replace(IDENTIFIER_NAME_REPLACE_REGEX, "_$1") .replace(IDENTIFIER_ALPHA_NUMERIC_NAME_REPLACE_REGEX, "_"); } /** * * @param {string} str string to be converted to commented in bundle code * @returns {string} returns a commented version of string */ static toComment(str) { if (!str) return ""; return `/*! ${str.replace(COMMENT_END_REGEX, "* /")} */`; } /** * * @param {string} str string to be converted to "normal comment" * @returns {string} returns a commented version of string */ static toNormalComment(str) { if (!str) return ""; return `/* ${str.replace(COMMENT_END_REGEX, "* /")} */`; } /** * @param {string} str string path to be normalized * @returns {string} normalized bundle-safe path */ static toPath(str) { if (typeof str !== "string") return ""; return str .replace(PATH_NAME_NORMALIZE_REPLACE_REGEX, "-") .replace(MATCH_PADDED_HYPHENS_REPLACE_REGEX, ""); } // map number to a single character a-z, A-Z or <_ + number> if number is too big /** * * @param {number} n number to convert to ident * @returns {string} returns single character ident */ static numberToIdentifer(n) { // lower case if (n < DELTA_A_TO_Z) { return String.fromCharCode(START_LOWERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE + n); } // upper case if (n < DELTA_A_TO_Z * 2) { return String.fromCharCode( START_UPPERCASE_ALPHABET_CODE + n - DELTA_A_TO_Z ); } // use multiple letters return ( Template.numberToIdentifer(n % (2 * DELTA_A_TO_Z)) + Template.numberToIdentifer(Math.floor(n / (2 * DELTA_A_TO_Z))) ); } /** * * @param {string | string[]} s string to convert to identity * @returns {string} converted identity */ static indent(s) { if (Array.isArray(s)) { return s.map(Template.indent).join("\n"); } else { const str = s.trimRight(); if (!str) return ""; const ind = str[0] === "\n" ? "" : "\t"; return ind + str.replace(/\n([^\n])/g, "\n\t$1"); } } /** * * @param {string|string[]} s string to create prefix for * @param {string} prefix prefix to compose * @returns {string} returns new prefix string */ static prefix(s, prefix) { const str = Template.asString(s).trim(); if (!str) return ""; const ind = str[0] === "\n" ? "" : prefix; return ind + str.replace(/\n([^\n])/g, "\n" + prefix + "$1"); } /** * * @param {string|string[]} str string or string collection * @returns {string} returns a single string from array */ static asString(str) { if (Array.isArray(str)) { return str.join("\n"); } return str; } /** * @typedef {Object} WithId * @property {string|number} id */ /** * @param {WithId[]} modules a collection of modules to get array bounds for * @returns {[number, number] | false} returns the upper and lower array bounds * or false if not every module has a number based id */ static getModulesArrayBounds(modules) { let maxId = -Infinity; let minId = Infinity; for (const module of modules) { if (typeof module.id !== "number") return false; if (maxId < module.id) maxId = /** @type {number} */ (module.id); if (minId > module.id) minId = /** @type {number} */ (module.id); } if (minId < 16 + ("" + minId).length) { // add minId x ',' instead of 'Array(minId).concat(…)' minId = 0; } const objectOverhead = modules .map(module => (module.id + "").length + 2) .reduce((a, b) => a + b, -1); const arrayOverhead = minId === 0 ? maxId : 16 + ("" + minId).length + maxId; return arrayOverhead < objectOverhead ? [minId, maxId] : false; } /** * @param {Chunk} chunk chunk whose modules will be rendered * @param {ModuleFilterPredicate} filterFn function used to filter modules from chunk to render * @param {ModuleTemplate} moduleTemplate ModuleTemplate instance used to render modules * @param {TODO | TODO[]} dependencyTemplates templates needed for each module to render dependencies * @param {string=} prefix applying prefix strings * @returns {ConcatSource} rendered chunk modules in a Source object */ static renderChunkModules( chunk, filterFn, moduleTemplate, dependencyTemplates, prefix = "" ) { const source = new ConcatSource(); const modules = chunk.getModules().filter(filterFn); let removedModules; if (chunk instanceof HotUpdateChunk) { removedModules = chunk.removedModules; } if ( modules.length === 0 && (!removedModules || removedModules.length === 0) ) { source.add("[]"); return source; } /** @type {{id: string|number, source: Source|string}[]} */ const allModules = modules.map(module => { return { id: module.id, source: moduleTemplate.render(module, dependencyTemplates, { chunk }) }; }); if (removedModules && removedModules.length > 0) { for (const id of removedModules) { allModules.push({ id, source: "false" }); } } const bounds = Template.getModulesArrayBounds(allModules); if (bounds) { // Render a spare array const minId = bounds[0]; const maxId = bounds[1]; if (minId !== 0) { source.add(`Array(${minId}).concat(`); } source.add("[\n"); const modules = new Map(); for (const module of allModules) { modules.set(module.id, module); } for (let idx = minId; idx <= maxId; idx++) { const module = modules.get(idx); if (idx !== minId) { source.add(",\n"); } source.add(`/* ${idx} */`); if (module) { source.add("\n"); source.add(module.source); } } source.add("\n" + prefix + "]"); if (minId !== 0) { source.add(")"); } } else { // Render an object source.add("{\n"); allModules.sort(stringifyIdSortPredicate).forEach((module, idx) => { if (idx !== 0) { source.add(",\n"); } source.add(`\n/***/ ${JSON.stringify(module.id)}:\n`); source.add(module.source); }); source.add(`\n\n${prefix}}`); } return source; } } module.exports = Template;