/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { ConcatSource } = require("webpack-sources"); const ModuleFilenameHelpers = require("./ModuleFilenameHelpers"); const Template = require("./Template"); const validateOptions = require("schema-utils"); const schema = require("../schemas/plugins/BannerPlugin.json"); const wrapComment = str => { if (!str.includes("\n")) { return Template.toComment(str); } return `/*!\n * ${str .replace(/\*\//g, "* /") .split("\n") .join("\n * ")}\n */`; }; class BannerPlugin { constructor(options) { if (arguments.length > 1) { throw new Error( "BannerPlugin only takes one argument (pass an options object)" ); } validateOptions(schema, options, "Banner Plugin"); if (typeof options === "string" || typeof options === "function") { options = { banner: options }; } this.options = options || {}; if (typeof options.banner === "function") { const getBanner = this.options.banner; this.banner = this.options.raw ? getBanner : data => wrapComment(getBanner(data)); } else { const banner = this.options.raw ? this.options.banner : wrapComment(this.options.banner); this.banner = () => banner; } } apply(compiler) { const options = this.options; const banner = this.banner; const matchObject = ModuleFilenameHelpers.matchObject.bind( undefined, options ); compiler.hooks.compilation.tap("BannerPlugin", compilation => { compilation.hooks.optimizeChunkAssets.tap("BannerPlugin", chunks => { for (const chunk of chunks) { if (options.entryOnly && !chunk.canBeInitial()) { continue; } for (const file of chunk.files) { if (!matchObject(file)) { continue; } let basename; let query = ""; let filename = file; const hash = compilation.hash; const querySplit = filename.indexOf("?"); if (querySplit >= 0) { query = filename.substr(querySplit); filename = filename.substr(0, querySplit); } const lastSlashIndex = filename.lastIndexOf("/"); if (lastSlashIndex === -1) { basename = filename; } else { basename = filename.substr(lastSlashIndex + 1); } const data = { hash, chunk, filename, basename, query }; const comment = compilation.getPath(banner(data), data); compilation.assets[file] = new ConcatSource( comment, "\n", compilation.assets[file] ); } } }); }); } } module.exports = BannerPlugin;