/** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * */ 'use strict';var _require = require('./utils');const saveSnapshotFile = _require.saveSnapshotFile,getSnapshotData = _require.getSnapshotData,getSnapshotPath = _require.getSnapshotPath,keyToTestName = _require.keyToTestName,serialize = _require.serialize,testNameToKey = _require.testNameToKey,unescape = _require.unescape; const fileExists = require('jest-file-exists'); const fs = require('fs'); class SnapshotState { constructor( testPath, update, snapshotPath, expand) { this._snapshotPath = snapshotPath || getSnapshotPath(testPath);var _getSnapshotData = getSnapshotData(this._snapshotPath, update);const data = _getSnapshotData.data,dirty = _getSnapshotData.dirty; this._snapshotData = data; this._dirty = dirty; this._uncheckedKeys = new Set(Object.keys(this._snapshotData)); this._counters = new Map(); this._index = 0; this.expand = expand || false; this.added = 0; this.matched = 0; this.unmatched = 0; this.update = update; this.updated = 0; this.skippedTests = new Set(); this.failedTests = new Set(); } markSnapshotsAsCheckedForTest(testName) { this._uncheckedKeys.forEach(uncheckedKey => { if (keyToTestName(uncheckedKey) === testName) { this._uncheckedKeys.delete(uncheckedKey); } }); } _addSnapshot(key, receivedSerialized) { this._dirty = true; this._snapshotData[key] = receivedSerialized; } save(update) { const status = { deleted: false, saved: false }; const isEmpty = Object.keys(this._snapshotData).length === 0; if ((this._dirty || this._uncheckedKeys.size) && !isEmpty) { saveSnapshotFile(this._snapshotData, this._snapshotPath); status.saved = true; } else if (isEmpty && fileExists(this._snapshotPath)) { if (update) { fs.unlinkSync(this._snapshotPath); } status.deleted = true; } return status; } getUncheckedCount() { return this._uncheckedKeys.size || 0; } removeUncheckedKeys() { if (this._uncheckedKeys.size) { this._dirty = true; this._uncheckedKeys.forEach(key => delete this._snapshotData[key]); this._uncheckedKeys.clear(); } } match(testName, received, key) { this._counters.set(testName, (this._counters.get(testName) || 0) + 1); const count = Number(this._counters.get(testName)); if (!key) { key = testNameToKey(testName, count); } this._uncheckedKeys.delete(key); const receivedSerialized = serialize(received); const expected = this._snapshotData[key]; const pass = expected === receivedSerialized; const hasSnapshot = this._snapshotData[key] !== undefined; if (pass) { // Executing a snapshot file as JavaScript and writing the strings back // when other snapshots have changed loses the proper escaping for some // characters. Since we check every snapshot in every test, use the newly // generated formatted string. // Note that this is only relevant when a snapshot is added and the dirty // flag is set. this._snapshotData[key] = receivedSerialized; } if ( !fileExists(this._snapshotPath) || // there's no snapshot file hasSnapshot && this.update || // there is a file, but we're updating !hasSnapshot // there is a file, but it doesn't have this snaphsot ) { if (this.update) { if (!pass) { if (hasSnapshot) { this.updated++; } else { this.added++; } this._addSnapshot(key, receivedSerialized); } else { this.matched++; } } else { this._addSnapshot(key, receivedSerialized); this.added++; } return { pass: true }; } else { if (!pass) { this.unmatched++; return { actual: unescape(receivedSerialized), count, expected: unescape(expected), pass: false }; } else { this.matched++; return { pass: true }; } } }} module.exports = SnapshotState;