/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; class AggressiveMergingPlugin { constructor(options) { if(options !== undefined && typeof options !== "object" || Array.isArray(options)) { throw new Error("Argument should be an options object. To use defaults, pass in nothing.\nFor more info on options, see https://webpack.js.org/plugins/"); } this.options = options || {}; } apply(compiler) { const options = this.options; const minSizeReduce = options.minSizeReduce || 1.5; function getParentsWeight(chunk) { return chunk.parents.map((p) => { return p.isInitial() ? options.entryChunkMultiplicator || 10 : 1; }).reduce((a, b) => { return a + b; }, 0); } compiler.plugin("compilation", (compilation) => { compilation.plugin("optimize-chunks-advanced", (chunks) => { let combinations = []; chunks.forEach((a, idx) => { if(a.isInitial()) return; for(let i = 0; i < idx; i++) { const b = chunks[i]; if(b.isInitial()) continue; combinations.push([b, a]); } }); combinations.forEach((pair) => { const a = pair[0].size({ chunkOverhead: 0 }); const b = pair[1].size({ chunkOverhead: 0 }); const ab = pair[0].integratedSize(pair[1], { chunkOverhead: 0 }); pair.push({ a: a, b: b, ab: ab }); let newSize; if(ab === false) { pair.unshift(false); } else if(options.moveToParents) { const aOnly = ab - b; const bOnly = ab - a; const common = a + b - ab; newSize = common + getParentsWeight(pair[0]) * aOnly + getParentsWeight(pair[1]) * bOnly; pair.push({ aOnly: aOnly, bOnly: bOnly, common: common, newSize: newSize }); } else { newSize = ab; } pair.unshift((a + b) / newSize); }); combinations = combinations.filter((pair) => { return pair[0] !== false; }); combinations.sort((a, b) => { return b[0] - a[0]; }); const pair = combinations[0]; if(!pair) return; if(pair[0] < minSizeReduce) return; if(options.moveToParents) { const commonModules = pair[1].modules.filter((m) => { return pair[2].modules.indexOf(m) >= 0; }); const aOnlyModules = pair[1].modules.filter((m) => { return commonModules.indexOf(m) < 0; }); const bOnlyModules = pair[2].modules.filter((m) => { return commonModules.indexOf(m) < 0; }); aOnlyModules.forEach((m) => { pair[1].removeModule(m); m.removeChunk(pair[1]); pair[1].parents.forEach((c) => { c.addModule(m); m.addChunk(c); }); }); bOnlyModules.forEach((m) => { pair[2].removeModule(m); m.removeChunk(pair[2]); pair[2].parents.forEach((c) => { c.addModule(m); m.addChunk(c); }); }); } if(pair[1].integrate(pair[2], "aggressive-merge")) { chunks.splice(chunks.indexOf(pair[2]), 1); return true; } }); }); } } module.exports = AggressiveMergingPlugin;