
ECMAScript CallExpression matcher made from function/method signature

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Creating CallExpression matcher for method signature `'assert.equal(actual, expected, [message])'`.

Then match against `path/to/some_test.js`.

var CallMatcher = require('call-matcher');
var esprima = require('esprima');
var estraverse = require('estraverse');
var fs = require('fs');

var ast = esprima.parse('assert.equal(actual, expected, [message])');
var expression = ast.body[0].expression;
var matcher = new CallMatcher(expression);

estraverse.traverse(esprima.parse(fs.readFileSync('path/to/some_test.js')), {
    enter: function (currentNode, parentNode) {
        if (matcher.test(currentNode)) {
            // currentNode is a CallExpression that matches to the signature
        var argMatched = matcher.matchArgument(currentNode, parentNode);
        if (argMatched) {
            if (argMatched.kind === 'mandatory') {
                // mandatory arg (in this case, `actual` or `expected`)
            } else if (argMatched.kind === 'optional') {
                // optional arg (in this case, `message`)

where content of `path/to/some_test.js` is:

var assert = require('assert');
var anotherAssert = assert;
var equal = assert.equal.bind(assert);
var foo = '2';
var bar = 2;

assert.equal(foo, bar);  // matches
assert.equal(bar, foo);  // matches
assert.equal(foo, bar, 'foo shoule be equal to bar');  // matches (with optional arg)

assert.equal();  // does not match (less args)
assert.equal(foo);  // does not match (less args)
assert.equal(foo, bar, 'hoge', 'fuga');  // does not match (too much args)

assert.notEqual(foo, bar);  // does not match (callee method name differs)
anotherAssert.equal(foo, bar);  // does not match (callee object name differs)
equal(foo, bar);  // does not match (callee does not match)

`call-matcher` is a spin-off product of [power-assert]( project.

Pull-requests, issue reports and patches are always welcomed.


### var matcher = new CallMatcher(signatureAst, [options])

Create matcher object for a given expression.

var ast = esprima.parse('assert.equal(actual, expected, [message])');
var expression = ast.body[0].expression;
var matcher = new CallMatcher(expression);

Any signature string enclosed in bracket (for example, `[message]`) means optional parameters. Without bracket means mandatory parameters.

Returns `matcher` object having four methods, `test`, `matchArgument`, `calleeAst`, and `argumentSignatures`.

#### options

an `object` for configuration options. If not passed, default options will be used.

#### options.visitorKeys

| type     | default value |
| `object` | (return value of `estraverse.VisitorKeys`)   |

VisitorKeys for AST traversal. See [estraverse.VisitorKeys]( and [babel.types.VISITOR_KEYS](

#### options.astWhiteList

| type     | default value |
| `object` | N/A           |

Type and property whitelist on creating AST clone. `astWhiteList` is an object containing NodeType as keys and properties as values.

    ArrayExpression: ['type', 'elements'],
    ArrayPattern: ['type', 'elements'],
    ArrowFunctionExpression: ['type', 'id', 'params', 'body', 'generator', 'expression'],
    AssignmentExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'left', 'right'],

### var isMatched = matcher.test(node)

Tests whether `node` matches the signature or not.

 - Returns `true` if matched.
 - Returns `false` if not matched.

`node` should be an AST node object defined in [The ESTree Spec]( (formerly known as [Mozilla SpiderMonkey Parser API](

### var argMatched = matcher.matchArgument(node, parentNode)

Returns match result object representing whether `node` (and its `parentNode`) matches some argument of the signature or not.

 - Returns `null` if not matched.
 - If matched, returns object like `{name: 'actual', kind: 'mandatory'}`, whose `name` is an argument name in the signature and `kind` is `'mandatory'` or `'optional'`.

`node` and `parentNode` should be AST node objects defined in [The ESTree Spec]( (formerly known as [Mozilla SpiderMonkey Parser API](

### var calleeAst = matcher.calleeAst()

Returns clone of callee AST object based on signature passed to `CallMatcher` function. Returned tree is one of AST node objects defined in [The ESTree Spec]( (formerly known as [Mozilla SpiderMonkey Parser API]( (in most cases, `Identifier` or `MemberExpression`).

### var argSigs = matcher.argumentSignatures()

Returns array of argument signature objects based on signature passed to `CallMatcher` function. Returns array of objects like `[{name: 'actual', kind: 'mandatory'}]`, whose `name` is an argument name in the signature and `kind` is `'mandatory'` or `'optional'`.


### via npm


    $ npm install --save call-matcher

#### use call-matcher module on browser

`CallMatcher` function is exported

    <script type="text/javascript" src="./path/to/node_modules/call-matcher/dist/call-matcher.js"></script>


* [Takuto Wada](

Licensed under the [MIT]( license.



