# 2.5.3 / 2016-05-25 - [#2112] - Fix HTML reporter regression causing duplicate error output ([@danielstjules] via 6d24063) - [#2119] - Make HTML reporter failure/passed links preventDefault to avoid SPA's hash navigation ([@jimenglish81] via 9e93efc) [@danielstjules]: https://github.com/danielstjules [@jimenglish81]: https://github.com/jimenglish81 [#2112]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2112 [#2119]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2119 # 2.5.2 / 2016-05-24 - [#2178] - Avoid double and triple xUnit XML escaping ([@graingert] via 49b5ff1) [@graingert]: https://github.com/graingert [#2178]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2178 # 2.5.1 / 2016-05-23 - Fix [to-iso-string](https://npmjs.com/package/to-iso-string) dependency ([@boneskull] via bd9450b) Thanks @entertainyou, @SimenB, @just-paja for the heads-up. # 2.5.0 / 2016-05-23 > This has been awhile coming! We needed to feel confident that the next release wouldn't break browser compatibility (e.g. the last few patch releases). > > ### Browser Tests in CI > > We now run unit tests against PhantomJS v1.x and an assortment of browsers on [SauceLabs](https://saucelabs.com), including: > - Internet Explorer v8.0 > - Chrome (latest) > - Firefox (latest) > - Safari (latest) > - Microsoft Edge (latest) > > To accomplish this, we now run Mocha's unit tests (and a handful of integration tests) via [Karma](https://npmjs.com/package/karma) and a modified [karma-mocha](https://npmjs.com/package/karma-mocha). Along the way, we had to solve issue [#880] (apologies to @mderijcke and @sukima who had PRs addressing this), as well as replace most usages of [should](https://npmjs.com/package/should) with [expect.js](https://npmjs.com/package/expect.js) for IE8. > > Going forward, when sending PRs, your code will *only* run against PhantomJS v1.x (and not hit SauceLabs) [because security](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/pull-requests/#Security-Restrictions-when-testing-Pull-Requests). > > ### Node.js 6.x > Node.js 6.x "just worked" before, but now it's in the CI matrix, so it's "officially" supported. Mocha *still retains support* for Node.js 0.8.x. > > ### "Minor" Release > You'll see mostly bug fixes below, but also a couple features--as such, it's a "minor" release. > > ### TYVM > > Thanks to everyone who contributed, and our fabulous [sponsors and backers](https://opencollective.com/mochajs)! - [#2079] - Add browser checks to CI; update [browserify](https://npmjs.com/package/browserify) to v13.0.0 ([@dasilvacontin], [@ScottFreeCode], [@boneskull] via c04c1d7, 0b1e9b3, 0dde0fa, f8a3d86, 9e8cbaa) - [#880] - Make Mocha browserifyable ([@boneskull] via 524862b) - [#2121] - Update [glob](https://npmjs.com/package/glob) to v3.2.11 ([@astorije] via 7920fc4) - [#2126] - Fix dupe error messages in stack trace filter ([@Turbo87] via 4301caa) - [#2109] - Fix certain diffs when objects cannot be coerced into primitives ([@joshlory] via 61fbb7f) - [#1827] - Fix TWBS/`mocha.css` collisions ([@irnc] via 0543798) - [#1760], [#1936] - Fix `this.skip()` in HTML reporter ([@mislav] via cb4248b) - [#2115] - Fix exceptions thrown from hooks in HTML reporter ([@danielstjules] via e290bc0) - [#2089] - Handle Symbol values in `util.stringify()` ([@ryym] via ea61d05) - [#2097] - Fix diff for objects overriding `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty` ([@mantoni] via b20fdfe) - [#2101] - Properly handle non-string "messages" thrown from assertion libraries ([@jkimbo] via 9c41051) - [#2124] - Update [growl](https://npmjs.com/package/growl) ([@benjamine] via 9ae6a85) - [#2162], [#2205] - JSDoc fixes ([@OlegTsyba] via 8031f20, [@ScottFreeCode] via f83b1d9) - [#2132] - Remove Growl-related cruft ([@julienw] via 00d6469) - [#2172] - Add [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com) badge, sponsors & backers ([@xdamman], [@boneskull] via caee94f) - [#1841] - Add new logo, banner assets ([@dasilvacontin] via 00fd0e1) - [#2214] - Update `README.md` header ([@dasilvacontin] via c0f9be2) - [#2236] - Better checks for Node.js v0.8 compatibility in CI ([@dasilvacontin] via ba5637d) - [#2239] - Add Node.js v6.x to CI matrix ([@boneskull] via 3904da4) [#880]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/880 [#1841]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1841 [#2239]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2239 [#2153]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2153 [#2214]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2214 [#2236]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2236 [#2079]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2079 [#2231]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2231 [#2089]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2089 [#2097]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2097 [#1760]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1760 [#1936]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1936 [#2115]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2115 [#1827]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1827 [#2101]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2101 [#2124]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2124 [#2109]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2109 [#2162]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2162 [#2132]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2132 [#2126]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2126 [#2121]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2121 [#2205]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2205 [#2172]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2172 [@xdamman]: https://github.com/xdamman [@Turbo87]: https://github.com/Turbo87 [@OlegTsyba]: https://github.com/OlegTsyba [@ryym]: https://github.com/ryym [@mantoni]: https://github.com/mantoni [@mislav]: https://github.com/mislav [@irnc]: https://github.com/irnc [@jkimbo]: https://github.com/jkimbo [@benjamine]: https://github.com/benjamine [@joshlory]: https://github.com/joshlory [@julienw]: https://github.com/julienw [@ScottFreeCode]: https://github.com/ScottFreeCode [@astorije]: https://github.com/astorije [@dasilvacontin]: https://github.com/dasilvacontin 2.4.5 / 2016-01-28 ================== * [#2080], [#2078], [#2072], [#2073], [#1200] - Revert changes to console colors in changeset [1192914](https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/commit/119291449cd03a11cdeda9e37cf718a69a012896) and subsequent related changes thereafter. Restores compatibility with IE8 & PhantomJS. See also [mantoni/mochify.js#129](https://github.com/mantoni/mochify.js/issues/129) and [openlayers/ol3#4746](https://github.com/openlayers/ol3/pull/4746) ([@boneskull]) * [#2082] - Fix several test assertions ([@mislav]) [#1200]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1200 [#2082]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2082 2.4.4 / 2016-01-27 ================== * [#2080] - Fix broken RequireJS compatibility ([@boneskull]) [#2080]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2080 2.4.3 / 2016-01-27 ================== * [#2078] - Fix broken IE8 ([@boneskull]) [#2078]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2078 2.4.2 / 2016-01-26 ================== * [#2053] - Fix web worker compatibility ([@mislav]) * [#2072] - Fix Windows color output ([@thedark1337]) * [#2073] - Fix colors in `progress` and `landing` reporters ([@gyandeeps]) [#2053]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2053 [#2072]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2072 [#2073]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2073 [@gyandeeps]: https://github.com/gyandeeps [@thedark1337]: https://github.com/thedark1337 2.4.1 / 2016-01-26 ================== * [#2067] - Fix HTML/doc reporter regressions ([@danielstjules]) [#2067]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2067 2.4.0 / 2016-01-25 ================== * [#1945] - Correctly skip tests when skipping in suite's before() ([@ryanshawty]) * [#2056] - chore(license): update license year to 2016 ([@pra85]) * [#2048] - Fix `this.skip` from spec with HTML reporter ([@mislav]) * [#2033] - Update tests for newer versions of should.js ([@tomhughes]) * [#2037] - Fix for memory leak caused by referenced to deferred test ([@bd82]) * [#2038] - Also run Travis-CI on node.js 4 & 5 ([@bd82]) * [#2028] - Remove reference to test before afterAll hook runs ([@stonelgh]) * Bump mkdirp to 0.5.1 to support strict mode ([@danielstjules]) * [#1977] - safely stringify PhantomJS undefined value ([@ahamid]) * Add the ability to retry tests ([@@longlho]) * [#1982] - Enable --log-timer-events option [@Alaneor] * Fix #1980: Load mocha.opts from bin/mocha and bin/_mocha ([@danielstjules]) * [#1976] - Simplify function call ([@iclanzan]) * [#1963] - Add support --perf-basic-prof ([@robraux]) * [#1981] - Fix HTML reporter handling of done and exceptions ([@Standard8]) * [#1993] - propagate "file" property for "exports" interface ([@segrey]) * [#1999] - Add support for strict mode ([@tmont]) * [#2005] - XUnit Reporter Writes to stdout, falls back to console.log ([@jonnyreeves]) * [#2021] - Fix non ES5 compliant regexp ([@zetaben]) * [#1965] - Don't double install BDD UI ([@cowboyd]) * [#1995] - Make sure the xunit output dir exists before writing to it ([@ianwremmel]) * Use chalk for the base reporter colors; closes #1200 ([@boneskull]) * Fix requiring custom interfaces ([@jgkim]) * [#1967] Silence Bluebird js warnings ([@krisr]) [#1945]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1945 [#2056]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2056 [#2048]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2048 [#2033]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2033 [#2037]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2037 [#2038]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2038 [#2028]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2028 [#1977]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1977 [#1982]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1982 [#1976]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1976 [#1963]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1963 [#1981]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1981 [#1993]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1993 [#1999]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1999 [#2005]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2005 [#2021]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/2021 [1965#]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1965 [#1995]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1995 [#1967]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/1967 [@ryanshawty]: https://github.com/ryanshawty [@pra85]: https://github.com/pra85 [@mislav]: https://github.com/mislav [@tomhughes]: https://github.com/tomhughes [@bd82]: https://github.com/bd82 [@stonelgh]: https://github.com/stonelgh [@danielstjules]: https://github.com/danielstjules [@ahamid]: https://github.com/ahamid [@longlho]: https://github.com/longlho [@Alaneor]: https://github.com/Alaneor [@iclanzan]: https://github.com/iclanzan [@robraux]: https://github.com/robraux [@Standard8]: https://github.com/Standard8 [@segrey]: https://github.com/segrey [@tmont]: https://github.com/tmont [@jonnyreeves]: https://github.com/jonnyreeves [@zetaben]: https://github.com/zetaben [@cowboyd]: https://github.com/cowboyd [@ianwremmel]: https://github.com/ianwremmel [@boneskull]: https://github.com/boneskull [@jgkim]: https://github.com/jgkim [@krisr]: https://github.com/krisr 2.3.4 / 2015-11-15 ================== * Update debug dependency to 2.2.0 * remove duplication of mocha.opts on process.argv * Fix typo in test/reporters/nyan.js 2.3.3 / 2015-09-19 ================== * [#1875] - Fix Markdown reporter exceeds maximum call stack size ([@danielstjules]) * [#1864] - Fix xunit missing output with --reporter-options output ([@danielstjules]) * [#1846] - Support all harmony flags ([@danielstjules]) * Fix fragile xunit reporter spec ([@danielstjules]) * [#1669] - Fix catch uncaught errors outside test suite execution ([@danielstjules]) * [#1868] - Revert jade to support npm < v1.3.7 ([@danielstjules]) * [#1766] - Don't remove modules/components from stack trace in the browser ([@danielstjules]) * [#1798] - Fix correctly attribute mutiple done err with hooks ([@danielstjules]) * Fix use utils.reduce for IE8 compatibility ([@wsw0108]) * Some linting errors fixed by [@danielstjules] * Call the inspect() function if message is not set ([@kevinburke]) [#1875]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1875 [#1864]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1864 [#1846]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1846 [#1669]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1669 [#1868]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1868 [#1766]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1766 [#1798]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1798 [@danielstjules]: https://github.com/danielstjules [@wsw0108]: https://github.com/wsw0108 [@kevinburke]: https://github.com/kevinburke 2.3.2 / 2015-09-07 ================== * [#1868] - Fix compatibility with older versions of NPM ([@boneskull]) [#1868]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1868 2.3.1 / 2015-09-06 ================== * [#1812] - Fix: Bail flag causes before() hooks to be run even after a failure ([@aaroncrows]) [#1812]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1812 [aaroncrows]: https://github.com/aaroncrows 2.3.0 / 2015-08-30 ================== * [#553] - added --allowUncaught option ([@amsul]) * [#1490] - Allow --async-only to be satisfied by returning a promise ([@jlai]) * [#1829] - support --max-old-space-size ([@gigadude]) * [#1811] - upgrade Jade dependency ([@outsideris]) * [#1769] - Fix async hook error handling ([@ajaykodali]) * [#1230] - More descriptive beforeEach/afterEach messages ([@duncanbeevers]) * [#1787] - Scope loading behaviour instead of using early return ([@aryeguy]) * [#1789] - Fix: html-runner crashing ([@sunesimonsen]) * [#1749] - Fix maximum call stack error on large amount of tests ([@tinganho]) * [#1230] - Decorate failed hook titles with test title ([@duncanbeevers]) * [#1260] - Build using Browserify ([@ndhoule]) * [#1728] - Don't use `__proto__` ([@ndhoule]) * [#1781] - Fix hook error tests ([@glenjamin]) * [#1754] - Allow boolean --reporter-options ([@papandreou]) * [#1766] - Fix overly aggressive stack suppression ([@moll]) * [#1752] - Avoid potential infinite loop ([@gsilk]) * [#1761] - Fix problems running under PhantomJS ([@chromakode]) * [#1700] - Fix more problems running under PhantomJS ([@jbnicolai]) * [#1774] - Support escaped spaces in CLI options ([@adamgruber]) * [#1687] - Fix HTML reporter links with special chars ([@benvinegar]) * [#1359] - Adopt code style and enforce it using ESLint ([@ndhoule] w/ assist from [@jbnicolai] & [@boneskull]) * various refactors ([@jbnicolai]) * [#1758] - Add cross-frame compatible Error checking ([@outdooricon]) * [#1741] - Remove moot `version` property from bower.json ([@kkirsche]) * [#1739] - Improve `HISTORY.md` ([@rstacruz]) * [#1730] - Support more io.js flags ([@ryedog]) * [#1349] - Allow HTML in HTML reporter errors ([@papandreou] / [@sunesimonsen]) * [#1572] - Prevent default browser behavior for failure/pass links ([@jschilli]) * [#1630] - Support underscored harmony flags ([@dominicbarnes]) * [#1718] - Support more harmony flags ([@slyg]) * [#1689] - Add stack to JSON-stream reporter ([@jonathandelgado]) * [#1654] - Fix `ReferenceError` "location is not defined" ([@jakemmarsh]) [#553]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/553 [#1490]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1490 [#1829]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1829 [#1811]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1811 [#1769]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1769 [#1230]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1230 [#1787]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1787 [#1789]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1789 [#1749]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1749 [#1230]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1230 [#1260]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1260 [#1728]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1728 [#1781]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1781 [#1754]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1754 [#1766]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1766 [#1752]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1752 [#1761]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1761 [#1700]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1700 [#1774]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1774 [#1687]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1687 [#1359]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1359 [#1758]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1758 [#1741]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1741 [#1739]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1739 [#1730]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1730 [#1349]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1349 [#1572]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1572 [#1630]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1630 [#1718]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1718 [#1689]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1689 [#1654]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1654 [@adamgruber]: https://github.com/adamgruber [@ajaykodali]: https://github.com/ajaykodali [@amsul]: https://github.com/amsul [@aryeguy]: https://github.com/aryeguy [@benvinegar]: https://github.com/benvinegar [@boneskull]: https://github.com/boneskull [@chromakode]: https://github.com/chromakode [@dominicbarnes]: https://github.com/dominicbarnes [@duncanbeevers]: https://github.com/duncanbeevers [@gigadude]: https://github.com/gigadude [@glenjamin]: https://github.com/glenjamin [@gsilk]: https://github.com/gsilk [@jakemmarsh]: https://github.com/jakemmarsh [@jbnicolai]: https://github.com/jbnicolai [@jlai]: https://github.com/jlai [@jonathandelgado]: https://github.com/jonathandelgado [@jschilli]: https://github.com/jschilli [@kkirsche]: https://github.com/kkirsche [@moll]: https://github.com/moll [@ndhoule]: https://github.com/ndhoule [@outdooricon]: https://github.com/outdooricon [@outsideris]: https://github.com/outsideris [@papandreou]: https://github.com/papandreou [@rstacruz]: https://github.com/rstacruz [@ryedog]: https://github.com/ryedog [@slyg]: https://github.com/slyg [@sunesimonsen]: https://github.com/sunesimonsen [@tinganho]: https://github.com/tinganho 2.2.5 / 2015-05-14 ================== * [#1699] - Upgrade jsdiff to v1.4.0 ([@nylen]) * [#1648] - fix diff background colors in the console ([@nylen]) * [#1327] - fix tests running twice, a regression issue. ([#1686], [@danielstjules]) * [#1675] - add integration tests ([@danielstjules]) * [#1682] - use a valid SPDX license identifier in package.json ([@kemitchell]) * [#1660] - fix assertion of invalid dates ([#1661], [@a8m]) * [#1241] - fix issue with multiline diffs appearing as single line ([#1655], [@a8m]) [#1699]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1699 [#1648]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1648 [#1327]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1327 [#1686]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1686 [#1675]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1675 [#1682]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1682 [#1660]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1660 [#1661]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1661 [#1241]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1241 [#1655]: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1655 [@nylen]: https://github.com/nylen [@danielstjules]: https://github.com/danielstjules [@kemitchell]: https://github.com/kemitchell [@a8m]: https://github.com/a8m 2.2.4 / 2015-04-08 ================== * Load mocha.opts in _mocha for now (close #1645) 2.2.3 / 2015-04-07 ================== * fix(reporter/base): string diff - issue #1241 * fix(reporter/base): string diff - issue #1241 * fix(reporter/base): don't show diffs for errors without expectation * fix(reporter/base): don't assume error message is first line of stack * improve: dry up reporter/base test * fix(reporter/base): explicitly ignore showDiff #1614 * Add iojs to travis build * Pass `--allow-natives-syntax` flag to node. * Support --harmony_classes flag for io.js * Fix 1556: Update utils.clean to handle newlines in func declarations * Fix 1606: fix err handling in IE <= 8 and non-ES5 browsers * Fix 1585: make _mocha executable again * chore(package.json): add a8m as a contributor * Fixed broken link on html-cov reporter * support --es_staging flag * fix issue where menu overlaps content. * update contributors in package.json * Remove trailing whitespace from reporter output * Remove contributors list from readme * log third-party reporter errors * [Fix] Exclude not own properties when looping on options * fix: support node args in mocha.opts (close #1573) * fix(reporter/base): string diff - issue #1241 2.2.1 / 2015-03-09 ================== * Fix passing of args intended for node/iojs. 2.2.0 / 2015-03-06 ================== * Update mocha.js * Add --fgrep. Use grep for RegExp, fgrep for str * Ignore async global errors after spec resolution * Fixing errors that prevent mocha.js from loading in the browser - fixes #1558 * fix(utils): issue #1558 + make * add ability to delay root suite; closes #362, closes #1124 * fix insanity in http tests * update travis: add node 0.12, add gitter, remove slack * building * resolve #1548: ensure the environment's "node" executable is used * reporters/base: use supports-color to detect colorable term * travis: use docker containers * small fix: commander option for --expose-gc * Ignore asynchronous errors after global failure * Improve error output when a test fails with a non-error * updated travis badge, uses svg instead of img * Allow skip from test context for #332 * [JSHINT] Unnecessary semicolon fixed in bin/_mocha * Added a reminder about the done() callback to test timeout error messages * fixes #1496, in Mocha.run(fn), check if fn exists before executing it, added tests too * Add Harmony Proxy flag for iojs * test(utils|ms|*): test existing units * add support for some iojs flags * fix(utils.stringify): issue #1229, diff viewer * Remove slack link * Prevent multiple 'grep=' querystring params in html reporter * Use grep as regexp (close #1381) * utils.stringify should handle objects without an Object prototype * in runnable test, comparing to undefined error's message rather than a literal * Fix test running output truncation on async STDIO * ammended for deprecated customFds option in child_process 2.1.0 / 2014-12-23 ================== * showDiff: don’t stringify strings * Clean up unused module dependencies. * Filter zero-length strings from mocha.opts * only write to stdout in reporters * Revert "only write to stdout in reporters" * Print colored output only to a tty * update summary in README.md * rename Readme.md/History.md to README.md/HISTORY.md because neurotic * add .mailmap to fix "git shortlog" or "git summary" output * fixes #1461: nyan-reporter now respects Base.useColors, fixed bug where Base.color would not return a string when str wasn't a string. * Use existing test URL builder in failed replay links * modify .travis.yml: use travis_retry; closes #1449 * fix -t 0 behavior; closes #1446 * fix tests (whoops) * improve diff behavior * Preserve pathname when linking to individual tests * Fix test * Tiny typo in comments fixed * after hooks now being called on failed tests when using bail, fixes #1093 * fix throwing undefined/null now makes tests fail, fixes #1395 * compiler extensions are added as watched extensions, removed non-standard extensions from watch regex, resolves #1221 * prefix/namespace for suite titles in markdown reporter, fixes #554 * fix more bad markdown in CONTRIBUTING.md * fix bad markdown in CONTRIBUTING.md * add setImmediate/clearImmediate to globals; closes #1435 * Fix buffer diffs (closes #1132, closes #1433) * add a CONTRIBUTING.md. closes #882 * fix intermittent build failures (maybe). closes #1407 * add Slack notification to .travis.yml * Fix slack link * Add slack room to readme * Update maintainers * update maintainers and contributors * resolves #1393: kill children with more effort on SIGINT * xunit reporter support for optionally writing to a file * if a reporter has a .done method, call it before exiting * add support for reporter options * only write to stdout in reporters 2.0.0 / 2014-10-21 ================== * remove: support for node 0.6.x, 0.4.x * fix: landing reporter with non ansi characters (#211) * fix: html reporter - preserve query params when navigating to suites/tests (#1358) * fix: json stream reporter add error message to failed test * fix: fixes for visionmedia -> mochajs * fix: use stdio, fixes node deprecation warnings (#1391) 1.21.5 / 2014-10-11 ================== * fix: build for NodeJS v0.6.x * fix: do not attempt to highlight syntax when non-HTML reporter is used * update: escape-string-regexp to 1.0.2. * fix: botched indentation in canonicalize() * fix: .gitignore: ignore .patch and .diff files * fix: changed 'Catched' to 'Caught' in uncaught exception error handler messages * add: `pending` field for json reporter * fix: Runner.prototype.uncaught: don't double-end runnables that already have a state. * fix: --recursive, broken by f0facd2e * update: replaces escapeRegexp with the escape-string-regexp package. * update: commander to 2.3.0. * update: diff to 1.0.8. * fix: ability to disable syntax highlighting (#1329) * fix: added empty object to errorJSON() call to catch when no error is present * fix: never time out after calling enableTimeouts(false) * fix: timeout(0) will work at suite level (#1300) * Fix for --watch+only() issue (#888 ) * fix: respect err.showDiff, add Base reporter test (#810) 1.22.1-3 / 2014-07-27 ================== * fix: disabling timeouts with this.timeout(0) (#1301) 1.22.1-3 / 2014-07-27 ================== * fix: local uis and reporters (#1288) * fix: building 1.21.0's changes in the browser (#1284) 1.21.0 / 2014-07-23 ================== * add: --no-timeouts option (#1262, #1268) * add: --*- deprecation node flags (#1217) * add: --watch-extensions argument (#1247) * change: spec reporter is default (#1228) * fix: diff output showing incorrect +/- (#1182) * fix: diffs of circular structures (#1179) * fix: re-render the progress bar when progress has changed only (#1151) * fix support for environments with global and window (#1159) * fix: reverting to previously defined onerror handler (#1178) * fix: stringify non error objects passed to done() (#1270) * fix: using local ui, reporters (#1267) * fix: cleaning es6 arrows (#1176) * fix: don't include attrs in failure tag for xunit (#1244) * fix: fail tests that return a promise if promise is rejected w/o a reason (#1224) * fix: showing failed tests in doc reporter (#1117) * fix: dot reporter dots being off (#1204) * fix: catch empty throws (#1219) * fix: honoring timeout for sync operations (#1242) * update: growl to 1.8.0 1.20.1 / 2014-06-03 ================== * update: should dev dependency to ~4.0.0 (#1231) 1.20.0 / 2014-05-28 ================== * add: filenames to suite objects (#1222) 1.19.0 / 2014-05-17 ================== * add: browser script option to package.json * add: export file in Mocha.Test objects (#1174) * add: add docs for wrapped node flags * fix: mocha.run() to return error status in browser (#1216) * fix: clean() to show failure details (#1205) * fix: regex that generates html for new keyword (#1201) * fix: sibling suites have inherited but separate contexts (#1164) 1.18.2 / 2014-03-18 ================== * fix: html runner was prevented from using #mocha as the default root el (#1162) 1.18.1 / 2014-03-18 ================== * fix: named before/after hooks in bdd, tdd, qunit interfaces (#1161) 1.18.0 / 2014-03-13 ================== * add: promise support (#329) * add: named before/after hooks (#966) 1.17.1 / 2014-01-22 ================== * fix: expected messages in should.js (should.js#168) * fix: expect errno global in node versions < v0.9.11 (#1111) * fix: unreliable checkGlobals optimization (#1110) 1.17.0 / 2014-01-09 ================== * add: able to require globals (describe, it, etc.) through mocha (#1077) * fix: abort previous run on --watch change (#1100) * fix: reset context for each --watch triggered run (#1099) * fix: error when cli can't resolve path or pattern (#799) * fix: canonicalize objects before stringifying and diffing them (#1079) * fix: make CR call behave like carriage return for non tty (#1087) 1.16.2 / 2013-12-23 ================== * fix: couple issues with ie 8 (#1082, #1081) * fix: issue running the xunit reporter in browsers (#1068) * fix: issue with firefox < 3.5 (#725) 1.16.1 / 2013-12-19 ================== * fix: recompiled for missed changes from the last release 1.16.0 / 2013-12-19 ================== * add: Runnable.globals(arr) for per test global whitelist (#1046) * add: mocha.throwError(err) for assertion libs to call (#985) * remove: --watch's spinner (#806) * fix: duplicate test output for multi-line specs in spec reporter (#1006) * fix: gracefully exit on SIGINT (#1063) * fix expose the specified ui only in the browser (#984) * fix: ensure process exit code is preserved when using --no-exit (#1059) * fix: return true from window.onerror handler (#868) * fix: xunit reporter to use process.stdout.write (#1068) * fix: utils.clean(str) indentation (#761) * fix: xunit reporter returning test duration a NaN (#1039) 1.15.1 / 2013-12-03 ================== * fix: recompiled for missed changes from the last release 1.15.0 / 2013-12-02 ================== * add: `--no-exit` to prevent `process.exit()` (#1018) * fix: using inline diffs (#1044) * fix: show pending test details in xunit reporter (#1051) * fix: faster global leak detection (#1024) * fix: yui compression (#1035) * fix: wrapping long lines in test results (#1030, #1031) * fix: handle errors in hooks (#1043) 1.14.0 / 2013-11-02 ================== * add: unified diff (#862) * add: set MOCHA_COLORS env var to use colors (#965) * add: able to override tests links in html reporters (#776) * remove: teamcity reporter (#954) * update: commander dependency to 2.0.0 (#1010) * fix: mocha --ui will try to require the ui if not built in, as --reporter does (#1022) * fix: send cursor commands only if isatty (#184, #1003) * fix: include assertion message in base reporter (#993, #991) * fix: consistent return of it, it.only, and describe, describe.only (#840) 1.13.0 / 2013-09-15 ================== * add: sort test files with --sort (#813) * update: diff depedency to 1.0.7 * update: glob dependency to 3.2.3 (#927) * fix: diffs show whitespace differences (#976) * fix: improve global leaks (#783) * fix: firefox window.getInterface leak * fix: accessing iframe via window[iframeIndex] leak * fix: faster global leak checking * fix: reporter pending css selector (#970) 1.12.1 / 2013-08-29 ================== * remove test.js from .gitignore * update included version of ms.js 1.12.0 / 2013-07-01 ================== * add: prevent diffs for differing types. Closes #900 * add `Mocha.process` hack for phantomjs * fix: use compilers with requires * fix regexps in diffs. Closes #890 * fix xunit NaN on failure. Closes #894 * fix: strip tab indentation in `clean` utility method * fix: textmate bundle installation 1.11.0 / 2013-06-12 ================== * add --prof support * add --harmony support * add --harmony-generators support * add "Uncaught " prefix to uncaught exceptions * add web workers support * add `suite.skip()` * change to output # of pending / passing even on failures. Closes #872 * fix: prevent hooks from being called if we are bailing * fix `this.timeout(0)` 1.10.0 / 2013-05-21 ================== * add add better globbing support for windows via `glob` module * add support to pass through flags such as --debug-brk=1234. Closes #852 * add test.only, test.skip to qunit interface * change to always use word-based diffs for now. Closes #733 * change `mocha init` tests.html to index.html * fix `process` global leak in the browser * fix: use resolve() instead of join() for --require * fix: filterLeaks() condition to not consider indices in global object as leaks * fix: restrict mocha.css styling to #mocha id * fix: save timer references to avoid Sinon interfering in the browser build. 1.9.0 / 2013-04-03 ================== * add improved setImmediate implementation * replace --ignore-leaks with --check-leaks * change default of ignoreLeaks to true. Closes #791 * remove scrolling for HTML reporter * fix retina support * fix tmbundle, restrict to js scope 1.8.2 / 2013-03-11 ================== * add `setImmediate` support for 0.10.x * fix mocha -w spinner on windows 1.8.1 / 2013-01-09 ================== * fix .bail() arity check causing it to default to true 1.8.0 / 2013-01-08 ================== * add Mocha() options bail support * add `Mocha#bail()` method * add instanceof check back for inheriting from Error * add component.json * add diff.js to browser build * update growl * fix TAP reporter failures comment :D 1.7.4 / 2012-12-06 ================== * add total number of passes and failures to TAP * remove .bind() calls. re #680 * fix indexOf. Closes #680 1.7.3 / 2012-11-30 ================== * fix uncaught error support for the browser * revert uncaught "fix" which breaks node 1.7.2 / 2012-11-28 ================== * fix uncaught errors to expose the original error message 1.7.0 / 2012-11-07 ================== * add `--async-only` support to prevent false positives for missing `done()` * add sorting by filename in code coverage * add HTML 5 doctype to browser template. * add play button to html reporter to rerun a single test * add `this.timeout(ms)` as Suite#timeout(ms). Closes #599 * update growl dependency to 1.6.x * fix encoding of test-case ?grep. Closes #637 * fix unicode chars on windows * fix dom globals in Opera/IE. Closes #243 * fix markdown reporter a tags * fix `this.timeout("5s")` support 1.6.0 / 2012-10-02 ================== * add object diffs when `err.showDiff` is present * add hiding of empty suites when pass/failures are toggled * add faster `.length` checks to `checkGlobals()` before performing the filter 1.5.0 / 2012-09-21 ================== * add `ms()` to `.slow()` and `.timeout()` * add `Mocha#checkLeaks()` to re-enable global leak checks * add `this.slow()` option [aheckmann] * add tab, CR, LF to error diffs for now * add faster `.checkGlobals()` solution [guille] * remove `fn.call()` from reduce util * remove `fn.call()` from filter util * fix forEach. Closes #582 * fix relaying of signals [TooTallNate] * fix TAP reporter grep number 1.4.2 / 2012-09-01 ================== * add support to multiple `Mocha#globals()` calls, and strings * add `mocha.reporter()` constructor support [jfirebaugh] * add `mocha.timeout()` * move query-string parser to utils.js * move highlight code to utils.js * fix third-party reporter support [exogen] * fix client-side API to match node-side [jfirebaugh] * fix mocha in iframe [joliss] 1.4.1 / 2012-08-28 ================== * add missing `Markdown` export * fix `Mocha#grep()`, escape regexp strings * fix reference error when `devicePixelRatio` is not defined. Closes #549 1.4.0 / 2012-08-22 ================== * add mkdir -p to `mocha init`. Closes #539 * add `.only()`. Closes #524 * add `.skip()`. Closes #524 * change str.trim() to use utils.trim(). Closes #533 * fix HTML progress indicator retina display * fix url-encoding of click-to-grep HTML functionality 1.3.2 / 2012-08-01 ================== * fix exports double-execution regression. Closes #531 1.3.1 / 2012-08-01 ================== * add passes/failures toggling to HTML reporter * add pending state to `xit()` and `xdescribe()` [Brian Moore] * add the @charset "UTF-8"; to fix #522 with FireFox. [Jonathan Creamer] * add border-bottom to #stats links * add check for runnable in `Runner#uncaught()`. Closes #494 * add 0.4 and 0.6 back to travis.yml * add `-E, --growl-errors` to growl on failures only * add prefixes to debug() names. Closes #497 * add `Mocha#invert()` to js api * change dot reporter to use sexy unicode dots * fix error when clicking pending test in HTML reporter * fix `make tm` 1.3.0 / 2012-07-05 ================== * add window scrolling to `HTML` reporter * add v8 `--trace-*` option support * add support for custom reports via `--reporter MODULE` * add `--invert` switch to invert `--grep` matches * fix export of `Nyan` reporter. Closes #495 * fix escaping of `HTML` suite titles. Closes #486 * fix `done()` called multiple times with an error test * change `--grep` - regexp escape the input 1.2.2 / 2012-06-28 ================== * Added 0.8.0 support 1.2.1 / 2012-06-25 ================== * Added `this.test.error(err)` support to after each hooks. Closes #287 * Added: export top-level suite on global mocha object (mocha.suite). Closes #448 * Fixed `js` code block format error in markdown reporter * Fixed deprecation warning when using `path.existsSync` * Fixed --globals with wildcard * Fixed chars in nyan when his head moves back * Remove `--growl` from test/mocha.opts. Closes #289 1.2.0 / 2012-06-17 ================== * Added `nyan` reporter [Atsuya Takagi] * Added `mocha init <path>` to copy client files * Added "specify" synonym for "it" [domenic] * Added global leak wildcard support [nathanbowser] * Fixed runner emitter leak. closes #432 * Fixed omission of .js extension. Closes #454 1.1.0 / 2012-05-30 ================== * Added: check each `mocha(1)` arg for directories to walk * Added `--recursive` [tricknotes] * Added `context` for BDD [hokaccha] * Added styling for new clickable titles * Added clickable suite titles to HTML reporter * Added warning when strings are thrown as errors * Changed: green arrows again in HTML reporter styling * Changed ul/li elements instead of divs for better copy-and-pasting [joliss] * Fixed issue #325 - add better grep support to js api * Fixed: save timer references to avoid Sinon interfering. 1.0.3 / 2012-04-30 ================== * Fixed string diff newlines * Fixed: removed mocha.css target. Closes #401 1.0.2 / 2012-04-25 ================== * Added HTML reporter duration. Closes #47 * Fixed: one postMessage event listener [exogen] * Fixed: allow --globals to be used multiple times. Closes #100 [brendannee] * Fixed #158: removes jquery include from browser tests * Fixed grep. Closes #372 [brendannee] * Fixed #166 - When grepping don't display the empty suites * Removed test/browser/style.css. Closes #385 1.0.1 / 2012-04-04 ================== * Fixed `.timeout()` in hooks * Fixed: allow callback for `mocha.run()` in client version * Fixed browser hook error display. Closes #361 1.0.0 / 2012-03-24 ================== * Added js API. Closes #265 * Added: initial run of tests with `--watch`. Closes #345 * Added: mark `location` as a global on the CS. Closes #311 * Added `markdown` reporter (github flavour) * Added: scrolling menu to coverage.html. Closes #335 * Added source line to html report for Safari [Tyson Tate] * Added "min" reporter, useful for `--watch` [Jakub Nešetřil] * Added support for arbitrary compilers via . Closes #338 [Ian Young] * Added Teamcity export to lib/reporters/index [Michael Riley] * Fixed chopping of first char in error reporting. Closes #334 [reported by topfunky] * Fixed terrible FF / Opera stack traces 0.14.1 / 2012-03-06 ================== * Added lib-cov to _.npmignore_ * Added reporter to `mocha.run([reporter])` as argument * Added some margin-top to the HTML reporter * Removed jQuery dependency * Fixed `--watch`: purge require cache. Closes #266 0.14.0 / 2012-03-01 ================== * Added string diff support for terminal reporters 0.13.0 / 2012-02-23 ================== * Added preliminary test coverage support. Closes #5 * Added `HTMLCov` reporter * Added `JSONCov` reporter [kunklejr] * Added `xdescribe()` and `xit()` to the BDD interface. Closes #263 (docs * Changed: make json reporter output pretty json * Fixed node-inspector support, swapped `--debug` for `debug` to match node. needed) Closes #247 0.12.1 / 2012-02-14 ================== * Added `npm docs mocha` support [TooTallNate] * Added a `Context` object used for hook and test-case this. Closes #253 * Fixed `Suite#clone()` `.ctx` reference. Closes #262 0.12.0 / 2012-02-02 ================== * Added .coffee `--watch` support. Closes #242 * Added support to `--require` files relative to the CWD. Closes #241 * Added quick n dirty syntax highlighting. Closes #248 * Changed: made HTML progress indicator smaller * Fixed xunit errors attribute [dhendo] 0.10.2 / 2012-01-21 ================== * Fixed suite count in reporter stats. Closes #222 * Fixed `done()` after timeout error reporting [Phil Sung] * Changed the 0-based errors to 1 0.10.1 / 2012-01-17 ================== * Added support for node 0.7.x * Fixed absolute path support. Closes #215 [kompiro] * Fixed `--no-colors` option [Jussi Virtanen] * Fixed Arial CSS typo in the correct file 0.10.0 / 2012-01-13 ================== * Added `-b, --bail` to exit on first exception [guillermo] * Added support for `-gc` / `--expose-gc` [TooTallNate] * Added `qunit`-inspired interface * Added MIT LICENSE. Closes #194 * Added: `--watch` all .js in the CWD. Closes #139 * Fixed `self.test` reference in runner. Closes #189 * Fixed double reporting of uncaught exceptions after timeout. Closes #195 0.8.2 / 2012-01-05 ================== * Added test-case context support. Closes #113 * Fixed exit status. Closes #187 * Update commander. Closes #190 0.8.1 / 2011-12-30 ================== * Fixed reporting of uncaught exceptions. Closes #183 * Fixed error message defaulting [indutny] * Changed mocha(1) from bash to node for windows [Nathan Rajlich] 0.8.0 / 2011-12-28 ================== * Added `XUnit` reporter [FeeFighters/visionmedia] * Added `say(1)` notification support [Maciej Małecki] * Changed: fail when done() is invoked with a non-Error. Closes #171 * Fixed `err.stack`, defaulting to message. Closes #180 * Fixed: `make tm` mkdir -p the dest. Closes #137 * Fixed mocha(1) --help bin name * Fixed `-d` for `--debug` support 0.7.1 / 2011-12-22 ================== * Removed `mocha-debug(1)`, use `mocha --debug` * Fixed CWD relative requires * Fixed growl issue on windows [Raynos] * Fixed: platform specific line endings [TooTallNate] * Fixed: escape strings in HTML reporter. Closes #164 0.7.0 / 2011-12-18 ================== * Added support for IE{7,8} [guille] * Changed: better browser nextTick implementation [guille] 0.6.0 / 2011-12-18 ================== * Added setZeroTimeout timeout for browser (nicer stack traces). Closes #153 * Added "view source" on hover for HTML reporter to make it obvious * Changed: replace custom growl with growl lib * Fixed duplicate reporting for HTML reporter. Closes #154 * Fixed silent hook errors in the HTML reporter. Closes #150 0.5.0 / 2011-12-14 ================== * Added: push node_modules directory onto module.paths for relative require Closes #93 * Added teamcity reporter [blindsey] * Fixed: recover from uncaught exceptions for tests. Closes #94 * Fixed: only emit "test end" for uncaught within test, not hook 0.4.0 / 2011-12-14 ================== * Added support for test-specific timeouts via `this.timeout(0)`. Closes #134 * Added guillermo's client-side EventEmitter. Closes #132 * Added progress indicator to the HTML reporter * Fixed slow browser tests. Closes #135 * Fixed "suite" color for light terminals * Fixed `require()` leak spotted by [guillermo] 0.3.6 / 2011-12-09 ================== * Removed suite merging (for now) 0.3.5 / 2011-12-08 ================== * Added support for `window.onerror` [guillermo] * Fixed: clear timeout on uncaught exceptions. Closes #131 [guillermo] * Added `mocha.css` to PHONY list. * Added `mocha.js` to PHONY list. 0.3.4 / 2011-12-08 ================== * Added: allow `done()` to be called with non-Error * Added: return Runner from `mocha.run()`. Closes #126 * Fixed: run afterEach even on failures. Closes #125 * Fixed clobbering of current runnable. Closes #121 0.3.3 / 2011-12-08 ================== * Fixed hook timeouts. Closes #120 * Fixed uncaught exceptions in hooks 0.3.2 / 2011-12-05 ================== * Fixed weird reporting when `err.message` is not present 0.3.1 / 2011-12-04 ================== * Fixed hook event emitter leak. Closes #117 * Fixed: export `Spec` constructor. Closes #116 0.3.0 / 2011-12-04 ================== * Added `-w, --watch`. Closes #72 * Added `--ignore-leaks` to ignore global leak checking * Added browser `?grep=pattern` support * Added `--globals <names>` to specify accepted globals. Closes #99 * Fixed `mocha-debug(1)` on some systems. Closes #232 * Fixed growl total, use `runner.total` 0.2.0 / 2011-11-30 ================== * Added `--globals <names>` to specify accepted globals. Closes #99 * Fixed funky highlighting of messages. Closes #97 * Fixed `mocha-debug(1)`. Closes #232 * Fixed growl total, use runner.total 0.1.0 / 2011-11-29 ================== * Added `suiteSetup` and `suiteTeardown` to TDD interface [David Henderson] * Added growl icons. Closes #84 * Fixed coffee-script support 0.0.8 / 2011-11-25 ================== * Fixed: use `Runner#total` for accurate reporting 0.0.7 / 2011-11-25 ================== * Added `Hook` * Added `Runnable` * Changed: `Test` is `Runnable` * Fixed global leak reporting in hooks * Fixed: > 2 calls to done() only report the error once * Fixed: clear timer on failure. Closes #80 0.0.6 / 2011-11-25 ================== * Fixed return on immediate async error. Closes #80 0.0.5 / 2011-11-24 ================== * Fixed: make mocha.opts whitespace less picky [kkaefer] 0.0.4 / 2011-11-24 ================== * Added `--interfaces` * Added `--reporters` * Added `-c, --colors`. Closes #69 * Fixed hook timeouts 0.0.3 / 2011-11-23 ================== * Added `-C, --no-colors` to explicitly disable * Added coffee-script support 0.0.2 / 2011-11-22 ================== * Fixed global leak detection due to Safari bind() change * Fixed: escape html entities in Doc reporter * Fixed: escape html entities in HTML reporter * Fixed pending test support for HTML reporter. Closes #66 0.0.1 / 2011-11-22 ================== * Added `--timeout` second shorthand support, ex `--timeout 3s`. * Fixed "test end" event for uncaughtExceptions. Closes #61 0.0.1-alpha6 / 2011-11-19 ================== * Added travis CI support (needs enabling when public) * Added preliminary browser support * Added `make mocha.css` target. Closes #45 * Added stack trace to TAP errors. Closes #52 * Renamed tearDown to teardown. Closes #49 * Fixed: cascading hooksc. Closes #30 * Fixed some colors for non-tty * Fixed errors thrown in sync test-cases due to nextTick * Fixed Base.window.width... again give precedence to 0.6.x 0.0.1-alpha5 / 2011-11-17 ================== * Added `doc` reporter. Closes #33 * Added suite merging. Closes #28 * Added TextMate bundle and `make tm`. Closes #20 0.0.1-alpha4 / 2011-11-15 ================== * Fixed getWindowSize() for 0.4.x 0.0.1-alpha3 / 2011-11-15 ================== * Added `-s, --slow <ms>` to specify "slow" test threshold * Added `mocha-debug(1)` * Added `mocha.opts` support. Closes #31 * Added: default [files] to _test/*.js_ * Added protection against multiple calls to `done()`. Closes #35 * Changed: bright yellow for slow Dot reporter tests 0.0.1-alpha1 / 2011-11-08 ================== * Missed this one :) 0.0.1-alpha1 / 2011-11-08 ================== * Initial release