/* * SystemJS v0.19.17 */ (function() { function bootstrap() {(function(__global) { var isWorker = typeof window == 'undefined' && typeof self != 'undefined' && typeof importScripts != 'undefined'; var isBrowser = typeof window != 'undefined' && typeof document != 'undefined'; var isWindows = typeof process != 'undefined' && typeof process.platform != 'undefined' && !!process.platform.match(/^win/); if (!__global.console) __global.console = { assert: function() {} }; // IE8 support var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, thisLen = this.length; i < thisLen; i++) { if (this[i] === item) { return i; } } return -1; }; var defineProperty; (function () { try { if (!!Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', {})) defineProperty = Object.defineProperty; } catch (e) { defineProperty = function(obj, prop, opt) { try { obj[prop] = opt.value || opt.get.call(obj); } catch(e) {} } } })(); function addToError(err, msg) { var newErr; if (err instanceof Error) { newErr = new Error(err.message, err.fileName, err.lineNumber); if (isBrowser) { newErr.message = err.message + '\n\t' + msg; newErr.stack = err.stack; } else { // node errors only look correct with the stack modified newErr.message = err.message; newErr.stack = err.stack + '\n\t' + msg; } } else { newErr = err + '\n\t' + msg; } return newErr; } function __eval(source, debugName, context) { try { new Function(source).call(context); } catch(e) { throw addToError(e, 'Evaluating ' + debugName); } } var baseURI; // environent baseURI detection if (typeof document != 'undefined' && document.getElementsByTagName) { baseURI = document.baseURI; if (!baseURI) { var bases = document.getElementsByTagName('base'); baseURI = bases[0] && bases[0].href || window.location.href; } // sanitize out the hash and querystring baseURI = baseURI.split('#')[0].split('?')[0]; baseURI = baseURI.substr(0, baseURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } else if (typeof process != 'undefined' && process.cwd) { baseURI = 'file://' + (isWindows ? '/' : '') + process.cwd() + '/'; if (isWindows) baseURI = baseURI.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } else if (typeof location != 'undefined') { baseURI = __global.location.href; } else { throw new TypeError('No environment baseURI'); } var URL = __global.URLPolyfill || __global.URL; /* ********************************************************************************************* Dynamic Module Loader Polyfill - Implemented exactly to the former 2014-08-24 ES6 Specification Draft Rev 27, Section 15 http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:specification_drafts#august_24_2014_draft_rev_27 - Functions are commented with their spec numbers, with spec differences commented. - Spec bugs are commented in this code with links. - Abstract functions have been combined where possible, and their associated functions commented. - Realm implementation is entirely omitted. ********************************************************************************************* */ function Module() {} // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-@@tostringtag defineProperty(Module.prototype, 'toString', { value: function() { return 'Module'; } }); function Loader(options) { this._loader = { loaderObj: this, loads: [], modules: {}, importPromises: {}, moduleRecords: {} }; // defineProperty(this, 'global', { get: function() { return __global; } }); // realm not implemented } (function() { // Some Helpers // logs a linkset snapshot for debugging /* function snapshot(loader) { console.log('---Snapshot---'); for (var i = 0; i < loader.loads.length; i++) { var load = loader.loads[i]; var linkSetLog = ' ' + load.name + ' (' + load.status + '): '; for (var j = 0; j < load.linkSets.length; j++) { linkSetLog += '{' + logloads(load.linkSets[j].loads) + '} '; } console.log(linkSetLog); } console.log(''); } function logloads(loads) { var log = ''; for (var k = 0; k < loads.length; k++) log += loads[k].name + (k != loads.length - 1 ? ' ' : ''); return log; } */ /* function checkInvariants() { // see https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2603#c1 var loads = System._loader.loads; var linkSets = []; for (var i = 0; i < loads.length; i++) { var load = loads[i]; console.assert(load.status == 'loading' || load.status == 'loaded', 'Each load is loading or loaded'); for (var j = 0; j < load.linkSets.length; j++) { var linkSet = load.linkSets[j]; for (var k = 0; k < linkSet.loads.length; k++) console.assert(loads.indexOf(linkSet.loads[k]) != -1, 'linkSet loads are a subset of loader loads'); if (linkSets.indexOf(linkSet) == -1) linkSets.push(linkSet); } } for (var i = 0; i < loads.length; i++) { var load = loads[i]; for (var j = 0; j < linkSets.length; j++) { var linkSet = linkSets[j]; if (linkSet.loads.indexOf(load) != -1) console.assert(load.linkSets.indexOf(linkSet) != -1, 'linkSet contains load -> load contains linkSet'); if (load.linkSets.indexOf(linkSet) != -1) console.assert(linkSet.loads.indexOf(load) != -1, 'load contains linkSet -> linkSet contains load'); } } for (var i = 0; i < linkSets.length; i++) { var linkSet = linkSets[i]; for (var j = 0; j < linkSet.loads.length; j++) { var load = linkSet.loads[j]; for (var k = 0; k < load.dependencies.length; k++) { var depName = load.dependencies[k].value; var depLoad; for (var l = 0; l < loads.length; l++) { if (loads[l].name != depName) continue; depLoad = loads[l]; break; } // loading records are allowed not to have their dependencies yet // if (load.status != 'loading') // console.assert(depLoad, 'depLoad found'); // console.assert(linkSet.loads.indexOf(depLoad) != -1, 'linkset contains all dependencies'); } } } } */ // 15.2.3 - Runtime Semantics: Loader State // function createLoaderLoad(object) { return { // modules is an object for ES5 implementation modules: {}, loads: [], loaderObj: object }; } // Load Records and LoadRequest Objects // function createLoad(name) { return { status: 'loading', name: name, linkSets: [], dependencies: [], metadata: {} }; } // createLoadRequestObject, absorbed into calling functions // 15.2.4 // function loadModule(loader, name, options) { return new Promise(asyncStartLoadPartwayThrough({ step: options.address ? 'fetch' : 'locate', loader: loader, moduleName: name, // allow metadata for import https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3091 moduleMetadata: options && options.metadata || {}, moduleSource: options.source, moduleAddress: options.address })); } // function requestLoad(loader, request, refererName, refererAddress) { // CallNormalize return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(loader.loaderObj.normalize(request, refererName, refererAddress)); }) // GetOrCreateLoad .then(function(name) { var load; if (loader.modules[name]) { load = createLoad(name); load.status = 'linked'; // https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2795 load.module = loader.modules[name]; return load; } for (var i = 0, l = loader.loads.length; i < l; i++) { load = loader.loads[i]; if (load.name != name) continue; console.assert(load.status == 'loading' || load.status == 'loaded', 'loading or loaded'); return load; } load = createLoad(name); loader.loads.push(load); proceedToLocate(loader, load); return load; }); } // function proceedToLocate(loader, load) { proceedToFetch(loader, load, Promise.resolve() // CallLocate .then(function() { return loader.loaderObj.locate({ name: load.name, metadata: load.metadata }); }) ); } // function proceedToFetch(loader, load, p) { proceedToTranslate(loader, load, p // CallFetch .then(function(address) { // adjusted, see https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2602 if (load.status != 'loading') return; load.address = address; return loader.loaderObj.fetch({ name: load.name, metadata: load.metadata, address: address }); }) ); } var anonCnt = 0; // function proceedToTranslate(loader, load, p) { p // CallTranslate .then(function(source) { if (load.status != 'loading') return; return Promise.resolve(loader.loaderObj.translate({ name: load.name, metadata: load.metadata, address: load.address, source: source })) // CallInstantiate .then(function(source) { load.source = source; return loader.loaderObj.instantiate({ name: load.name, metadata: load.metadata, address: load.address, source: source }); }) // InstantiateSucceeded .then(function(instantiateResult) { if (instantiateResult === undefined) { load.address = load.address || '<Anonymous Module ' + ++anonCnt + '>'; // instead of load.kind, use load.isDeclarative load.isDeclarative = true; return transpile.call(loader.loaderObj, load) .then(function(transpiled) { // Hijack System.register to set declare function var curSystem = __global.System; var curRegister = curSystem.register; curSystem.register = function(name, deps, declare) { if (typeof name != 'string') { declare = deps; deps = name; } // store the registered declaration as load.declare // store the deps as load.deps load.declare = declare; load.depsList = deps; } // empty {} context is closest to undefined 'this' we can get __eval(transpiled, load.address, {}); curSystem.register = curRegister; }); } else if (typeof instantiateResult == 'object') { load.depsList = instantiateResult.deps || []; load.execute = instantiateResult.execute; load.isDeclarative = false; } else throw TypeError('Invalid instantiate return value'); }) // ProcessLoadDependencies .then(function() { load.dependencies = []; var depsList = load.depsList; var loadPromises = []; for (var i = 0, l = depsList.length; i < l; i++) (function(request, index) { loadPromises.push( requestLoad(loader, request, load.name, load.address) // AddDependencyLoad (load is parentLoad) .then(function(depLoad) { // adjusted from spec to maintain dependency order // this is due to the System.register internal implementation needs load.dependencies[index] = { key: request, value: depLoad.name }; if (depLoad.status != 'linked') { var linkSets = load.linkSets.concat([]); for (var i = 0, l = linkSets.length; i < l; i++) addLoadToLinkSet(linkSets[i], depLoad); } // console.log('AddDependencyLoad ' + depLoad.name + ' for ' + load.name); // snapshot(loader); }) ); })(depsList[i], i); return Promise.all(loadPromises); }) // LoadSucceeded .then(function() { // console.log('LoadSucceeded ' + load.name); // snapshot(loader); console.assert(load.status == 'loading', 'is loading'); load.status = 'loaded'; var linkSets = load.linkSets.concat([]); for (var i = 0, l = linkSets.length; i < l; i++) updateLinkSetOnLoad(linkSets[i], load); }); }) // LoadFailed ['catch'](function(exc) { load.status = 'failed'; load.exception = exc; var linkSets = load.linkSets.concat([]); for (var i = 0, l = linkSets.length; i < l; i++) { linkSetFailed(linkSets[i], load, exc); } console.assert(load.linkSets.length == 0, 'linkSets not removed'); }); } // PromiseOfStartLoadPartwayThrough absorbed into calling functions // function asyncStartLoadPartwayThrough(stepState) { return function(resolve, reject) { var loader = stepState.loader; var name = stepState.moduleName; var step = stepState.step; if (loader.modules[name]) throw new TypeError('"' + name + '" already exists in the module table'); // adjusted to pick up existing loads var existingLoad; for (var i = 0, l = loader.loads.length; i < l; i++) { if (loader.loads[i].name == name) { existingLoad = loader.loads[i]; if (step == 'translate' && !existingLoad.source) { existingLoad.address = stepState.moduleAddress; proceedToTranslate(loader, existingLoad, Promise.resolve(stepState.moduleSource)); } // a primary load -> use that existing linkset if it is for the direct load here // otherwise create a new linkset unit if (existingLoad.linkSets.length && existingLoad.linkSets[0].loads[0].name == existingLoad.name) return existingLoad.linkSets[0].done.then(function() { resolve(existingLoad); }); } } var load = existingLoad || createLoad(name); load.metadata = stepState.moduleMetadata; var linkSet = createLinkSet(loader, load); loader.loads.push(load); resolve(linkSet.done); if (step == 'locate') proceedToLocate(loader, load); else if (step == 'fetch') proceedToFetch(loader, load, Promise.resolve(stepState.moduleAddress)); else { console.assert(step == 'translate', 'translate step'); load.address = stepState.moduleAddress; proceedToTranslate(loader, load, Promise.resolve(stepState.moduleSource)); } } } // Declarative linking functions run through alternative implementation: // CreateModuleLinkageRecord not implemented // LookupExport not implemented // LookupModuleDependency not implemented // function createLinkSet(loader, startingLoad) { var linkSet = { loader: loader, loads: [], startingLoad: startingLoad, // added see spec bug https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2995 loadingCount: 0 }; linkSet.done = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { linkSet.resolve = resolve; linkSet.reject = reject; }); addLoadToLinkSet(linkSet, startingLoad); return linkSet; } // function addLoadToLinkSet(linkSet, load) { if (load.status == 'failed') return; console.assert(load.status == 'loading' || load.status == 'loaded', 'loading or loaded on link set'); for (var i = 0, l = linkSet.loads.length; i < l; i++) if (linkSet.loads[i] == load) return; linkSet.loads.push(load); load.linkSets.push(linkSet); // adjustment, see https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2603 if (load.status != 'loaded') { linkSet.loadingCount++; } var loader = linkSet.loader; for (var i = 0, l = load.dependencies.length; i < l; i++) { if (!load.dependencies[i]) continue; var name = load.dependencies[i].value; if (loader.modules[name]) continue; for (var j = 0, d = loader.loads.length; j < d; j++) { if (loader.loads[j].name != name) continue; addLoadToLinkSet(linkSet, loader.loads[j]); break; } } // console.log('add to linkset ' + load.name); // snapshot(linkSet.loader); } // linking errors can be generic or load-specific // this is necessary for debugging info function doLink(linkSet) { var error = false; try { link(linkSet, function(load, exc) { linkSetFailed(linkSet, load, exc); error = true; }); } catch(e) { linkSetFailed(linkSet, null, e); error = true; } return error; } // function updateLinkSetOnLoad(linkSet, load) { // console.log('update linkset on load ' + load.name); // snapshot(linkSet.loader); console.assert(load.status == 'loaded' || load.status == 'linked', 'loaded or linked'); linkSet.loadingCount--; if (linkSet.loadingCount > 0) return; // adjusted for spec bug https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2995 var startingLoad = linkSet.startingLoad; // non-executing link variation for loader tracing // on the server. Not in spec. /***/ if (linkSet.loader.loaderObj.execute === false) { var loads = [].concat(linkSet.loads); for (var i = 0, l = loads.length; i < l; i++) { var load = loads[i]; load.module = !load.isDeclarative ? { module: _newModule({}) } : { name: load.name, module: _newModule({}), evaluated: true }; load.status = 'linked'; finishLoad(linkSet.loader, load); } return linkSet.resolve(startingLoad); } /***/ var abrupt = doLink(linkSet); if (abrupt) return; console.assert(linkSet.loads.length == 0, 'loads cleared'); linkSet.resolve(startingLoad); } // function linkSetFailed(linkSet, load, exc) { var loader = linkSet.loader; var requests; checkError: if (load) { if (linkSet.loads[0].name == load.name) { exc = addToError(exc, 'Error loading ' + load.name); } else { for (var i = 0; i < linkSet.loads.length; i++) { var pLoad = linkSet.loads[i]; for (var j = 0; j < pLoad.dependencies.length; j++) { var dep = pLoad.dependencies[j]; if (dep.value == load.name) { exc = addToError(exc, 'Error loading ' + load.name + ' as "' + dep.key + '" from ' + pLoad.name); break checkError; } } } exc = addToError(exc, 'Error loading ' + load.name + ' from ' + linkSet.loads[0].name); } } else { exc = addToError(exc, 'Error linking ' + linkSet.loads[0].name); } var loads = linkSet.loads.concat([]); for (var i = 0, l = loads.length; i < l; i++) { var load = loads[i]; // store all failed load records loader.loaderObj.failed = loader.loaderObj.failed || []; if (indexOf.call(loader.loaderObj.failed, load) == -1) loader.loaderObj.failed.push(load); var linkIndex = indexOf.call(load.linkSets, linkSet); console.assert(linkIndex != -1, 'link not present'); load.linkSets.splice(linkIndex, 1); if (load.linkSets.length == 0) { var globalLoadsIndex = indexOf.call(linkSet.loader.loads, load); if (globalLoadsIndex != -1) linkSet.loader.loads.splice(globalLoadsIndex, 1); } } linkSet.reject(exc); } // function finishLoad(loader, load) { // add to global trace if tracing if (loader.loaderObj.trace) { if (!loader.loaderObj.loads) loader.loaderObj.loads = {}; var depMap = {}; load.dependencies.forEach(function(dep) { depMap[dep.key] = dep.value; }); loader.loaderObj.loads[load.name] = { name: load.name, deps: load.dependencies.map(function(dep){ return dep.key }), depMap: depMap, address: load.address, metadata: load.metadata, source: load.source, kind: load.isDeclarative ? 'declarative' : 'dynamic' }; } // if not anonymous, add to the module table if (load.name) { console.assert(!loader.modules[load.name], 'load not in module table'); loader.modules[load.name] = load.module; } var loadIndex = indexOf.call(loader.loads, load); if (loadIndex != -1) loader.loads.splice(loadIndex, 1); for (var i = 0, l = load.linkSets.length; i < l; i++) { loadIndex = indexOf.call(load.linkSets[i].loads, load); if (loadIndex != -1) load.linkSets[i].loads.splice(loadIndex, 1); } load.linkSets.splice(0, load.linkSets.length); } function doDynamicExecute(linkSet, load, linkError) { try { var module = load.execute(); } catch(e) { linkError(load, e); return; } if (!module || !(module instanceof Module)) linkError(load, new TypeError('Execution must define a Module instance')); else return module; } // 26.3 Loader // // defined at top // importPromises adds ability to import a module twice without error - https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2601 function createImportPromise(loader, name, promise) { var importPromises = loader._loader.importPromises; return importPromises[name] = promise.then(function(m) { importPromises[name] = undefined; return m; }, function(e) { importPromises[name] = undefined; throw e; }); } Loader.prototype = { // constructor: Loader, // define: function(name, source, options) { // check if already defined if (this._loader.importPromises[name]) throw new TypeError('Module is already loading.'); return createImportPromise(this, name, new Promise(asyncStartLoadPartwayThrough({ step: 'translate', loader: this._loader, moduleName: name, moduleMetadata: options && options.metadata || {}, moduleSource: source, moduleAddress: options && options.address }))); }, // 'delete': function(name) { var loader = this._loader; delete loader.importPromises[name]; delete loader.moduleRecords[name]; return loader.modules[name] ? delete loader.modules[name] : false; }, // entries not implemented // get: function(key) { if (!this._loader.modules[key]) return; doEnsureEvaluated(this._loader.modules[key], [], this); return this._loader.modules[key].module; }, // has: function(name) { return !!this._loader.modules[name]; }, // 'import': function(name, parentName, parentAddress) { if (typeof parentName == 'object') parentName = parentName.name; // run normalize first var loaderObj = this; // added, see https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2659 return Promise.resolve(loaderObj.normalize(name, parentName)) .then(function(name) { var loader = loaderObj._loader; if (loader.modules[name]) { doEnsureEvaluated(loader.modules[name], [], loader._loader); return loader.modules[name].module; } return loader.importPromises[name] || createImportPromise(loaderObj, name, loadModule(loader, name, {}) .then(function(load) { delete loader.importPromises[name]; return evaluateLoadedModule(loader, load); })); }); }, // keys not implemented // load: function(name) { var loader = this._loader; if (loader.modules[name]) return Promise.resolve(); return loader.importPromises[name] || createImportPromise(this, name, new Promise(asyncStartLoadPartwayThrough({ step: 'locate', loader: loader, moduleName: name, moduleMetadata: {}, moduleSource: undefined, moduleAddress: undefined })) .then(function() { delete loader.importPromises[name]; })); }, // module: function(source, options) { var load = createLoad(); load.address = options && options.address; var linkSet = createLinkSet(this._loader, load); var sourcePromise = Promise.resolve(source); var loader = this._loader; var p = linkSet.done.then(function() { return evaluateLoadedModule(loader, load); }); proceedToTranslate(loader, load, sourcePromise); return p; }, // newModule: function (obj) { if (typeof obj != 'object') throw new TypeError('Expected object'); var m = new Module(); var pNames = []; if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames && obj != null) pNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj); else for (var key in obj) pNames.push(key); for (var i = 0; i < pNames.length; i++) (function(key) { defineProperty(m, key, { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get: function () { return obj[key]; } }); })(pNames[i]); return m; }, // set: function(name, module) { if (!(module instanceof Module)) throw new TypeError('Loader.set(' + name + ', module) must be a module'); this._loader.modules[name] = { module: module }; }, // values not implemented // @@iterator not implemented // @@toStringTag not implemented // normalize: function(name, referrerName, referrerAddress) { return name; }, // locate: function(load) { return load.name; }, // fetch: function(load) { }, // translate: function(load) { return load.source; }, // instantiate: function(load) { } }; var _newModule = Loader.prototype.newModule; /* * ES6 Module Declarative Linking Code - Dev Build Only */ function link(linkSet, linkError) { var loader = linkSet.loader; if (!linkSet.loads.length) return; var loads = linkSet.loads.concat([]); for (var i = 0; i < loads.length; i++) { var load = loads[i]; var module = doDynamicExecute(linkSet, load, linkError); if (!module) return; load.module = { name: load.name, module: module }; load.status = 'linked'; finishLoad(loader, load); } } function evaluateLoadedModule(loader, load) { console.assert(load.status == 'linked', 'is linked ' + load.name); return load.module.module; } function doEnsureEvaluated() {} function transpile() { throw new TypeError('ES6 transpilation is only provided in the dev module loader build.'); } })();/* ********************************************************************************************* System Loader Implementation - Implemented to https://github.com/jorendorff/js-loaders/blob/master/browser-loader.js - <script type="module"> supported ********************************************************************************************* */ var System; function SystemLoader() { Loader.call(this); this.paths = {}; } // NB no specification provided for System.paths, used ideas discussed in https://github.com/jorendorff/js-loaders/issues/25 function applyPaths(paths, name) { // most specific (most number of slashes in path) match wins var pathMatch = '', wildcard, maxWildcardPrefixLen = 0; // check to see if we have a paths entry for (var p in paths) { var pathParts = p.split('*'); if (pathParts.length > 2) throw new TypeError('Only one wildcard in a path is permitted'); // exact path match if (pathParts.length == 1) { if (name == p) return paths[p]; // support trailing / in paths rules else if (name.substr(0, p.length - 1) == p.substr(0, p.length - 1) && (name.length < p.length || name[p.length - 1] == p[p.length - 1]) && paths[p][paths[p].length - 1] == '/') return paths[p].substr(0, paths[p].length - 1) + (name.length > p.length ? '/' + name.substr(p.length) : ''); } // wildcard path match else { var wildcardPrefixLen = pathParts[0].length; if (wildcardPrefixLen >= maxWildcardPrefixLen && name.substr(0, pathParts[0].length) == pathParts[0] && name.substr(name.length - pathParts[1].length) == pathParts[1]) { maxWildcardPrefixLen = wildcardPrefixLen; pathMatch = p; wildcard = name.substr(pathParts[0].length, name.length - pathParts[1].length - pathParts[0].length); } } } var outPath = paths[pathMatch]; if (typeof wildcard == 'string') outPath = outPath.replace('*', wildcard); return outPath; } // inline Object.create-style class extension function LoaderProto() {} LoaderProto.prototype = Loader.prototype; SystemLoader.prototype = new LoaderProto(); // SystemJS Loader Class and Extension helpers function SystemJSLoader() { SystemLoader.call(this); systemJSConstructor.call(this); } // inline Object.create-style class extension function SystemProto() {}; SystemProto.prototype = SystemLoader.prototype; SystemJSLoader.prototype = new SystemProto(); SystemJSLoader.prototype.constructor = SystemJSLoader; // remove ESML instantiate SystemJSLoader.prototype.instantiate = function() {}; var systemJSConstructor; function hook(name, hook) { SystemJSLoader.prototype[name] = hook(SystemJSLoader.prototype[name] || function() {}); } function hookConstructor(hook) { systemJSConstructor = hook(systemJSConstructor || function() {}); } function dedupe(deps) { var newDeps = []; for (var i = 0, l = deps.length; i < l; i++) if (indexOf.call(newDeps, deps[i]) == -1) newDeps.push(deps[i]) return newDeps; } function group(deps) { var names = []; var indices = []; for (var i = 0, l = deps.length; i < l; i++) { var index = indexOf.call(names, deps[i]); if (index === -1) { names.push(deps[i]); indices.push([i]); } else { indices[index].push(i); } } return { names: names, indices: indices }; } var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = true; try { Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({ a: 0 }, 'a'); } catch(e) { getOwnPropertyDescriptor = false; } // converts any module.exports object into an object ready for SystemJS.newModule function getESModule(exports) { var esModule = {}; // don't trigger getters/setters in environments that support them if (typeof exports == 'object' || typeof exports == 'function') { if (getOwnPropertyDescriptor) { var d; for (var p in exports) if (d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exports, p)) defineProperty(esModule, p, d); } else { var hasOwnProperty = exports && exports.hasOwnProperty; for (var p in exports) { if (!hasOwnProperty || exports.hasOwnProperty(p)) esModule[p] = exports[p]; } } } esModule['default'] = exports; defineProperty(esModule, '__useDefault', { value: true }); return esModule; } function extend(a, b, prepend) { for (var p in b) { if (!prepend || !(p in a)) a[p] = b[p]; } return a; } // package configuration options var packageProperties = ['main', 'format', 'defaultExtension', 'meta', 'map', 'basePath', 'depCache']; // meta first-level extends where: // array + array appends // object + object extends // other properties replace function extendMeta(a, b, prepend) { for (var p in b) { var val = b[p]; if (!(p in a)) a[p] = val; else if (val instanceof Array && a[p] instanceof Array) a[p] = [].concat(prepend ? val : a[p]).concat(prepend ? a[p] : val); else if (typeof val == 'object' && val !== null && typeof a[p] == 'object') a[p] = extend(extend({}, a[p]), val, prepend); else if (!prepend) a[p] = val; } } function warn(msg) { if (this.warnings && typeof console != 'undefined' && console.warn) console.warn(msg); }var absURLRegEx = /^[^\/]+:\/\//; function readMemberExpression(p, value) { var pParts = p.split('.'); while (pParts.length) value = value[pParts.shift()]; return value; } var baseURLCache = {}; function getBaseURLObj() { if (baseURLCache[this.baseURL]) return baseURLCache[this.baseURL]; // normalize baseURL if not already if (this.baseURL[this.baseURL.length - 1] != '/') this.baseURL += '/'; var baseURL = new URL(this.baseURL, baseURI); this.baseURL = baseURL.href; return (baseURLCache[this.baseURL] = baseURL); } function getMapMatch(map, name) { var bestMatch, bestMatchLength = 0; for (var p in map) { if (name.substr(0, p.length) == p && (name.length == p.length || name[p.length] == '/')) { var curMatchLength = p.split('/').length; if (curMatchLength <= bestMatchLength) continue; bestMatch = p; bestMatchLength = curMatchLength; } } return bestMatch; } function setProduction(isProduction) { this.set('@system-env', this.newModule({ browser: isBrowser, node: !!this._nodeRequire, production: isProduction })); } var baseURIObj = new URL(baseURI); hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { constructor.call(this); // support baseURL this.baseURL = baseURI.substr(0, baseURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // support map this.map = {}; // global behaviour flags this.warnings = false; this.defaultJSExtensions = false; this.globalEvaluationScope = true; this.pluginFirst = false; // by default load ".json" files as json // leading * meta doesn't need normalization // NB add this in next breaking release // this.meta['*.json'] = { format: 'json' }; // Default settings for globalEvaluationScope: // Disabled for WebWorker, Chrome Extensions and jsdom if (isWorker || isBrowser && window.chrome && window.chrome.extension || isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.match(/^Node\.js/)) this.globalEvaluationScope = false; // support the empty module, as a concept this.set('@empty', this.newModule({})); setProduction.call(this, false); }; }); // include the node require since we're overriding it if (typeof require != 'undefined' && typeof process != 'undefined' && !process.browser) SystemJSLoader.prototype._nodeRequire = require; var nodeCoreModules = ['assert', 'buffer', 'child_process', 'cluster', 'console', 'constants', 'crypto', 'dgram', 'dns', 'domain', 'events', 'fs', 'http', 'https', 'module', 'net', 'os', 'path', 'process', 'punycode', 'querystring', 'readline', 'repl', 'stream', 'string_decoder', 'sys', 'timers', 'tls', 'tty', 'url', 'util', 'vm', 'zlib']; /* Core SystemJS Normalization If a name is relative, we apply URL normalization to the page If a name is an absolute URL, we leave it as-is Plain names (neither of the above) run through the map and paths normalization phases. The paths normalization phase applies last (paths extension), which defines the `decanonicalize` function and normalizes everything into a URL. */ hook('normalize', function(normalize) { return function(name, parentName) { // first run map config if (name[0] != '.' && name[0] != '/' && !name.match(absURLRegEx)) { var mapMatch = getMapMatch(this.map, name); if (mapMatch) name = this.map[mapMatch] + name.substr(mapMatch.length); } // dynamically load node-core modules when requiring `@node/fs` for example if (name.substr(0, 6) == '@node/' && nodeCoreModules.indexOf(name.substr(6)) != -1) { if (!this._nodeRequire) throw new TypeError('Error loading ' + name + '. Can only load node core modules in Node.'); this.set(name, this.newModule(getESModule(this._nodeRequire(name.substr(6))))); } // relative URL-normalization if (name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '/') { if (parentName) name = new URL(name, parentName.replace(/#/g, '%05')).href.replace(/%05/g, '#'); else name = new URL(name, baseURIObj).href; } // if the module is in the registry already, use that if (this.has(name)) return name; if (name.match(absURLRegEx)) { // defaultJSExtensions backwards compatibility if (this.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js') name += '.js'; return name; } // applyPaths implementation provided from ModuleLoader system.js source name = applyPaths(this.paths, name) || name; // defaultJSExtensions backwards compatibility if (this.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js') name += '.js'; // ./x, /x -> page-relative if (name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '/') return new URL(name, baseURIObj).href; // x -> baseURL-relative else return new URL(name, getBaseURLObj.call(this)).href; }; }); // percent encode just '#' in urls if using HTTP requests var httpRequest = typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined'; hook('locate', function(locate) { return function(load) { return Promise.resolve(locate.call(this, load)) .then(function(address) { if (httpRequest) return address.replace(/#/g, '%23'); return address; }); }; }); /* * Fetch with authorization */ hook('fetch', function() { return function(load) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fetchTextFromURL(load.address, load.metadata.authorization, resolve, reject); }); }; }); /* __useDefault When a module object looks like: newModule( __useDefault: true, default: 'some-module' }) Then importing that module provides the 'some-module' result directly instead of the full module. Useful for eg module.exports = function() {} */ hook('import', function(systemImport) { return function(name, parentName, parentAddress) { if (parentName && parentName.name) warn.call(this, 'SystemJS.import(name, { name: parentName }) is deprecated for SystemJS.import(name, parentName), while importing ' + name + ' from ' + parentName.name); return systemImport.call(this, name, parentName, parentAddress).then(function(module) { return module.__useDefault ? module['default'] : module; }); }; }); /* * Allow format: 'detect' meta to enable format detection */ hook('translate', function(systemTranslate) { return function(load) { if (load.metadata.format == 'detect') load.metadata.format = undefined; return systemTranslate.call(this, load); }; }); /* * JSON format support * * Supports loading JSON files as a module format itself * * Usage: * * SystemJS.config({ * meta: { * '*.json': { format: 'json' } * } * }); * * Module is returned as if written: * * export default {JSON} * * No named exports are provided * * Files ending in ".json" are treated as json automatically by SystemJS */ hook('instantiate', function(instantiate) { return function(load) { if (load.metadata.format == 'json' && !this.builder) { var entry = load.metadata.entry = createEntry(); entry.deps = []; entry.execute = function() { try { return JSON.parse(load.source); } catch(e) { throw new Error("Invalid JSON file " + load.name); } }; } }; }) /* Extend config merging one deep only loader.config({ some: 'random', config: 'here', deep: { config: { too: 'too' } } }); <=> loader.some = 'random'; loader.config = 'here' loader.deep = loader.deep || {}; loader.deep.config = { too: 'too' }; Normalizes meta and package configs allowing for: SystemJS.config({ meta: { './index.js': {} } }); To become SystemJS.meta['https://thissite.com/index.js'] = {}; For easy normalization canonicalization with latest URL support. */ SystemJSLoader.prototype.env = 'development'; SystemJSLoader.prototype.config = function(cfg) { var loader = this; if ('warnings' in cfg) loader.warnings = cfg.warnings; // transpiler deprecation path if (cfg.transpilerRuntime === false) loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime = true; // always configure baseURL first if (cfg.baseURL) { var hasConfig = false; function checkHasConfig(obj) { for (var p in obj) return true; } if (checkHasConfig(loader.packages) || checkHasConfig(loader.meta) || checkHasConfig(loader.depCache) || checkHasConfig(loader.bundles) || checkHasConfig(loader.packageConfigPaths)) throw new TypeError('Incorrect configuration order. The baseURL must be configured with the first SystemJS.config call.'); loader.baseURL = cfg.baseURL; // sanitize baseURL getBaseURLObj.call(loader); } if (cfg.defaultJSExtensions) { loader.defaultJSExtensions = cfg.defaultJSExtensions; warn.call(loader, 'The defaultJSExtensions configuration option is deprecated, use packages configuration instead.'); } if (cfg.pluginFirst) loader.pluginFirst = cfg.pluginFirst; if (cfg.production) setProduction.call(loader, true); if (cfg.paths) { for (var p in cfg.paths) loader.paths[p] = cfg.paths[p]; } if (cfg.map) { var objMaps = ''; for (var p in cfg.map) { var v = cfg.map[p]; // object map backwards-compat into packages configuration if (typeof v !== 'string') { objMaps += (objMaps.length ? ', ' : '') + '"' + p + '"'; var prop = loader.decanonicalize(p + (p[p.length - 1] != '/' ? '/' : '')); // allow trailing '/' in package config if (prop[prop.length - 1] == '/') prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - 1); // if a package main, revert it var pkgMatch = ''; for (var pkg in loader.packages) { if (prop.substr(0, pkg.length) == pkg && (!prop[pkg.length] || prop[pkg.length] == '/') && pkgMatch.split('/').length < pkg.split('/').length) pkgMatch = pkg; } if (pkgMatch && loader.packages[pkgMatch].main) prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - loader.packages[pkgMatch].main.length - 1); var pkg = loader.packages[prop] = loader.packages[prop] || {}; pkg.map = v; } else { loader.map[p] = v; } } if (objMaps) warn.call(loader, 'The map configuration for ' + objMaps + ' uses object submaps, which is deprecated in global map.\nUpdate this to use package contextual map with configs like SystemJS.config({ packages: { "' + p + '": { map: {...} } } }).'); } if (cfg.packageConfigPaths) { var packageConfigPaths = []; for (var i = 0; i < cfg.packageConfigPaths.length; i++) { var path = cfg.packageConfigPaths[i]; var packageLength = Math.max(path.lastIndexOf('*') + 1, path.lastIndexOf('/')); var normalized = loader.decanonicalize(path.substr(0, packageLength) + '/'); normalized = normalized.substr(0, normalized.length - 1) + path.substr(packageLength); packageConfigPaths[i] = normalized; } loader.packageConfigPaths = packageConfigPaths; } if (cfg.bundles) { for (var p in cfg.bundles) { var bundle = []; for (var i = 0; i < cfg.bundles[p].length; i++) bundle.push(loader.decanonicalize(cfg.bundles[p][i])); loader.bundles[p] = bundle; } } if (cfg.packages) { for (var p in cfg.packages) { if (p.match(/^([^\/]+:)?\/\/$/)) throw new TypeError('"' + p + '" is not a valid package name.'); // trailing slash allows paths matches here // NB deprecate this to just remove trailing / // as decanonicalize doesn't respond to trailing / // and paths wildcards should deprecate var prop = loader.decanonicalize(p + (p[p.length - 1] != '/' ? '/' : '')); // allow trailing '/' in package config if (prop[prop.length - 1] == '/') prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - 1); loader.packages[prop] = loader.packages[prop] || {}; // meta backwards compatibility if (cfg.packages[p].modules) { warn.call(loader, 'Package ' + p + ' is configured with "modules", which is deprecated as it has been renamed to "meta".'); cfg.packages[p].meta = cfg.packages[p].modules; delete cfg.packages[p].modules; } for (var q in cfg.packages[p]) if (indexOf.call(packageProperties, q) == -1) warn.call(loader, '"' + q + '" is not a valid package configuration option in package ' + p); extendMeta(loader.packages[prop], cfg.packages[p]); } } for (var c in cfg) { var v = cfg[c]; var normalizeProp = false; if (c == 'baseURL' || c == 'map' || c == 'packages' || c == 'bundles' || c == 'paths' || c == 'warnings' || c == 'packageConfigPaths') continue; if (typeof v != 'object' || v instanceof Array) { loader[c] = v; } else { loader[c] = loader[c] || {}; if (c == 'meta' || c == 'depCache') normalizeProp = true; for (var p in v) { // base-level wildcard meta does not normalize to retain catch-all quality if (c == 'meta' && p[0] == '*') loader[c][p] = v[p]; else if (normalizeProp) loader[c][loader.decanonicalize(p)] = v[p]; else loader[c][p] = v[p]; } } } };/* * Package Configuration Extension * * Example: * * SystemJS.packages = { * jquery: { * basePath: 'lib', // optionally only use a subdirectory within the package * main: 'index.js', // when not set, package name is requested directly * format: 'amd', * defaultExtension: 'ts', // defaults to 'js', can be set to false * modules: { * '*.ts': { * loader: 'typescript' * }, * 'vendor/sizzle.js': { * format: 'global' * } * }, * map: { * // map internal require('sizzle') to local require('./vendor/sizzle') * sizzle: './vendor/sizzle.js', * // map any internal or external require of 'jquery/vendor/another' to 'another/index.js' * './vendor/another.js': './another/index.js', * // test.js / test -> lib/test.js * './test.js': './lib/test.js', * * // environment-specific map configurations * './index.js': { * '~browser': './index-node.js' * } * }, * // allows for setting package-prefixed depCache * // keys are normalized module names relative to the package itself * depCache: { * // import 'package/index.js' loads in parallel package/lib/test.js,package/vendor/sizzle.js * './index.js': ['./test'], * './test.js': ['external-dep'], * 'external-dep/path.js': ['./another.js'] * } * } * }; * * Then: * import 'jquery' -> jquery/index.js * import 'jquery/submodule' -> jquery/submodule.js * import 'jquery/submodule.ts' -> jquery/submodule.ts loaded as typescript * import 'jquery/vendor/another' -> another/index.js * * Detailed Behaviours * - main can have a leading "./" can be added optionally * - map and defaultExtension are applied to the main * - defaultExtension adds the extension only if the exact extension is not present * - defaultJSExtensions applies after map when defaultExtension is not set * - if a meta value is available for a module, map and defaultExtension are skipped * - like global map, package map also applies to subpaths (sizzle/x, ./vendor/another/sub) * - condition module map is '@env' module in package or '@system-env' globally * - map targets support conditional interpolation ('./x': './x.#{|env}.js') * - internal package map targets cannot use boolean conditionals * * In addition, the following modules properties will be allowed to be package * -relative as well in the package module config: * * - loader * - alias * * * Package Configuration Loading * * Not all packages may already have their configuration present in the System config * For these cases, a list of packageConfigPaths can be provided, which when matched against * a request, will first request a ".json" file by the package name to derive the package * configuration from. This allows dynamic loading of non-predetermined code, a key use * case in SystemJS. * * Example: * * SystemJS.packageConfigPaths = ['packages/test/package.json', 'packages/*.json']; * * // will first request 'packages/new-package/package.json' for the package config * // before completing the package request to 'packages/new-package/path' * SystemJS.import('packages/new-package/path'); * * // will first request 'packages/test/package.json' before the main * SystemJS.import('packages/test'); * * When a package matches packageConfigPaths, it will always send a config request for * the package configuration. * The package name itself is taken to be the match up to and including the last wildcard * or trailing slash. * The most specific package config path will be used. * Any existing package configurations for the package will deeply merge with the * package config, with the existing package configurations taking preference. * To opt-out of the package configuration request for a package that matches * packageConfigPaths, use the { configured: true } package config option. * */ (function() { hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { constructor.call(this); this.packages = {}; this.packageConfigPaths = {}; }; }); function getPackage(loader, normalized) { // use most specific package var curPkg, curPkgLen = 0, pkgLen; for (var p in loader.packages) { if (normalized.substr(0, p.length) === p && (normalized.length === p.length || normalized[p.length] === '/')) { pkgLen = p.split('/').length; if (pkgLen > curPkgLen) { curPkg = p; curPkgLen = pkgLen; } } } return curPkg; } function getBasePath(pkg) { // sanitize basePath var basePath = pkg.basePath && pkg.basePath != '.' ? pkg.basePath : ''; if (basePath) { if (basePath.substr(0, 2) == './') basePath = basePath.substr(2); if (basePath[basePath.length - 1] != '/') basePath += '/'; } return basePath; } function addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions) { // don't apply extensions to folders or if defaultExtension = false if (!subPath || subPath[subPath.length - 1] == '/' || skipExtensions || pkg.defaultExtension === false) return subPath; // NB are you sure about this? // skip if we have interpolation conditional syntax in subPath? if (subPath.match(interpolationRegEx)) return subPath; var metaMatch = false; // exact meta or meta with any content after the last wildcard skips extension if (pkg.meta) getMetaMatches(pkg.meta, subPath, function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) { if (matchDepth == 0 || metaPattern.lastIndexOf('*') != metaPattern.length - 1) return metaMatch = true; }); // exact global meta or meta with any content after the last wildcard skips extension if (!metaMatch && loader.meta) getMetaMatches(loader.meta, pkgName + '/' + basePath + subPath, function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) { if (matchDepth == 0 || metaPattern.lastIndexOf('*') != metaPattern.length - 1) return metaMatch = true; }); if (metaMatch) return subPath; // work out what the defaultExtension is and add if not there already // NB reconsider if default should really be ".js"? var defaultExtension = '.' + (pkg.defaultExtension || 'js'); if (subPath.substr(subPath.length - defaultExtension.length) != defaultExtension) return subPath + defaultExtension; else return subPath; } function applyPackageConfigSync(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions) { // main if (!subPath) { if (pkg.main) subPath = pkg.main.substr(0, 2) == './' ? pkg.main.substr(2) : pkg.main; // also no submap if name is package itself (import 'pkg' -> 'path/to/pkg.js') else // NB can add a default package main convention here when defaultJSExtensions is deprecated // if it becomes internal to the package then it would no longer be an exit path return pkgName + (loader.defaultJSExtensions ? '.js' : ''); } var basePath = getBasePath(pkg); // map config checking without then with extensions if (pkg.map) { var mapPath = './' + subPath; var mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath); // we then check map with the default extension adding if (!mapMatch) { mapPath = './' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions); if (mapPath != './' + subPath) mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath); } if (mapMatch) return doMapSync(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapPath, skipExtensions); } // normal package resolution return pkgName + '/' + basePath + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions); } function doMapSync(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, path, skipExtensions) { var mapped = pkg.map[mapMatch]; // ignore conditionals in sync if (typeof mapped != 'string') mapped = mapMatch = path; // package map to main / base-level if (mapped == '.') mapped = pkgName; // internal package map else if (mapped.substr(0, 2) == './') return pkgName + '/' + basePath + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapped.substr(2) + path.substr(mapMatch.length), skipExtensions); // external map reference return loader.normalizeSync(mapped + path.substr(mapMatch.length), pkgName + '/'); } function applyPackageConfig(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions) { // main if (!subPath) { if (pkg.main) subPath = pkg.main.substr(0, 2) == './' ? pkg.main.substr(2) : pkg.main; // also no submap if name is package itself (import 'pkg' -> 'path/to/pkg.js') else // NB can add a default package main convention here when defaultJSExtensions is deprecated // if it becomes internal to the package then it would no longer be an exit path return Promise.resolve(pkgName + (loader.defaultJSExtensions ? '.js' : '')); } var basePath = getBasePath(pkg); // map config checking without then with extensions var mapPath, mapMatch; if (pkg.map) { mapPath = './' + subPath; mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath); // we then check map with the default extension adding if (!mapMatch) { mapPath = './' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions); if (mapPath != './' + subPath) mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath); } } return (mapMatch ? doMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapPath, skipExtensions) : Promise.resolve()) .then(function(mapped) { if (mapped) return Promise.resolve(mapped); // normal package resolution / fallback resolution for no conditional match return Promise.resolve(pkgName + '/' + basePath + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions)); }); } function doStringMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapped, path, skipExtensions) { // NB the interpolation cases should strictly skip subsequent interpolation // package map to main / base-level if (mapped == '.') mapped = pkgName; // internal package map else if (mapped.substr(0, 2) == './') return Promise.resolve(pkgName + '/' + basePath + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapped.substr(2) + path.substr(mapMatch.length), skipExtensions)) .then(function(name) { return interpolateConditional.call(loader, name, pkgName + '/'); }); // external map reference // NB deprecate the use of the second argument here -> should be fully global reference return loader.normalize(mapped + path.substr(mapMatch.length), pkgName + '/'); } function doMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, path, skipExtensions) { var mapped = pkg.map[mapMatch]; if (typeof mapped == 'string') return doStringMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapped, path, skipExtensions); // we use a special conditional syntax to allow the builder to handle conditional branch points further if (loader.builder) return Promise.resolve(pkgName + '/#:' + path); // map object -> conditional map return loader['import'](pkg.map['@env'] || '@system-env', pkgName) .then(function(env) { // first map condition to match is used for (var e in mapped) { var negate = e[0] == '~'; var value = readMemberExpression(negate ? e.substr(1) : e, env); if (!negate && value || negate && !value) return mapped[e]; } }) .then(function(mapped) { if (mapped) return doStringMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapped, path, skipExtensions); // no environment match -> fallback to original subPath by returning undefined }); } // normalizeSync = decanonicalize + package resolution SystemJSLoader.prototype.normalizeSync = SystemJSLoader.prototype.decanonicalize = SystemJSLoader.prototype.normalize; // decanonicalize must JUST handle package defaultExtension: false case when defaultJSExtensions is set // to be deprecated! hook('decanonicalize', function(decanonicalize) { return function(name, parentName) { var decanonicalized = decanonicalize.call(this, name, parentName); if (!this.defaultJSExtensions) return decanonicalized; var pkgName = getPackage(this, decanonicalized); var defaultExtension = name[name.length - 1] == '/' ? false : pkgName && this.packages[pkgName].defaultExtension; if ((defaultExtension === false || defaultExtension && defaultExtension != '.js') && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js' && decanonicalized.substr(decanonicalized.length - 3, 3) == '.js') decanonicalized = decanonicalized.substr(0, decanonicalized.length - 3); return decanonicalized; }; }); hook('normalizeSync', function(normalizeSync) { return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) { warn.call(this, 'SystemJS.normalizeSync has been deprecated for SystemJS.decanonicalize.'); var loader = this; isPlugin = isPlugin === true; // apply contextual package map first // (we assume the parent package config has already been loaded) if (parentName) var parentPackageName = getPackage(loader, parentName) || loader.defaultJSExtensions && parentName.substr(parentName.length - 3, 3) == '.js' && getPackage(loader, parentName.substr(0, parentName.length - 3)); var parentPackage = parentPackageName && loader.packages[parentPackageName]; // remove any parent basePath from parentName if (parentPackage) { var parentBasePath = getBasePath(parentPackage); if (parentBasePath && parentName.substr(parentPackageName.length + 1, parentBasePath.length) == parentBasePath) parentName = parentPackageName + parentName.substr(parentPackageName.length + parentBasePath.length); } // ignore . since internal maps handled by standard package resolution if (parentPackage && name[0] != '.') { var parentMap = parentPackage.map; var parentMapMatch = parentMap && getMapMatch(parentMap, name); if (parentMapMatch && typeof parentMap[parentMapMatch] == 'string') return doMapSync(loader, parentPackage, parentPackageName, getBasePath(parentPackage), parentMapMatch, name, isPlugin); } var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js'; // apply map, core, paths, contextual package map var normalized = normalizeSync.call(loader, name, parentName); // undo defaultJSExtension if (defaultJSExtension && normalized.substr(normalized.length - 3, 3) != '.js') defaultJSExtension = false; if (defaultJSExtension) normalized = normalized.substr(0, normalized.length - 3); var pkgConfigMatch = getPackageConfigMatch(loader, normalized); var pkgName = pkgConfigMatch && pkgConfigMatch.packageName || getPackage(loader, normalized); if (!pkgName) return normalized + (defaultJSExtension ? '.js' : ''); var subPath = normalized.substr(pkgName.length + 1); return applyPackageConfigSync(loader, loader.packages[pkgName] || {}, pkgName, subPath, isPlugin); }; }); hook('normalize', function(normalize) { return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) { var loader = this; isPlugin = isPlugin === true; return Promise.resolve() .then(function() { // apply contextual package map first // (we assume the parent package config has already been loaded) if (parentName) var parentPackageName = getPackage(loader, parentName) || loader.defaultJSExtensions && parentName.substr(parentName.length - 3, 3) == '.js' && getPackage(loader, parentName.substr(0, parentName.length - 3)); var parentPackage = parentPackageName && loader.packages[parentPackageName]; // remove any parent basePath from parentName if (parentPackage) { var parentBasePath = getBasePath(parentPackage); if (parentBasePath && parentName.substr(parentPackageName.length + 1, parentBasePath.length) == parentBasePath) parentName = parentPackageName + parentName.substr(parentPackageName.length + parentBasePath.length); } // ignore . since internal maps handled by standard package resolution if (parentPackage && name.substr(0, 2) != './') { var parentMap = parentPackage.map; var parentMapMatch = parentMap && getMapMatch(parentMap, name); if (parentMapMatch) return doMap(loader, parentPackage, parentPackageName, parentBasePath, parentMapMatch, name, isPlugin); } return Promise.resolve(); }) .then(function(mapped) { if (mapped) return mapped; var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js'; // apply map, core, paths, contextual package map var normalized = normalize.call(loader, name, parentName); // undo defaultJSExtension if (defaultJSExtension && normalized.substr(normalized.length - 3, 3) != '.js') defaultJSExtension = false; if (defaultJSExtension) normalized = normalized.substr(0, normalized.length - 3); var pkgConfigMatch = getPackageConfigMatch(loader, normalized); var pkgName = pkgConfigMatch && pkgConfigMatch.packageName || getPackage(loader, normalized); if (!pkgName) return Promise.resolve(normalized + (defaultJSExtension ? '.js' : '')); var pkg = loader.packages[pkgName]; // if package is already configured or not a dynamic config package, use existing package config var isConfigured = pkg && (pkg.configured || !pkgConfigMatch); return (isConfigured ? Promise.resolve(pkg) : loadPackageConfigPath(loader, pkgName, pkgConfigMatch.configPath)) .then(function(pkg) { var subPath = normalized.substr(pkgName.length + 1); return applyPackageConfig(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, isPlugin); }); }); }; }); // check if the given normalized name matches a packageConfigPath // if so, loads the config var packageConfigPaths = {}; // data object for quick checks against package paths function createPkgConfigPathObj(path) { var lastWildcard = path.lastIndexOf('*'); var length = Math.max(lastWildcard + 1, path.lastIndexOf('/')); return { length: length, // NB handle regex control character escapes or simply create a test function here regEx: new RegExp('^(' + path.substr(0, length).replace(/\*/g, '[^\\/]+') + ')(\\/|$)'), wildcard: lastWildcard != -1 }; } // most specific match wins function getPackageConfigMatch(loader, normalized) { var pkgName, exactMatch = false, configPath; for (var i = 0; i < loader.packageConfigPaths.length; i++) { var packageConfigPath = loader.packageConfigPaths[i]; var p = packageConfigPaths[packageConfigPath] || (packageConfigPaths[packageConfigPath] = createPkgConfigPathObj(packageConfigPath)); if (normalized.length < p.length) continue; var match = normalized.match(p.regEx); if (match && (!pkgName || (!(exactMatch && p.wildcard) && pkgName.length < match[1].length))) { pkgName = match[1]; exactMatch = !p.wildcard; configPath = pkgName + packageConfigPath.substr(p.length); } } if (!pkgName) return; return { packageName: pkgName, configPath: configPath }; } function loadPackageConfigPath(loader, pkgName, pkgConfigPath) { var configLoader = loader.pluginLoader || loader; // NB remove this when json is default (configLoader.meta[pkgConfigPath] = configLoader.meta[pkgConfigPath] || {}).format = 'json'; return configLoader.load(pkgConfigPath) .then(function() { pkgConfig = configLoader.get(pkgConfigPath); var cfg = pkgConfig['default']; // support "systemjs" prefixing if (cfg.systemjs) cfg = cfg.systemjs; // modules backwards compatibility if (cfg.modules) { cfg.meta = cfg.modules; warn.call(loader, 'Package config file ' + pkgConfigPath + ' is configured with "modules", which is deprecated as it has been renamed to "meta".'); } // remove any non-system properties if generic config file (eg package.json) for (var p in cfg) { if (indexOf.call(packageProperties, p) == -1) delete cfg[p]; } // deeply-merge (to first level) config with any existing package config var pkg = loader.packages[pkgName] = loader.packages[pkgName] || {}; extendMeta(pkg, cfg, true); // support external depCache var basePath = getBasePath(pkg); if (cfg.depCache) { for (var d in cfg.depCache) { var dNormalized; if (d.substr(0, 2) == './') dNormalized = pkgName + '/' + basePath + d.substr(2); else dNormalized = coreResolve.call(loader, d); loader.depCache[dNormalized] = (loader.depCache[dNormalized] || []).concat(cfg.depCache[d]); } delete cfg.depCache; } return pkg; }); } function getMetaMatches(pkgMeta, subPath, matchFn) { // wildcard meta var meta = {}; var wildcardIndex; for (var module in pkgMeta) { // allow meta to start with ./ for flexibility var dotRel = module.substr(0, 2) == './' ? './' : ''; if (dotRel) module = module.substr(2); wildcardIndex = module.indexOf('*'); if (wildcardIndex === -1) continue; if (module.substr(0, wildcardIndex) == subPath.substr(0, wildcardIndex) && module.substr(wildcardIndex + 1) == subPath.substr(subPath.length - module.length + wildcardIndex + 1)) { // alow match function to return true for an exit path if (matchFn(module, pkgMeta[dotRel + module], module.split('/').length)) return; } } // exact meta var exactMeta = pkgMeta[subPath] || pkgMeta['./' + subPath]; if (exactMeta) matchFn(exactMeta, exactMeta, 0); } hook('locate', function(locate) { return function(load) { var loader = this; return Promise.resolve(locate.call(this, load)) .then(function(address) { var pkgName = getPackage(loader, load.name); if (pkgName) { var pkg = loader.packages[pkgName]; var basePath = getBasePath(pkg); var subPath = load.name.substr(pkgName.length + basePath.length + 1); // format if (pkg.format) load.metadata.format = load.metadata.format || pkg.format; var meta = {}; if (pkg.meta) { var bestDepth = 0; // NB support a main shorthand in meta here? getMetaMatches(pkg.meta, subPath, function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) { if (matchDepth > bestDepth) bestDepth = matchDepth; extendMeta(meta, matchMeta, matchDepth && bestDepth > matchDepth); }); // allow alias and loader to be package-relative if (meta.alias && meta.alias.substr(0, 2) == './') meta.alias = pkgName + meta.alias.substr(1); if (meta.loader && meta.loader.substr(0, 2) == './') meta.loader = pkgName + meta.loader.substr(1); extendMeta(load.metadata, meta); } } return address; }); }; }); })(); /* * Script tag fetch * * When load.metadata.scriptLoad is true, we load via script tag injection. */ (function() { if (typeof document != 'undefined') var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var curSystem; // if doing worker executing, this is set to the load record being executed var workerLoad = null; // interactive mode handling method courtesy RequireJS var ieEvents = head && (function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); var isOpera = typeof opera !== 'undefined' && opera.toString() === '[object Opera]'; return s.attachEvent && !(s.attachEvent.toString && s.attachEvent.toString().indexOf('[native code') < 0) && !isOpera; })(); // IE interactive-only part // we store loading scripts array as { script: <script>, load: {...} } var interactiveLoadingScripts = []; var interactiveScript; function getInteractiveScriptLoad() { if (interactiveScript && interactiveScript.script.readyState === 'interactive') return interactiveScript.load; for (var i = 0; i < interactiveLoadingScripts.length; i++) if (interactiveLoadingScripts[i].script.readyState == 'interactive') { interactiveScript = interactiveLoadingScripts[i]; return interactiveScript.load; } } // System.register, System.registerDynamic, AMD define pipeline // this is called by the above methods when they execute // we then run the reduceRegister_ collection function either immediately // if we are in IE and know the currently executing script (interactive) // or later if we need to wait for the synchronous load callback to know the script var loadingCnt = 0; var registerQueue = []; hook('pushRegister_', function(pushRegister) { return function(register) { // if using eval-execution then skip if (pushRegister.call(this, register)) return false; // if using worker execution, then we're done if (workerLoad) this.reduceRegister_(workerLoad, register); // detect if we know the currently executing load (IE) // if so, immediately call reduceRegister else if (ieEvents) this.reduceRegister_(getInteractiveScriptLoad(), register); // otherwise, add to our execution queue // to call reduceRegister on sync script load event else if (loadingCnt) registerQueue.push(register); // if we're not currently loading anything though // then do the reduction against a null load // (out of band named define or named register) // note even in non-script environments, this catch is used else this.reduceRegister_(null, register); return true; }; }); function webWorkerImport(loader, load) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (load.metadata.integrity) reject(new Error('Subresource integrity checking is not supported in web workers.')); workerLoad = load; try { importScripts(load.address); } catch(e) { workerLoad = null; reject(e); } workerLoad = null; // if nothing registered, then something went wrong if (!load.metadata.entry) reject(new Error(load.address + ' did not call System.register or AMD define')); resolve(''); }); } // override fetch to use script injection hook('fetch', function(fetch) { return function(load) { var loader = this; if (!load.metadata.scriptLoad || (!isBrowser && !isWorker)) return fetch.call(this, load); if (isWorker) return webWorkerImport(loader, load); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.async = true; if (load.metadata.integrity) s.setAttribute('integrity', load.metadata.integrity); if (ieEvents) { s.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', complete); interactiveLoadingScripts.push({ script: s, load: load }); } else { s.addEventListener('load', complete, false); s.addEventListener('error', error, false); } loadingCnt++; curSystem = __global.System; s.src = load.address; head.appendChild(s); function complete(evt) { if (s.readyState && s.readyState != 'loaded' && s.readyState != 'complete') return; loadingCnt--; // complete call is sync on execution finish // (in ie already done reductions) if (!load.metadata.entry && !registerQueue.length) { loader.reduceRegister_(load); } else if (!ieEvents) { for (var i = 0; i < registerQueue.length; i++) loader.reduceRegister_(load, registerQueue[i]); registerQueue = []; } cleanup(); // if nothing registered, then something went wrong if (!load.metadata.entry && !load.metadata.bundle) reject(new Error(load.name + ' did not call System.register or AMD define. If loading a global module configure the global name via the meta exports property for script injection support.')); resolve(''); } function error(evt) { cleanup(); reject(new Error('Unable to load script ' + load.address)); } function cleanup() { __global.System = curSystem; if (s.detachEvent) { s.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', complete); for (var i = 0; i < interactiveLoadingScripts.length; i++) if (interactiveLoadingScripts[i].script == s) { if (interactiveScript && interactiveScript.script == s) interactiveScript = null; interactiveLoadingScripts.splice(i, 1); } } else { s.removeEventListener('load', complete, false); s.removeEventListener('error', error, false); } head.removeChild(s); } }); }; }); })(); /* * Instantiate registry extension * * Supports Traceur System.register 'instantiate' output for loading ES6 as ES5. * * - Creates the loader.register function * - Also supports metadata.format = 'register' in instantiate for anonymous register modules * - Also supports metadata.deps, metadata.execute and metadata.executingRequire * for handling dynamic modules alongside register-transformed ES6 modules * * * The code here replicates the ES6 linking groups algorithm to ensure that * circular ES6 compiled into System.register can work alongside circular AMD * and CommonJS, identically to the actual ES6 loader. * */ /* * Registry side table entries in loader.defined * Registry Entry Contains: * - name * - deps * - declare for declarative modules * - execute for dynamic modules, different to declarative execute on module * - executingRequire indicates require drives execution for circularity of dynamic modules * - declarative optional boolean indicating which of the above * * Can preload modules directly on SystemJS.defined['my/module'] = { deps, execute, executingRequire } * * Then the entry gets populated with derived information during processing: * - normalizedDeps derived from deps, created in instantiate * - groupIndex used by group linking algorithm * - evaluated indicating whether evaluation has happend * - module the module record object, containing: * - exports actual module exports * * For dynamic we track the es module with: * - esModule actual es module value * - esmExports whether to extend the esModule with named exports * * Then for declarative only we track dynamic bindings with the 'module' records: * - name * - exports * - setters declarative setter functions * - dependencies, module records of dependencies * - importers, module records of dependents * * After linked and evaluated, entries are removed, declarative module records remain in separate * module binding table * */ var leadingCommentAndMetaRegEx = /^\s*(\/\*[^\*]*(\*(?!\/)[^\*]*)*\*\/|\s*\/\/[^\n]*|\s*"[^"]+"\s*;?|\s*'[^']+'\s*;?)*\s*/; function detectRegisterFormat(source) { var leadingCommentAndMeta = source.match(leadingCommentAndMetaRegEx); return leadingCommentAndMeta && source.substr(leadingCommentAndMeta[0].length, 15) == 'System.register'; } function createEntry() { return { name: null, deps: null, originalIndices: null, declare: null, execute: null, executingRequire: false, declarative: false, normalizedDeps: null, groupIndex: null, evaluated: false, module: null, esModule: null, esmExports: false }; } (function() { /* * There are two variations of System.register: * 1. System.register for ES6 conversion (2-3 params) - System.register([name, ]deps, declare) * see https://github.com/ModuleLoader/es6-module-loader/wiki/System.register-Explained * * 2. System.registerDynamic for dynamic modules (3-4 params) - System.registerDynamic([name, ]deps, executingRequire, execute) * the true or false statement * * this extension implements the linking algorithm for the two variations identical to the spec * allowing compiled ES6 circular references to work alongside AMD and CJS circular references. * */ SystemJSLoader.prototype.register = function(name, deps, declare) { if (typeof name != 'string') { declare = deps; deps = name; name = null; } // dynamic backwards-compatibility // can be deprecated eventually if (typeof declare == 'boolean') return this.registerDynamic.apply(this, arguments); var entry = createEntry(); // ideally wouldn't apply map config to bundle names but // dependencies go through map regardless so we can't restrict // could reconsider in shift to new spec entry.name = name && (this.decanonicalize || this.normalize).call(this, name); entry.declarative = true; entry.deps = deps; entry.declare = declare; this.pushRegister_({ amd: false, entry: entry }); }; SystemJSLoader.prototype.registerDynamic = function(name, deps, declare, execute) { if (typeof name != 'string') { execute = declare; declare = deps; deps = name; name = null; } // dynamic var entry = createEntry(); entry.name = name && (this.decanonicalize || this.normalize).call(this, name); entry.deps = deps; entry.execute = execute; entry.executingRequire = declare; this.pushRegister_({ amd: false, entry: entry }); }; hook('reduceRegister_', function() { return function(load, register) { if (!register) return; var entry = register.entry; var curMeta = load && load.metadata; // named register if (entry.name) { if (!(entry.name in this.defined)) this.defined[entry.name] = entry; if (curMeta) curMeta.bundle = true; } // anonymous register if (!entry.name || load && entry.name == load.name) { if (!curMeta) throw new TypeError('Unexpected anonymous System.register call.'); if (curMeta.entry) { if (curMeta.format == 'register') throw new Error('Multiple anonymous System.register calls in module ' + load.name + '. If loading a bundle, ensure all the System.register calls are named.'); else throw new Error('Module ' + load.name + ' interpreted as ' + curMeta.format + ' module format, but called System.register.'); } if (!curMeta.format) curMeta.format = 'register'; curMeta.entry = entry; } }; }); hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { constructor.call(this); this.defined = {}; this._loader.moduleRecords = {}; }; }); function buildGroups(entry, loader, groups) { groups[entry.groupIndex] = groups[entry.groupIndex] || []; if (indexOf.call(groups[entry.groupIndex], entry) != -1) return; groups[entry.groupIndex].push(entry); for (var i = 0, l = entry.normalizedDeps.length; i < l; i++) { var depName = entry.normalizedDeps[i]; var depEntry = loader.defined[depName]; // not in the registry means already linked / ES6 if (!depEntry || depEntry.evaluated) continue; // now we know the entry is in our unlinked linkage group var depGroupIndex = entry.groupIndex + (depEntry.declarative != entry.declarative); // the group index of an entry is always the maximum if (depEntry.groupIndex === null || depEntry.groupIndex < depGroupIndex) { // if already in a group, remove from the old group if (depEntry.groupIndex !== null) { groups[depEntry.groupIndex].splice(indexOf.call(groups[depEntry.groupIndex], depEntry), 1); // if the old group is empty, then we have a mixed depndency cycle if (groups[depEntry.groupIndex].length == 0) throw new Error("Mixed dependency cycle detected"); } depEntry.groupIndex = depGroupIndex; } buildGroups(depEntry, loader, groups); } } function link(name, loader) { var startEntry = loader.defined[name]; // skip if already linked if (startEntry.module) return; startEntry.groupIndex = 0; var groups = []; buildGroups(startEntry, loader, groups); var curGroupDeclarative = !!startEntry.declarative == groups.length % 2; for (var i = groups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var group = groups[i]; for (var j = 0; j < group.length; j++) { var entry = group[j]; // link each group if (curGroupDeclarative) linkDeclarativeModule(entry, loader); else linkDynamicModule(entry, loader); } curGroupDeclarative = !curGroupDeclarative; } } // module binding records function Module() {} defineProperty(Module, 'toString', { value: function() { return 'Module'; } }); function getOrCreateModuleRecord(name, moduleRecords) { return moduleRecords[name] || (moduleRecords[name] = { name: name, dependencies: [], exports: new Module(), // start from an empty module and extend importers: [] }); } function linkDeclarativeModule(entry, loader) { // only link if already not already started linking (stops at circular) if (entry.module) return; var moduleRecords = loader._loader.moduleRecords; var module = entry.module = getOrCreateModuleRecord(entry.name, moduleRecords); var exports = entry.module.exports; var declaration = entry.declare.call(__global, function(name, value) { module.locked = true; if (typeof name == 'object') { for (var p in name) exports[p] = name[p]; } else { exports[name] = value; } for (var i = 0, l = module.importers.length; i < l; i++) { var importerModule = module.importers[i]; if (!importerModule.locked) { var importerIndex = indexOf.call(importerModule.dependencies, module); importerModule.setters[importerIndex](exports); } } module.locked = false; return value; }, entry.name); module.setters = declaration.setters; module.execute = declaration.execute; if (!module.setters || !module.execute) { throw new TypeError('Invalid System.register form for ' + entry.name); } // now link all the module dependencies for (var i = 0, l = entry.normalizedDeps.length; i < l; i++) { var depName = entry.normalizedDeps[i]; var depEntry = loader.defined[depName]; var depModule = moduleRecords[depName]; // work out how to set depExports based on scenarios... var depExports; if (depModule) { depExports = depModule.exports; } // dynamic, already linked in our registry else if (depEntry && !depEntry.declarative) { depExports = depEntry.esModule; } // in the loader registry else if (!depEntry) { depExports = loader.get(depName); } // we have an entry -> link else { linkDeclarativeModule(depEntry, loader); depModule = depEntry.module; depExports = depModule.exports; } // only declarative modules have dynamic bindings if (depModule && depModule.importers) { depModule.importers.push(module); module.dependencies.push(depModule); } else { module.dependencies.push(null); } // run setters for all entries with the matching dependency name var originalIndices = entry.originalIndices[i]; for (var j = 0, len = originalIndices.length; j < len; ++j) { var index = originalIndices[j]; if (module.setters[index]) { module.setters[index](depExports); } } } } // An analog to loader.get covering execution of all three layers (real declarative, simulated declarative, simulated dynamic) function getModule(name, loader) { var exports; var entry = loader.defined[name]; if (!entry) { exports = loader.get(name); if (!exports) throw new Error('Unable to load dependency ' + name + '.'); } else { if (entry.declarative) ensureEvaluated(name, [], loader); else if (!entry.evaluated) linkDynamicModule(entry, loader); exports = entry.module.exports; } if ((!entry || entry.declarative) && exports && exports.__useDefault) return exports['default']; return exports; } function linkDynamicModule(entry, loader) { if (entry.module) return; var exports = {}; var module = entry.module = { exports: exports, id: entry.name }; // AMD requires execute the tree first if (!entry.executingRequire) { for (var i = 0, l = entry.normalizedDeps.length; i < l; i++) { var depName = entry.normalizedDeps[i]; // we know we only need to link dynamic due to linking algorithm var depEntry = loader.defined[depName]; if (depEntry) linkDynamicModule(depEntry, loader); } } // now execute entry.evaluated = true; var output = entry.execute.call(__global, function(name) { for (var i = 0, l = entry.deps.length; i < l; i++) { if (entry.deps[i] != name) continue; return getModule(entry.normalizedDeps[i], loader); } throw new Error('Module ' + name + ' not declared as a dependency.'); }, exports, module); if (output) module.exports = output; // create the esModule object, which allows ES6 named imports of dynamics exports = module.exports; // __esModule flag treats as already-named if (exports && exports.__esModule) entry.esModule = exports; // set module as 'default' export, then fake named exports by iterating properties else if (entry.esmExports && exports !== __global) entry.esModule = getESModule(exports); // just use the 'default' export else entry.esModule = { 'default': exports }; } /* * Given a module, and the list of modules for this current branch, * ensure that each of the dependencies of this module is evaluated * (unless one is a circular dependency already in the list of seen * modules, in which case we execute it) * * Then we evaluate the module itself depth-first left to right * execution to match ES6 modules */ function ensureEvaluated(moduleName, seen, loader) { var entry = loader.defined[moduleName]; // if already seen, that means it's an already-evaluated non circular dependency if (!entry || entry.evaluated || !entry.declarative) return; // this only applies to declarative modules which late-execute seen.push(moduleName); for (var i = 0, l = entry.normalizedDeps.length; i < l; i++) { var depName = entry.normalizedDeps[i]; if (indexOf.call(seen, depName) == -1) { if (!loader.defined[depName]) loader.get(depName); else ensureEvaluated(depName, seen, loader); } } if (entry.evaluated) return; entry.evaluated = true; entry.module.execute.call(__global); } // override the delete method to also clear the register caches hook('delete', function(del) { return function(name) { delete this._loader.moduleRecords[name]; delete this.defined[name]; return del.call(this, name); }; }); hook('fetch', function(fetch) { return function(load) { if (this.defined[load.name]) { load.metadata.format = 'defined'; return ''; } if (load.metadata.format == 'register' && !load.metadata.authorization && load.metadata.scriptLoad !== false) load.metadata.scriptLoad = true; load.metadata.deps = load.metadata.deps || []; return fetch.call(this, load); }; }); hook('translate', function(translate) { // we run the meta detection here (register is after meta) return function(load) { load.metadata.deps = load.metadata.deps || []; return Promise.resolve(translate.call(this, load)).then(function(source) { // run detection for register format if (load.metadata.format == 'register' || !load.metadata.format && detectRegisterFormat(load.source)) load.metadata.format = 'register'; return source; }); }; }); hook('instantiate', function(instantiate) { return function(load) { if (load.metadata.format == 'detect') load.metadata.format = undefined; // assumes previous instantiate is sync // (core json support) instantiate.call(this, load); var loader = this; var entry; // first we check if this module has already been defined in the registry if (loader.defined[load.name]) { entry = loader.defined[load.name]; // don't support deps for ES modules if (!entry.declarative) entry.deps = entry.deps.concat(load.metadata.deps); } // picked up already by an anonymous System.register script injection // or via the dynamic formats else if (load.metadata.entry) { entry = load.metadata.entry; entry.deps = entry.deps.concat(load.metadata.deps); } // Contains System.register calls // (dont run bundles in the builder) else if (!(loader.builder && load.metadata.bundle) && (load.metadata.format == 'register' || load.metadata.format == 'esm' || load.metadata.format == 'es6')) { if (typeof __exec != 'undefined') __exec.call(loader, load); if (!load.metadata.entry && !load.metadata.bundle) throw new Error(load.name + ' detected as ' + load.metadata.format + ' but didn\'t execute.'); entry = load.metadata.entry; // support metadata deps for System.register if (entry && load.metadata.deps) entry.deps = entry.deps.concat(load.metadata.deps); } // named bundles are just an empty module if (!entry) { entry = createEntry(); entry.deps = load.metadata.deps; entry.execute = function() {}; } // place this module onto defined for circular references loader.defined[load.name] = entry; var grouped = group(entry.deps); entry.deps = grouped.names; entry.originalIndices = grouped.indices; entry.name = load.name; entry.esmExports = load.metadata.esmExports !== false; // first, normalize all dependencies var normalizePromises = []; for (var i = 0, l = entry.deps.length; i < l; i++) normalizePromises.push(Promise.resolve(loader.normalize(entry.deps[i], load.name))); return Promise.all(normalizePromises).then(function(normalizedDeps) { entry.normalizedDeps = normalizedDeps; return { deps: entry.deps, execute: function() { // recursively ensure that the module and all its // dependencies are linked (with dependency group handling) link(load.name, loader); // now handle dependency execution in correct order ensureEvaluated(load.name, [], loader); // remove from the registry loader.defined[load.name] = undefined; // return the defined module object return loader.newModule(entry.declarative ? entry.module.exports : entry.esModule); } }; }); }; }); })(); hook('reduceRegister_', function(reduceRegister) { return function(load, register) { if (register || !load.metadata.exports) return reduceRegister.call(this, load, register); load.metadata.format = 'global'; var entry = load.metadata.entry = createEntry(); entry.deps = load.metadata.deps; var globalValue = readMemberExpression(load.metadata.exports, __global); entry.execute = function() { return globalValue; }; }; }); hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { var loader = this; constructor.call(loader); var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // bare minimum ignores for IE8 var ignoredGlobalProps = ['_g', 'sessionStorage', 'localStorage', 'clipboardData', 'frames', 'frameElement', 'external', 'mozAnimationStartTime', 'webkitStorageInfo', 'webkitIndexedDB', 'mozInnerScreenY', 'mozInnerScreenX']; var globalSnapshot; function forEachGlobal(callback) { if (Object.keys) Object.keys(__global).forEach(callback); else for (var g in __global) { if (!hasOwnProperty.call(__global, g)) continue; callback(g); } } function forEachGlobalValue(callback) { forEachGlobal(function(globalName) { if (indexOf.call(ignoredGlobalProps, globalName) != -1) return; try { var value = __global[globalName]; } catch (e) { ignoredGlobalProps.push(globalName); } callback(globalName, value); }); } loader.set('@@global-helpers', loader.newModule({ prepareGlobal: function(moduleName, exportName, globals) { // disable module detection var curDefine = __global.define; __global.define = undefined; __global.exports = undefined; if (__global.module && __global.module.exports) __global.module = undefined; // set globals var oldGlobals; if (globals) { oldGlobals = {}; for (var g in globals) { oldGlobals[g] = __global[g]; __global[g] = globals[g]; } } // store a complete copy of the global object in order to detect changes if (!exportName) { globalSnapshot = {}; forEachGlobalValue(function(name, value) { globalSnapshot[name] = value; }); } // return function to retrieve global return function() { var globalValue; if (exportName) { globalValue = readMemberExpression(exportName, __global); } else { var singleGlobal; var multipleExports; var exports = {}; forEachGlobalValue(function(name, value) { if (globalSnapshot[name] === value) return; if (typeof value == 'undefined') return; exports[name] = value; if (typeof singleGlobal != 'undefined') { if (!multipleExports && singleGlobal !== value) multipleExports = true; } else { singleGlobal = value; } }); globalValue = multipleExports ? exports : singleGlobal; } // revert globals if (oldGlobals) { for (var g in oldGlobals) __global[g] = oldGlobals[g]; } __global.define = curDefine; return globalValue; }; } })); }; }); hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { var loader = this; constructor.call(loader); if (typeof window != 'undefined' && typeof document != 'undefined' && window.location) var windowOrigin = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''); loader.set('@@cjs-helpers', loader.newModule({ getPathVars: function(moduleId) { // remove any plugin syntax var pluginIndex = moduleId.lastIndexOf('!'); var filename; if (pluginIndex != -1) filename = moduleId.substr(0, pluginIndex); else filename = moduleId; var dirname = filename.split('/'); dirname.pop(); dirname = dirname.join('/'); if (filename.substr(0, 8) == 'file:///') { filename = filename.substr(7); dirname = dirname.substr(7); // on windows remove leading '/' if (isWindows) { filename = filename.substr(1); dirname = dirname.substr(1); } } else if (windowOrigin && filename.substr(0, windowOrigin.length) === windowOrigin) { filename = filename.substr(windowOrigin.length); dirname = dirname.substr(windowOrigin.length); } return { filename: filename, dirname: dirname }; } })) }; });/* * AMD Helper function module * Separated into its own file as this is the part needed for full AMD support in SFX builds * NB since implementations have now diverged this can be merged back with amd.js */ hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { var loader = this; constructor.call(this); var commentRegEx = /(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/(.*)$)/mg; var cjsRequirePre = "(?:^|[^$_a-zA-Z\\xA0-\\uFFFF.])"; var cjsRequirePost = "\\s*\\(\\s*(\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)')\\s*\\)"; var fnBracketRegEx = /\(([^\)]*)\)/; var wsRegEx = /^\s+|\s+$/g; var requireRegExs = {}; function getCJSDeps(source, requireIndex) { // remove comments source = source.replace(commentRegEx, ''); // determine the require alias var params = source.match(fnBracketRegEx); var requireAlias = (params[1].split(',')[requireIndex] || 'require').replace(wsRegEx, ''); // find or generate the regex for this requireAlias var requireRegEx = requireRegExs[requireAlias] || (requireRegExs[requireAlias] = new RegExp(cjsRequirePre + requireAlias + cjsRequirePost, 'g')); requireRegEx.lastIndex = 0; var deps = []; var match; while (match = requireRegEx.exec(source)) deps.push(match[2] || match[3]); return deps; } /* AMD-compatible require To copy RequireJS, set window.require = window.requirejs = loader.amdRequire */ function require(names, callback, errback, referer) { // in amd, first arg can be a config object... we just ignore if (typeof names == 'object' && !(names instanceof Array)) return require.apply(null, Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 1, arguments.length - 1)); // amd require if (typeof names == 'string' && typeof callback == 'function') names = [names]; if (names instanceof Array) { var dynamicRequires = []; for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) dynamicRequires.push(loader['import'](names[i], referer)); Promise.all(dynamicRequires).then(function(modules) { if (callback) callback.apply(null, modules); }, errback); } // commonjs require else if (typeof names == 'string') { var module = loader.get(loader.decanonicalize(names, referer)); if (!module) throw new Error('Module not already loaded loading "' + names + '" from "' + referer + '".'); return module.__useDefault ? module['default'] : module; } else throw new TypeError('Invalid require'); } function define(name, deps, factory) { if (typeof name != 'string') { factory = deps; deps = name; name = null; } if (!(deps instanceof Array)) { factory = deps; deps = ['require', 'exports', 'module'].splice(0, factory.length); } if (typeof factory != 'function') factory = (function(factory) { return function() { return factory; } })(factory); // in IE8, a trailing comma becomes a trailing undefined entry if (deps[deps.length - 1] === undefined) deps.pop(); // remove system dependencies var requireIndex, exportsIndex, moduleIndex; if ((requireIndex = indexOf.call(deps, 'require')) != -1) { deps.splice(requireIndex, 1); // only trace cjs requires for non-named // named defines assume the trace has already been done if (!name) deps = deps.concat(getCJSDeps(factory.toString(), requireIndex)); } if ((exportsIndex = indexOf.call(deps, 'exports')) != -1) deps.splice(exportsIndex, 1); if ((moduleIndex = indexOf.call(deps, 'module')) != -1) deps.splice(moduleIndex, 1); function execute(req, exports, module) { var depValues = []; for (var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) depValues.push(req(deps[i])); module.uri = module.id; module.config = function() {}; // add back in system dependencies if (moduleIndex != -1) depValues.splice(moduleIndex, 0, module); if (exportsIndex != -1) depValues.splice(exportsIndex, 0, exports); if (requireIndex != -1) { function contextualRequire(names, callback, errback) { if (typeof names == 'string' && typeof callback != 'function') return req(names); return require.call(loader, names, callback, errback, module.id); } contextualRequire.toUrl = function(name) { // normalize without defaultJSExtensions var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js'; var url = loader.decanonicalize(name, module.id); if (defaultJSExtension && url.substr(url.length - 3, 3) == '.js') url = url.substr(0, url.length - 3); return url; }; depValues.splice(requireIndex, 0, contextualRequire); } // set global require to AMD require var curRequire = __global.require; __global.require = require; var output = factory.apply(exportsIndex == -1 ? __global : exports, depValues); __global.require = curRequire; if (typeof output == 'undefined' && module) output = module.exports; if (typeof output != 'undefined') return output; } var entry = createEntry(); entry.name = name && (loader.decanonicalize || loader.normalize).call(loader, name); entry.deps = deps; entry.execute = execute; loader.pushRegister_({ amd: true, entry: entry }); } define.amd = {}; // reduction function to attach defines to a load record hook('reduceRegister_', function(reduceRegister) { return function(load, register) { // only handle AMD registers here if (!register || !register.amd) return reduceRegister.call(this, load, register); var curMeta = load && load.metadata; var entry = register.entry; if (curMeta) curMeta.format = 'amd'; // anonymous define if (!entry.name) { if (!curMeta) throw new TypeError('Unexpected anonymous AMD define.'); // already defined anonymously -> throw if (curMeta.entry) throw new TypeError('Multiple defines for anonymous module ' + load.name); curMeta.entry = entry; } // named define else { // if we don't have any other defines, // then let this be an anonymous define // this is just to support single modules of the form: // define('jquery') // still loading anonymously // because it is done widely enough to be useful // as soon as there is more than one define, this gets removed though if (curMeta) { if (!curMeta.entry && !curMeta.bundle) curMeta.entry = entry; else curMeta.entry = undefined; // note this is now a bundle curMeta.bundle = true; } // define the module through the register registry if (!(entry.name in this.defined)) this.defined[entry.name] = entry; } }; }); // adds define as a global (potentially just temporarily) function createDefine() { // ensure no NodeJS environment detection var oldModule = __global.module; var oldExports = __global.exports; var oldDefine = __global.define; __global.module = undefined; __global.exports = undefined; __global.define = define; return function() { __global.define = oldDefine; __global.module = oldModule; __global.exports = oldExports; }; } loader.set('@@amd-helpers', loader.newModule({ createDefine: createDefine, require: require, define: define })); loader.amdDefine = define; loader.amdRequire = require; }; });/* SystemJS Loader Plugin Support Supports plugin loader syntax with "!", or via metadata.loader The plugin name is loaded as a module itself, and can override standard loader hooks for the plugin resource. See the plugin section of the systemjs readme. */ (function() { function getParentName(loader, parentName) { // if parent is a plugin, normalize against the parent plugin argument only if (parentName) { var parentPluginIndex; if (loader.pluginFirst) { if ((parentPluginIndex = parentName.lastIndexOf('!')) != -1) return parentName.substr(parentPluginIndex + 1); } else { if ((parentPluginIndex = parentName.indexOf('!')) != -1) return parentName.substr(0, parentPluginIndex); } return parentName; } } function parsePlugin(loader, name) { var argumentName; var pluginName; var pluginIndex = name.lastIndexOf('!'); if (pluginIndex == -1) return; if (loader.pluginFirst) { argumentName = name.substr(pluginIndex + 1); pluginName = name.substr(0, pluginIndex); } else { argumentName = name.substr(0, pluginIndex); pluginName = name.substr(pluginIndex + 1) || argumentName.substr(argumentName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } return { argument: argumentName, plugin: pluginName }; } // put name back together after parts have been normalized function combinePluginParts(loader, argumentName, pluginName, defaultExtension) { if (defaultExtension && argumentName.substr(argumentName.length - 3, 3) == '.js') argumentName = argumentName.substr(0, argumentName.length - 3); if (loader.pluginFirst) { return pluginName + '!' + argumentName; } else { return argumentName + '!' + pluginName; } } // note if normalize will add a default js extension // if so, remove for backwards compat // this is strange and sucks, but will be deprecated function checkDefaultExtension(loader, arg) { return loader.defaultJSExtensions && arg.substr(arg.length - 3, 3) != '.js'; } function createNormalizeSync(normalizeSync) { return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) { var loader = this; parentName = getParentName(this, parentName); var parsed = parsePlugin(loader, name); if (!parsed) return normalizeSync.call(this, name, parentName, isPlugin); // if this is a plugin, normalize the plugin name and the argument var argumentName = loader.normalizeSync(parsed.argument, parentName, true); var pluginName = loader.normalizeSync(parsed.plugin, parentName, true); return combinePluginParts(loader, argumentName, pluginName, checkDefaultExtension(loader, parsed.argument)); }; } hook('decanonicalize', createNormalizeSync); hook('normalizeSync', createNormalizeSync); hook('normalize', function(normalize) { return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) { var loader = this; parentName = getParentName(this, parentName); var parsed = parsePlugin(loader, name); if (!parsed) return normalize.call(loader, name, parentName, isPlugin); return Promise.all([ loader.normalize(parsed.argument, parentName, true), loader.normalize(parsed.plugin, parentName, true) ]) .then(function(normalized) { return combinePluginParts(loader, normalized[0], normalized[1], checkDefaultExtension(loader, parsed.argument)); }); } }); hook('locate', function(locate) { return function(load) { var loader = this; var name = load.name; // plugin syntax var pluginSyntaxIndex; if (loader.pluginFirst) { if ((pluginSyntaxIndex = name.indexOf('!')) != -1) { load.metadata.loader = name.substr(0, pluginSyntaxIndex); load.name = name.substr(pluginSyntaxIndex + 1); } } else { if ((pluginSyntaxIndex = name.lastIndexOf('!')) != -1) { load.metadata.loader = name.substr(pluginSyntaxIndex + 1); load.name = name.substr(0, pluginSyntaxIndex); } } return locate.call(loader, load) .then(function(address) { var plugin = load.metadata.loader; if (!plugin) return address; // only fetch the plugin itself if this name isn't defined if (loader.defined && loader.defined[name]) return address; var pluginLoader = loader.pluginLoader || loader; // load the plugin module and run standard locate return pluginLoader['import'](plugin) .then(function(loaderModule) { // store the plugin module itself on the metadata load.metadata.loaderModule = loaderModule; load.address = address; if (loaderModule.locate) return loaderModule.locate.call(loader, load); return address; }); }); }; }); hook('fetch', function(fetch) { return function(load) { var loader = this; if (load.metadata.loaderModule && load.metadata.loaderModule.fetch && load.metadata.format != 'defined') { load.metadata.scriptLoad = false; return load.metadata.loaderModule.fetch.call(loader, load, function(load) { return fetch.call(loader, load); }); } else { return fetch.call(loader, load); } }; }); hook('translate', function(translate) { return function(load) { /* * Source map sanitization for load.metadata.sourceMap * Used to set browser and build-level source maps for * translated sources in a general way. * * This isn't plugin-specific, but can't go anywhere else for now * As it is post-translate */ var sourceMap = load.metadata.sourceMap; // if an object not a JSON string do sanitizing if (sourceMap && typeof sourceMap == 'object') { var originalName = load.name.split('!')[0]; // force set the filename of the original file sourceMap.file = originalName + '!transpiled'; // force set the sources list if only one source if (!sourceMap.sources || sourceMap.sources.length == 1) sourceMap.sources = [originalName]; load.metadata.sourceMap = JSON.stringify(sourceMap); } var loader = this; if (load.metadata.loaderModule && load.metadata.loaderModule.translate && load.metadata.format != 'defined') { return Promise.resolve(load.metadata.loaderModule.translate.call(loader, load)).then(function(result) { // NB we should probably enforce a string output if (typeof result == 'string') load.source = result; return translate.call(loader, load); }); } else { return translate.call(loader, load); } }; }); hook('instantiate', function(instantiate) { return function(load) { var loader = this; if (load.metadata.loaderModule && load.metadata.loaderModule.instantiate && !loader.builder && load.metadata.format != 'defined') return Promise.resolve(load.metadata.loaderModule.instantiate.call(loader, load)).then(function(result) { load.metadata.entry = createEntry(); load.metadata.entry.execute = function() { return result; } load.metadata.entry.deps = load.metadata.deps; load.metadata.format = 'defined'; return instantiate.call(loader, load); }); else return instantiate.call(loader, load); }; }); })();/* * Conditions Extension * * Allows a condition module to alter the resolution of an import via syntax: * * import $ from 'jquery/#{browser}'; * * Will first load the module 'browser' via `SystemJS.import('browser')` and * take the default export of that module. * If the default export is not a string, an error is thrown. * * We then substitute the string into the require to get the conditional resolution * enabling environment-specific variations like: * * import $ from 'jquery/ie' * import $ from 'jquery/firefox' * import $ from 'jquery/chrome' * import $ from 'jquery/safari' * * It can be useful for a condition module to define multiple conditions. * This can be done via the `|` modifier to specify an export member expression: * * import 'jquery/#{./browser.js|grade.version}' * * Where the `grade` export `version` member in the `browser.js` module is substituted. * * * Boolean Conditionals * * For polyfill modules, that are used as imports but have no module value, * a binary conditional allows a module not to be loaded at all if not needed: * * import 'es5-shim#?./conditions.js|needs-es5shim' * * These conditions can also be negated via: * * import 'es5-shim#?~./conditions.js|es6' * */ function parseCondition(condition) { var conditionExport, conditionModule, negation; var negation = condition[0] == '~'; var conditionExportIndex = condition.lastIndexOf('|'); if (conditionExportIndex != -1) { conditionExport = condition.substr(conditionExportIndex + 1); conditionModule = condition.substr(negation, conditionExportIndex - negation) || '@system-env'; } else { conditionExport = null; conditionModule = condition.substr(negation); } return { module: conditionModule, prop: conditionExport, negate: negation }; } function serializeCondition(conditionObj) { return (conditionObj.negate ? '~' : '') + conditionObj.module + (conditionObj.prop ? '|' + conditionObj.prop : ''); } function resolveCondition(conditionObj, parentName, bool) { return this['import'](conditionObj.module, parentName) .then(function(m) { if (conditionObj.prop) m = readMemberExpression(conditionObj.prop, m); else if (typeof m == 'object' && m + '' == 'Module') m = m['default']; return conditionObj.negate ? !m : m; }); } var interpolationRegEx = /#\{[^\}]+\}/; function interpolateConditional(name, parentName) { // first we normalize the conditional var conditionalMatch = name.match(interpolationRegEx); if (!conditionalMatch) return Promise.resolve(name); var conditionObj = parseCondition(conditionalMatch[0].substr(2, conditionalMatch[0].length - 3)); // in builds, return normalized conditional if (this.builder) return this['normalize'](conditionObj.module, parentName) .then(function(conditionModule) { conditionObj.module = conditionModule; return name.replace(interpolationRegEx, '#{' + serializeCondition(conditionObj) + '}'); }); return resolveCondition.call(this, conditionObj, parentName, false) .then(function(conditionValue) { if (typeof conditionValue !== 'string') throw new TypeError('The condition value for ' + name + ' doesn\'t resolve to a string.'); if (conditionValue.indexOf('/') != -1) throw new TypeError('Unabled to interpolate conditional ' + name + (parentName ? ' in ' + parentName : '') + '\n\tThe condition value ' + conditionValue + ' cannot contain a "/" separator.'); return name.replace(interpolationRegEx, conditionValue); }); } function booleanConditional(name, parentName) { // first we normalize the conditional var booleanIndex = name.lastIndexOf('#?'); if (booleanIndex == -1) return Promise.resolve(name); var conditionObj = parseCondition(name.substr(booleanIndex + 2)); // in builds, return normalized conditional if (this.builder) return this['normalize'](conditionObj.module, parentName) .then(function(conditionModule) { conditionObj.module = conditionModule; return name.substr(0, booleanIndex) + '#?' + serializeCondition(conditionObj); }); return resolveCondition.call(this, conditionObj, parentName, true) .then(function(conditionValue) { return conditionValue ? name.substr(0, booleanIndex) : '@empty'; }); } // normalizeSync does not parse conditionals at all although it could hook('normalize', function(normalize) { return function(name, parentName, parentAddress) { var loader = this; return booleanConditional.call(loader, name, parentName) .then(function(name) { return normalize.call(loader, name, parentName, parentAddress); }) .then(function(normalized) { return interpolateConditional.call(loader, normalized, parentName); }); }; }); /* * Alias Extension * * Allows a module to be a plain copy of another module by module name * * SystemJS.meta['mybootstrapalias'] = { alias: 'bootstrap' }; * */ (function() { // aliases hook('fetch', function(fetch) { return function(load) { var alias = load.metadata.alias; var aliasDeps = load.metadata.deps || []; if (alias) { load.metadata.format = 'defined'; var entry = createEntry(); this.defined[load.name] = entry; entry.declarative = true; entry.deps = aliasDeps.concat([alias]); entry.declare = function(_export) { return { setters: [function(module) { for (var p in module) _export(p, module[p]); if (module.__useDefault) entry.module.exports.__useDefault = true; }], execute: function() {} }; }; return ''; } return fetch.call(this, load); }; }); })();/* * Meta Extension * * Sets default metadata on a load record (load.metadata) from * loader.metadata via SystemJS.meta function. * * * Also provides an inline meta syntax for module meta in source. * * Eg: * * loader.meta({ * 'my/module': { deps: ['jquery'] } * 'my/*': { format: 'amd' } * }); * * Which in turn populates loader.metadata. * * load.metadata.deps and load.metadata.format will then be set * for 'my/module' * * The same meta could be set with a my/module.js file containing: * * my/module.js * "format amd"; * "deps[] jquery"; * "globals.some value" * console.log('this is my/module'); * * Configuration meta always takes preference to inline meta. * * Multiple matches in wildcards are supported and ammend the meta. * * * The benefits of the function form is that paths are URL-normalized * supporting say * * loader.meta({ './app': { format: 'cjs' } }); * * Instead of needing to set against the absolute URL (https://site.com/app.js) * */ (function() { hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { this.meta = {}; constructor.call(this); }; }); hook('locate', function(locate) { return function(load) { var meta = this.meta; var name = load.name; // NB for perf, maybe introduce a fast-path wildcard lookup cache here // which is checked first // apply wildcard metas var bestDepth = 0; var wildcardIndex; for (var module in meta) { wildcardIndex = module.indexOf('*'); if (wildcardIndex === -1) continue; if (module.substr(0, wildcardIndex) === name.substr(0, wildcardIndex) && module.substr(wildcardIndex + 1) === name.substr(name.length - module.length + wildcardIndex + 1)) { var depth = module.split('/').length; if (depth > bestDepth) bestDepth = depth; extendMeta(load.metadata, meta[module], bestDepth != depth); } } // apply exact meta if (meta[name]) extendMeta(load.metadata, meta[name]); return locate.call(this, load); }; }); // detect any meta header syntax // only set if not already set var metaRegEx = /^(\s*\/\*[^\*]*(\*(?!\/)[^\*]*)*\*\/|\s*\/\/[^\n]*|\s*"[^"]+"\s*;?|\s*'[^']+'\s*;?)+/; var metaPartRegEx = /\/\*[^\*]*(\*(?!\/)[^\*]*)*\*\/|\/\/[^\n]*|"[^"]+"\s*;?|'[^']+'\s*;?/g; function setMetaProperty(target, p, value) { var pParts = p.split('.'); var curPart; while (pParts.length > 1) { curPart = pParts.shift(); target = target[curPart] = target[curPart] || {}; } curPart = pParts.shift(); if (!(curPart in target)) target[curPart] = value; } hook('translate', function(translate) { return function(load) { // NB meta will be post-translate pending transpiler conversion to plugins var meta = load.source.match(metaRegEx); if (meta) { var metaParts = meta[0].match(metaPartRegEx); for (var i = 0; i < metaParts.length; i++) { var curPart = metaParts[i]; var len = curPart.length; var firstChar = curPart.substr(0, 1); if (curPart.substr(len - 1, 1) == ';') len--; if (firstChar != '"' && firstChar != "'") continue; var metaString = curPart.substr(1, curPart.length - 3); var metaName = metaString.substr(0, metaString.indexOf(' ')); if (metaName) { var metaValue = metaString.substr(metaName.length + 1, metaString.length - metaName.length - 1); if (metaName.substr(metaName.length - 2, 2) == '[]') { metaName = metaName.substr(0, metaName.length - 2); load.metadata[metaName] = load.metadata[metaName] || []; load.metadata[metaName].push(metaValue); } else if (load.metadata[metaName] instanceof Array) { // temporary backwards compat for previous "deps" syntax warn.call(this, 'Module ' + load.name + ' contains deprecated "deps ' + metaValue + '" meta syntax.\nThis should be updated to "deps[] ' + metaValue + '" for pushing to array meta.'); load.metadata[metaName].push(metaValue); } else { setMetaProperty(load.metadata, metaName, metaValue); } } else { load.metadata[metaString] = true; } } } return translate.call(this, load); }; }); })(); /* System bundles Allows a bundle module to be specified which will be dynamically loaded before trying to load a given module. For example: SystemJS.bundles['mybundle'] = ['jquery', 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap'] Will result in a load to "mybundle" whenever a load to "jquery" or "bootstrap/js/bootstrap" is made. In this way, the bundle becomes the request that provides the module */ (function() { // bundles support (just like RequireJS) // bundle name is module name of bundle itself // bundle is array of modules defined by the bundle // when a module in the bundle is requested, the bundle is loaded instead // of the form SystemJS.bundles['mybundle'] = ['jquery', 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap'] hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { constructor.call(this); this.bundles = {}; this._loader.loadedBundles = {}; }; }); // assign bundle metadata for bundle loads hook('locate', function(locate) { return function(load) { var loader = this; var matched = false; if (!(load.name in loader.defined)) for (var b in loader.bundles) { for (var i = 0; i < loader.bundles[b].length; i++) { var curModule = loader.bundles[b][i]; if (curModule == load.name) { matched = true; break; } // wildcard in bundles does not include / boundaries if (curModule.indexOf('*') != -1) { var parts = curModule.split('*'); if (parts.length != 2) { loader.bundles[b].splice(i--, 1); continue; } if (load.name.substring(0, parts[0].length) == parts[0] && load.name.substr(load.name.length - parts[1].length, parts[1].length) == parts[1] && load.name.substr(parts[0].length, load.name.length - parts[1].length - parts[0].length).indexOf('/') == -1) { matched = true; break; } } } if (matched) return loader['import'](b) .then(function() { return locate.call(loader, load); }); } return locate.call(loader, load); }; }); })(); /* * Dependency Tree Cache * * Allows a build to pre-populate a dependency trace tree on the loader of * the expected dependency tree, to be loaded upfront when requesting the * module, avoinding the n round trips latency of module loading, where * n is the dependency tree depth. * * eg: * SystemJS.depCache = { * 'app': ['normalized', 'deps'], * 'normalized': ['another'], * 'deps': ['tree'] * }; * * SystemJS.import('app') * // simultaneously starts loading all of: * // 'normalized', 'deps', 'another', 'tree' * // before "app" source is even loaded * */ (function() { hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { constructor.call(this); this.depCache = {}; } }); hook('locate', function(locate) { return function(load) { var loader = this; // load direct deps, in turn will pick up their trace trees var deps = loader.depCache[load.name]; if (deps) for (var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) loader['import'](deps[i], load.name); return locate.call(loader, load); }; }); })(); /* * Script-only addition used for production loader * */ hookConstructor(function(constructor) { return function() { constructor.apply(this, arguments); // prepare amd define if (this.has('@@amd-helpers')) this.get('@@amd-helpers').createDefine(); }; }); hook('fetch', function(fetch) { return function(load) { load.metadata.scriptLoad = true; return fetch.call(this, load); }; });System = new SystemJSLoader(); __global.SystemJS = System; System.version = '0.19.17 CSP'; // -- exporting -- if (typeof exports === 'object') module.exports = Loader; __global.Reflect = __global.Reflect || {}; __global.Reflect.Loader = __global.Reflect.Loader || Loader; __global.Reflect.global = __global.Reflect.global || __global; __global.LoaderPolyfill = Loader; if (!System) { System = new SystemLoader(); System.constructor = SystemLoader; } if (typeof exports === 'object') module.exports = System; __global.System = System; })(typeof self != 'undefined' ? self : global);} // auto-load Promise and URL polyfills if needed in the browser try { var hasURL = typeof URLPolyfill != 'undefined' || new URL('test:///').protocol == 'test:'; } catch(e) {} if (typeof Promise === 'undefined' || !hasURL) { // document.write if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); $__curScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1]; var curPath = $__curScript.src; var basePath = curPath.substr(0, curPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); window.systemJSBootstrap = bootstrap; document.write( '<' + 'script type="text/javascript" src="' + basePath + 'system-polyfills.js">' + '<' + '/script>' ); } // importScripts else if (typeof importScripts !== 'undefined') { var basePath = ''; try { throw new Error('_'); } catch (e) { e.stack.replace(/(?:at|@).*(http.+):[\d]+:[\d]+/, function(m, url) { basePath = url.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/'); }); } importScripts(basePath + 'system-polyfills.js'); bootstrap(); } else { bootstrap(); } } else { bootstrap(); } })();