/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2015-2016 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Page that shows refund status for purchases. * * @author Florian Dold */ import * as React from "react"; import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import URI = require("urijs"); import * as dbTypes from "../../dbTypes"; import { AmountJson } from "../../amounts"; import * as Amounts from "../../amounts"; import { AmountDisplay } from "../renderHtml"; import * as wxApi from "../wxApi"; interface RefundStatusViewProps { contractTermsHash?: string; refundUrl?: string; } interface RefundStatusViewState { contractTermsHash?: string; purchase?: dbTypes.PurchaseRecord; refundFees?: AmountJson; gotResult: boolean; } interface RefundDetailProps { purchase: dbTypes.PurchaseRecord; fullRefundFees: AmountJson; } const RefundDetail = ({purchase, fullRefundFees}: RefundDetailProps) => { const pendingKeys = Object.keys(purchase.refundsPending); const doneKeys = Object.keys(purchase.refundsDone); if (pendingKeys.length === 0 && doneKeys.length === 0) { return

No refunds

; } const firstRefundKey = [...pendingKeys, ...doneKeys][0]; const currency = { ...purchase.refundsDone, ...purchase.refundsPending }[firstRefundKey].refund_amount.currency; if (!currency) { throw Error("invariant"); } let amountPending = Amounts.getZero(currency); for (const k of pendingKeys) { amountPending = Amounts.add(amountPending, purchase.refundsPending[k].refund_amount).amount; } let amountDone = Amounts.getZero(currency); for (const k of doneKeys) { amountDone = Amounts.add(amountDone, purchase.refundsDone[k].refund_amount).amount; } const hasPending = amountPending.fraction !== 0 || amountPending.value !== 0; return (
{hasPending ?

Refund pending:

: null}

Refund received: (refund fees: )

); }; class RefundStatusView extends React.Component { constructor(props: RefundStatusViewProps) { super(props); this.state = { gotResult: false }; } componentDidMount() { this.update(); const port = chrome.runtime.connect(); port.onMessage.addListener((msg: any) => { if (msg.notify) { console.log("got notified"); this.update(); } }); } render(): JSX.Element { if (!this.props.contractTermsHash && !this.props.refundUrl) { return (
Error: Neither contract terms hash nor refund url given.
); } const purchase = this.state.purchase; if (!purchase) { let message; if (this.state.gotResult) { message = No purchase with contract terms hash {this.props.contractTermsHash} found; } else { message = ...; } return
; } const merchantName = purchase.contractTerms.merchant.name || "(unknown)"; const summary = purchase.contractTerms.summary || purchase.contractTerms.order_id; return (

Refund Status

Status of purchase {summary} from merchant {merchantName}{" "} (order id {purchase.contractTerms.order_id}).

Total amount:

{purchase.finished ? :

Purchase not completed.

); } async update() { let contractTermsHash = this.state.contractTermsHash; if (!contractTermsHash) { const refundUrl = this.props.refundUrl; if (!refundUrl) { console.error("neither contractTermsHash nor refundUrl is given"); return; } contractTermsHash = await wxApi.acceptRefund(refundUrl); } const purchase = await wxApi.getPurchase(contractTermsHash); console.log("got purchase", purchase); const refundsDone = Object.keys(purchase.refundsDone).map((x) => purchase.refundsDone[x]); const refundFees = await wxApi.getFullRefundFees( {refundPermissions: refundsDone }); this.setState({ purchase, gotResult: true, refundFees }); } } async function main() { const url = new URI(document.location.href); const query: any = URI.parseQuery(url.query()); const container = document.getElementById("container"); if (!container) { console.error("fatal: can't mount component, countainer missing"); return; } const contractTermsHash = query.contractTermsHash; const refundUrl = query.refundUrl; ReactDOM.render(, container); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => main());