/** * Copyright 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * */ 'use strict'; var _assign = require('object-assign'); var emptyFunction = require('fbjs/lib/emptyFunction'); var warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning'); var validateDOMNesting = emptyFunction; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { // This validation code was written based on the HTML5 parsing spec: // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#has-an-element-in-scope // // Note: this does not catch all invalid nesting, nor does it try to (as it's // not clear what practical benefit doing so provides); instead, we warn only // for cases where the parser will give a parse tree differing from what React // intended. For example, <b><div></div></b> is invalid but we don't warn // because it still parses correctly; we do warn for other cases like nested // <p> tags where the beginning of the second element implicitly closes the // first, causing a confusing mess. // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#special var specialTags = ['address', 'applet', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'base', 'basefont', 'bgsound', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'caption', 'center', 'col', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'details', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'embed', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'html', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'isindex', 'li', 'link', 'listing', 'main', 'marquee', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'nav', 'noembed', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol', 'p', 'param', 'plaintext', 'pre', 'script', 'section', 'select', 'source', 'style', 'summary', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'template', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'title', 'tr', 'track', 'ul', 'wbr', 'xmp']; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#has-an-element-in-scope var inScopeTags = ['applet', 'caption', 'html', 'table', 'td', 'th', 'marquee', 'object', 'template', // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#html-integration-point // TODO: Distinguish by namespace here -- for <title>, including it here // errs on the side of fewer warnings 'foreignObject', 'desc', 'title']; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#has-an-element-in-button-scope var buttonScopeTags = inScopeTags.concat(['button']); // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#generate-implied-end-tags var impliedEndTags = ['dd', 'dt', 'li', 'option', 'optgroup', 'p', 'rp', 'rt']; var emptyAncestorInfo = { current: null, formTag: null, aTagInScope: null, buttonTagInScope: null, nobrTagInScope: null, pTagInButtonScope: null, listItemTagAutoclosing: null, dlItemTagAutoclosing: null }; var updatedAncestorInfo = function (oldInfo, tag, instance) { var ancestorInfo = _assign({}, oldInfo || emptyAncestorInfo); var info = { tag: tag, instance: instance }; if (inScopeTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1) { ancestorInfo.aTagInScope = null; ancestorInfo.buttonTagInScope = null; ancestorInfo.nobrTagInScope = null; } if (buttonScopeTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1) { ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope = null; } // See rules for 'li', 'dd', 'dt' start tags in // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-inbody if (specialTags.indexOf(tag) !== -1 && tag !== 'address' && tag !== 'div' && tag !== 'p') { ancestorInfo.listItemTagAutoclosing = null; ancestorInfo.dlItemTagAutoclosing = null; } ancestorInfo.current = info; if (tag === 'form') { ancestorInfo.formTag = info; } if (tag === 'a') { ancestorInfo.aTagInScope = info; } if (tag === 'button') { ancestorInfo.buttonTagInScope = info; } if (tag === 'nobr') { ancestorInfo.nobrTagInScope = info; } if (tag === 'p') { ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope = info; } if (tag === 'li') { ancestorInfo.listItemTagAutoclosing = info; } if (tag === 'dd' || tag === 'dt') { ancestorInfo.dlItemTagAutoclosing = info; } return ancestorInfo; }; /** * Returns whether */ var isTagValidWithParent = function (tag, parentTag) { // First, let's check if we're in an unusual parsing mode... switch (parentTag) { // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-inselect case 'select': return tag === 'option' || tag === 'optgroup' || tag === '#text'; case 'optgroup': return tag === 'option' || tag === '#text'; // Strictly speaking, seeing an <option> doesn't mean we're in a <select> // but case 'option': return tag === '#text'; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-intd // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-incaption // No special behavior since these rules fall back to "in body" mode for // all except special table nodes which cause bad parsing behavior anyway. // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-intr case 'tr': return tag === 'th' || tag === 'td' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template'; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-intbody case 'tbody': case 'thead': case 'tfoot': return tag === 'tr' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template'; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-incolgroup case 'colgroup': return tag === 'col' || tag === 'template'; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-intable case 'table': return tag === 'caption' || tag === 'colgroup' || tag === 'tbody' || tag === 'tfoot' || tag === 'thead' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template'; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-inhead case 'head': return tag === 'base' || tag === 'basefont' || tag === 'bgsound' || tag === 'link' || tag === 'meta' || tag === 'title' || tag === 'noscript' || tag === 'noframes' || tag === 'style' || tag === 'script' || tag === 'template'; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#the-html-element case 'html': return tag === 'head' || tag === 'body'; case '#document': return tag === 'html'; } // Probably in the "in body" parsing mode, so we outlaw only tag combos // where the parsing rules cause implicit opens or closes to be added. // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-inbody switch (tag) { case 'h1': case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4': case 'h5': case 'h6': return parentTag !== 'h1' && parentTag !== 'h2' && parentTag !== 'h3' && parentTag !== 'h4' && parentTag !== 'h5' && parentTag !== 'h6'; case 'rp': case 'rt': return impliedEndTags.indexOf(parentTag) === -1; case 'body': case 'caption': case 'col': case 'colgroup': case 'frame': case 'head': case 'html': case 'tbody': case 'td': case 'tfoot': case 'th': case 'thead': case 'tr': // These tags are only valid with a few parents that have special child // parsing rules -- if we're down here, then none of those matched and // so we allow it only if we don't know what the parent is, as all other // cases are invalid. return parentTag == null; } return true; }; /** * Returns whether */ var findInvalidAncestorForTag = function (tag, ancestorInfo) { switch (tag) { case 'address': case 'article': case 'aside': case 'blockquote': case 'center': case 'details': case 'dialog': case 'dir': case 'div': case 'dl': case 'fieldset': case 'figcaption': case 'figure': case 'footer': case 'header': case 'hgroup': case 'main': case 'menu': case 'nav': case 'ol': case 'p': case 'section': case 'summary': case 'ul': case 'pre': case 'listing': case 'table': case 'hr': case 'xmp': case 'h1': case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4': case 'h5': case 'h6': return ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope; case 'form': return ancestorInfo.formTag || ancestorInfo.pTagInButtonScope; case 'li': return ancestorInfo.listItemTagAutoclosing; case 'dd': case 'dt': return ancestorInfo.dlItemTagAutoclosing; case 'button': return ancestorInfo.buttonTagInScope; case 'a': // Spec says something about storing a list of markers, but it sounds // equivalent to this check. return ancestorInfo.aTagInScope; case 'nobr': return ancestorInfo.nobrTagInScope; } return null; }; /** * Given a ReactCompositeComponent instance, return a list of its recursive * owners, starting at the root and ending with the instance itself. */ var findOwnerStack = function (instance) { if (!instance) { return []; } var stack = []; do { stack.push(instance); } while (instance = instance._currentElement._owner); stack.reverse(); return stack; }; var didWarn = {}; validateDOMNesting = function (childTag, childText, childInstance, ancestorInfo) { ancestorInfo = ancestorInfo || emptyAncestorInfo; var parentInfo = ancestorInfo.current; var parentTag = parentInfo && parentInfo.tag; if (childText != null) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(childTag == null, 'validateDOMNesting: when childText is passed, childTag should be null') : void 0; childTag = '#text'; } var invalidParent = isTagValidWithParent(childTag, parentTag) ? null : parentInfo; var invalidAncestor = invalidParent ? null : findInvalidAncestorForTag(childTag, ancestorInfo); var problematic = invalidParent || invalidAncestor; if (problematic) { var ancestorTag = problematic.tag; var ancestorInstance = problematic.instance; var childOwner = childInstance && childInstance._currentElement._owner; var ancestorOwner = ancestorInstance && ancestorInstance._currentElement._owner; var childOwners = findOwnerStack(childOwner); var ancestorOwners = findOwnerStack(ancestorOwner); var minStackLen = Math.min(childOwners.length, ancestorOwners.length); var i; var deepestCommon = -1; for (i = 0; i < minStackLen; i++) { if (childOwners[i] === ancestorOwners[i]) { deepestCommon = i; } else { break; } } var UNKNOWN = '(unknown)'; var childOwnerNames = childOwners.slice(deepestCommon + 1).map(function (inst) { return inst.getName() || UNKNOWN; }); var ancestorOwnerNames = ancestorOwners.slice(deepestCommon + 1).map(function (inst) { return inst.getName() || UNKNOWN; }); var ownerInfo = [].concat( // If the parent and child instances have a common owner ancestor, start // with that -- otherwise we just start with the parent's owners. deepestCommon !== -1 ? childOwners[deepestCommon].getName() || UNKNOWN : [], ancestorOwnerNames, ancestorTag, // If we're warning about an invalid (non-parent) ancestry, add '...' invalidAncestor ? ['...'] : [], childOwnerNames, childTag).join(' > '); var warnKey = !!invalidParent + '|' + childTag + '|' + ancestorTag + '|' + ownerInfo; if (didWarn[warnKey]) { return; } didWarn[warnKey] = true; var tagDisplayName = childTag; var whitespaceInfo = ''; if (childTag === '#text') { if (/\S/.test(childText)) { tagDisplayName = 'Text nodes'; } else { tagDisplayName = 'Whitespace text nodes'; whitespaceInfo = ' Make sure you don\'t have any extra whitespace between tags on ' + 'each line of your source code.'; } } else { tagDisplayName = '<' + childTag + '>'; } if (invalidParent) { var info = ''; if (ancestorTag === 'table' && childTag === 'tr') { info += ' Add a <tbody> to your code to match the DOM tree generated by ' + 'the browser.'; } process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'validateDOMNesting(...): %s cannot appear as a child of <%s>.%s ' + 'See %s.%s', tagDisplayName, ancestorTag, whitespaceInfo, ownerInfo, info) : void 0; } else { process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'validateDOMNesting(...): %s cannot appear as a descendant of ' + '<%s>. See %s.', tagDisplayName, ancestorTag, ownerInfo) : void 0; } } }; validateDOMNesting.updatedAncestorInfo = updatedAncestorInfo; // For testing validateDOMNesting.isTagValidInContext = function (tag, ancestorInfo) { ancestorInfo = ancestorInfo || emptyAncestorInfo; var parentInfo = ancestorInfo.current; var parentTag = parentInfo && parentInfo.tag; return isTagValidWithParent(tag, parentTag) && !findInvalidAncestorForTag(tag, ancestorInfo); }; } module.exports = validateDOMNesting;