'use strict';

var through2 = require('through2');
var Combine = require('ordered-read-streams');
var unique = require('unique-stream');

var glob = require('glob');
var micromatch = require('micromatch');
var resolveGlob = require('to-absolute-glob');
var globParent = require('glob-parent');
var path = require('path');
var extend = require('extend');
var sepRe = (process.platform === 'win32' ? /[\/\\]/ : /\/+/);

var gs = {
  // Creates a stream for a single glob or filter
  createStream: function(ourGlob, negatives, opt) {

    var ourOpt = extend({}, opt);
    delete ourOpt.root;

    // Extract base path from glob
    var basePath = ourOpt.base || getBasePath(ourGlob, opt);

    // Remove path relativity to make globs make sense
    ourGlob = resolveGlob(ourGlob, opt);

    // Create globbing stuff
    var globber = new glob.Glob(ourGlob, ourOpt);

    // Create stream and map events from globber to it
    var stream = through2.obj(opt,
      negatives.length ? filterNegatives : undefined);

    var found = false;

    globber.on('error', stream.emit.bind(stream, 'error'));
    globber.once('end', function() {
      if (opt.allowEmpty !== true && !found && globIsSingular(globber)) {
          new Error('File not found with singular glob: ' + ourGlob));

    globber.on('match', function(filename) {
      found = true;

        cwd: opt.cwd,
        base: basePath,
        path: path.normalize(filename),

    return stream;

    function filterNegatives(filename, enc, cb) {
      var matcha = isMatch.bind(null, filename);
      if (negatives.every(matcha)) {
        cb(null, filename); // Pass
      } else {
        cb(); // Ignore

  // Creates a stream for multiple globs or filters
  create: function(globs, opt) {
    if (!opt) {
      opt = {};
    if (typeof opt.cwd !== 'string') {
      opt.cwd = process.cwd();
    if (typeof opt.dot !== 'boolean') {
      opt.dot = false;
    if (typeof opt.silent !== 'boolean') {
      opt.silent = true;
    if (typeof opt.nonull !== 'boolean') {
      opt.nonull = false;
    if (typeof opt.cwdbase !== 'boolean') {
      opt.cwdbase = false;
    if (opt.cwdbase) {
      opt.base = opt.cwd;

    // Only one glob no need to aggregate
    if (!Array.isArray(globs)) {
      globs = [globs];

    var positives = [];
    var negatives = [];

    var ourOpt = extend({}, opt);
    delete ourOpt.root;

    globs.forEach(function(glob, index) {
      if (typeof glob !== 'string' && !(glob instanceof RegExp)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid glob at index ' + index);

      var globArray = isNegative(glob) ? negatives : positives;

      // Create Minimatch instances for negative glob patterns
      if (globArray === negatives && typeof glob === 'string') {
        var ourGlob = resolveGlob(glob, opt);
        glob = micromatch.matcher(ourGlob, ourOpt);

        index: index,
        glob: glob,

    if (positives.length === 0) {
      throw new Error('Missing positive glob');

    // Only one positive glob no need to aggregate
    if (positives.length === 1) {
      return streamFromPositive(positives[0]);

    // Create all individual streams
    var streams = positives.map(streamFromPositive);

    // Then just pipe them to a single unique stream and return it
    var aggregate = new Combine(streams);
    var uniqueStream = unique('path');
    var returnStream = aggregate.pipe(uniqueStream);

    aggregate.on('error', function(err) {
      returnStream.emit('error', err);

    return returnStream;

    function streamFromPositive(positive) {
      var negativeGlobs = negatives.filter(indexGreaterThan(positive.index))
      return gs.createStream(positive.glob, negativeGlobs, opt);

function isMatch(file, matcher) {
  if (typeof matcher === 'function') {
    return matcher(file.path);
  if (matcher instanceof RegExp) {
    return matcher.test(file.path);

function isNegative(pattern) {
  if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
    return pattern[0] === '!';
  if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
    return true;

function indexGreaterThan(index) {
  return function(obj) {
    return obj.index > index;

function toGlob(obj) {
  return obj.glob;

function globIsSingular(glob) {
  var globSet = glob.minimatch.set;

  if (globSet.length !== 1) {
    return false;

  return globSet[0].every(function isString(value) {
    return typeof value === 'string';

function getBasePath(ourGlob, opt) {
  var basePath;
  var parent = globParent(ourGlob);

  if (parent === '/' && opt && opt.root) {
    basePath = path.normalize(opt.root);
  } else {
    basePath = resolveGlob(parent, opt);

  if (!sepRe.test(basePath.charAt(basePath.length - 1))) {
    basePath += path.sep;
  return basePath;

module.exports = gs;