# @ava/pretty-format [](https://travis-ci.org/avajs/pretty-format)
> Stringify any JavaScript value.
- Supports [all built-in JavaScript types](#type-support)
- [Blazingly fast](https://gist.github.com/thejameskyle/2b04ffe4941aafa8f970de077843a8fd) (similar performance to v8's `JSON.stringify` and significantly faster than Node's `util.format`)
- Plugin system for extending with custom types (i.e. [`ReactTestComponent`](#reacttestcomponent-plugin))
## Installation
$ npm install @ava/pretty-format
## Usage
var prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
var obj = { property: {} };
obj.circularReference = obj;
obj[Symbol('foo')] = 'foo';
obj.map = new Map();
obj.map.set('prop', 'value');
obj.array = [1, NaN, Infinity];
Object {
"property": Object {},
"circularReference": [Circular],
"map": Map {
"prop" => "value"
"array": Array [
Symbol(foo): "foo"
#### Type Support
`Object`, `Array`, `ArrayBuffer`, `DataView`, `Float32Array`, `Float64Array`, `Int8Array`, `Int16Array`, `Int32Array`, `Uint8Array`, `Uint8ClampedArray`, `Uint16Array`, `Uint32Array`, `arguments`, `Boolean`, `Date`, `Error`, `Function`, `Infinity`, `Map`, `NaN`, `null`, `Number`, `RegExp`, `Set`, `String`, `Symbol`, `undefined`, `WeakMap`, `WeakSet`
### API
console.log(prettyFormat(object, options));
* **`callToJSON`**
Type: `boolean`, default: `true`
Call `toJSON()` on passed object.
* **`indent`**
Type: `number`, default: `2`
Number of spaces for indentation.
* **`maxDepth`**
Type: `number`, default: `Infinity`
Print only this number of levels.
* **`min`**
Type: `boolean`, default: `false`
Print without whitespace.
* **`plugins`**
Type: `array`, default: `[]`
Plugins (see the next section).
* **`printFunctionName`**
Type: `boolean`, default: `true`
Print function names or just `[Function]`.
* **`escapeRegex`**
Type: `boolean`, default: `false`
Escape special characters in regular expressions.
* **`highlight`**
Type: `boolean`, default: `false`
Highlight syntax for terminal (works only with `ReactTestComponent` and `ReactElement` plugins.
* **`theme`**
Type: `object`, default: `{tag: 'cyan', content: 'reset'...}`
Syntax highlight theme.
Uses [ansi-styles colors](https://github.com/chalk/ansi-styles#colors) + `reset` for no color.
Available types: `tag`, `content`, `prop` and `value`.
### Plugins
Pretty format also supports adding plugins:
var fooPlugin = {
test: function(val) {
return val && val.hasOwnProperty('foo');
print: function(val, print, indent) {
return 'Foo: ' + print(val.foo);
var obj = { foo: { bar: {} } };
prettyFormat(obj, {
plugins: [fooPlugin]
// Foo: Object {
// "bar": Object {}
// }
#### `ReactTestComponent` and `ReactElement` plugins
var prettyFormat = require('pretty-format');
var reactTestPlugin = require('pretty-format/plugins/ReactTestComponent');
var reactElementPlugin = require('pretty-format/plugins/ReactElement');
var React = require('react');
var renderer = require('react-test-renderer');
var jsx = React.createElement('h1', null, 'Hello World');
prettyFormat(renderer.create(jsx).toJSON(), {
plugins: [reactTestPlugin, reactElementPlugin]