module.exports = function(hljs) {
  var identifier = '([-a-zA-Z$._][\\w\\-$.]*)';
  return {
    //lexemes: '[.%]?' + hljs.IDENT_RE,
      'begin end true false declare define global ' +
      'constant private linker_private internal ' +
      'available_externally linkonce linkonce_odr weak ' +
      'weak_odr appending dllimport dllexport common ' +
      'default hidden protected extern_weak external ' +
      'thread_local zeroinitializer undef null to tail ' +
      'target triple datalayout volatile nuw nsw nnan ' +
      'ninf nsz arcp fast exact inbounds align ' +
      'addrspace section alias module asm sideeffect ' +
      'gc dbg linker_private_weak attributes blockaddress ' +
      'initialexec localdynamic localexec prefix unnamed_addr ' +
      'ccc fastcc coldcc x86_stdcallcc x86_fastcallcc ' +
      'arm_apcscc arm_aapcscc arm_aapcs_vfpcc ptx_device ' +
      'ptx_kernel intel_ocl_bicc msp430_intrcc spir_func ' +
      'spir_kernel x86_64_sysvcc x86_64_win64cc x86_thiscallcc ' +
      'cc c signext zeroext inreg sret nounwind ' +
      'noreturn noalias nocapture byval nest readnone ' +
      'readonly inlinehint noinline alwaysinline optsize ssp ' +
      'sspreq noredzone noimplicitfloat naked builtin cold ' +
      'nobuiltin noduplicate nonlazybind optnone returns_twice ' +
      'sanitize_address sanitize_memory sanitize_thread sspstrong ' +
      'uwtable returned type opaque eq ne slt sgt ' +
      'sle sge ult ugt ule uge oeq one olt ogt ' +
      'ole oge ord uno ueq une x acq_rel acquire ' +
      'alignstack atomic catch cleanup filter inteldialect ' +
      'max min monotonic nand personality release seq_cst ' +
      'singlethread umax umin unordered xchg add fadd ' +
      'sub fsub mul fmul udiv sdiv fdiv urem srem ' +
      'frem shl lshr ashr and or xor icmp fcmp ' +
      'phi call trunc zext sext fptrunc fpext uitofp ' +
      'sitofp fptoui fptosi inttoptr ptrtoint bitcast ' +
      'addrspacecast select va_arg ret br switch invoke ' +
      'unwind unreachable indirectbr landingpad resume ' +
      'malloc alloca free load store getelementptr ' +
      'extractelement insertelement shufflevector getresult ' +
      'extractvalue insertvalue atomicrmw cmpxchg fence ' +
      'argmemonly double',
    contains: [
        className: 'keyword',
        begin: 'i\\d+'
        ';', '\\n', {relevance: 0}
      // Double quote string
        className: 'string',
        variants: [
          // Double-quoted string
          { begin: '"', end: '[^\\\\]"' },
        relevance: 0
        className: 'title',
        variants: [
          { begin: '@' + identifier },
          { begin: '@\\d+' },
          { begin: '!' + identifier },
          { begin: '!\\d+' + identifier }
        className: 'symbol',
        variants: [
          { begin: '%' + identifier },
          { begin: '%\\d+' },
          { begin: '#\\d+' },
        className: 'number',
        variants: [
            { begin: '0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+' },
            { begin: '-?\\d+(?:[.]\\d+)?(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+(?:[.]\\d+)?)?' }
        relevance: 0