  SystemJS CommonJS Format
(function() {
  // CJS Module Format
  // require('...') || exports[''] = ... || exports.asd = ... || module.exports = ...
  var cjsExportsRegEx = /(?:^\uFEFF?|[^$_a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF.])(exports\s*(\[['"]|\.)|module(\.exports|\['exports'\]|\["exports"\])\s*(\[['"]|[=,\.]))/;
  // RegEx adjusted from https://github.com/jbrantly/yabble/blob/master/lib/yabble.js#L339
  var cjsRequireRegEx = /(?:^\uFEFF?|[^$_a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF."'])require\s*\(\s*("[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"|'[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*')\s*\)/g;
  var commentRegEx = /(^|[^\\])(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/(.*)$)/mg;

  var stringRegEx = /("[^"\\\n\r]*(\\.[^"\\\n\r]*)*"|'[^'\\\n\r]*(\\.[^'\\\n\r]*)*')/g;

  // used to support leading #!/usr/bin/env in scripts as supported in Node
  var hashBangRegEx = /^\#\!.*/;

  function getCJSDeps(source) {
    cjsRequireRegEx.lastIndex = commentRegEx.lastIndex = stringRegEx.lastIndex = 0;

    var deps = [];

    var match;

    // track string and comment locations for unminified source    
    var stringLocations = [], commentLocations = [];

    function inLocation(locations, match) {
      for (var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++)
        if (locations[i][0] < match.index && locations[i][1] > match.index)
          return true;
      return false;

    if (source.length / source.split('\n').length < 200) {
      while (match = stringRegEx.exec(source))
        stringLocations.push([match.index, match.index + match[0].length]);

      // TODO: track template literals here before comments
      while (match = commentRegEx.exec(source)) {
        // only track comments not starting in strings
        if (!inLocation(stringLocations, match))
          commentLocations.push([match.index + match[1].length, match.index + match[0].length - 1]);

    while (match = cjsRequireRegEx.exec(source)) {
      // ensure we're not within a string or comment location
      if (!inLocation(stringLocations, match) && !inLocation(commentLocations, match)) {
        var dep = match[1].substr(1, match[1].length - 2);
        // skip cases like require('" + file + "')
        if (dep.match(/"|'/))
        // trailing slash requires are removed as they don't map mains in SystemJS
        if (dep[dep.length - 1] == '/')
          dep = dep.substr(0, dep.length - 1);

    return deps;

  hook('instantiate', function(instantiate) {
    return function(load) {
      var loader = this;
      if (!load.metadata.format) {
        cjsExportsRegEx.lastIndex = 0;
        cjsRequireRegEx.lastIndex = 0;
        if (cjsRequireRegEx.exec(load.source) || cjsExportsRegEx.exec(load.source))
          load.metadata.format = 'cjs';

      if (load.metadata.format == 'cjs') {
        var metaDeps = load.metadata.deps;
        var deps = load.metadata.cjsRequireDetection === false ? [] : getCJSDeps(load.source);

        for (var g in load.metadata.globals)
          if (load.metadata.globals[g])

        var entry = createEntry();

        load.metadata.entry = entry;

        entry.deps = deps;
        entry.executingRequire = true;
        entry.execute = function(_require, exports, module) {
          function require(name) {
            if (name[name.length - 1] == '/')
              name = name.substr(0, name.length - 1);
            return _require.apply(this, arguments);
          require.resolve = function(name) {
            return loader.get('@@cjs-helpers').requireResolve(name, module.id);
          // support module.paths ish
          module.paths = [];
          module.require = _require;

          // ensure meta deps execute first
          if (!load.metadata.cjsDeferDepsExecute)
            for (var i = 0; i < metaDeps.length; i++)

          var pathVars = loader.get('@@cjs-helpers').getPathVars(module.id);
          var __cjsWrapper = {
            exports: exports,
            args: [require, exports, module, pathVars.filename, pathVars.dirname, __global, __global]

          var cjsWrapper = "(function(require, exports, module, __filename, __dirname, global, GLOBAL";

          // add metadata.globals to the wrapper arguments
          if (load.metadata.globals)
            for (var g in load.metadata.globals) {
              cjsWrapper += ", " + g;

          // disable AMD detection
          var define = __global.define;
          __global.define = undefined;
          __global.__cjsWrapper = __cjsWrapper;

          load.source = cjsWrapper + ") {" + load.source.replace(hashBangRegEx, '') + "\n}).apply(__cjsWrapper.exports, __cjsWrapper.args);";

          __exec.call(loader, load);

          __global.__cjsWrapper = undefined;
          __global.define = define;

      return instantiate.call(loader, load);