#!/bin/bash set -eu function setup_config() { echo -n "Testing for taler-bank-manage" taler-bank-manage -h >/dev/null </dev/null || exit_skip " MISSING" echo " FOUND" echo -n "Testing for taler-wallet-cli" taler-wallet-cli -v >/dev/null </dev/null || exit_skip " MISSING" echo " FOUND" echo -n "Testing for taler-merchant-httpd" # TODO "taler-merchant-httpd -v" should not return an error [[ "$(taler-merchant-httpd -v)" =~ "taler-merchant-httpd v" ]] || exit_skip " MISSING" echo " FOUND" bc -v >/dev/null </dev/null || exit_error "Please install bc" trap shutdown_services EXIT SCRIPT_NAME=$1 # Where do we write the result? export BASEDB=${1:-"auditor-${SCRIPT_NAME}db"} # Name of the Postgres database we will use for the script. # Will be dropped, do NOT use anything that might be used # elsewhere export TARGET_DB=taler-auditor-${SCRIPT_NAME}db # Configuration file will be edited, so we create one # from the template. export CONF=test-${SCRIPT_NAME}.conf cp template.conf "$CONF" export LOG=test-${SCRIPT_NAME}.log rm "$LOG" 2>/dev/null || true export WALLET_DB=wallet-${SCRIPT_NAME}.json rm "$WALLET_DB" 2>/dev/null || true # Clean up DATA_DIR=$(taler-config -f -c "$CONF" -s PATHS -o TALER_HOME) rm -rf "$DATA_DIR" || true # reset database dropdb "$TARGET_DB" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true createdb "$TARGET_DB" || exit_skip "Could not create database $TARGET_DB" # obtain key configuration data MASTER_PRIV_FILE=$(taler-config -f -c "$CONF" -s EXCHANGE -o MASTER_PRIV_FILE) MASTER_PRIV_DIR=$(dirname "$MASTER_PRIV_FILE") mkdir -p "$MASTER_PRIV_DIR" gnunet-ecc -g1 "$MASTER_PRIV_FILE" >/dev/null MASTER_PUB=$(gnunet-ecc -p "$MASTER_PRIV_FILE") EXCHANGE_URL=$(taler-config -c "$CONF" -s EXCHANGE -o BASE_URL) MERCHANT_PORT=$(taler-config -c "$CONF" -s MERCHANT -o PORT) # shellcheck disable=SC2034 MERCHANT_URL=http://localhost:${MERCHANT_PORT}/ BANK_PORT=$(taler-config -c "$CONF" -s BANK -o HTTP_PORT) # shellcheck disable=SC2034 BANK_URL=http://localhost:${BANK_PORT}/ AUDITOR_URL=http://localhost:8083/ # patch configuration taler-config -c "$CONF" -s exchange -o MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY -V "$MASTER_PUB" taler-config -c "$CONF" -s merchant-exchange-default -o MASTER_KEY -V "$MASTER_PUB" taler-config -c "$CONF" -s exchangedb-postgres -o CONFIG -V "postgres:///$TARGET_DB" taler-config -c "$CONF" -s auditordb-postgres -o CONFIG -V "postgres:///$TARGET_DB" taler-config -c "$CONF" -s merchantdb-postgres -o CONFIG -V "postgres:///$TARGET_DB" taler-config -c "$CONF" -s bank -o database -V "postgres:///$TARGET_DB" } function setup_services() { # setup exchange echo "Setting up exchange" taler-exchange-dbinit -c "$CONF" taler-exchange-wire -c "$CONF" 2>taler-exchange-wire.log taler-exchange-keyup -L INFO -c "$CONF" -o e2a.dat 2>taler-exchange-keyup.log # setup auditor echo "Setting up auditor" taler-auditor-dbinit -c "$CONF" taler-auditor-exchange -c "$CONF" -m "$MASTER_PUB" -u "$EXCHANGE_URL" taler-auditor-sign -c "$CONF" -u $AUDITOR_URL -r e2a.dat -o a2e.dat -m "$MASTER_PUB" rm -f e2a.dat # provide auditor's signature to exchange ABD=$(taler-config -c "$CONF" -s EXCHANGEDB -o AUDITOR_BASE_DIR -f) mkdir -p "$ABD" mv a2e.dat "$ABD" } function launch_services() { # Launch services echo "Launching services" taler-bank-manage-testing "$CONF" "postgres:///$TARGET_DB" serve-http &>bank-"$SCRIPT_NAME".log & taler-exchange-httpd -c "$CONF" 2>taler-exchange-httpd.log & # shellcheck disable=SC2034 EXCHANGE_PID=$! taler-merchant-httpd -c "$CONF" -L INFO 2>taler-merchant-httpd.log & # shellcheck disable=SC2034 MERCHANT_PID=$! taler-exchange-wirewatch -c "$CONF" 2>taler-exchange-wirewatch.log & taler-auditor-httpd -c "$CONF" 2>taler-auditor-httpd.log & } function wait_for_services() { # Wait for bank to be available (usually the slowest) for _ in $(seq 1 50); do echo -n "." sleep 0.2 OK=0 wget "$BANK_URL" -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue OK=1 break done if [ 1 != $OK ]; then exit_skip "Failed to launch bank" fi # Wait for all other services to be available for _ in $(seq 1 50); do echo -n "." sleep 0.1 OK=0 wget "$EXCHANGE_URL" -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue wget "$MERCHANT_URL" -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue wget "$AUDITOR_URL" -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue OK=1 break done if [ 1 != $OK ]; then shutdown_services exit_skip "Failed to launch services" fi echo " DONE" } # Configure merchant instances function configure_merchant() { json=' { "id": "default", "name": "GNU Taler Merchant", "payto_uris": ["payto://x-taler-bank/test_merchant"], "address": {}, "jurisdiction": {}, "default_max_wire_fee": "TESTKUDOS:1", "default_wire_fee_amortization": 3, "default_max_deposit_fee": "TESTKUDOS:1", "default_wire_transfer_delay": {"d_ms": "forever"}, "default_pay_delay": {"d_ms": "forever"} } ' curl -v -XPOST --data "$json" "${MERCHANT_URL}private/instances" } function normal_start_and_wait() { setup_config "$1" setup_services launch_services wait_for_services configure_merchant } # provide the service URL as first parameter function wait_for_service() { for _ in $(seq 1 50); do echo -n "." sleep 0.1 wget "$1" -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue echo " DONE" break done } function get_balance() { taler-wallet-cli --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" balance 2>>"$LOG" } function assert_less_than() { AMOUNT_1=${1//TESTKUDOS:/} AMOUNT_2=${2//TESTKUDOS:/} if (($(echo "$AMOUNT_1 >= $AMOUNT_2" | bc -l))); then exit_error "$1 is not lower than $2" fi } function assert_greater_than() { AMOUNT_1=${1//TESTKUDOS:/} AMOUNT_2=${2//TESTKUDOS:/} if (($(echo "$AMOUNT_1 <= $AMOUNT_2" | bc -l))); then exit_error "$1 is not greater than $2" fi } function assert_equal() { [[ "$1" == "$2" ]] || exit_error "$1 is not equal to $2" } function shutdown_services() { echo "Shutting down services" jobs -p | xargs --no-run-if-empty kill || true wait # clean up echo "Final clean up" dropdb "$TARGET_DB" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true rm "$WALLET_DB" 2>/dev/null || true rm -rf "$DATA_DIR" || true rm "$CONF" } # Exit, with status code "skip" (no 'real' failure) function exit_skip() { echo "$1" exit 77 } function exit_error() { echo -e "\033[0;31mError: $1\033[0m" exit 1 } function exit_success() { echo -e "\033[0;32mSUCCESS \o/\033[0m" exit 0 }