/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019 GNUnet e.V. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ import { CreateReserveRequest, CreateReserveResponse, getTimestampNow, ConfirmReserveRequest, OperationError, } from "../walletTypes"; import { canonicalizeBaseUrl } from "../util/helpers"; import { InternalWalletState } from "./state"; import { ReserveRecordStatus, ReserveRecord, CurrencyRecord, Stores, WithdrawalSessionRecord, } from "../dbTypes"; import { oneShotMutate, oneShotPut, oneShotGet, runWithWriteTransaction, TransactionAbort, } from "../util/query"; import { Logger } from "../util/logging"; import * as Amounts from "../util/amounts"; import { updateExchangeFromUrl, getExchangeTrust } from "./exchanges"; import { WithdrawOperationStatusResponse, ReserveStatus } from "../talerTypes"; import { assertUnreachable } from "../util/assertUnreachable"; import { OperationFailedAndReportedError } from "../wallet"; import { encodeCrock } from "../crypto/talerCrypto"; import { randomBytes } from "../crypto/primitives/nacl-fast"; import { getVerifiedWithdrawDenomList, processWithdrawSession, } from "./withdraw"; const logger = new Logger("reserves.ts"); /** * Create a reserve, but do not flag it as confirmed yet. * * Adds the corresponding exchange as a trusted exchange if it is neither * audited nor trusted already. */ export async function createReserve( ws: InternalWalletState, req: CreateReserveRequest, ): Promise { const keypair = await ws.cryptoApi.createEddsaKeypair(); const now = getTimestampNow(); const canonExchange = canonicalizeBaseUrl(req.exchange); let reserveStatus; if (req.bankWithdrawStatusUrl) { reserveStatus = ReserveRecordStatus.REGISTERING_BANK; } else { reserveStatus = ReserveRecordStatus.UNCONFIRMED; } const currency = req.amount.currency; const reserveRecord: ReserveRecord = { created: now, withdrawAllocatedAmount: Amounts.getZero(currency), withdrawCompletedAmount: Amounts.getZero(currency), withdrawRemainingAmount: Amounts.getZero(currency), exchangeBaseUrl: canonExchange, hasPayback: false, initiallyRequestedAmount: req.amount, reservePriv: keypair.priv, reservePub: keypair.pub, senderWire: req.senderWire, timestampConfirmed: undefined, timestampReserveInfoPosted: undefined, bankWithdrawStatusUrl: req.bankWithdrawStatusUrl, exchangeWire: req.exchangeWire, reserveStatus, lastStatusQuery: undefined, }; const senderWire = req.senderWire; if (senderWire) { const rec = { paytoUri: senderWire, }; await oneShotPut(ws.db, Stores.senderWires, rec); } const exchangeInfo = await updateExchangeFromUrl(ws, req.exchange); const exchangeDetails = exchangeInfo.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { console.log(exchangeDetails); throw Error("exchange not updated"); } const { isAudited, isTrusted } = await getExchangeTrust(ws, exchangeInfo); let currencyRecord = await oneShotGet( ws.db, Stores.currencies, exchangeDetails.currency, ); if (!currencyRecord) { currencyRecord = { auditors: [], exchanges: [], fractionalDigits: 2, name: exchangeDetails.currency, }; } if (!isAudited && !isTrusted) { currencyRecord.exchanges.push({ baseUrl: req.exchange, exchangePub: exchangeDetails.masterPublicKey, }); } const cr: CurrencyRecord = currencyRecord; const resp = await runWithWriteTransaction( ws.db, [Stores.currencies, Stores.reserves, Stores.bankWithdrawUris], async tx => { // Check if we have already created a reserve for that bankWithdrawStatusUrl if (reserveRecord.bankWithdrawStatusUrl) { const bwi = await tx.get( Stores.bankWithdrawUris, reserveRecord.bankWithdrawStatusUrl, ); if (bwi) { const otherReserve = await tx.get(Stores.reserves, bwi.reservePub); if (otherReserve) { logger.trace( "returning existing reserve for bankWithdrawStatusUri", ); return { exchange: otherReserve.exchangeBaseUrl, reservePub: otherReserve.reservePub, }; } } await tx.put(Stores.bankWithdrawUris, { reservePub: reserveRecord.reservePub, talerWithdrawUri: reserveRecord.bankWithdrawStatusUrl, }); } await tx.put(Stores.currencies, cr); await tx.put(Stores.reserves, reserveRecord); const r: CreateReserveResponse = { exchange: canonExchange, reservePub: keypair.pub, }; return r; }, ); // Asynchronously process the reserve, but return // to the caller already. processReserve(ws, resp.reservePub).catch(e => { console.error("Processing reserve failed:", e); }); return resp; } /** * First fetch information requred to withdraw from the reserve, * then deplete the reserve, withdrawing coins until it is empty. * * The returned promise resolves once the reserve is set to the * state DORMANT. */ export async function processReserve( ws: InternalWalletState, reservePub: string, ): Promise { const p = ws.memoProcessReserve.find(reservePub); if (p) { return p; } else { return ws.memoProcessReserve.put( reservePub, processReserveImpl(ws, reservePub), ); } } async function registerReserveWithBank( ws: InternalWalletState, reservePub: string, ): Promise { let reserve = await oneShotGet(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); switch (reserve?.reserveStatus) { case ReserveRecordStatus.WAIT_CONFIRM_BANK: case ReserveRecordStatus.REGISTERING_BANK: break; default: return; } const bankStatusUrl = reserve.bankWithdrawStatusUrl; if (!bankStatusUrl) { return; } console.log("making selection"); if (reserve.timestampReserveInfoPosted) { throw Error("bank claims that reserve info selection is not done"); } const bankResp = await ws.http.postJson(bankStatusUrl, { reserve_pub: reservePub, selected_exchange: reserve.exchangeWire, }); console.log("got response", bankResp); await oneShotMutate(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub, r => { switch (r.reserveStatus) { case ReserveRecordStatus.REGISTERING_BANK: case ReserveRecordStatus.WAIT_CONFIRM_BANK: break; default: return; } r.timestampReserveInfoPosted = getTimestampNow(); r.reserveStatus = ReserveRecordStatus.WAIT_CONFIRM_BANK; return r; }); return processReserveBankStatus(ws, reservePub); } export async function processReserveBankStatus( ws: InternalWalletState, reservePub: string, ): Promise { let reserve = await oneShotGet(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); switch (reserve?.reserveStatus) { case ReserveRecordStatus.WAIT_CONFIRM_BANK: case ReserveRecordStatus.REGISTERING_BANK: break; default: return; } const bankStatusUrl = reserve.bankWithdrawStatusUrl; if (!bankStatusUrl) { return; } let status: WithdrawOperationStatusResponse; try { const statusResp = await ws.http.get(bankStatusUrl); status = WithdrawOperationStatusResponse.checked(statusResp.responseJson); } catch (e) { throw e; } if (status.selection_done) { if (reserve.reserveStatus === ReserveRecordStatus.REGISTERING_BANK) { await registerReserveWithBank(ws, reservePub); return await processReserveBankStatus(ws, reservePub); } } else { await registerReserveWithBank(ws, reservePub); return await processReserveBankStatus(ws, reservePub); } if (status.transfer_done) { await oneShotMutate(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub, r => { switch (r.reserveStatus) { case ReserveRecordStatus.REGISTERING_BANK: case ReserveRecordStatus.WAIT_CONFIRM_BANK: break; default: return; } const now = getTimestampNow(); r.timestampConfirmed = now; r.reserveStatus = ReserveRecordStatus.QUERYING_STATUS; return r; }); await processReserveImpl(ws, reservePub); } else { await oneShotMutate(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub, r => { switch (r.reserveStatus) { case ReserveRecordStatus.WAIT_CONFIRM_BANK: break; default: return; } r.bankWithdrawConfirmUrl = status.confirm_transfer_url; return r; }); } } async function setReserveError( ws: InternalWalletState, reservePub: string, err: OperationError, ): Promise { const mut = (reserve: ReserveRecord) => { reserve.lastError = err; return reserve; }; await oneShotMutate(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub, mut); } /** * Update the information about a reserve that is stored in the wallet * by quering the reserve's exchange. */ async function updateReserve( ws: InternalWalletState, reservePub: string, ): Promise { const reserve = await oneShotGet(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!reserve) { throw Error("reserve not in db"); } if (reserve.timestampConfirmed === undefined) { throw Error("reserve not confirmed yet"); } if (reserve.reserveStatus !== ReserveRecordStatus.QUERYING_STATUS) { return; } const reqUrl = new URL("reserve/status", reserve.exchangeBaseUrl); reqUrl.searchParams.set("reserve_pub", reservePub); let resp; try { resp = await ws.http.get(reqUrl.href); } catch (e) { if (e.response?.status === 404) { const m = "The exchange does not know about this reserve (yet)."; await setReserveError(ws, reservePub, { type: "waiting", details: {}, message: "The exchange does not know about this reserve (yet).", }); throw new OperationFailedAndReportedError(m); } else { const m = e.message; await setReserveError(ws, reservePub, { type: "network", details: {}, message: m, }); throw new OperationFailedAndReportedError(m); } } const reserveInfo = ReserveStatus.checked(resp.responseJson); const balance = Amounts.parseOrThrow(reserveInfo.balance); await oneShotMutate(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reserve.reservePub, r => { if (r.reserveStatus !== ReserveRecordStatus.QUERYING_STATUS) { return; } // FIXME: check / compare history! if (!r.lastStatusQuery) { // FIXME: check if this matches initial expectations r.withdrawRemainingAmount = balance; } else { const expectedBalance = Amounts.sub( r.withdrawAllocatedAmount, r.withdrawCompletedAmount, ); const cmp = Amounts.cmp(balance, expectedBalance.amount); if (cmp == 0) { // Nothing changed. return; } if (cmp > 0) { const extra = Amounts.sub(balance, expectedBalance.amount).amount; r.withdrawRemainingAmount = Amounts.add( r.withdrawRemainingAmount, extra, ).amount; } else { // We're missing some money. } } r.lastStatusQuery = getTimestampNow(); r.reserveStatus = ReserveRecordStatus.WITHDRAWING; return r; }); ws.notifier.notify(); } async function processReserveImpl( ws: InternalWalletState, reservePub: string, ): Promise { const reserve = await oneShotGet(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!reserve) { console.log("not processing reserve: reserve does not exist"); return; } logger.trace( `Processing reserve ${reservePub} with status ${reserve.reserveStatus}`, ); switch (reserve.reserveStatus) { case ReserveRecordStatus.UNCONFIRMED: // nothing to do break; case ReserveRecordStatus.REGISTERING_BANK: await processReserveBankStatus(ws, reservePub); return processReserveImpl(ws, reservePub); case ReserveRecordStatus.QUERYING_STATUS: await updateReserve(ws, reservePub); return processReserveImpl(ws, reservePub); case ReserveRecordStatus.WITHDRAWING: await depleteReserve(ws, reservePub); break; case ReserveRecordStatus.DORMANT: // nothing to do break; case ReserveRecordStatus.WAIT_CONFIRM_BANK: await processReserveBankStatus(ws, reservePub); break; default: console.warn("unknown reserve record status:", reserve.reserveStatus); assertUnreachable(reserve.reserveStatus); break; } } export async function confirmReserve( ws: InternalWalletState, req: ConfirmReserveRequest, ): Promise { const now = getTimestampNow(); await oneShotMutate(ws.db, Stores.reserves, req.reservePub, reserve => { if (reserve.reserveStatus !== ReserveRecordStatus.UNCONFIRMED) { return; } reserve.timestampConfirmed = now; reserve.reserveStatus = ReserveRecordStatus.QUERYING_STATUS; return reserve; }); ws.notifier.notify(); processReserve(ws, req.reservePub).catch(e => { console.log("processing reserve failed:", e); }); } /** * Withdraw coins from a reserve until it is empty. * * When finished, marks the reserve as depleted by setting * the depleted timestamp. */ async function depleteReserve( ws: InternalWalletState, reservePub: string, ): Promise { const reserve = await oneShotGet(ws.db, Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!reserve) { return; } if (reserve.reserveStatus !== ReserveRecordStatus.WITHDRAWING) { return; } logger.trace(`depleting reserve ${reservePub}`); const withdrawAmount = reserve.withdrawRemainingAmount; logger.trace(`getting denom list`); const denomsForWithdraw = await getVerifiedWithdrawDenomList( ws, reserve.exchangeBaseUrl, withdrawAmount, ); logger.trace(`got denom list`); if (denomsForWithdraw.length === 0) { const m = `Unable to withdraw from reserve, no denominations are available to withdraw.`; await setReserveError(ws, reserve.reservePub, { type: "internal", message: m, details: {}, }); console.log(m); throw new OperationFailedAndReportedError(m); } logger.trace("selected denominations"); const withdrawalSessionId = encodeCrock(randomBytes(32)); const totalCoinValue = Amounts.sum(denomsForWithdraw.map(x => x.value)).amount; const withdrawalRecord: WithdrawalSessionRecord = { withdrawSessionId: withdrawalSessionId, exchangeBaseUrl: reserve.exchangeBaseUrl, source: { type: "reserve", reservePub: reserve.reservePub, }, rawWithdrawalAmount: withdrawAmount, startTimestamp: getTimestampNow(), denoms: denomsForWithdraw.map(x => x.denomPub), withdrawn: denomsForWithdraw.map(x => false), planchets: denomsForWithdraw.map(x => undefined), totalCoinValue, }; const totalCoinWithdrawFee = Amounts.sum( denomsForWithdraw.map(x => x.feeWithdraw), ).amount; const totalWithdrawAmount = Amounts.add(totalCoinValue, totalCoinWithdrawFee) .amount; function mutateReserve(r: ReserveRecord): ReserveRecord { const remaining = Amounts.sub( r.withdrawRemainingAmount, totalWithdrawAmount, ); if (remaining.saturated) { console.error("can't create planchets, saturated"); throw TransactionAbort; } const allocated = Amounts.add( r.withdrawAllocatedAmount, totalWithdrawAmount, ); if (allocated.saturated) { console.error("can't create planchets, saturated"); throw TransactionAbort; } r.withdrawRemainingAmount = remaining.amount; r.withdrawAllocatedAmount = allocated.amount; r.reserveStatus = ReserveRecordStatus.DORMANT; return r; } const success = await runWithWriteTransaction( ws.db, [Stores.withdrawalSession, Stores.reserves], async tx => { const myReserve = await tx.get(Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!myReserve) { return false; } if (myReserve.reserveStatus !== ReserveRecordStatus.WITHDRAWING) { return false; } await tx.mutate(Stores.reserves, reserve.reservePub, mutateReserve); await tx.put(Stores.withdrawalSession, withdrawalRecord); return true; }, ); if (success) { console.log("processing new withdraw session"); await processWithdrawSession(ws, withdrawalSessionId); } else { console.trace("withdraw session already existed"); } }