// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.9.3 var Block, Layout, SpecialString, fn, i, len, object, prop, ref, terminalWidth; Block = require('./layout/Block'); object = require('utila').object; SpecialString = require('./layout/SpecialString'); terminalWidth = require('./tools').getCols(); module.exports = Layout = (function() { var self; self = Layout; Layout._rootBlockDefaultConfig = { linePrependor: { options: { amount: 0 } }, lineAppendor: { options: { amount: 0 } }, blockPrependor: { options: { amount: 0 } }, blockAppendor: { options: { amount: 0 } } }; Layout._defaultConfig = { terminalWidth: terminalWidth }; function Layout(config, rootBlockConfig) { var rootConfig; if (config == null) { config = {}; } if (rootBlockConfig == null) { rootBlockConfig = {}; } this._written = []; this._activeBlock = null; this._config = object.append(self._defaultConfig, config); rootConfig = object.append(self._rootBlockDefaultConfig, rootBlockConfig); this._root = new Block(this, null, rootConfig, '__root'); this._root._open(); } Layout.prototype.getRootBlock = function() { return this._root; }; Layout.prototype._append = function(text) { return this._written.push(text); }; Layout.prototype._appendLine = function(text) { var s; this._append(text); s = SpecialString(text); if (s.length < this._config.terminalWidth) { this._append('<none>\n</none>'); } return this; }; Layout.prototype.get = function() { this._ensureClosed(); if (this._written[this._written.length - 1] === '<none>\n</none>') { this._written.pop(); } return this._written.join(""); }; Layout.prototype._ensureClosed = function() { if (this._activeBlock !== this._root) { throw Error("Not all the blocks have been closed. Please call block.close() on all open blocks."); } if (this._root.isOpen()) { this._root.close(); } }; return Layout; })(); ref = ['openBlock', 'write']; fn = function() { var method; method = prop; return Layout.prototype[method] = function() { return this._root[method].apply(this._root, arguments); }; }; for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { prop = ref[i]; fn(); }