# nyc [](https://travis-ci.org/istanbuljs/nyc) [](https://coveralls.io/r/bcoe/nyc?branch=master) [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/nyc) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/bcoe/nyc-ilw23) [](https://conventionalcommits.org) [](http://devtoolscommunity.herokuapp.com) _Having problems? want to contribute? join our [community slack](http://devtoolscommunity.herokuapp.com)_. Istanbul's state of the art command line interface, with support for: * applications that spawn subprocesses. * ES2015 transforms, via [babel-plugin-istanbul](https://github.com/istanbuljs/babel-plugin-istanbul), or source-maps. ## Instrumenting your code You can install nyc as a development dependency and add it to the test stanza in your package.json. ```shell npm i nyc --save-dev ``` ```json { "script": { "test": "nyc mocha" } } ``` Alternatively, you can install nyc globally and use it to execute `npm test`: ```shell npm i nyc -g ``` ```shell nyc npm test ``` nyc accepts a wide variety of configuration arguments, run `nyc --help` for thorough documentation. Configuration arguments should be provided prior to the program that nyc is executing. As an example, the following command executes `npm test`, and indicates to nyc that it should output both an `lcov` and a `text-lcov` coverage report. ```shell nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text-lcov npm test ``` ### Accurate stack traces using source maps When `produce-source-map` is set to true, then the instrumented source files will include inline source maps for the instrumenter transform. When combined with [source-map-support](https://github.com/evanw/node-source-map-support), stack traces for instrumented code will reflect their original lines. ### Support for custom require hooks (babel, webpack, etc.) nyc supports custom require hooks like [`babel-register`](http://babeljs.io/docs/usage/require/). nyc can load the hooks for you, [using the `--require` flag](#require-additional-modules). Source maps are used to map coverage information back to the appropriate lines of the pre-transpiled code. You'll have to configure your custom require hook to inline the source map in the transpiled code. For Babel that means setting the `sourceMaps` option to `inline`. ## Use with `babel-plugin-istanbul` for Babel Support We recommend using [`babel-plugin-istanbul`](https://github.com/istanbuljs/babel-plugin-istanbul) if your project uses the babel tool chain: 1. enable the `babel-plugin-istanbul` plugin: ```json { "babel": { "presets": ["es2015"], "env": { "test": { "plugins": ["istanbul"] } } } } ``` Note: With this configuration, the Istanbul instrumentation will only be active when `NODE_ENV` or `BABEL_ENV` is `test`. We recommend using the [`cross-env`](https://npmjs.com/package/cross-env) package to set these environment variables in your `package.json` scripts in a way that works cross-platform. 2. disable nyc's instrumentation and source-maps, e.g. in `package.json`: ```json { "nyc": { "require": [ "babel-register" ], "sourceMap": false, "instrument": false }, "scripts": { "test": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test nyc mocha" } } ``` That's all there is to it, better ES2015+ syntax highlighting awaits: <img width="500" src="screen2.png"> ## Support for alternate file extensions (.jsx, .es6) Supporting file extensions can be configured through either the configuration arguments or with the `nyc` config section in `package.json`. ```shell nyc --extension .jsx --extension .es6 npm test ``` ```json { "nyc": { "extension": [ ".jsx", ".es6" ] } } ``` ## Checking coverage nyc can fail tests if coverage falls below a threshold. After running your tests with nyc, simply run: ```shell nyc check-coverage --lines 95 --functions 95 --branches 95 ``` nyc also accepts a `--check-coverage` shorthand, which can be used to both run tests and check that coverage falls within the threshold provided: ```shell nyc --check-coverage --lines 100 npm test ``` The above check fails if coverage falls below 100%. To check thresholds on a per-file basis run: ```shell nyc check-coverage --lines 95 --per-file ``` ## Running reports Once you've run your tests with nyc, simply run: ```bash nyc report ``` To view your coverage report: <img width="500" src="screen.png"> you can use [any reporters that are supported by `istanbul`](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs/tree/master/packages/istanbul-reports/lib): ```bash nyc report --reporter=lcov ``` ## Excluding files You can tell nyc to exclude specific files and directories by adding an `nyc.exclude` array to your `package.json`. Each element of the array is a glob pattern indicating which paths should be omitted. Globs are matched using [micromatch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/micromatch). For example, the following config will exclude any files with the extension `.spec.js`, and anything in the `build` directory: ```json { "nyc": { "exclude": [ "**/*.spec.js", "build" ] } } ``` > Note: Since version 9.0 files under `node_modules/` are excluded by default. add the exclude rule `!**/node_modules/` to stop this. > Note: exclude defaults to `['test', 'test{,-*}.js', '**/*.test.js', '**/__tests__/**', '**/node_modules/**']`, which would exclude `test`/`__tests__` directories as well as `test.js`, `*.test.js`, and `test-*.js` files. Specifying your own exclude property overrides these defaults. ## Including files As an alternative to providing a list of files to `exclude`, you can provide an `include` key with a list of globs to specify specific files that should be covered: ```json { "nyc": { "include": ["**/build/umd/moment.js"] } } ``` > Note: include defaults to `['**']` > ### Use the `--all` flag to include files that have not been required in your tests. ## Require additional modules The `--require` flag can be provided to `nyc` to indicate that additional modules should be required in the subprocess collecting coverage: `nyc --require babel-register --require babel-polyfill mocha` ## Caching You can run `nyc` with the optional `--cache` flag, to prevent it from instrumenting the same files multiple times. This can significantly improve runtime performance. ## Configuring `nyc` Any configuration options that can be set via the command line can also be specified in the `nyc` stanza of your package.json, or within a `.nycrc` file: **package.json:** ```json { "description": "These are just examples for demonstration, nothing prescriptive", "nyc": { "check-coverage": true, "per-file": true, "lines": 99, "statements": 99, "functions": 99, "branches": 99, "include": [ "src/**/*.js" ], "exclude": [ "src/**/*.spec.js" ], "reporter": [ "lcov", "text-summary" ], "require": [ "./test/helpers/some-helper.js" ], "extension": [ ".jsx" ], "cache": true, "all": true, "report-dir": "./alternative" } } ``` ### Publish, and reuse, your nyc configuration nyc allows you to inherit other configurations using the key `extends`. As an example, an alternative way to configure nyc for `babel-plugin-istanbul` would be to use the [@istanbuljs/nyc-config-babel preset](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@istanbuljs/nyc-config-babel): ```json { "nyc": { "extends": "@istanbuljs/nyc-config-babel" } } ``` To publish and resuse your own `nyc` configuration, simply create an npm module that exports an `index.json` with your `nyc` config. ## High and low watermarks Several of the coverage reporters supported by nyc display special information for high and low watermarks: * high-watermarks represent healthy test coverage (in many reports this is represented with green highlighting). * low-watermarks represent sub-optimal coverage levels (in many reports this is represented with red highlighting). You can specify custom high and low watermarks in nyc's configuration: ```json { "nyc": { "watermarks": { "lines": [80, 95], "functions": [80, 95], "branches": [80, 95], "statements": [80, 95] } } } ``` ## Other advanced features Take a look at http://istanbul.js.org/docs/advanced/ and please feel free to [contribute documentation](https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs.github.io/tree/development/content). ## Integrating with coveralls [coveralls.io](https://coveralls.io) is a great tool for adding coverage reports to your GitHub project. Here's how to get nyc integrated with coveralls and travis-ci.org: 1. add the coveralls and nyc dependencies to your module: ```shell npm install coveralls nyc --save-dev ``` 2. update the scripts in your package.json to include these bins: ```json { "script": { "test": "nyc mocha", "coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls" } } ``` 3. For private repos, add the environment variable `COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN` to travis. 4. add the following to your `.travis.yml`: ```yaml after_success: npm run coverage ``` That's all there is to it! > Note: by default coveralls.io adds comments to pull-requests on GitHub, this can feel intrusive. To disable this, click on your repo on coveralls.io and uncheck `LEAVE COMMENTS?`. ## Integrating with codecov `nyc npm test && nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > coverage.lcov && codecov` [codecov](https://codecov.io/) is a great tool for adding coverage reports to your GitHub project, even viewing them inline on GitHub with a browser extension: Here's how to get `nyc` integrated with codecov and travis-ci.org: 1. add the codecov and nyc dependencies to your module: ```shell npm install codecov nyc --save-dev ``` 2. update the scripts in your package.json to include these bins: ```json { "script": { "test": "nyc tap ./test/*.js", "coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > coverage.lcov && codecov" } } ``` 3. For private repos, add the environment variable `CODECOV_TOKEN` to travis. 4. add the following to your `.travis.yml`: ```yaml after_success: npm run coverage ``` That's all there is to it! ## Integrating with TAP formatters Many testing frameworks (Mocha, Tape, Tap, etc.) can produce [TAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol) output. [tap-nyc](https://github.com/MegaArman/tap-nyc) is a TAP formatter designed to look nice with nyc. ## More tutorials You can find more tutorials at http://istanbul.js.org/docs/tutorials