This file is part of GNU Taler
(C) 2023 Taler Systems S.A.
GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL3.0-or-later
import { CancellationToken } from "./CancellationToken.js";
import { Codec } from "./codec.js";
import { j2s } from "./helpers.js";
import {
} from "./index.js";
import { Logger } from "./logging.js";
import { TalerErrorCode } from "./taler-error-codes.js";
import { Duration, AbsoluteTime } from "./time.js";
import { TalerErrorDetail } from "./wallet-types.js";
const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
const logger = new Logger("http.ts");
* An HTTP response that is returned by all request methods of this library.
export interface HttpResponse {
requestUrl: string;
requestMethod: string;
status: number;
headers: Headers;
json(): Promise;
text(): Promise;
bytes(): Promise;
export const DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 60000;
export interface HttpRequestOptions {
method?: "POST" | "PUT" | "GET" | "DELETE";
headers?: { [name: string]: string };
* Timeout after which the request should be aborted.
timeout?: Duration;
* Cancellation token that should abort the request when
* cancelled.
cancellationToken?: CancellationToken;
body?: string | ArrayBuffer | object;
* Headers, roughly modeled after the fetch API's headers object.
export class Headers {
private headerMap = new Map();
get(name: string): string | null {
const r = this.headerMap.get(name.toLowerCase());
if (r) {
return r;
return null;
set(name: string, value: string): void {
const normalizedName = name.toLowerCase();
const existing = this.headerMap.get(normalizedName);
if (existing !== undefined) {
this.headerMap.set(normalizedName, existing + "," + value);
} else {
this.headerMap.set(normalizedName, value);
toJSON(): any {
const m: Record = {};
this.headerMap.forEach((v, k) => (m[k] = v));
return m;
* Interface for the HTTP request library used by the wallet.
* The request library is bundled into an interface to make mocking and
* request tunneling easy.
export interface HttpRequestLibrary {
* Make an HTTP GET request.
* FIXME: Get rid of this, we want the API surface to be minimal.
* @deprecated use fetch instead
get(url: string, opt?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise;
* Make an HTTP POST request with a JSON body.
* FIXME: Get rid of this, we want the API surface to be minimal.
* @deprecated use fetch instead
url: string,
body: any,
opt?: HttpRequestOptions,
): Promise;
* Make an HTTP POST request with a JSON body.
fetch(url: string, opt?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise;
type TalerErrorResponse = {
code: number;
} & unknown;
type ResponseOrError =
| { isError: false; response: T }
| { isError: true; talerErrorResponse: TalerErrorResponse };
export async function readTalerErrorResponse(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
): Promise {
let errJson;
try {
errJson = await httpResponse.json();
} catch (e: any) {
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
validationError: e.toString(),
"Couldn't parse JSON format from error response",
const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
`malformed error response (status ${httpResponse.status}): ${j2s(
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
"Error response did not contain error code",
return errJson;
export async function readUnexpectedResponseDetails(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
): Promise {
let errJson;
try {
errJson = await httpResponse.json();
} catch (e: any) {
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
validationError: e.toString(),
"Couldn't parse JSON format from error response",
const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
return makeErrorDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
"Error response did not contain error code",
return makeErrorDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
errorResponse: errJson,
`Unexpected HTTP status (${httpResponse.status}) in response`,
export async function readSuccessResponseJsonOrErrorCode(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
codec: Codec,
): Promise> {
if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) {
return {
isError: true,
talerErrorResponse: await readTalerErrorResponse(httpResponse),
let respJson;
try {
respJson = await httpResponse.json();
} catch (e: any) {
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
validationError: e.toString(),
"Couldn't parse JSON format from response",
let parsedResponse: T;
try {
parsedResponse = codec.decode(respJson);
} catch (e: any) {
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
validationError: e.toString(),
"Response invalid",
return {
isError: false,
response: parsedResponse,
type HttpErrorDetails = {
requestUrl: string;
requestMethod: string;
httpStatusCode: number;
export function getHttpResponseErrorDetails(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
): HttpErrorDetails {
return {
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
export function throwUnexpectedRequestError(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
talerErrorResponse: TalerErrorResponse,
): never {
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
errorResponse: talerErrorResponse,
`Unexpected HTTP status ${httpResponse.status} in response`,
export async function readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
codec: Codec,
): Promise {
const r = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrErrorCode(httpResponse, codec);
if (!r.isError) {
return r.response;
throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, r.talerErrorResponse);
export async function expectSuccessResponseOrThrow(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
): Promise {
if (httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status <= 299) {
const errResp = await readTalerErrorResponse(httpResponse);
throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, errResp);
export async function readSuccessResponseTextOrErrorCode(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
): Promise> {
if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) {
let errJson;
try {
errJson = await httpResponse.json();
} catch (e: any) {
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
validationError: e.toString(),
"Couldn't parse JSON format from error response",
const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
"Error response did not contain error code",
return {
isError: true,
talerErrorResponse: errJson,
const respJson = await httpResponse.text();
return {
isError: false,
response: respJson,
export async function checkSuccessResponseOrThrow(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
): Promise {
if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) {
let errJson;
try {
errJson = await httpResponse.json();
} catch (e: any) {
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
validationError: e.toString(),
"Couldn't parse JSON format from error response",
const talerErrorCode = errJson.code;
if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") {
throw TalerError.fromDetail(
httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status,
requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl,
requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod,
"Error response did not contain error code",
throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, errJson);
export async function readSuccessResponseTextOrThrow(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
): Promise {
const r = await readSuccessResponseTextOrErrorCode(httpResponse);
if (!r.isError) {
return r.response;
throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, r.talerErrorResponse);
* Get the timestamp at which the response's content is considered expired.
export function getExpiry(
httpResponse: HttpResponse,
opt: { minDuration?: Duration },
): AbsoluteTime {
const expiryDateMs = new Date(
httpResponse.headers.get("expiry") ?? "",
let t: AbsoluteTime;
if (Number.isNaN(expiryDateMs)) {
t = AbsoluteTime.now();
} else {
t = AbsoluteTime.fromMilliseconds(expiryDateMs);
if (opt.minDuration) {
const t2 = AbsoluteTime.addDuration(AbsoluteTime.now(), opt.minDuration);
return AbsoluteTime.max(t, t2);
return t;
export interface HttpLibArgs {
enableThrottling?: boolean;
* Only allow HTTPS connections, not plain http.
requireTls?: boolean;
export function encodeBody(body: any): ArrayBuffer {
if (body == null) {
return new ArrayBuffer(0);
if (typeof body === "string") {
return textEncoder.encode(body).buffer;
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) {
return body.buffer;
} else if (body instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
return body;
} else if (typeof body === "object") {
return textEncoder.encode(JSON.stringify(body)).buffer;
throw new TypeError("unsupported request body type");
export function getDefaultHeaders(method: string): Record {
const headers: Record = {};
if (method === "POST" || method === "PUT" || method === "PATCH") {
// Default to JSON if we have a body
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
headers["Accept"] = "application/json";
return headers;
* Helper function to generate the "Authorization" HTTP header.
export function makeBasicAuthHeader(
username: string,
password: string,
): string {
const auth = `${username}:${password}`;
const authEncoded: string = base64FromArrayBuffer(stringToBytes(auth));
return `Basic ${authEncoded}`;