 * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
 * @providesModule VersionRange

'use strict';

const invariant = require('./invariant');

const componentRegex = /\./;
const orRegex = /\|\|/;
const rangeRegex = /\s+\-\s+/;
const modifierRegex = /^(<=|<|=|>=|~>|~|>|)?\s*(.+)/;
const numericRegex = /^(\d*)(.*)/;

 * Splits input `range` on "||" and returns true if any subrange matches
 * `version`.
 * @param {string} range
 * @param {string} version
 * @returns {boolean}
function checkOrExpression(range, version) {
  const expressions = range.split(orRegex);

  if (expressions.length > 1) {
    return expressions.some(range => VersionRange.contains(range, version));
  } else {
    range = expressions[0].trim();
    return checkRangeExpression(range, version);

 * Splits input `range` on " - " (the surrounding whitespace is required) and
 * returns true if version falls between the two operands.
 * @param {string} range
 * @param {string} version
 * @returns {boolean}
function checkRangeExpression(range, version) {
  const expressions = range.split(rangeRegex);

  invariant(expressions.length > 0 && expressions.length <= 2, 'the "-" operator expects exactly 2 operands');

  if (expressions.length === 1) {
    return checkSimpleExpression(expressions[0], version);
  } else {
    const [startVersion, endVersion] = expressions;
    invariant(isSimpleVersion(startVersion) && isSimpleVersion(endVersion), 'operands to the "-" operator must be simple (no modifiers)');

    return checkSimpleExpression('>=' + startVersion, version) && checkSimpleExpression('<=' + endVersion, version);

 * Checks if `range` matches `version`. `range` should be a "simple" range (ie.
 * not a compound range using the " - " or "||" operators).
 * @param {string} range
 * @param {string} version
 * @returns {boolean}
function checkSimpleExpression(range, version) {
  range = range.trim();
  if (range === '') {
    return true;

  const versionComponents = version.split(componentRegex);
  const { modifier, rangeComponents } = getModifierAndComponents(range);
  switch (modifier) {
    case '<':
      return checkLessThan(versionComponents, rangeComponents);
    case '<=':
      return checkLessThanOrEqual(versionComponents, rangeComponents);
    case '>=':
      return checkGreaterThanOrEqual(versionComponents, rangeComponents);
    case '>':
      return checkGreaterThan(versionComponents, rangeComponents);
    case '~':
    case '~>':
      return checkApproximateVersion(versionComponents, rangeComponents);
      return checkEqual(versionComponents, rangeComponents);

 * Checks whether `a` is less than `b`.
 * @param {array<string>} a
 * @param {array<string>} b
 * @returns {boolean}
function checkLessThan(a, b) {
  return compareComponents(a, b) === -1;

 * Checks whether `a` is less than or equal to `b`.
 * @param {array<string>} a
 * @param {array<string>} b
 * @returns {boolean}
function checkLessThanOrEqual(a, b) {
  const result = compareComponents(a, b);
  return result === -1 || result === 0;

 * Checks whether `a` is equal to `b`.
 * @param {array<string>} a
 * @param {array<string>} b
 * @returns {boolean}
function checkEqual(a, b) {
  return compareComponents(a, b) === 0;

 * Checks whether `a` is greater than or equal to `b`.
 * @param {array<string>} a
 * @param {array<string>} b
 * @returns {boolean}
function checkGreaterThanOrEqual(a, b) {
  const result = compareComponents(a, b);
  return result === 1 || result === 0;

 * Checks whether `a` is greater than `b`.
 * @param {array<string>} a
 * @param {array<string>} b
 * @returns {boolean}
function checkGreaterThan(a, b) {
  return compareComponents(a, b) === 1;

 * Checks whether `a` is "reasonably close" to `b` (as described in
 * https://www.npmjs.org/doc/misc/semver.html). For example, if `b` is "1.3.1"
 * then "reasonably close" is defined as ">= 1.3.1 and < 1.4".
 * @param {array<string>} a
 * @param {array<string>} b
 * @returns {boolean}
function checkApproximateVersion(a, b) {
  const lowerBound = b.slice();
  const upperBound = b.slice();

  if (upperBound.length > 1) {
  const lastIndex = upperBound.length - 1;
  const numeric = parseInt(upperBound[lastIndex], 10);
  if (isNumber(numeric)) {
    upperBound[lastIndex] = numeric + 1 + '';

  return checkGreaterThanOrEqual(a, lowerBound) && checkLessThan(a, upperBound);

 * Extracts the optional modifier (<, <=, =, >=, >, ~, ~>) and version
 * components from `range`.
 * For example, given `range` ">= 1.2.3" returns an object with a `modifier` of
 * `">="` and `components` of `[1, 2, 3]`.
 * @param {string} range
 * @returns {object}
function getModifierAndComponents(range) {
  const rangeComponents = range.split(componentRegex);
  const matches = rangeComponents[0].match(modifierRegex);
  invariant(matches, 'expected regex to match but it did not');

  return {
    modifier: matches[1],
    rangeComponents: [matches[2]].concat(rangeComponents.slice(1))

 * Determines if `number` is a number.
 * @param {mixed} number
 * @returns {boolean}
function isNumber(number) {
  return !isNaN(number) && isFinite(number);

 * Tests whether `range` is a "simple" version number without any modifiers
 * (">", "~" etc).
 * @param {string} range
 * @returns {boolean}
function isSimpleVersion(range) {
  return !getModifierAndComponents(range).modifier;

 * Zero-pads array `array` until it is at least `length` long.
 * @param {array} array
 * @param {number} length
function zeroPad(array, length) {
  for (let i = array.length; i < length; i++) {
    array[i] = '0';

 * Normalizes `a` and `b` in preparation for comparison by doing the following:
 * - zero-pads `a` and `b`
 * - marks any "x", "X" or "*" component in `b` as equivalent by zero-ing it out
 *   in both `a` and `b`
 * - marks any final "*" component in `b` as a greedy wildcard by zero-ing it
 *   and all of its successors in `a`
 * @param {array<string>} a
 * @param {array<string>} b
 * @returns {array<array<string>>}
function normalizeVersions(a, b) {
  a = a.slice();
  b = b.slice();

  zeroPad(a, b.length);

  // mark "x" and "*" components as equal
  for (let i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
    const matches = b[i].match(/^[x*]$/i);
    if (matches) {
      b[i] = a[i] = '0';

      // final "*" greedily zeros all remaining components
      if (matches[0] === '*' && i === b.length - 1) {
        for (let j = i; j < a.length; j++) {
          a[j] = '0';

  zeroPad(b, a.length);

  return [a, b];

 * Returns the numerical -- not the lexicographical -- ordering of `a` and `b`.
 * For example, `10-alpha` is greater than `2-beta`.
 * @param {string} a
 * @param {string} b
 * @returns {number} -1, 0 or 1 to indicate whether `a` is less than, equal to,
 * or greater than `b`, respectively
function compareNumeric(a, b) {
  const aPrefix = a.match(numericRegex)[1];
  const bPrefix = b.match(numericRegex)[1];
  const aNumeric = parseInt(aPrefix, 10);
  const bNumeric = parseInt(bPrefix, 10);

  if (isNumber(aNumeric) && isNumber(bNumeric) && aNumeric !== bNumeric) {
    return compare(aNumeric, bNumeric);
  } else {
    return compare(a, b);

 * Returns the ordering of `a` and `b`.
 * @param {string|number} a
 * @param {string|number} b
 * @returns {number} -1, 0 or 1 to indicate whether `a` is less than, equal to,
 * or greater than `b`, respectively
function compare(a, b) {
  invariant(typeof a === typeof b, '"a" and "b" must be of the same type');

  if (a > b) {
    return 1;
  } else if (a < b) {
    return -1;
  } else {
    return 0;

 * Compares arrays of version components.
 * @param {array<string>} a
 * @param {array<string>} b
 * @returns {number} -1, 0 or 1 to indicate whether `a` is less than, equal to,
 * or greater than `b`, respectively
function compareComponents(a, b) {
  const [aNormalized, bNormalized] = normalizeVersions(a, b);

  for (let i = 0; i < bNormalized.length; i++) {
    const result = compareNumeric(aNormalized[i], bNormalized[i]);
    if (result) {
      return result;

  return 0;

var VersionRange = {
   * Checks whether `version` satisfies the `range` specification.
   * We support a subset of the expressions defined in
   * https://www.npmjs.org/doc/misc/semver.html:
   *    version   Must match version exactly
   *    =version  Same as just version
   *    >version  Must be greater than version
   *    >=version Must be greater than or equal to version
   *    <version  Must be less than version
   *    <=version Must be less than or equal to version
   *    ~version  Must be at least version, but less than the next significant
   *              revision above version:
   *              "~1.2.3" is equivalent to ">= 1.2.3 and < 1.3"
   *    ~>version Equivalent to ~version
   *    1.2.x     Must match "1.2.x", where "x" is a wildcard that matches
   *              anything
   *    1.2.*     Similar to "1.2.x", but "*" in the trailing position is a
   *              "greedy" wildcard, so will match any number of additional
   *              components:
   *              "1.2.*" will match "1.2.1", "", "" etc
   *    *         Any version
   *    ""        (Empty string) Same as *
   *    v1 - v2   Equivalent to ">= v1 and <= v2"
   *    r1 || r2  Passes if either r1 or r2 are satisfied
   * @param {string} range
   * @param {string} version
   * @returns {boolean}
  contains(range, version) {
    return checkOrExpression(range.trim(), version.trim());

module.exports = VersionRange;